HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/3/2004 - Parks and Recreation Committee � PARKS & RECREATION COMMITT`EE MEETING Wednesday,November 3, 2004 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, Alderman Condon. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Athletic Supervisor Perkins, Superintendent of Park Maintenance Schmidt and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Proposed Picnic Permit Fees for 2Q05 Director Merkel informed the Committee Staff has prepared a new fee structure for picnic permits for 2005. He stated the changes proposed at this time affect non-resident fees for the family/wedding /not-for-profit category, noting company/corporation fees have a residency requirement in place. Director Merkel stated the changes in the picnic fee structure are being proposed at this time due to publication of the Winter/Spring park brochure. In addition, application for 2005 picnic permits begins in early January. Director Merkel informed the Committee that the non-resident rates are twice the rate of the reservation fee charged to residents. It is suggested deposit fees remain the same. �, Residents of the City are able to register for picnics beginning the first Monday after January l�` of each year. This allows residents first choice of all available dates and locations. Non- residents register for remaining dates after the first Monday in the month of February. It was noted that no fee increase is being proposed for residents at this time. Director Merkel stated Staff contacted several area Park and Recreation agencies in an effort to compare fees and charges for picnic facilities. He noted some agencies have no additional charge for non-residents while others charge double the resident rate. Alderman Condon indicated she supports charging a fee to non-residents for use of City park facilities. Additionally, she opined she would like a fee instituted for use of alcohol on the premises due to liability concerns Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry, Director Merkel stated the Parks and Recreation Department typically utilizes 6-7% of the General Fund annually. Chairman Peterson noted Lake Zurich charges $3.00 per person in addition to a standard fee. Alderman Glab suggested limiting the number of non-residents permitted to utilize park facilities and proposed a headcount. Chairman Peterson stated he would support an increase in the fees but not burdening Staff with a � headcount. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee November 3, 2004 �- Alderman Condon suggested limiting the number and type of events utilizing park resources available to noii-resident groups with large parties. A lengthy discussion ensued. Motion by C<�ndon, seconded by Glab, to recommend Council approve Staff's proposal regarding non-resident picnic permit fees by creating an additional category for non-resident use fees for Family and Non-Profit Organization Picnics for parties in excess of 250 participants, and to include a flat fee of$250 plus a$100 deposit. All ayes.Motion carried. Report on Parks and Recreation Department Future Staf�ng Needs Director Merkel summarized the 5-year staffing plan for the Parks and Recreation Department. He noted the plan has been formulated to assist Council in planning for future costs and related expenses. Director Merkel stated as the City continues to experience residential growth, existing recreation programs and facilities are impacted crea.ting additional demands on all City services. The staffing plan was developed for Council and Administration to use as a guide during future budget discussions. The plan can be utilized as a tool to provide the necessary organizational structure and personnel in order to facilitate quality parks and recreation to City residents. Director Merkel presented a proposed organizational chart with the added positions of Recreation Superintendent, Recreation Supervisor and Future Recreation Supervisor. Director Merkel noted the position of Recreation Superintendent is foreseen as a Grade 15, exempt position. � A brief discussion ensued regarding the possible duplication of recreational services once the Recreation Center is open and available to the community. A discussion ensued regarding the availability of facilities, the number of programs and available staff. Alderman Glab suggested better time management with regard to departmental staffing. Director Merkel noted Park Maintenance Staff is responsible for the care and maintenance of all parks and park facilities in the City. The City parks are comprised of 35 parks sites which total 633.18 acres. He stated that maintenance is accomplished with a combination of full time, part- time seasonal and contracted work forces. Director Merkel also noted the last increase to the full time maintenance staff was in 1999 when two employees were hired. He stated that, in order to continue to provide an acceptable level of maintenance, additional employees would be needed in the Park Maintenance Division. The increase would include both full and part-time positions to be added over a 5-year period. Director Merkel stated maintenance facilities for future staff and equipment should be considered in the next 3 to 5 years. He stated the primary maintenance facility is located at Petersen Park, noting an addition was completed to the facility in the spring of 2000, doubling the size of the original building. At the time of the building addition discussions took place to limit the size of the facility in Petersen Park with the intention of moving the park maintenance base to the existing Public Works facility on Green Street following construction of the new Public Works ,� Maintenance Garage. Director Merkel noted moving the Park Maintenance operation to the facility on Green Street would permit all the parks equipment to be located at one location, in a dry, heated and secure area, which is located next to Knox Park one of the City's major parks. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee November 3, 2004 `.- Director Merkf�l informed the Committee that currently Knox Park Barn is used for storage of some vehicles and maintenance equipment and that the safety of the equipment in a wooden structure has been a concern for many years. Alderman Concion stated she encourages ongoing maintenance of parks. Motion by Glab, seconded by Condon, to recommend Council consider that the Parks and Recreation Department be granted use of the Public Works Garage located on Green Street following construction of a new Public Works Garage and Maintenance facility. All ayes. Motion camed. Schedule for 2005 Parks and Recreation Committee Meetings Director Merkel presented the proposed schedule for 2005 Parks and Recreation Committee Meetings as follows: Second Wednesday of the mont 7:00�m., Aldermen's Conference Room January 12, 2005 February 9, 2005 —Athletic League Meeting March 9, 2005 May 11, 2005 June 8, 2005 September 14, 2005 � October 12, 2005 November 9, 2005 Alderman Condon suggested with the number of events and projects taking place it might be prudent to include a Parks and Recreation Committee meeting on August 10�`, which could be cancelled if necessary. It was the consensus of the Committee to accept the proposed schedule for 2005 Parks and Recreation Committee meetings as follows: Second Wednesdav of the month, 7:00 p.m.�Alderman's Conference Room January 12, 2005 February 9, 2005 —Athletic League Meeting March 9, 2005 May 11, 2005 June 8, 2005 August 10, 2005 September 14, 2005 October 12, 2005 November 9, 2005 `.- Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee November 3, 2004 L— Director's Report Wheeler Fen Director Merkc�l presented a brief report regarding the progress of Wheeler Fen Park. He noted the Parks and Recreation Department would work with the McHenry County Conservation District to enhance the plant life within the park. Alderman Glah suggested a pedestrian path would be a pleasant addition to the landscape. No particular destination or location was indicated. Jaycee Park Director Merkel provided a report regarding the timeline for construction in Jaycee Park pursuant to Alderman Condon's request. Alderman Condon requested confirmation that reconstruction of the existing playground would not have an impact on the softball fields. Director Merkel provided confirmation. Alderman Condon suggested lighting be installed in Jaycee Park, noting that she realizes it is not endorsed by the Police Department. Petersen Park Director Merkel reported that 90% of the work is completed in the Petersen Park Waterfront Development Phase II. He provided a progress report to the Committee. � Alderman Glab stated he did not find the lighting that was chosen architecturally appealing. New Business Alderman Condon informed the Committee that the Pigtail League is interested in a possible fundraiser to facilitate installation of a scoreboard at Fields 3 and 4 in Petersen Park. Athletic Supervisor Perkins stated he has already received a letter from the Pigtail League and has addressed the inquiry. A brief discussion ensued regarding ongoing maintenance of existing scoreboards in City parks. Director Merkel, responding to Chairman Peterson's inquiry, stated no formal volunteer program existed for the maintenance of City parks and/or the reporting of incidents of vandalism. Adjournment Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Re ful sub ' , : Robert J. Peter , hairman �