HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/12/2005 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS &RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, January 12,2005 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. L- In Attendanre: Committee Members: Alderman Peterson, Alderman Condon, Alderman Glab (anived at 7:18 p.m.). Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Management Assistant for Community Relations Hobson, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. Dog Park Development-Potential Locations Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reminded the Committee Staff was directed to investigate potential locations for a dog park within the City. Staff has researched available sites and has recommended one of the following be utilized for this purpose: 1. Open Space in Boone Creek Subdivision adjacent to Cobblestone Trail and Wedgewood Trail; 2. Levy Property donated to City in 2003; 3. North area of Petersen Farm Homestead Property, directly west of Northgate West Subdivision; 4. Open Space donated as part of Riverside Hollow annexation. It was suggested the Boone Creek School Site could also be considered for this purpose, as the likelihaod of District 15 utilizing the property for a school site was diminished in light of the larger Shamrock Farms school land donation. � Alderman Glab amved at 7:18 p.m. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the pros and cons of each of the five sites mentioned. Ultimately, the consensus was the best locations would be either the Levy Property or the Riverside Hollow site. It was noted access to the Petersen Farm Homestea.d site would be difficult as it is remote from all e�sting roadways. Director Merkel noted the site which would be the quickest to develop would be the Riverside Hollow property. He opined the site which would likely be the most costly to develop would be the Petersen Farm Homestead site. Director Merkel suggested the Committee make a recommendation to request a proposal from 3D Design Studio for the design of two parcels for a dog park. Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to recommend that Staff explore the potential cost of developing the Levy Property and the Riverside Hollow Properiy as a dog park, and to direct Staff to seek a proposal from 3D Design Studio for drafting concept plans for dog park development of the Levy Property and the Riverside Hollow Property, including cost estimates for each. Voting Aye: Glab, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. � Motion carried. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee January 12, 2OOS �-- A brief discussion occurred regarding the potential fee structure for the utilization of the dog park. Both Chairman Peterson and Alderman Condon opined the dog park should be self- supporting via the fees charged. They also indicated their preference for both resident and non- resident fees. Petersen Park Plan Addition—Cost Projections Director Merkel, noting the Committee's previous recommendation of the proposed Petersen Park Addition Concept Plant, reported Smith Engineering has developed a potential cost estimate of$3.4 million. He noted the development of the plan could be done in phases. He suggested the Committee discuss the order of phasing this project. Alderman Glab opined the road should not e�end directly through the park addition as it would promote cut-through traffic, potentially endangering those utilizing the park facilities. Responding to an inquiry, Director Merkel stated a masquerade of the overall plan could initially be done prior to phasing in portions of actual development of the expansion. He suggested it may be possible to utilize roadway funds for the road construction portion of the plan. This issue would have to be investigated. Alderman Condon opined the pond features should be included in Phase 1 and the roadways included in Phase 2. �. Alderman Glab expressed his belief that preliminary engineering be done prior to establishing the exact concept plan and order of phasing for this project. He noted until the engineering has been completed, the exact location of the roadway cannot be determined, particularly as soil conditions are questionable on the property. Some discussion occurred regarding the utilization of ball fields and the percentage of resident vs. non-resident usage. Suggestion was made that Staff track the utilization of the fields this year to determine the rate of usage by residents vs. non-residents. Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to recommend to Council the inclusion of the cost of Preliminary Engineering for the Petersen Park Plan Addition be incorporated in the 2005-2006 Budget. Voting Aye: Glab, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Petersen Park Historic Farm Plan Director Merkel pointed out the proposed development plan for the Petersen Park Historic Farm is purposely vague. He noted $45,000 has been included in the CIP Program for the 2005-2006 budget year for this project. The money would be utilized for site development particularly as it relates to the wetlands on the site. The roadway would be gravel to a11ow for � percolation of surface water runoff into the ground. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee January 12, 2C►OS � Director Merkel invited suggestions of possible uses for this property. The following were mentioned: 1. Petting Zoo 2. Old-time Farm demonstration 3. Reforestatian Area 4. Community Garden Plots 5. Pony/Horse Trails 6. Pioneer Farming Museum 7. One-Room Schoolhouse-type educational facility 8. Picnic areas 9. Walking paths. Wheeler Fen Park Final Plan Review Director Merkel stated the cost estimate for the development of the Wheeler Fen Park is between $150,000 and $255,000. The variance in the cost is based upon options presented. Motion by Glab, seconded by Condon, to approve the proposed concept plan of Wheeler Fen Park with an estimated cost of development between $150,000 and $255,000 as presented. Voting Aye: Glab, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Director's Report Director Merkel reported Bid Openings will be held on January 18th for the Petersen Park Waterfront Phase II with the department's recommendation to Council for action at the January 31�` meeting. Also for consideration at the January 31�` Council Meeting will be the Parks Master Plan. Director Merkel noted a list of potential committee agenda items for 2005 has been included in the meeting packet for consideration. Director Merkel announced the league planning meeting has been scheduled for February 9�'. The meeting will be posted so that the Mayor or any aldermen may attend. A grand opening of the Petersen Park Water&ont will be held on the night of the Fireworks. A grand reopening of A.P. Freund Field will also be scheduled for sometime this spring. New Business Alderman Condon suggested the City and School Districts issue a joint statement regarding the support of good sportsmanship, particularly as it pertains to those organizations utilizing school and City property for their programs and events. She noted the City's upcoming implementation of the CHARACTER COUNTS! Program and suggested the joint statement might be appropriate at this time. � Page 4 Pa.rks and Recreation Committee January 12, 2005 � Adjournment Motio�i by Glab, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. All ayes. Motion carriect. Res ctfully bmitte , Robert J. P n, Chairman � �