HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/9/2005 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS &RECREATION CONIlVIITTEE MEETING Wednesday,March 9, 2005 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Peterson, Alderman Condon, Alderman — Glab. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Pa.rks and Recreation Merkel, Management Assistant for Community Relations Hobson, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Schmidt, Superintendent of Recreation Programming Witt, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Also in attendance was Vince Mosca, Senior Ecologist with Hey and Associates. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recrea.tion Committee meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. - Natural Resources Management Plan—Report and Recommendations Director of Parks and Recreaxion Merkel introduced Vince Mosca. who provided the Committee with a slide presentafiion prepared by Hey and Associates in response to the City's request for recommendations rega.rding naxural resources management. The report focused on the following: 1. Petersen Historic Farm; 2. Miller River&ont Park; 3. Wheeler Fen Park; 4. Cold Springs Park; 5. Fax Ridge Park. Mr. Mosca discussed each park in deptn noting the different types of grasses, vegetation, trees, and shrubs growing naturally. He also pointed out various renegade vegetation which are over-running natural prairie land. Mr. Mosca provided the Committee with potential methods for '—' impraving the nature azeas of each park. He also suggested how each park area could be more na.turally developed. He noted planned burns, killing specific vegetation through herbiciding, and reducing the number of scrub trees which provide shade preventing the growth of natural vegetation, all ca.n be utilized to increase the quality of the various plant communities within the parks. Director Merkel noted if the City intends to apply for grant monies for park maintenance and development, having a resource management plan is necessary. Alderman Glab expressed concerns regarding the perceived diminished quality of Boone Creek as a direct result of increased growth and development in the area. Mr. Mosca responded the recently approved McHenry County Storm Water Management Ordinance would greatly assist with preserving na.tural waterways in the County. Responding to Alderman Condon's inquiry, Mr. Mosca stated at this time there are no cost estimates for the resource management of each park. Alderman Condon opined it might be desirable to perform like remedial action at all locations where it is necessary in one operation (i.e. planned burns, herbiciding, etc.) as opposed to addressing each park individually. Mr. Mosca confirmed the City could elect to remediate the park lands in this manner. The City also needs to prioritize which parks and/or remediation should be completed first and develop a timeline for a�mpletion of all five parks. i � Director Merkel noted the City is holding appro�mately $27,000 of Corlands money which is targc.�ted for mitigating wetlands found on the McHenry Savings Bank property along Page 2 Parks and Recrea.tion Committee March 9, 2005 ... Route 31. The money must be utilized for mitigating wetlands on the Petersen Historic Fann. It could be used to implement a plarmed burn on that property. Bike Path Plan—Public Education Director Merkel reported Staff is prepa.red to install signs directing bikers on the Bike Plan. The signs would be installed along the route which is a stand-alone asphalt path extending along Dartmoor Drive as well as along Charles Miller Road. Director Merkel stated the goal is to assist bikers in moving from the McHenry County Conservation District Path in the City to the Morraine Hills State Park. Alderman Glab stated he wanted to go on record opposing the installation of any bike path signs. He stated he is opposed to the Conservation District's pathway going among City neighborhoods. He expressed eoncern tha.t neighborhood children are endangered by the path. If a child is seriously hurt, injured, or even killed, Alderman Glab stated he hoped Director Merkel is there to witness it happening as it would be a direct result of this path going through the City in its local neighborhoods. Alderman Condon stated she was appalled by Alderman Glab's comments. She noted she and her family utilize the bike path frequently and she is proud to have the bike path in the City. Co�nmunity Needs Assessment Recommendation Director Merkel reported four proposals for the Community Needs Assessment were received. Proposals were received from: 1. Arcon Associates, Lombard, lL $26,000 2. Management Learning Laboratories, Winston-Sa1em,NC $25,200 3. Opinion Research Corporation, Arlington Hts, IL $152,850 4. SEC Planning Consultants, Austin, TX $26,000. Following extensive review of all four proposals, Director Merkel stated he is inclined to recommend Mana.gement Learning Laboratories (MI,L) be used for the Assessment. He noted MLL performed the assessment in 1995. Data obtained during this year's assessment eould be compared to data obtained in 1995. Additionally, MLL is a known entity with a proven track record as far as the City is concerned. A lengthy discussion occurred regazding each of the four proposals and the pros and cons of each of them. Director Merkel noted Opinion Reseazch's proposal, while detailed and e�ensive, was far too costly for the project. SEC's proposal included submitting the survey to a11 City residents as an enclosure in the City water bills. Director Merkel stated this would not be feasihle as billings go out as post cazds and the survey could not be included in that mailing. To thax end, SEC's cost would most likely be increased to accommodate reimbursable mailing fees. Following discussion, the Committee agreed that the project should be awarded to either Arcon or MLL. Although Arcon is located closer to McHenry, MLL's experience and previous --, history in conducting City need's assessment was deemed preferable. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee March 9, 2005 Motior by Condon, seconded by Glab, to recommend to Council tha.t the Community _. Needs Assessment Project be awarded to Management Learning Laboratories of Vt�inston-Salem. NC in an amoiint not-to-exceed $25,200. Voting Aye: Glab, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Director's Report Director Merkel reported he has not yet received a report regarding the milfoil eradication of McCullom Lake in 2004. As soon as a report is received, he will forward a copy to Committee members. Director Merkel also reported he had been contacted by David Johnson who once again has offered to take Committee members for a boat ride on McCullom Lake so they can view first hand the results of the eradication efforts. Director Merkel stated two poternial projects may be completed at least in part by local service organizations: 1. McHenry Rotary Club — landscape improvements at Rotary Park at the intersection of Third Street and Waukegan Road; 2. McHenry Kiwanis Club — playground renovation improvements at Kiwanis Tot Lot on Sioux Lane. Director Merkel also informed the Committee five neighborhood parks remain to be renovated. Staff will consider seeking design suggestions from 3D Design. New Business Alderman Condon suggested a future Committee Agenda Item should be discussion and consideration of park rental fees for non-residents and/or for profit corporations. A brie€ discussion followed regarding how to draw the line between those who should pay a fee and those who should be permitted to utilize the park free of charge. Director Merkel requested Committee recommendation regarding a change in Softball Team Registration Fees Policy. He noted Staff currently ha.s two sets of fees: 1. Tea.m comprised of at least 80% city residents(city resident rates 2. Team comprised of at least 60% District 15 or District 156 school districts (non-resident rates). In an effort to streamline the registration process, and more easily deternune which fees should be paid, Staff is recommending the following policy be implemented: 1. Team comprised of at least 80% city residents (city resident rates); 2. Team comprised of less than 80% city residents (non-resident rates). Motion by Glab, seconded by Condon, to recommend to City Council the implementation � ! of the following policy regarding Softball Team Registration Fees: 1. Team camprised of at least 80% city residents(city resident rates); 2. Team comprised of less than 80% city residents(non-resident rates). Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee March 9, 2005 Voting Aye: Glab, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Alderma.n Glab requested Staff investigate the status of maintenance of the Whispering Oaks walking paths. Alderman Glab also requested Staff install City Park Properiy signs along the rear properiy lines of properiy abutting the Whispering Oaks Park. Discussion occurred regarding dogs being allawed to run onto park property from adjacent private residences. Director Merkel stated Staff would send letters to offending residents advising of the nuisance created by roaming dogs in City parks. Adjournment Motion by Condon, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. spectfully ubmitted, Robert J. P n, Chairman ,