HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/11/2005 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMTTTTE MEETING Wednesday,May 11,2005 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. �— In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Peterson, Alderman Condon. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Management Assistant for Community Relations Hobsoq Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Also in attendance was resident Mark Rapata of 4516 Willow Lane. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreaiion Committee meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Chaitman Peterson asked Mr. Rapata if there was a specific matter which he wished to address. Mr. Rapata expressed his interest in the process utilized to obtain public input prior to initiating discussions regarding a dog park. He inquired what percer�tage of residents are dog owners. Mr. Rapata stated he had concerns regarding Althoff Park and questions regarding the connection of the City's bike path to the Prairie Path. Welcome New Committee Members Chairman Alderman Peterson welcomed the new committee members to their first meeting. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel presented Alderman Santi and Alderman Scha.efer with Parks Department T-shirts and sweat shirts. Urban Forestry Demonstration Project Park Maintenance Superintendent Schmidt provided the committee with a summary of `„ the recently-completed Urban Forestry Demonstration Project in the old part of town. He stated the goal of the program was to enhance the original part of town through the forestry program. The project included: - Corre�ct hazardous/safety situations; 15 trees were removed. - Maintain/prune existin�trees; 78 trees were pruned. - Plant new trees in the area; 24 trees were planted. Superintendent Schmidt noted this has been a great Staff training project in addition to beautifying the older part of tovm. Director Merkel stated funding for this program was largely throu�h compensatory fees paid by Meyer Material as a result of the impending loss af trees on their �ravel pit north of Route 120. Director Merkel stated there remains available more than $60,000 for other forestry programs or demonstration projects. Alderman Schaefer inquired if removed trees were always replaced. Superintende�t Schmidt replied they were not as frequently the original trees were not planted in an ideal location, i.e. beneath power lines, over water lines, etc. Superintendent Schmidt stated Staff is seeking direction on how to proceed with the forestry program. The followin�three options have been suggested for committee discussion: - Option 1: Additional tree planting in the original Urb�n Forestry Demonstration area. Farty additional trees could be planted in identified locations in this targeted neighborhood(Proposed budget: 40 trees @ $250, $10,000) `, - Option 2. Demonstration Project in a newer subdivision which is constructed on a former agricultural site. These subdivisions are usually develop� withaut parkway trees being planted, i.e. Park Ridge Estates, Pebble Creek, Boone Creek. A Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee May 11, 2005 `— demonstration project would serve as an example of how to plant parkway trees (Pr��posed budget: 60 trees @ $250, $15,000) - Option 3: Develop a 50/50 cost share tree program available to McHenry residents. (Proposed budget: $10,000 on a first come, first served basis) Alderman Condon suggested a fourth option, combining a 50/50 cost share open to a demonstration project in one of the newer subdivisions. Alderman Santi concurred with Alderman Condon. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the City could implement all three options. He stated he would support the 50/50 cost share particularly in the subdivisions constructed on former agricultural sites. He questioned if there would be limitations on the number of trees permitted in each subdivision in order to equalize the progra.m benefits. Chairman Peterson opined Option 3 might be preferable as residents would have ownership in the trees and might be more apt to care for them. In response to an inquiry, Superintendent Schmidt stated the Park Department has been contacted by Pebble Creek Subdivision residents seeking assistance in planting parkway trees. Brief discussion occurred regarding ways to limit the number of trees per hame owner. Alderman Condon suggested a maximum of one tree per street frontage be permitted. � Motion by Condon, seconded by Santi, to direct Staff to prepare a Forestry Demonstratian Project to be implemented in Pebble Creek Subdivision, utilizing a 50/50 cast shaze in the f�ll planting season for a maximum of 60 trees on a first come, first served basis, with the understanding the matter would come back to committee for further discussion i�more than 60 trees are requested. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer,Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Petersen Park Waterfront Special Event Fee Discussion Director Merkel reported this matter was sent to committee by Council following a request for utilization of Petersen Park Water&ont Park by the Wonder Lake Chamber of Commerce for a circus fundraisin� event. Cunent fee structure is a maximum of$200 for use of the park. Council was of the opinion discussions should occur regarding fees, gate revenues, and numbers of persons attending events held at the park. Chairman Peterson opined if an admission fee is assessed at the gate,the City should rea.p a portion of the gate proceeds. Alderman Condon noted it was at her sug�estion that the matter was sent to committee. � She stated while the watercross event generated income, an in-kind donation and monetary donation were made to the City following the event. However, the donations were at-will. There are no requirements by ordinance that park special event coardinators pay any kind of user fees Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee May 11, 2005 � other than the basic $200 fee. She concurr� with Chairman Peterson that if events charge admission fees, a policy should be implemented requiring a portion of those fees to be paid to the City. If alcoholic beverages are served, Alderman Condon stated an additional separate fee should be charged for a liquor license, particularly in light af increased liability on the part of the City. Alderman Santi asked for clarification regarding what constitutes a special event. Director Merkel stated a special event occurs when the park has been "rented" for an event, as opposed to rental of picnic shelters for family reunions, weddings or corporate picnics. Typical special events in the City are watercross event, hand car races, Fiesta Days, Haunted Hayride, Craft Fairs. Alderman Santi stated as customers come to these events from all over, and admission fees are charged, a portion of the gate should be given to the City for use of the park. Alderman Schaefer concurred, stating there should be a way to garner a portion of the admission fees. He noted the City could institute a gaduated set of fees based on the anticipated number of attendees. Alderman Schaefer also concuned there should be a fee for special event liquor licenses. Some discussion followed regarding how to assess craft fairs when public admission fees are not traditionally charged. It was pointed out vendors pay fees and a portion of these fees should be paid to the City. The pros and cons of charging greater user fees up front versus instituting a policy of payment of a portion of the�ate proceeds were discussed at length. � Alderman Schaefer suggested a fee structure be implemented based on the type of use as opposed to a flat fee for any event hosted for 200+ persons. Alderman Santi stated the fees char�es should cover both set up and clean up costs. Director Merkel stated with the exception of Fiesta Days, most special event coordinators do the set up and clean up following their events. He noted Fiesta Days provides a great drain not only on Parks Staff, but Public Works and Police Department personnel as well. Alderman Condon opined the special event user fees should cover not only set up and clean up, but should assist in future park expansion costs as well. It was the consensus of the committee that Staff provide for the ne�committee meeting a history of typical special event attendance records, where available. Additionally, Staff was directed to ascertain typical event charges and policies for the Lake County Fairgrounds, which is a facility similar to Petersen Park and is utilized for similar type events. The matter was tabled until the next committee meeting. Review of Dog Park Preliminary Plans Director Merkel stated the committee at its last meeting directed Staff to request proposals for concept plans for the development of dog parks on the Levy Property and the Riverside Hollow outlot property. Four concept plans have been developed, including the cost � estimate to complete each. Director Merkel stated Concept Plans A and B are designed for Riverside Hollow Pazk. Concept Plans C and D are for the Levy Property. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Cammittee May 11, 2005 `' Alderman Condon suggested the new committee members be provided with background information re}�arding eacisting dog parks in surrounding areas. She noted this information had previously been provided to the committee. Responding to an inquiry, Chairman Peterson stated the dog park would pay for itself. There would be residentlnon-resident user fees which would be utilized for park maintenance and upkeep. Director Merkel noted the City could also seek state funding for the project, although this year's grant application deadline could not be met. Director Merkel stated this year's Capital Improvement Project list includes en�ineering and planning for this project in the amount af$75,000. Sug�estion was made interested parties might be willing to hold fund-raising events to assist in providing financial backing for the development of the park, similar to what was accomplished in creating the skate park. Alderman Condon stated the City should explore grant monies and fund raising as options to subsidize the cost of developing the dog park. Alderman Santi opined the dog park should be more centrally located to benefit all City residents. He qaestioned why one of the proposed sites is located more conveniently for non-city residents (i.e. tziverside Hollow park site). Alderman Santi inquired if dog lovers could not utilize Moraine Hills State Park. Director Merkel responded many dog owners would like a leash-free pazk Moraine Hills requires a leash on all dogs. `., Alderman Schaefer stated his preference for the Riverside Hollow site as it is least likely to be developed along FAP420. He suggested the Levy Property would be more serviceable as a "people" park. Chairman Peterson opined the City should move forward with the dog park. The City needs to be willing to spend $250,000-$3�0,000 initially on the park development. Eventually, a portion of the money would be recouped through user fees. A brief discussion followed regarding the user access to each of the locations. It was st�ted the Levy Property (aka Fox Ridge Park extension) would be accessible only through residential an existing neighborhood, whereas the Riverside Hoilow Park is accessed directly from Riverside Drive. Alderman Condon suggested an Open House be held to invite public input as to the preferred location, desired amenities, user fees, and fee structure. It was the consensus of the Committee to host an Open House in mid-June to obtain public input regarding the do� park. Sta.ff was directed to take appropriate action to prepare and distribute flyers, and post notice in area dog grooming facilities, veterinarians, pet stores, pet trainers, and groeery stores. Staff will secure lar�e celored reproductions of the four proposed Concept Plans prepared by 3D Desi�n Studio for viev�ing at the Open House. Petersen Park Hi�toric Farm Access Innprovements � Director Merkel stated Staff is seeking committee direction to a11ow the extension f the grave! roadwau on the Petersen Park Homestead property through the wooded area. Director Merkel noted the gravel base would provide Staff an opportunity to gain access further into the Page 5 Parks and Recreation Committee May 11, 2005 � site, particular(y during inclement weather. Director Merkel statad the road improvement requires engineering plans and bid specifications, which would be sou,�ht from Smith Engineering. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Condon, to proceed with the installation of the gravel road base on the Petersen Farm Homestead Property, and to direct Staff to seek a proposal for engineering services including the preparation of bid specifications for this project. Voting.Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Nane. Mation carried. McHenry Shores Beach Shoreline Stabil�tion Director Merkel reported the City is losing approximately one foot of beach frontage per year at the McHenry Shores Beach Park due to erosion. At the request of the City, Hey and Associates submitted a proposal to provide engineering services and prepare bid specifications for the shore stabilization and prevention of further erosion of the McHenry Shores Beach. Director Merkel noted Hey and Associates is suggesting a natural landscape seawall. The proposal also includes repair to the drainage swale which empties into the Fox River at the McHenry Shores Beach Pazk. The engineering services agreement is in the amount of$8,000. Alderman Santi inquired as to the current use of the beach. Superintendent Schmidt �, responded this is a neighborhood park area, used as a playground and for fishing. Residents no longer use the beach for swimming. In response to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry, Director Merkel stated this would be a one time project. Motion by Condon, seconded by Santi, to recommend the City Council award a contract to Hey and Associates for engineering services and bid specification preparation of the shore stabilization to prevent further erosion of the McHenry Shores Beach Park and drainage swale in an amount not-to-exceed $8,000. Voting.Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Director's Report Director Merkel reported: - Jaycees Park: play equipment has arrived for the Jaycees Park and it should be installed within the next two weeks; - Freund Field: through the efforts of a recent Boy Scouts workday, the grounds have been landscaped with trees and perennials; bleachers are in the process of being put together for the June 11`�dedication; � - Petersen Park Waterfront: Ridgeview Electric is in the process of installing the new electrical circuitry and lighting; new piers will be delivered May 23'�; grand re- Page 6 Parks and Recreation Committee May 11, 2005 `' opening scheduled for July 2°d in conjunction with the Jaycees Fireworks and July 4�' everrts. Director Merkel also reported Staff is seeking direction to have 3D Design Studios prepare a proposal including preparation of bid specification for the Playground Renovation Program for five small playgrounds and the design of Shamrock Farms Park. Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to direct Staff to request a proposal from 3D Design Studios for the design and bid specifications of the Playground Renovation Program for five sma11 play}�rounds and Shamrock Farms Pazk. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. New Business Alderman Condon expressed her dismay and concern regarding the horrific conditions of the soccer fields at Althoff Pazk. She recommended Staff review the status of these fields on a weekly basis. Some discussion occurred regarding methods of repairin� the fields. Superintendent Schmidt noted the fields were locaxed in wetlands. Consequently, no fill of any kind can be used �. to level the fields, fill in the holes, etc. The soils are organic in nature and not mineral. This provides for a very shallow root system which does not withstand the heavy use of a soccer field. Alderman Condon requested Staff investigate the reclassification of the property from its cunent wetland s designation. Alderman Schaefer stated he has received some complaints regarding the use of Althoff Basketball Complex by non-residents. Management Assistant Hobson reported he had been approached by an individual who would like to hold a farmer's market at Veterans Memorial Park in conjunction with the City Band Concerts. The committee supported the request. Management Assistant Hobson noted it was possible the farmer's market could eventually become a stand alone event if it is well received in conjunction with the band concerts. Alderman Santi inquired if playground equipment could be installed at Overton Park. Staff will review the provisions of the deed to determine of equipment is prahibited. Director Merkel announced the next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee would be held on Thursday, June 9�'at 7 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Raom. � Page 7 Parks and Recreation Committee May 1 l, 2005 �' Adjournment Motion by Condon, seconded by Santi, to adjoum the meeting at 10:10 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully mitted, ��1, l�-. Robert 7. Pe�te , n, Chairman � �..