HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/9/2005 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION C41�1MITTEE MEETING Thursday,dune 9,2005 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. �' In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Santi (arrived at 7:32 p.m.), Alderman 5chaefer, Alderman Peterson, Alderman Condon. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Management Assistam for Community Relations Hobson, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Schmidt, Recreation Progams Supervisor Witt, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:30 p m. Rotary Club Project Proposal—Rotary Park Director of Pazks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee the McHenry Rotary Club has submitted a proposal to provide improvements at Rotary Park located at the northeast carner of Third and Waukegan Streets. The proposal includes the installation of pressed concrete or brick walkway leadin� to a gazebo, similar to the one constructed in Overton Park. Director Merkel stated the City's portion of the project would involve replacement of the split-rail fence along the eastern property line and bringing water service to the premises to facilitate the installation of a drinking fountain. Alderman Schaefer suggested the improvements be designed to blend with the Riverwalk improvements as this project is located in close proximity to the Riverwalk and represents an ernry to the Riverwalk from the adjacent historic residential district. Members of the Committee cOnCun'ed. � Director Merkel stated final plans for the Rotary Park improvements would be presented to Council for review and approval. Discussion: School District Residency Poficy Director Merkel provided the Committee with background on the City's policy regarding City residency and School District 15 and 156 residency requiremetrts for participation in Parks and Recreation Progams and facility rentals. Noting the current policy was established in 1981, the City has pe�mitted those who reside within the School District 15 and 156 boundaries, to register early and pay reduced fees, particularly when the progam/eve�t is scheduled for a school district facility. However, Director Merkel noted over the past two years, Schaol District 15 has not reciprocated in waiving fees, and has char�ed the City more than $5,000 for facility rental for Pa.rks programs and events. At this time, Staff is seeking direction from the Committee with a recommendation to Council on review of the current program fee policy for in-City, out- of-City, and in/out of school district program/event fees. Staff noted the current policy also addresses early pro�'am/event registration based on the same boundary restrictions (i.e. in/out of City, in/out of school district residency}. Staff also informed the Committee effective with the 2006-2007 school year, a11 District 1 S facilities would be closed at the end of the school day. Chairman Peterson opined the Parks and Recreation Department and the School Districts axe separate entities and should be treated as such. He suggested no break should be given to those residing within the school district boundaries if they do not also reside within the City � limits. Chairman Peterson inquired whether the programs would be filled if the policy were changed. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee June 9, 2005 �' Alderman Condon concurr� with Chairman Peterson. If progam participants reside outside the City limits, they should be charged non-resident rates and not be given the same early registration privileges as residems. Recalling an incidem which occurred last fall, Alderman Condon stated schools should be able to use park facilities for events at no charge provided they schedule the use in advance with the Parks Department. If schools schedule programs at park facilities, use fees should be charged. Lengthv discussion co�tinued regarding the current policy regarding in/out of City residency for program and event fees. Director Merkel noted District 156 does not currently charge for facility use, but assesses custodial fees for the use of their facilities. District 15 currentiy charges fur rental and use of their sites. Alderman Schaefer agreed with Alderman Condon. City residents should be allowed to pay reduced rates. Alt others should pay the higher non-resident fees and not receive preferential treatmeirt for program/event registration. Alderman Schaefer opined the programs would remain filled to capacity, even with a change in policy. Alderman Santi concurred with Aldermen Condon and Schaefer. He asked for clarification. If a class wished to hold its end of year picnic at a park facility, would the City waive rental charges? D'uector Merkel responded in the affirmative. It has never been the Department's policy t4 charge schools for use of parks and/or facilities provided they schedule the use in advance to alert Parks Staff. � Motion by Condon, seconded by Schaefer, to recommend to Council that: 1. the City's policy be changed to require non-resident fees be assessed to District 15 and District 156 residents who live outside of the McHenry City Limits; 2. preferential registration be provided only to City residents; 3. the City corrtinue to waive rentaUuse fees for both School District 15 and School District 156 for events scheduled in advance in McHenry Parks facilities; 4, school districts be charged rental fees for extra-ordinary programs scheduted in City Parks and Park facilities. Voting Aye: Sarni, Schaefer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Updatc: Petersen Park Historic Farm Wetland Restoration Project Director Merkel provided the Committee with background regardin�#he $48,000 held in escrow for wetland mitigation as a result of the McHenry Savings Bank site development of their property on Route 31. The funds were deposited with CorLands for future wetland mitigation. There remains in the fund $29,839 which Staff proposed to utilize to pravide wetlands restoration on the Petersen Park Historic Farm. It is the intent to create an interpretive passive area in the wetlands. � Director Merkel reminded the Committee at its last me�ting approval was granted to create plans for ,�ravel road access improvements on this site. He stated the restoration work would be done in conjunction with the access road improvements. The project would be Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee June 9, Z005 �' constructed beginning this fall and completed in the spring. This project does not require Council approval. Director Merkel stated he is providing this report for information purposes only. Discussion: Petersen Park Waterfront Special Event Fees Director Merkel stated the Committee directed Staff to investigate rental fee structures at area fair grounds. Staff secured the following information: County Lake Kane McHenry $uildings $550-$1815/Day $50-$930lDay $225-$675/Day Grounds $500/Day $500/Day $575/Day Director Merkel noted building sizes and types of amenities available vary at each site. Lake County and McHenry County negotiate fees on large events such as concerts and circuses, particularly if the event is a multi-day occurrence. Director Merkel stated fees are traditionally based on the number of attendees, utilities/amenities used, cleanup required, safety/policing, etc. All ancillary uses inerease propartionately with the number of people attending an event. Chairman Peterson stated a per capita fee should be assessed, including an increased charge if alcoholic beverages are served. He noted the Kiwanis has a concession at Fair Diddley `.- which is sponsored by the Mernal Health Resource League. The Kiwanis knows they will donate 20% of their net sales to the Resource League at the close of day. Conversely, the Kiwanis at Fall Diddley are expected ta pay a flat fee of$550 for their vending spot at the event. Alderman Condon stated when an event such as a craft fair is held at the park, as no alcohol is being served, the likelihood of the park sustaining damage is reduced, when compared to an event like Fiesta Days or Watercross being held, at which high levels of alcahol consumption takes place. Alderman Condon stated the more ec�uitable way to assess fees for the use of Petersen Park Waterfront would be per capita of attendees. The question becomes how do you assure the City is receiving a fair portion of the gate proceeds. Chairman Peterson suggested the City charge a flat fee this year, and change next year to a per capita gate percentage. Alderman Santi expressed his opinion that the fees/methods be consistent and not be changed each year. Lengthy discussion continued regarding the pros and cons of establishing flat fees based on the facilities bein� used and prospective number of attendees versus a percentage of the gate to be paid at the close of the event. Director Merkel stated event organizers face risks such as weather, popularity of everrt, gate attendance, etc. To expect them to pay a flat fee upfront may not be desirable based on these uncertainties. � Alderman Schaefer noted Kane County charges different fees for for-profit versus not- for-profit companies/corporations. The City could look into having reduced fees for not-for- Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee June 9, 2005 � profit entities. Management Assistant Hobsan stated the Chamber is perhaps the largest sin�le user of park facilities. The City cwrently waives all fees for Chamber events. The Committee should take a look at establishing policy regarding large event users, includin� the Chamber, paying fees to cover the cost of park rental. Alderman Condon suggested fees be established for use of park grounds (perhaps $S00), as well as separate fees for use of the stage, pavilion, restrooms, parking, and events serving alcoholic beverages. Lengthy discussion continued. Director Merkel suggested fees for large special events (expecting a large number of attendees and/or for more than one day) could be negotiated, similar to what is done in Kane and Lake County. Alderman Condon noted in addition to differentiating fees based on size of the event, and for-profit status, there should be a differentiation based in resident versus non-resident status. She cited McHenry's Pioneer Center's fishing derby as opposed to the Wonder Lake Chamber circus. Alderman Schaefer concurred stating the City has a desirable facility. Proceeds from event rentaUfees should pay for its upkeep. Management Assistam Hobson stated the Committee has provided direction. Staff will refine the proposed fee atructure taking into consideration: 1. If alcoholic beverages are to be soldlserved—a fee would be assessed; 2. Is agencylcompany for-profit or not-for-profit; 3. Size of event—establish criteria/range for sroall, medium and large � 4. Any event with more than 3,000 attendees would be negotiable. Director's Report Director Merkel reported: - Freund Field dedication ceremony is scheduled�or Saturday, June l lth at 1 p.m. - Dog Park Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, June 15�' at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers - Petersen Park Waterfront Grand Opening is being held in conjunction with Jaycees Fireworks Display on Saturday, July 2"d. No ribbon cutting is planned. Brief ceremony will take place earlier in evening - Disc Golf Course Donation—a disc course could be set up in Petersen Park. - Parks Maintenance Annual Report was provided to the Committee. Alderman Condon requested a comparison summary report for the past three years. New Busincss Aldermen Condon and Schaefer inquired as to the status of Althoff Park soccer fields. Director Merkel responded Staff is seeking a different glass seed blend which may hold up better durin�heavy use. � Page 5 Parks and Recreation Committee June 9, 2005 � Following a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Committee to schedule the next Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting for Monday, August 8, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. in the Aldermen's Canference Room. Adjournment Motion by Santi, seconde+d by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Res full ub ' ed Robert J. Peterson, airman � �