HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/14/2005 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS&RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETTNG Thursday, September 14, 2005 Aldermen's Conference Room,7:00 p.m. `- In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Peterson, Alderman Condon. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Recreation Programs Supervisor Witt, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Also in attendance was resident Mark Rapata of 4516 Willow Lane. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Bike Path Public Education Recreation Frograms Supervisor Witt stated the Department intends to educate the public regarding the safe and proper use of area trails. The Department has created a brochure which identifies trail safety, trail classifications and a trail map. Supervisor Witt noted the map when completed will include park locations, schools, library, municipal center, rest stops, washrooms, water stops, etc. Suggestion was make to create the brochure with not only bikers in mind, but runners, pedestrians, and roller bladders, as well. It was the consensus of the Committee the trails should be multi-purpose. Responding to clarification as to the trail classifications, Supervisor Witt stated there are three types of trails: on-road, off-road, and share the road. At this time, it is not certain what type � of trail future projected trails would be. There should be a classification for "future" trail until specific type is known. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, responding to an inquiry, stated Dartmoor Drive is proposed to be an on-road trail which would require striping. However, on street parking would be lost in areas where there is on-road trail striping. Some discussion occurred regazding the desirability of having one lane of trail striped on Dartmoor (possibly on the north side) and the consequential loss of on-street parking. Alderman Condon is in favor of striping Dartmoor Drive. Alderman Santi opined a legend should be included on the brochure indicating the type of trail, the trail surface, washrooms, water stops, rest areas, etc. Director Merkel informed the Committee the Department intends to place signage on current off-road paths/trails this fall and winter. In response to an inquiry, Director Merkel stated no motorized vehicles are permitted on paths/trails in the City. Motion by Condon, seconded by Santi, to direct Staffto proceed with the creation, design and printing of a "Trail Map and Safety Information" Brochure for hand out and/or mailing to City of McHenry residents when requested. Voting.Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson, Condon. Voting�Tay: None. � Absent: None. Motion carried. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee September 14, 2U05 � Shamrock Farms Park Design and Construction Proposal Director Merkel reported the Parks and Recreation Committee approved a tentative design for the Shamrock Farms Park in January 2004. The final design and preparation of bid specifications for the development of this park has been included in the Capital Improvements Progam for Fiscal Year 2a05/2006 in the amount of $25,000. Construction of the park is proposed for Fiscal Year 2006/2007 with a budgeted amount of$350,000. Director Merkel provided the Committee with a proposed timeline for the park's development: October-November 2005 Final Plans&Specifications/Bid Documerrts December OS-January 2006 Bidding and Review of Bids January-February 2006 Award of Bid and Completion of Contract Documents April-May 2006 Consiruction begins August 2006 Constcuction complete/Landscape restoration September 2006 Project close out. Director Merkel noted it is Staf�s recommendation to approve the proposal from 3D Design to provide final design and construction services for Sha.mrock Farms Park in the amount of$36,$75. Director Merkel provided the Committee with a summary of proposed Park's Developer Donations to be realized as a result of the Shamrock Farms Properry Development. He suggested � appro�mately $3 million will be generated in Parks Donations at buildout. However, not only the large park but two small tot lots would be developed with these donations. Some discussion occurred regarding the increase in project estimate from the initial 2003 proposal to the current projected costs. Discussion also followed regarding the Developer's offer to develop the park and why it was not accepted in 2003. Director Merkel noted it is important for the City to re�tain control of park development to insure quality of materials and equipment utilized. Brief discussion occurred regarding ways to trim the projected cost of the park development. Alderman Condon suggested reducing the number of bleachers from 12 to 8. Alderman Condon noted the sooner this park is developed the less it will cost. She pointed out the dramatic increase in cost estimates between 2003 and current costs. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Condon, to recommend to the City Council that the proposal presented by 3D Design to provide final desi�n and construction services for Shamrock Farm Park in the amount of$36,875. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Noting the recent approval of the Gilger Property Annexation, Director Merkel informed the Committee some of the trees from the Gilger Tree Farm could be transplanted to the Shamrock Farm Park and thereby reduce the landscaping costs. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee September 14, 2005 `-- Dog Park Discussion Director Merkel reminded the Committee an open house was held in June to provide information an�� obtain community input regarding a proposed do� park in the City. Negative comments wer�; received from Riverside Hollow residents and others abutting the proposed site along RiversidE�Drive. No comments were made regarding the proposed Fox Ridge Park site. Discussion occurred regarding the Dog Park placement in an already developed subdivision (i.e. Fox Ridge Park), in an undeveloped area, or on a more commercially-centered site. Chairman Peterson suggested the rear of the Petersen Historic Farm Property would make a good location for the Dog Park, particularly since Home Depot has recently moved the access point through their subdivision. He noted the park is adjacent to commercial retail, which would not create problems similar to a location adjacent to residential development. Mr. Rapata inquired if the Dog Park would be fiscally viable. What percentage of the park users wou(d take care of the park, clean up after their dogs, etc. Mr. Rapata further inquired what criteria the City uses to approval of new programs, particulazly those broached by the residents. Alderman Condon stated her preference for locating the Dog Park in Fox Ridge Park and noted area resi�ents would be more apt to use it if they could walk to it. Alderman Schaefer stated there wil l be objectc�rs no matter the ultimate location of the park or the type of park which is created. Discussion occurred regarding possible alternate sites: � Petersen Pa.rk field area which is currently used for Petersen Park large event paxking; Cunat King parkland; Shamrock Farm school property on a temporary basis until school decides to build on it; School site on Dartmoor Drive. Alderm;�n Santi opined the discussion appears to be moving in the wrong direction as the Committee see ns to be broadening the search instead of narrowing the focus for the Dog Park location. Aldernan Condon suggested deferring further discussion regarding the Dog Park until after the results of the Needs Assessment Survey have been tabulated and reported. It was the consensus of the Committee to table further discussion regarding the Dog Park for 30 days or until results of the Needs Assessment Survey are known. Brief discussion was held regarding the conflict between the City ordinance which prohibits dogs in all City parks and the McHenry County Conservation District which permits dogs on a leash on its bike/pedestrian path. Director's Report Director Merkel reported: l. The results of the Needs Assessment Survey will be reported to Council at its Monday, October 17, 2005 regularly scheduled meeting. A brief presentation wili be given preceding Council discussion and action. � 2. Petersen Park Water&ont Project will be inspected by the IDNR in the near future prior to wrapping up the gant. Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee September 14, 2005 `-- 3. Petersen Historic Farm Tractor Restoration will be done through the implementation of a community service project spearheaded by Darick Franzen and local youth. They will donate their time. Parts and paint would be paid for by the City. New Business Chairman Peterson announced the Kiwanis have ageed to contribute $7,500 toward upgrading and renovating the Kiwanis Tot Lot this year, with another$7,500 to follow ne�year. Alderman Schaefer inquired if Fox Ridge Park could be utilized for baseball and softball gam�s in addition to practices. He noted he had been approached by the leagues. Director Merkel responded this has been discussed many times. There is no pa.rking available for this park to accommodate games being played on the premises. He noted two more fields are being proposed , in the Shamrock Farms Park which should help in scheduling games. Some discussion occurred regarding the small 5 acre school site on Dartmoor Drive adjacent to Fox Ridge Park. Director Merkel stated this lot could revert back to the City if not developed by School District 15 by 2011. The City could then utilize that lot to provide parking for Fox Ridge Park. Director� Merkel also suggested the leagues approach the high school regardin� use of their fields for�cheduling games. � Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer, Director Merkel stated dance class program participants are assigned to classes based upon skill, prior requisite class criteria, and teacher assessment of abilities and readiness for the class. Adjournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Res full ' d, Robert J. P r�o Chairman �