HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/12/2005 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, October 12, 2005 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. �'' In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Condon. Absent: Alderman Schaefer. Also in Attendance: Assistant to the City Administrator Martin, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Schmidt, Recreation Program Supervisor Witt and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: William G. Dinchak Bonestroo, Devery& Associates Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Discussion Regarding Parlcs & Recreation Master Plan Plannin� Consultant RFP Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee the ne� phase of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan process is the solicitation of Requests for Proposal (RFP) for professional planning services. Staff has prepared, and Director Merkel presented, a draft to the Committee for review. Director Merkel noted there are several qualified planning firms in the Chicago area that have performed Master Plan services for Park Districts and Municipal Recreation Departments. Staff is requesting direction from the Committee regarding a timeline for submission of proposals together with the review and selection process. Additionally, Staff is suggesting the formation of a Selection Committee. Staff suggests `.. the Committee be comprised of administrative stafF, Parks and Recreation Department staff and elected officials. Director Merkel informed the Committee that the intent of the Selection Committee is to establish responsibility for review of the proposals, setting up interviews with the planning firms, and making recommendations to the Council for professional services with the most qualified firm. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the process to be followed regarding the membership of the Selection Committee. It was decided the Selection Committee should consist of no more than seven individuals and would tentatively be comprised as follows: • Elected Official Mayor Low • Administrative Staff Assistant to the City Administrator Martin Manager of Community Relations Hobson Witt Parks and Recreation Committee TBA It was suggested that no more than six companies be brought before the Selection Committee for interviews. Following the interview process the Selection Committee would make its recommendation to Council no later than mid-November, 2005. Recreation Program Supervisor Witt requested, if possible, daytime interviews be scheduled. � Parks and Re<:reation Committee Meeting October 12, Z�OS Page 2 � Motion by Condon, seconded by Santi, to direct Staff to prepare and distribute the Parks and Master Plan Request for Proposal (RFP); to create a Selection Committee comprised of the following peryons to review Parks and Recreation Master Plan proposals; and that the Selection Committee recommendation be sent to Council for formal action.: � Elected Official Mayor Low • Administrative Staff Assistant to the City Administrator Martin Manager of Community Relations Hobson Recreation Program Supervisor Witt Parks and Recreation Committee TBA Aye: Peterson, Condon, Santi. Nay: None. Absenr: Schaefer. Motion carrieci. Discussion Re�arding Urban Forestry Demonstrallon Project Pebble Creek Subdivision Director Merkel reiterated that a presentation was made to the Committee on May 11, 2005 regarding the 2005 Urban Forestry Demonstration Project, which consisted of tree trimming, tree removal and tree planting in the neighborhood surrounding Veteran's Memorial Park. At that time three options were presented to the Committee for continuation of the '`.. program. A combination of two options was recommended by the Committee, and Staff was directed to research the following: • Development of a parkway tree planting program in the Pebble Creek Subdivision consisting of a 50/50 cost share with neighborhood residents. A maximum of 60 trees was suggested by the Committee for this phase of the Urban Forestry Program. Director Merkel informed the Committee that a public information meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 27, 2005 for Pebble Creek residents. At that meeting the details of the program will he presented to the residents. Director Merkel stated that while researching the program and reviewing the layout of the neighborhood lots, it was noted that a large number of side yards face Amberwood Place and Donnelly Place. Staff surmised that some of the residents of the Pebble Creek Subdivision might wish to place a tree in the front of their home and an additional tree at the side yard. Staff suggests the Committee might wish to consider planting additional trees in the side yard to achieve the City's goal of properly placing street trees to enhance neighborhoods. A brief discussion ensued regarding planting of additional trees in the subdivision. Chairman Peterson suggested Staff wait to hear what the residents of the subdivision have to say at the October 27th meeting prior to making assumptions regarding placement of the trees. � It was the consensus of the Committee that 60 trees be allocated to the program for planting. Should any trees still be available following the cut-off date of January 13, 2006, and a Parks and Recreation Committee October 12, 2005 Page 3 `' resident choo�es to have an additional tree planted in their side yard, arrangements will be made for Staff to contact the resident regarding a second tree. Discussion Regarding Special Event/Park Rental Fees Director Merkel noted the establishment of Special Event/Park Rental Fees was discussed at both the May and June committee meetings. As directed Staff prepared options for assessments hased upon the comments received from the Committee and research regarding comparable fees charged by surrounding municipalities with facilities for special events. Director Merkel stated the suggested fee structure applies only to special events held at Petersen Park. Activities held at other park facilities would fall under the existing park and picnic rental and reservation policy. Aldernian Glab stated the cost of a Special Event Liquor License should be more than $25.00 per event. Additionally, he opined he would like the following language inserted on the form "The City of McHenry reserves the right to waive any fees for charitable fundraising events that benefit local organizations or individuals." Aldernlan Condon concurred with Alderman Glab regarding the inadequacy of the current $25.00 Special Event Liquor License fee. Alderman Condon suggested breaking the fee down according to projected attendance at the event. For example: $200 Attendance of 500 to 1,000; and `- $100 Attendance of less than 500. Chairrrtan Peterson suggested a security deposit be required if alcoholic beverages are served at an event. Alderman Santi suggested a $100 Liquor License fee per event. A discussion followed. Motior by Santi, seconded by Condon, to recommend the following Special Event Park Rental Fees for Petersen Park to Council: 1. Fees regarding Residents for Profits shall be evidenced by the sponsoring organizations address. Resident for Profit Non-Resident Less than 500 Attendance $300.00 $500.00 500- 1,000 Attendance $400.00 $750.00 1,000-3,000 Attendance $500.00 $1,000.00 Greater than 3,000 Attendance Fees and City Services to be negotiated 2. Fee of $100.00 for event serving alcoholic beverages be assessed. All other language remains the same. � Parks and Recreation Committee October 12, 2005 Page 4 � 3. Language be inserted under the heading "Alcoholic Beverages" and preceding the heading "Concessions": The City of McHenry reserves the right to waive any fees for charitable fundraising events that benefit local organizations or individuals. Aye: Peterson, Condon, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. Directors Report NISRA Board Trustee Position Directc�r Merkel stated the City donates $100,000 annually to NISRA. These funds are utilized for th� quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees. Discussions are taking place at the local level regarding possible dissolution of the Board of Trustees. Chairman Peterson opined the money could be put to better use than paying for attendance at quarterly meetings. It was the consensus of the Committee that there is no objection regarding dissolution of the Board of Trustees of NISRA and/or limiting the meetings to two annually. `" Recreation Department Staffing Director Merkel outlined a proposed position in the Recreation Division. He noted the Recreation Division staff was reorganized in 2005.An evaluation of all program services has also taken place. (�onsequently, a future position entitled Aquatics & Events Program Coordinator has been developed. Director Merkel briefly outlined the position for the Committee. Recreation Program Supervisor Witt stated a year round position is recommended for the Aquatics & E�ents Program Coordinator at a Grade 6, although aquatic sports are currently held at the outdoor swimming pool and most heavily utilized in early-Spring and Summer. Alderman Condon opined she would prefer to review the Master Plan prior to committing to additional employees. She inquired regarding the funding for additional employees. Petersen Historic Farm Development Director Merkel provided a brief report regarding development of the Petersen Farm Historic Farm Roadway and Access. He stated that bids were opened on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 and a recommendation based upon the lowest responsible bidder would be on the Agenda before the City Council on October 17, 2005. New Business Alderman Condon informed the Committee that Althoff Park Soccer Field is in extremely poor condition. She noted it is unsafe due to the rocky condition of the terrain. Alderman L Parks and Recreation Committee October 12, 2005 Page 5 �'" Condon requested Staff address the issue and asked that the Parks and Recreation Committee be provided with a report regarding the field at a future meeting. Alderrnan Condon stated the on-going maintenance of the City parks is a more important issue before the Committee rather than consideration of additional staffing. She suggested Director Merkel might want to request additional funding in the budget for park maintenance. Chairn�an Peterson suggested the possibility of assessments for NISRA as a future agenda item for the Parks and Recreation Committee discussion. Adjournment Motion by Condon, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 p.m. Aye: Peterson, Condon, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. Re u su , Robert J. Peter , hairman � L