HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/11/2006 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, January 11,2006 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Santi, Alderman Peterson, Alderman Condon. Absent: Alderman Jeff Schaefer. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Parks Maintenance Supt. Schmidt, Management Assistant for Community Relations Hobson. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Dog Park Devetopment—Discussion of Project Status Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel recalled at the September committee meeting, the issue of Dog Park Development was discussed. The Committee elected to have Staff further review potential park locations and to delay actual siting of the park until the Parks Master Plan was adopted. I�irector Merkel reminded the committee two preliminary dog park development plans were draf�ed for locations at Riverside Hollow Subdivision and for the Levy Property site. A third site located on the Petersen Farm was also briefly discussed at the September meeting. Alderman Santi stated his preference is for the Petersen Farm site; however he would like to wait until the Master Plan has been adopted. He noted according to the Needs Assessment Survey, more than 60% of the responding population was not interested in the development of a dog park. Alderman Condon noted that 40% of the responders expressed a desire for a dog park. � That represents quite a large segment of the community. Alderman Condon stated she is agreeable to either of the original two locations. She stated she would like to see where a professional would site a dog park in the community. She would therefore concur with waiting to hear where the Parks and Recreation Master Plan developers would locate a dog park. Chairman Peterson concurred with Alderman Condon noting 40% of the community expressing a preference for a dog park was a sizable representation. He stated his preference for the Levy Property or the Petersen Farm site. Brief discussion occurred regarding the pros and cons of creating a dog park. Director Merkel noted if the City developed a dog park, there would at least be a park location where dogs would be allowed, and its maintenance would be enforceable. Motion by Santi, seconded by Condon, to delay further discussions regarding the dog park development until the Parks and Recreation Master Plan is completed and adopted. Voting Aye: Condon, Santi, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. Petersen Historic Farm Wetland Restoration Director Merkel noted this item is a follow-up to restoration required following the development of McHenry Savings Bank property at their new location. Wetland mitigation was �— required on Petersen Historic Farm due to wetlands which were developed on the McHenry Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee January 1l, 2006 �, Savings Bank site. Documents have now been prepared and recorded maintaining a wetlands buffer site on the Petersen Farm Property. Director Merkel noted there is a current balance in the McHenry Savings Bank Mitigation account of approximately $21,000 which would be used to provide wetland restoration on the Petersen Farm Property. He noted Staff would work with McHenry County Soil and Conservation in the restoration. A burn would occur, which would assist in the removal of invasive plant species. Monitoring Reports would be maintained of the restoration process. Pebble Creek Urban Forestry Program Director Merkel provided the Committee with an update on the Pebble Creek Urban Forestry Pro,gram. He indicated the proposed site for each of the trees on a map of the area. He noted the Program is doing well and is being promoted throughout the Pebble Creek Subdivision. Parks and Recreation Committee 2006 Discussion Items Director Merkel noted a list of potential discussion items for the 2006 Committee meetings was provided in the Agenda Packet. The list was compiled by Chairman Peterson and Director Merkel. He stated if the Committee members wished to add other items, the Parks Staff or Chairman Peterson should be advised. Director's Report Director Merkel reported on: � 1. NII�:E/NRPA Pilot Program to donate cleats to youth. Staff has made application to participate in this Program 2. Update on Land Acquisition—4312 Lakewood Road 3. Petersen Historic Farm Foundation. Director Merkel noted a suggestion was made to discuss establishing a foundation for the Petersen Historic Farm Restoration. It was noted if such a foundation were established the bylaws should specify the City has final approval of expenditure of funds. Management Assistant Hobson stated he would investigate the creation of a SO1C-3 not-for-profit foundation. He would also review the use restrictions contained in the document deeding the Petersen Farm to the City if McHenry by Mr. Petersen. 4. New Business Director Merkel stated he had been contacted by organizers of the CABA regarding the possibility of the City hosting tournaments locally. He stated he needed to contact the local ba11 leagues to determine their interest in participating in the event. Alderman Condon expressed concern the City did not have adequate facilities for such an event. She opined the City must attend to the needs of local leagues and teams before inviting CABA in to host an event. Director Merkel noted if the event were held in mid-August most area league activity would be over. L Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee January 11, 2006 �► Adjournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Res ctfu su itted, �� Robert J. Peters n, hairman � �