HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/8/2006 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS & RECREATION COMMTTTEE MEETING Wednesday,March 8, 2006 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. �-- In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Peterson, Alderman Condon. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Alderman Glab, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Parks Maintenance Supt. Schmidt, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Discussion: Whispering Oaks Community Center Director Merkel reported the City has been approached by the Whispering Oaks Community C enter Board of Directors regarding the City's possible attainment of the Whispering Oaks Community Center. The City's Building Department inspected the property and determined there are several items which would have to be addressed if the City obtained the building and intended to utilize it for public functions, namely: • [�oof might need replacement; • Exterior building trim is in need of maintenance and paint; • All windows and e�rterior doors require replacement; • Wood encasing doors and windows is decayed and requires replacement; • Concrete walk should be installed at base of north rear stair from second floor; • Concrete base of south rear exit requires removal or replacement; • Crack in north foundation wall requires repair; • Installation of hand and guard rails on rear landings and stairs; • Aluminum siding is not secured at several locations; `' • All electrical wiring must be checked for safety, repaired and/or replaced where necessary; • Exterior hose bibs appear to be disconnected; • No crawl space vents in place; • Water leak in lavatory in upstairs men's restroom; • Natural gas odor in kitchen and mechanical rooms; • Parking lot pavement requires repair and seal coating; • Some wood landscape railroad ties are decayed and should be replaced. Additional issues identified by Staff in considering utilization of the building for parks programs include: • Handicap accessibility; • Maintenance of building and grounds; • Cost of operations versus potential program revenue; • Future building improvements; • Building use coordinated with plans to conduct community programs in new Recreational Center facility. Director Merkel stated it is unclear at this time whether the building could be a revenue generator or would be City-subsidized. At this time it is also unclear if the building and its � surrounding 2.97 acres would be donated, leased or sold to the City. Director Merkel stated Staff is inquiring whether the Committee is interested in pursuing the procurement of this property. Page 2 Parks and Recreation Committee March 8, 2006 �-- Alderman Schaefer inquired if there had been an approach from the Whispering Oaks Community Center Board regarding the City's purchase of this property. Director Merkel responded Staff would like to know if the Committee would be interested in being the owner/operator of this building and property. Alderman Glab opined this could never happen as sale of the property would require 100% of Whispering Oaks Homeowners Association approval. Alderman Santi inquired if the City leased the property, would all repairs and maintenance then be the City's responsibility. Director Merkel responded it would depend on the terms of the lease agreement. Alderman Condon stated she would prefer to defer actively pursuing the acquisition of this facility until the Parks Master Plan has been completed and adopted. She opined if the City decides to construct a recreation center, the use of this community center might not be needed, particularly in light of the cost of necessary repairs and maintenance as well as ADA compliance. Chairman Peterson concurred with Alderman Condon. Alderman Condon suggested the City seek a written proposal regarding property acquisition via donation, purchase or lease agreement from the Homeowner's Association regarding this properry. Alderman Schaefer noted the City needs space to conduct its parks programs, and speculated the acquisition of this property might be a good idea. � It was the consensus of the Committee to determine what legally can be done regarding the acquisition of the building by the City: Lease, Donation or Purchase. The Committee agreed there should be a formal request from the Homeowner's Association regarding their proposal for City occupancy. The Committee also agreed to await adoption of the Parks Master Plan before pursuing final action regarding the acquisition of the Whispering Oaks Community Center. Alderman Glab departed at 7:52 p.m. Petersen Historic Farm Building Maintenance Director Merkel stated Petersen Historic Farm buildings will require repair and maintenance in the near future. The farm house is in need of structural , mechanical and cosmetic repairs to preserve its historic character. Director Merkel noted Staff is requesting Committee direction regarding a logical plan for sequence of repairs and maintenance for Petersen Historic Farm buildings and grounds. Staff would prefer to be preventative rather than reactive in building maintenance. Chairman Peterson suggested repairs first be made to the farm house so that it could be used safely by the public. Structural rather than aesthetic issues should be addressed first. He further suggested repairs be made first to the farm house, followed by the silo, barn and finally, the outbuildings. Alderman Schaefer stated Staff should work with Community Development Department � to assess the buildings and prioritize what needs to be repaired. A determination of the cost/estimate of proposed repairs could then be used in future parks budgeting processes. Page 3 Parks and Recreation Committee March 8, 2006 L-- Discussion occurred regarding the need to inventory and protect items contained within the buildings, particularly as historic and antique valued items are irreplaceable. It was noted these items should be protected from theft during the repair of the structures. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to direct Staff to create a prioritized listing of renovations and repairs, including estimates of costs, of the Historic Petersen Farm Buildings. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Part Time Employee Background Screening Process Director Merkel stated the City does not currently have a required background screening policy prior to employment of part time employees. Recent legislation has been passed requiring screening of Park District employees and School District employees. The Park Department falls into a gray area which is not specifically required to screen part time employees. Due to the City's involvement in NISRA, Staff is suggesting a policy be created requiring screening of part time employees. Director Merkel noted the issue of extending the screening to volunteers, service organization members/representatives, leagues, etc. could be very costly should the City to require screening for even one-time single event volunteers. Director Merkel stated Staff is � seeking direction from the Committee regarding this issue and how far to take the required screening process. Alderman Santi suggested one-time single event volunteers could sign a waiver of liability indemnifying the City of all responsibility. Alderman Condon stated the City should be diligent as the protection of children is a very sensitive issue. She opined all volunteers should be screened. Alderman Condon concurred with Alderman Santi's suggestion regarding a waiver of liability for specific one-time single event volunteers, however. General discussion occurred regarding how far to expand the requirement for background screening of part time employees and how the City would pay for these screenings. Director Merkel noted there could be a time lag between date of screening and obtaining results which could impact utilizing single event volunteers. Suggestion was made to require all service organizations, leagues, schools and church groups to provide a general waiver of liability for their volunteers, and that a specific listing of all volunteers be provided, for any event hosted on City property. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to continue researching the issue of requiring background screening for all part time employees and volunteers, and to return to the Committee with City Attorney legal opinion regarding this issue. Staff was also directed to create a streamlined approach toward implementing the screening process L Page 4 Parks and Recreation Committee March 8, 2006 `-- Proposed Amendments to Municipal Code—Published Park RentaVLTsage Fees Director Merkel summarized Stai�s request to remove from the Municipal Code specific program fees and rental fees which tend to change on an annual basis. The proposed code amendments are included in Chapter 16, Section 16-48, Charges for rental of parks and recreation facilities. Brief discussion occurred regarding beach and pool rentals. Suggestion was made to include a reference that daily admission fees are required and posted at the Parks and Recreation Department Of�ice. Motion by Santi, seconded by Condon, to accept Staf�s recommendation to request Council consider amendments to the Municipal Code Chapter 16, Section 16-48 Charges for rentals of park and recreation facilities by deleting all listing of specific program fees and rental fees in this Section. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion camed. Discussion: Parking Enforcement in Public Parks Director Merkel stated it has been brought to his attention the Police Department has encountered difficulty in enforcing "No Parking in Unpaved Areas of City Parks" as this item in � not specifically addressed in the Municipal Code Chapter 13 Motor and Vehicle Code. Staff is requesting direction to Council to consider an amendment of Chapter 13 to specifically state that parking on all unpaved surfaces in City Parks is prohibited, except in grassy areas having a sign expressly allowing overflow parking. Alderman Condon noted she has witnessed vehicles parking on grassy areas whose drivers have endangered the safety of children playing in the parks. She stated her wholehearted support for the code amendment and clarification. Alderman Schaefer concurred with Alderman Condon. Motion by Condon, seconded by Schaefer, to accept Staff's recommendation for Council consideration of a Municipal Code amendment to Chapter 13 Motor and Vehicle Code, Section 13-608 No Parking At Any Time. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Petersen Park Beach Stage Improvements Director Merkel noted the Petersen Park Beach Stage electric service will be upgraded this spring. Staff is suggesting installation of a stage canopy/cover be considered at this time. Director Merkel stated Meijer Stores donated $10,000 and the McHenry Chamber donated � $2,000. These funds were targeted for Beach Area Improvements. The installation of a stage canopy/cover would be an appropriate use of these designated funds. Page 5 Parks and Recreation Committee March 8, 2006 `-- Suggestion was made to consider side panels to provide shelter during wind-blown rain storms as well.The Committee suggested Staff investigate the cost of providing side panels for the structure. It was the consensus of the Committee that Staff continue to research various design options for the cover/canopy including side panels and to provide the Committee with a cost estimate. Suggestion was also made that organizations requiring the use of the covered stage should be required to pay an additional rental fee, particularly if Staff would be required to erect and/or remove the structure for the event. Director's Report Director Merkel reported on: 1. McHenry Marlins Swim Team request for new timing system: Director Merkel stated the cost of purchasing the timing system is approximately $5,210. The Marlins have donated $1,500 toward its purchase. Staff's supports the request as the device would belong to the City and is compatible with timing system elements which do not require replacement at this time. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to recommend to Council the purchase of a Colorado 6 Timing System in the amount of$5,210, and to acknowledge a Marlin Swim Team � donation of$1,500 toward this purchase. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Pe�terson, Condon. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. 2. Project Updates: a. Pebble Creek Urban Forestry Project: Parks Maintenance Superintendent Schmidt announced 61 trees were requested by Pebble Creek residents. After Staff survey of the requests, 48 trees will be planted in the Forestry Project. All 39 residents who requested participation will be receiving at least one tree. Supt. Schmidt noted there is currently a good mix of tree types in the subdivision. Planting of Forestry Project trees will begin in late April. b. McHenry Shores Beach Shoreline Restoration: Director Merkel stated correspondence has been received from the Army Corps directing the City to remove some fill from the shoreline. Natural plantings and shoreline stabilization will occur before April 1�`. c. Playground Renovations: Playground renovations at the three sites are 90% complete. Concrete work including the installation of ramps and curbs, remains. Restoration process will begin in April. d. Wheeler Park Building Removal and Park Development: Building removal process will begin in May with bid letting, including the removal of � the barn from the premises. Page 6 Parks and Recreation Committee March 8, 2006 `' New Business Director Merkel announced the Master Plan Open House Kick-Off will occur on Thursday, March 9, 2006 at 6:30p.m. in the Council Chambers. It was noted discussions may occur at a future Committee meeting regarding alternative program sites if the District 15 referendum question fails on March 21, 2006. Adjournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. All ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully mitted, � ��v Robert J. Peter , Chairman � �.