HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/13/2006 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, June 13,2006 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:30 p.m. � In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Schmidt, and Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Plavground Renovation Program - Final Phase Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reported the City is in its final phase of the multi-year playground renovation program. The parks remaining include the Malibu Tot Lot, Creekside Park and two small play lots in Petersen Park (one north of the tennis courts; one across the tracks adjacent to the athletic fields). Director Merkel noted Staff is comfortable in designing and renovating the two small lots in Petersen Park. However, the remaining two parks have special characteristics which require professional design and construction oversight. Director Merkel suggested 3D Design be contracted to design and manage the renovation of Malibu Tot Lot and Creekside Park in McHenry Shores. The request before the Committee this evening is to direct Staff to seek a proposal from 3D Design to provide design services and construction management for the renovation of these two parks. Alderman Santi noted he is comfortable with 3D Design performing these services, however, he would prefer this matter come back to Committee for final review before being presented to Council for approval of the contract. Director Merkel stated 3D Design's proposal � could be brought to the Committee in August before being submitted to Council for action. Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to direct Staff to obtain a proposal from 3D Design to provide design and construction management services for the renovation of Malibu Tot Lot and Creekside Park, and that the proposal be presented to the Committee for review prior to being presented to Council for consideration and approval. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Reaort: 2006 Urban Forestry Program Director Merkel reported the 2006 Urban Forestry Program has been completed. Forty- eight trees were planted in Pebble Creek Subdivision. All residents who wished to participate in the program received at least one tree. Superintendent Schmitt noted there was little variety in the types of trees planted, as the overall favorite seemed to be the White Ash. He stated 32 White Ash were planted of the total 48 trees. He suggested the ne� phase of the Forestry Program include a specific number of each type of tree available to ensure more diversified plantings in the neighborhood. Superintendent Schmitt stated all of the trees in this yeaz's program were planted by May 15�'. � Some discussion occurred regarding the invasion of the Emerald Ash Beetle which was just today spotted in northern Illinois for the first time. Superintendent Schmitt expressed concern for the severe damage which could be caused by the Beetle. He noted this particular Beetle would damage only Ash trees, but would harm all species of the Ash Tree. As there is an Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting June 13, 2006 Page 2 `- abundance of Ash Trees planted throughout the City, the invasion of this Beetle could be truly damaging. Brief discussion followed regarding the next neighborhood to be offered the Urban Forestry Program. A decision would be made in the fall regarding the 2007 Program. Update: Parks and Recreation Master Plan Director Merkel reported he and Staff have met with representatives of Boonestroo, Devery and Associates on several occasions. Gathering and inventorying of park facilities continues. Additionally, G.I.S. layering and topology are being compiled and analyzed. He noted it is difficult to include Petersen Park in this portion of the process as no scaled plans of the park are available due to the fact that it was purchased and developed in several phases. Director Merkel also noted Boonestroo is doing field inventory of park facilities. The ne�rt step will be to conduct a public planning meeting to discuss the information assembled by Boonestroo. The proposed date for the planning meeting is Wednesday, August 9, 2006 at 7 p.m. in the Municipal Center. Director Merkel stated all interested individuals and user groups which attended the initial Master Plan Open House will be invited to participate in the public planning meeting. Discussions at the public planning meeting could include underdeveloped parks, undeveloped parks, possible open space acquisition, additional parkland purchases, athletic field �, space availability, possible relocation, and otherwise presenting the best possible master plan for use of available parklands and facilities. General discussion followed regarding how best to expand the parks and enhance available facilities. Director Merkel noted with the implementation of boundary agreements with adjacent municipalities, the City is more restricted in its possible acquisition of more park land or open space. Responding to an inquiry, Director Merkel stated the August 9�' meeting should be posted as a Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting. Minute taking will be required to provide a record of the planning discussions. Brief discussion occurred regarding the City's possible use of the 2.2-acre parcel adjacent to Windhaven Trail, the site formerly designated for the water tower. It was noted the use of this land could be further discussed at the Master Plan planning meeting. The Committee also discussed the underdevelopment of the Lakeland Park East and West Beaches. Suggestion was made to install playground equipment, particularly at the East Beach. Director Merkel suggested the planning meeting could also include discussions regarding the City's creation of a large sport complex as opposed to having athletic fields situated in various parks throughout town. If a sport's complex is developed, the rest of the parks could be developed more as neighborhood parks and/or tot lots. � Park and Recreation Director's Reaort a. Shainrock Farms Park - Update: Director Merkel provided the Committee with a current status report of the Shamrock Farms Park. He stated the park should be Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting June 13, 2006 Page 3 `-- completed by the end of June or early July. Director Merkel reported he had been conracted by Kimball Hill Homes who are requesting some type of celebration recognizing the park's opening. He stated he will speak with Administration to determine if some type of event should be planned. Director Merkel also noted inquiry was made by Kimball Hill Homes as to when the City would accept the park, so as to remove Kimball Hill from liability. This would have to be discussed as it was not addressed in the annexation agreement. New Business Chairman Peterson requested the possible use of the 2.2-acre former Water Tower Site be placed on a future Committee Meeting for discussion. Alderman Schaefer inquired if there had been any further discussions regarding the City's possible acquisition of the Whispering Oaks Community Center. Director Merkel stated there had been no further discussion. The matter rests in the Association's hands Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Respectfull su itted, � Robert J. Peter: hairman �