HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/13/2006 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, September 13, 2006 Municipal Center Council Chambers, 7:00 p.m. �- In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: 1. Steve Halberg, Bonestroo, Devery& Associates, Libertyville IL 60048 2. Kathleen Kunzer, Deputy Clerk, City of McHenry 3. Bill Hobson, Management Assistant for Community Relations, City of McHenry 4. Cindy Witt, Recreation Program Supervisor, City of McHenry 5. Pattie Lunkenheimer, Athletic Program Coordinator, City of McHenry 6. Tom Schmidt, Park Maintenance Supervisor, City of McHenry. 7. John Krajci, Bonestroo,Devery& Associates, Libertyville IL 60048 Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Parks and Recreation Master Plan: Discussion Chairman Peterson invited Steve Halberg of Bonestroo, Devery & Associates to lead the discussion regarding the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Mr. Halberg noted general community planning discussions were held in March 2006. General issues were discussed such as: • Resident vs Non-resident program participation • Use of joint facilities by schools and parks department �. • Consolidation of athletic fields � Creation of 90-foot baseball fields • Spectator access for fields • Indoor sports complex. Also at the March meeting, the community was divided into four quadrants for review of existing and proposed parks and recreation facilities: Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant South Boundary—Route 120 South Boundary—Route 120 West Boundary—Union Pacific Railroad East Boundary—Union Pacific Railroad Includes: Includes: Riverwalk, Boat Launch, River access Petersen Park, AlthoffPark, McCullom Lk Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant North Boundary—Route 120 North Boundary—Route 120 West Boundary—Union Pacific Railroad East Boundary—Union Pacific Railroad Includes: Includes: Fox Ridge Pk, Shamrock Pk, Ft McHenry State Pk access, Knox Pk, Bike access to Aquatic Facility new high school site, Motorola site Mr. Halberg at the second community workshop meeting held on August 9, 2006, audience �, participation was sought to plan potential park improvements in each of the four quadrants. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Halberg stated he would bring renderings of the plans developed on August 9�"to the next planning meeting scheduled for mid-October. At that time, the committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, September 13, 2006 Municipal Center Council Chambers, 7:00 p.m. `-- In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: l. Steve Halberg, Bonestroo, Devery& Associates, Libertyville II,60048 2. Kathleen Kunzer, Deputy Clerk, City of McHenry 3. Bill Hobson, Management Assistant for Community Relations, City of McHenry 4. Cindy Witt, Recreation Program Supervisor, City of McHenry 5. Pattie Lunkenheimer, Athletic Program Coordinator, City of McHenry 6. Tom Schmidt, Park Maintenance Supervisor, City of McHenry. 7. 7ohn Krajci, Bonestroo,Devery&Associates, Libertyville 1L 60048 Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Parks and Recreation Master Plan: Disc�ssion Chairman Peterson invited Steve Halberg of Bonestroo, Devery & Associates to lead the discussion regazding the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Mr. Halberg noted general community planning discussions were held in March 2006. General issues were discussed such as: • Resident vs Non-resident program participation • Use of joint facilities by schools and parks department �-- � Consolidation of athletic fields • Creation of 90-foot baseball fields • Spectator access for fields • Indoor sports complex. Also at the March meeting, the community was divided into four quadrants for review of existing and proposed parks and recreation facilities: Northeast Ouadrant Northwest Quadrant South Boundary—Route 120 South Boundary—Route 120 West Boundary—Union Pacific Railroad East Boundary—Union Pacific Railroad Includes: Includes: Riverwalk, Boat Launch, River access Petersen Park, AlthoffPark, McCullom Lk Southeast Quadrant Southwest Ouadrant North Boundary—Route 120 North Boundary—Route 120 West Boundary—Union Pacific Railroad East Boundary—Union Pacific Railroad Includes: Includes: Fox Ridge Pk, Shamrock Pk, Ft McHenry State Pk access, Knox Pk, Bike access to Aquatic Facility new high school site, Motorola site Mr. Halberg at the second community workshop meeting held on August 9, 2006, audience L., participation was sought to plan potential park improvements in each of the four quadrants. In response to an inquiry, Mr. Halberg stated he would bring renderings of the plans developed on August 9�'to t:he next planning meeting scheduled for mid-October. At that time, the committee Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 1�, 2006 Page 2 `' should identify potential future park sites. This would be followed by another design open forum with the community. The purpose of tonight's meeting is to discuss park facility standards. Mr. Halberg stated the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) is getting away from the 10 acres/1,000 residents standard. The City has adopted a policy of 15 acres/1,000 residents. Those 15 acres should be active recreation uses. There should be another 10 acres/1,000 residents of open space or passive recreation. The Committee needs to determine if these are viable goals to aim for. Mr. Halberg noted that each community is unique. The City does not have to abide by NRPA standards; McHenry can create its own standards. For example, McHenry has extreme interest in soccer and less interest in tennis, as evidenced by the lack of complaints following a reduction in the number of tennis courts. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated a large percentage af the City's population are actively involved in baseball, softball, soccer and other youth sports. Mr. Halberg noted he reviewed census information regarding ethnic composition of the residents. There was very little change in the percentage of ethnic population change within the ten year period between 1990 and 2000. Some discussion occurred regarding the City's providing recreation programming and youth sports activities for residents of Wonder Lake, Lakemoor, and Johnsburg in addition to the McHenry community. Alderman Schaefer inquired if there was a means of determining the percentage of participants from those communities in City programs. It was acknowledged this `.. would be difficult as there is not specific differentiation such as zip codes, phone numbers, etc. Management Assistant for Community Relations Hobson inquired as to the results of the recent needs assessment compiled by Bonestroo, Devery & Associates. Mr. Halberg responded the results indicated: 1. A request for washrooms in all City parks; 2. More bike trails and walking paths; 3. Preservation of resources. Director Merkel stated the City would most likely be built out within the next ten years. It is therefore imperative that the Master Plan include land that the City intends to have remain as open space, before the open spaces are purchased and developed as commercial or residential properties. If the City will need land for future park facilities, now is the time to target where these facilities would or should be located. Some discussion followed re�arding the residential versus non-residential participation in parks programs. Responding to an inquiry, Mr. Halberg stated the City is not required to count open space as active park property when makin� application for state or federal grant monies. Responding to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry, Mr. Halberg stated the State Park property amenities do not count against the Cit}�when seekin� state or federal gant monies. � Mr. Halberg addressed the "useful life" of park facilities. He noted the facility's useful life needs to be eonsidered when seeking renovation, replacement or addition of park facilities. The state has established useful life standards for all park facilities. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 13, 2006 Page 3 �-' In response ta a request from Staff, Mr. Halberg will prepare a matrix of current park facilities versus recommendations from the state for a community of 25,000 residents. The goal of providing the matrix is to determine and prioritize the needs of park facilities for the community. Mr. Halberg will also pinpoint areas of need for future parkland. This will then be discussed at the next meeting to be scheduled in October. Some discussion occurred regarding acquiring land as a part of annexation when new developments come into the City. Discussion also followed regarding the City's need for additional open space in addition to the required park developer donations collected when properties are developed. Chairman Peterson noted Prairie Grove is proposing a large influx of homes into the area. The density of those projects will impact the City of McHenry park programs as Prairie Grove has no parks and recreation programs of its own. Suggestions were made to incorporate the following in the City's Parks Master Plan: • Golf course • 90' Baseball field • Disc Golf course • Dog Park • Water Park • Pool: New or renovate cunent facility; or both; enclose current pool to create an indoor `' aquatic facility. Management Assistant Hobson stated if it is determined that the City's parks are in the right locations, how does the City go about reworking and updating the park system. Some discussion followed regarding the gavel pit reclamation and how the post-mining development of the property should include park facilities and amenities. When all of the open space has been purchased no new land will be available, the City will have to consider changing park land uses instead of obtaining additional park land. Suggestion was made to eventually take down old non-functional commerciaUindustrial buildings in order to create green space for parks. Alderman Santi suggested when the gravel pit is reclaimed the City could request park facilities. Alderman Santi also stated if the number one response in the needs assessment was that washrooms should be located in every park, the City should try to accommodate the request. Alderman Santi inquired as to the definition of a nature area. Mr. Halberg responded a nature area can not be used for active park purposes. It needs to be preserved but can be used for paths or trails. He also noted wetland areas cannot be used for park purposes or improved in any way. Discussion continued regarding the park facility needs of the community. Director's Reaort Director Merkel provided the committee with an update on the renovations of Rotary Park. � Rotary members will be planting the landscape materials. The Rotary Park Re-Dedication is scheduled for Thursday, October 5, 2006 at noon. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 13, 2006 Page 4 � Director Merkel provided the committee with an updated list of fall projects undertaken by the maintenance division. New Business Alderman Schaefer inquired as to the status of the Dog Park in the City. Director Merkel responded this matter is on hold until the Master Plan is completed in order to determine if the Dag Park is a part of the Plan and where it should be located. Director Merkel noted the next committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 18, 2006. Bonestroo, Devery& Associates will make a follow-up presentation at that meeting. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � Robert J, Peterson, Chairman � � Memorandum � To: Chairman Alderman Peterson Fm: Deputy Clerk Kunzer Date: September 20, 2006 Subj: Parks and Recreation 9/13/06 Committee Minutes , Enclosed are the September 13, 2006 committee minutes. Please review, correct and/or amend and return with your signature. Thank you. Enc � �.