HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/8/2006 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday,November 8,2006 Municipal Center Council Chambers, 7:00 p.m. `- In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi (arrived at 7:43 p.m.), and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: 1. Steve Halber�, Bonestroo, Devery& Associates, Libertyville IL 60048 2. Pete Merkel, Director of Parks and Recreation 3. Kathleen Kunzer, Deputy Clerk 4. Bill Hobson, Management Assistant for Community Relations(arrived at 7:17 p.m.) 5. Cindy Witt, Recreation Program Supervisor 6. Pattie Lunkenheimer, Athletic Progam Coordinator 7. Tom Schmidt, Park Maintenance Supervisor 8 John Krajci, Bonestroo, Devery& Associates, Libertyville IL 60048 9. Alderman Murgatroyd(arrived at 7:30 p.m.) 10. Ken Veen, Kiwanis President (arrived at 7:10 p.m.). Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Petersen Historic Farm Homestead Restoration Recommendations Director Merkel stated the Committee has been asked to proceed with the renovations/repairs of the Petersen Farm Homestead. He noted the City's Building Inspector has walked through the building on two occasions and provided a report of his findin�s. Copies of those reports have been included in this evening's agenda packet. Additionally, Gerhard Rosenberg, current �,. Landmark Commission Chairman, has visited the homestead in his capacity as a registered architect. Mr. Rosenberg has also provided Staff with a report of his findings regarding the building's structure and need for repair/renovation. Director Merkel noted it is Mr. Rosenberg's recommendation that the City hire an historical building architect to inspect the premises and provide the City with a list of needed repairs to make the building more stable and safe. It would then be the Committee's responsibility to prioritize the list of repairs based on cost, safety and building stability. Director Merkel noted Staff is seeking a recommendation from the Committee to direct Staffto find someone familiar with historical building renovation/restoration who would assess the building's safety and stability, and provide a list of needed repairs/renovations. Alderman Schaefer inquired as to the intended use of the building. Director Merkel respanded that would be up to the Committee and ultimately the City Council to determine. However, the house needs to be preserved and made safe for public viewing. Chairman Pet�rson noted the Landmark Commission had expectations regardin� hosting their meetings in the house, and storing their records on the premises, and utilizing it as their office/base. Director Merkel reiterated the City needs to have a professional evaluation of the building. Chairman Peterson expressed his desire to have the building open for tours. Alderman Schaefer concurred stating the building should be for public use. � Chairman Peterson inquired if there are any cost estimates for the needed repairs, such as foundation repair, tuck pointing, window replacement, and roof repair. Some discussion occurred regarding the best way to review what needs to be done on the structure arxd how best to prioritize the repairs_ Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting November 8, 2006 Page 2 `-- Director Merkel stated any restoration work would need to be included in the City's budget. An Historical Building Architect could tell the City what needs to be done and approximate the cost of repairs. Director Merkel also stated if major renovations are cone on the building, everything inside of the house would have to be removed and securely stored somewhere. He opined it is time to hire a structural engineer to provide an expert opinion regarding the building. Director Merkel stated Staff would seek a qualified firm which could provide a scope of services needed regarding the structure. Management Assistant for Community Relations Hobson arrived at 7:17 p.m. Management Assistant Hobson noted Alderman Murgatroyd had indicated several concerns regarding the Petersen Homestead. Alderman Murgatroyd stated he would like Council to set aside funds for repair of the homestead. To that end the Committee needs to make a recommendation regarding expenditure of funds to be included as a line item in the 2007-2008 fiscal year budget. Alderman Murgatroyd also mentioned the house needs to be open to the public at least once per year as specified in the Bob Petersen's will. Chairman Peterson suggested a structural engineer be hired to determine what needs to be done and to prioritize the repairs and provide a cost estimate of each. Discussion continued. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Peterson, to recommend that Staff pursue finding an architectural engineer to review the Petersen Homestead for the purpose of prioritizing the building repairs and renovations. �.. Voting Aye: Schaefer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Santi, Motion carried. Chairman Peterson, Alderman Schaefer, and Director Merkel temporarily left the meeting to take a photo of Mr. Veen presenting a check to the City in the amount of$7,500 targeted for the repairs to the Kiwanis Tot Lot. Alderman Murgatroyd arrived at 7:30 p.m. Alderman Murgatroyd opined the money saved following the recent demolition of the Knox barn and farmhouse and the Lakewood Road house could be used for repairs on the Petersen Homestead. Alderman Murgatroyd provided the Committee with a brief history of the acquisition of the property and the conditions imposed in Mr. Petersen's will. He noted the homestead was given to the City at Bob Petersen's passing four years ago. The terms of his will stated within five years the house must be stable and ready for public viewing. Thus far, the City has not proceeded with making the building more stable and safe. Alderman Murgatroyd further stated if the restoration/stabilization of the building is not done, the artifacts contained in the house will be sold off and the proceeds give to Mr. Petersen's heirs. If the City moves forward with the building stabilization, the City would be able to retain the artifacts and offer them for viewing in the homestead as a type of museum showpiece. � Alderman Santi arrived at 7:43 p.m. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting November 8, 2006 Page 3 `- Alderman Murgatroyd stated he would like to have enough information available to be able to project repair costs so that monies can be included in the 2007-2008 budget. The City needs to stabilize the building so that it can be open for public viewing at least once per year. Management Assistant Hobson stated the City should obtain quotes on completely accurate restoration and restoration which is designed to"look like" it is historically accurate. Parks and Recreation Master Plan: Discussion Chairman Peterson invited Steve Halberg of Bonestroo, Devery & Associates to lead the discussion regarding the Parks and Recreatian Master Plan. Mr. Halberg nated at the last meeting Staff inquired as to how the City of McHenry compares to the Illinois Rerreational Facility Inventory(IRFI) suggested standards. To that end, Mr. Halberg provided the C'ommittee with two spreadsheets: one comparing the City's facilities based on current population; and the other comparing the City's facilities based on projected 2010 population. Both spreadsheets also included projections of facility use and need by surrounding communities which do not have parks facilities. Alderman Murgatroyd left the meeting at 7:59 p.m. Mr. Hallberg then provided the Committee with a comprehensive inventory list of existing park facilities. � The Committee reviewed potential targeted land acquisition to increase the City's open space and park lands as su�gested by Bonestroo, Devery and Associates. Mr. Halberg displayed aerial maps of each of the City four quadrants, noting potential land acquisitions to expand open space in each. General discussion followed regarding potential desirable areas for expansion of park lands. Responding to an inquiry, Mr. Halberg stated the proposed calendar for Parks and Recreation Master Plan adoptions is: Parks and Rec Committee Meeting December Provide revisions as su�gested by Committee Parks and Rec Committee Meeting January Provide Draft Master Plan Report Public Input Meeting 7anuary Review Draft Report Parks and Rec Committee Meeting February Response to Public Input Meeting City Council March Presentation and Adoption Mr. Halberg distributed overlays for each of the City's four quadrants for discussion and suggested improvements. Mr. Halberg then provided the Committee with proposed site plans for redevelopment or refining of several City parks. General discussion followed regarding the proposed improvements to each of the designated parks. Alderman Santi expressed his displeasure with the proposed intensity of use of Fox Ridge Park. � Management Assistant Hobson requested Bonestroo, Devery & Associates provide a proposed park development for the potential acquisitions, such as the sod farm south of Bull Valley Road, Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting November 8, 2006 Page 4 `— North Oak Park and area adjacent to the Oaks at Irish Prairie in the southeast quadrant. He inquired what potential uses would be suggested for these properties. In response to an inquiry made by Management Assistant Hobson, Mr. Halber� stated the ne�rt step would be to provide the Committee with a draft master plan report with backup documentation in January. Feedback from the December meeting would be utilized to fine tine the draft report. Director's Reuort There was no Director's Report. New Business Director Merkel noted the next committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 14, 2006. Brief discussion occuned. Committee members will let Staff their availability on this date. An alternate date of Tuesday, December 12, 2006 was suggested. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Voting I�1ay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Res ectfully submitted, . ' � Robert J. Peter. Chairman �. Memorandum � To: Chairman Alderman Peterson Fm: Deputy Clerk Kunzer Date: 7anuary 26, 2007 Subj: Parks and Recreation 10/18/06 Committee Minutes Enclosed are the October 18, 2006 committee minutes. Please review, correct and/or amend and return with your signature. Thank you. Enc � �