HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/24/2007 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, January 24,2007 Municipal Center Training Room, 6:00 p.m. `' In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: 1. Steve Halberg, Bonestroo, Devery& Associates, Libertyville IL 60048 2. Pete Merkel, Director of Parks and Recreation 3. Kathleen Kunzer, Deputy Clerk 4. Bill Hobson, Assistant City Administrator 5. Cindy Witt, Superintendent of Recreation 6. Pattie Lunkenheimer, Athletic Program Coordinator 7. Tom Schmidt, Park Maintenance Supervisor 8 Jon Krajci, Bonestroo, Devery& Associates, Libertyville IL 60048 9. Ambrose Kittl, Parks Maintenance 10. Jocelyn Allison, Northwest Herald 11. Paul Nadeau, Planning and Zoning Commission(arrived 7:35 p.m.). Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Parks and Recreation Master Plan Discussion Chairman Peterson invited Steve Halberg of Bonestroo, Devery & Associates to lead the discussion regarding the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. �.- Mr. Halberg noted since the last meeting potential park sites have been added to the plan and expansion of service areas has been indicated to keep in line with the projected needs for the community. Mr. Halberg reviewed the chart contained in the plan which indicates how the City of McHenry compares to the Illinois Recreational Facility Inventory(IRFI) suggested standards. Mr. Halberg stated the City is currently well-served with mini parks. However, looking at areas removed from the town center, there appears to be a shortage of mini parks. IRFI recommends 15% mini parks, while it may be more realistic to aim for 5% particularly in new development as this would be achievable. Alderman Schaefer asked if the chart of existin� mini parks and facilities included school properties and facilities. Mr. Halberg responded they were not included. Only parks, open spaces, and facilities owned and maintained by the City were included in the inventory. Mr. Halberg noted tha.t the city currently owns 633 acres of parkland. These 633 acres are divided into approximately 289 acres of land available for both active and passive recreation. The remaining 343 acres are comprised of conservation lands, wetlands, forested areas and prairie areas. The 633-acres of City-owned parkland does not include the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Moraine Hills State Park or the McHenry County Conservation District (MCCD) sites adjacent to the City. � The 289 acres of active and passive recreation land results in a ratio of 11.56 acres per 1,000 population. While the 11.56-acres are below the City adopted standard of 15.0-acres per 1,000, it Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 24, 2007 Page 2 �-' is above the 10.0-acres per 1,000 population standard required by National Park and Recreation Association(NRPA). The City should be moving toward acquiring 86 acres of active and passive recreation land to meet the City's adopted standard at the current 25,000 population. If the population continues to grow at the projected rate, the City should be looking to acquire an additional 97 acres by 2010 and 111 acres more by 2015. The target acres should be 485-acres of active and passive recreation land by 2015, up from the current holdings of 289-acres. Mr. Halberg noted the City is pretty well-served by school park service areas, although they cannot be included in the City's inventory. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated the City has a lot of park acreage, but much of it is not active and cannot be used as active park lands. Consequently, the active parks are crowded. Director Merkel stated the City Council needs to consider this dilemma when lands are dedicated in the future by developers. The City needs to obtain usable land which can be developed as active parks. Mr. Halberg concurred, noting the attempt is being made to defend the City's part in protecting and acquiring open space even though it cannot be used as active park lands. Director Merkel noted when new developers come before the City, it should be clearly expressed the need for active parks to be provided. Mr. Halberg explained there should be mini \.. parks (1 acre or less), neighborhood parks (3-7 acre sites), and community parks (15-20 acre sites) easily accessible to all areas of the community. Mr. Halberg stated the City ha.s a void of community parks in the Northwest Quadrant, the Southwest Quadrant and the Southeast Quadrant. The City should attempt to acquire land to create community parks in these areas. Mr. Halberg noted the Bike Path is shown in the plan and is based on what has already been adopted. One of the maps included in the plan shows existing boundary agreements with adjacent municipalities. On the land acquisition map, Mr. Halberg pointed out general areas in each quadrant which could be targeted for active park sites. Specific parcels have not been indicated to avoid the possibility of reverse condemnation. Director Merkel stated the type of proposed active use would dictate the size of the park site needed. Alderman Santi stated there is little likelihood neighborhood parks could be developed in the older areas of town. However, he stated, it is good to identify active park areas for future development. Discussion followed regarding how Staff should determine the size and location of future active park sites as new developments come forward. Mr. Halberg suggested the City prioritize which targeted areas should be sought out and developed first. It is possible the City might want a11 athletic fields to be located on one site, similar to Lippold Park in Crystal Lake. Chairman Peterson inquired as to what size would be required for active park sites. He requested � a recommendation from Bonestroo Devery & Associates for the size of each targeted active park site in each of the four quadrants. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 24, 2007 Page 3 � Director Merkel stated the City needs to address changes in park usage. If soccer fields are removed from a park site such as Althoff Park, they need to be relocated elsewhere in the City. If there is a shortage, additional facilities should be included in other areas as well. Director Merkel noted the neighborhood surrounding Knox Park has changed considerably since the park was first developed. Knox Park is nearly surrounded by residential neighborhoods. If this park is reconfigured or the uses expanded or changed, the new surroundings should be considered. Mr. Halberg addressed the North Oak Park site. He stated it could be developed as a neighborhood park as it would be easily accessed by adjacent neighborhoods. The committee reviewed each of the four quadrants regarding potential land acquisition for park sites: Southeast Quadrant There is not much available for acquisition in this area. There are possibilities for neighborhood parks but nothing for community park sites. It is possible to add to Boulder Creek Park. The area would be shy of mini parks. Neighborhood parks could meet the needs of the area. The bike path needs to be connected through the park to Morgan Hills and the Oaks at Irish Prairie. There are several mini parks proposed in the Oaks at Irish Prairie. In addition, one �. somewhat larger park is proposed for this subdivision. Detention areas should not be counted in required park land donations as the pazk use would then be limited. The Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance requires 1.5 acres/100 persons in a given development. This requirement should include graded-to-drain land which must be usable as an active park site. Northeast Ouadrant There are very few mini park sites which are not already developed. The City has converted several vacant lots to parks, particularly in the downtown area. There are several mini parks in this quadrant. Chairman Peterson stated the committee needs to have a recommendation and direction as to where parks need to be developed. Once a recommendation is provided, Council can move forward with acquiring needed property. Alderman Santi concurred, stating if a recommendation regarding land acquisition is provided to the Committee, Council can decide if it will happen. Chairman Peterson also stated the City needs to hear a prioritization of what is needed as far as parklands and facilities are concerned. He opined the plan still appears too loose and does not provide clear direction to Council. Alderman Santi agreed, noting the plan shows four separate locations for disc golf. The City needs to hear where the most desirable location would be rather than projecting one of any four locations. Director Merkel concuned, noting the same would be � true for a dog park—where is the most likely, best possible location? Alderman Schaefer stated the committee needs to take into consideration the results of the needs assessment sun�ey recently conducted. When the planners advise what type of facilities should Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 24, 2U07 Page 4 �-' be located on a specific site, the committee must also take into consideration the results of the survey. Director Merkel noted if the requested aquatic park is placed in Knox Park, where would the City relocate the baseball diamonds? Alderman Santi inquired if there would be park facilities in Liberty Trails Subdivision. Alderman Schaefer responded there are mini parks in that subdivision. Assistant Administrator Hobson stated the City has slated the recreation center for a site on or around the municipal center site. The question is whether a11 the recommendations for park development provided during public input meetings may not be the best possible location for such a use. He suggested Bonestroo Devery & Associates needs to tell the City where the best location is for stated facilities. Bonestroo's professional input needs to be provided as opposed to the community's design of each park site. The community has spoken with regard to need when they participated in the charettes; now the professionals need to advise the City as to the positioning of park facilities within the community. Assistant Administrator Hobson further stated the comments in the plan with re�ard to amending the Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance is a concrete suggestion. The plan should include more of this type of statement. Alderman Schaefer concurred that needs were identified during the charette process, however the public may have placed a facility in a park, merely because it fit in that location. The professionals need to advise the City of the best location for the facility in addition to confirming L. that the facility, such as a football field, is really needed. And, is the location shown on the chazette the best possible one for the football field? Alderman Santi stated the same is true of the requested 90' baseball field. Would it be possible to locate a 90' baseball field in a multi-field complex such as Lippold Park?Director Merkel stated it would not be practical to include a 90' baseball field as the specific characteristics, such as pitching mounds, dirt infield, etc., of the 90' field are very different from the traditional 60' field. Mr. Halberg expressed the City's need to preserve the existing three golf courses in the axea: McHenry Country Club, Chapel Hill Golf Club, and Boone Creek Golf Club. If these facilities are put on the market,the City should do whatever is necessary to ensure they remain in the area, even if it means the City purchasing them. Some discussion followed regarding the Meyer Crravel Pit and planning for potential facilities when this area is reclaimed. Question was raised as to what impact the City will have on the reclamation of the pit areas. Northwest Quadrant Most of this quadrant falls outside of the City limits. Director Merkel noted there is a major service gap in this area. The larger lots found in the subdivisions in this quadrant have resulted in very few park sites in this area. As the lot sizes are larger there is less need and demand for mini parks or neighborhood parks. The City Council has never asked for paxk land in this area. �, However, if Wander Lake annexes and develops the land in this quadrant, who will provide park and recreation services for the proposed 3,700 homes, which could ultimately result in excess of 10,000 residents?Director Merkel stated the schools, libraries and Fire District a.re all concerned because no developer dona.tions would be provided to support the needed services. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 24, 2007 Page 5 �� Assistant Administrator Hobson stated the City's first priority has to be the City residents. He questioned whether it is the City's responsibility to provide parks and recreational services to non-residents. Director Merkel suggested planning for some community parks in the Northwest Quadrant in the event the Wonder Lake development comes to fiuition. Mr. Halberg stated he would make mare inquiries regarding the status of the gravel pit's reclamation plans. Alderman Schaefer stated the City is not required to provide services and facilities for the new Wonder Lake development, but this development will impact the City's parks programs and facilities. Mr. EIalberg stated there is a potential for 1,000 new residents in this quadrant. The need for park facilities should be addressed. Southwest Quadrant The Boone Creek Corridor connects the City's downtown areas to this quadrant. Trail routes may be a cha.11enge due to wetlands and regulatory agencies, but the connection can be made. Director Merkel stated the City has passive naturai resources in this area. The City needs more active sites. The passive open space must be preserved. '�- Alderman Santi stated this area has a lot of opportunity for creative development of active parks. There is also the potential for land acquisition in this quadrant. Director Merkel noted the City is short of community parks in this area. There are great recreational opportunities for a community park in this quadrant. He noted there is a strong possibility of between 8,000 and 10,000 residents in this quadrant. Alderman Schaefer referred to the needs assessment survey which indicated a strong desire for restrooms in park sites. Mr. Halberg noted several restrooms have been included on the plan. Alderman Schaefer inquired as to the value of the park land contained in FAP420 in Riverside Hollow Subdivision. Director Merkel stated IDOT has stated it would allow active use of the site; however no permanent equipment could be installed. The park is currently being used as a passive site. Brief discussion occurred regarding the City's ability to acquire a parcel outside of the City boundary. Alderman Santi inquired what the outcome of next week's public comment session should be. He inquired if the plan was still too loose to present to the public for comment and review. Mr. Halber� stated he will incorporate the comments expressed this evening into the plan. He stated it is still possible to go forward in obtaining public comment next week. He also noted the public comment sessions are important when making grant applications for park land acquisition and � facility development. There must be evidence of public input durin� the entire process of developing the plan for parks, facilities and open space. Parks and Recr�;ation Committee Meeting January 24, 2007 Page 6 `— Director Merkel stated is it important to have the residents review the document who previously attended the public meetings, including the charette process. They need to see their suggestions incorporated into the plan. They also might provide more ideas as the plan becomes more concrete. Director Merkel noted the ne� step is to come back to the Committee on February 21�'. The final draft would then be presented to Council for review and approval sometime in March. Brief discussion followed regarding the increase in potential grant monies for park projects and land acquisition. Director Merkel reported more than $31 million was provided in grant monies for such projects last year. Assistant Administrator Hobson inquired as to the next step -where are we going from here?Mr. Halberg responded he would revise the individual park site plans, and expand each in regard to facilities requested in the needs assessment survey. He noted land acquisition by quadrant would remain more general, but facilities could be tar�eted in each quadrant. New Business There was no New Business. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. �.. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Res ectfully submitted, � Robert J. Pete n, Chairman Memorandum � To: Chairman Alderman Peterson Fm: Deputy Clerk Kunzer Date: January 26, 2007 Subj: Parks and Recreation 12/14/06 Committee Minutes Enclosed are the December 14, 2006 committee minutes. Please review, conect and/or amend and return with your signature. Thank you. Enc � `..