HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/21/2007 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETIl'�G � Wednesday,Febru�ry 21, 2007 Aldermen's Conference Raom,6:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman �anti, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Schmidt, Recreation Superintendent Witt, Athletic Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer, Supervisor of Parks Maintenance Ambrose Kittl and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Steve Halberg Bonestroo, Devery& Associates Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee of a miscommunication with Mr. Halberg, the representative of Bonestroo, Devery & Associates. He indicated Mr. 13a1berg would be delayed approximately 45 minutes. Director Merkel suggested that the Committ�ee address the New Business portion of the agenda. while waiting for Mr. Halberg to arrive. New Business Director Merkel informed the Committee that the Athletic League organization meeting was scheduled to take place on Februaz'y 27, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. He noted the meeting has been � posted to assure compliance with the Open Meetings Act in consideration of any of the Aldermen that may be interested in attending the meeting. A brief discussion ensued. Dir+ector Merkel announced that he has receiveti requests for Lacrosse meets in green space areas. Director Merkel noted Lacrosse fields are similar to soccer fields and can be intercha.nged. Inquiries were made regarding the number of games requested and the scheduling. Director Merkel stated if there was interest on the part of the Committee he would explore the matter further. Athletic Pragram Coordinator Lunkenheimer informed the Committee that the planned renovations in Knox Park would take place in the fall of 2007. Director Merkel announced that the VFW is taking over the 16-inch ball field. The field would be potentially used as a hardball field. Director Merkel informed the Committee that a meeting is being set up to discuss the possible acquisition of the property known as the Fuhler property near McHenry Shores Beach. Telephone cal(s have been exchanged between Assistant City Administrator Hobson and Mr. Fuhler, Jr. Some questions have arisen regarding the exact boundaries of the property and land use in addition to a possible donation of property to the City by the heirs. Director Merkel noted that the discussions, to date, are preliminary. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting February 21, 2O07 Page 2 `-' Discussion Re�arding Parks& Recreation Master Plan Revised Draft Steve Halber� arrived at 6:40 p.m. Mr. Halberg apologized about the delay indicating he had nat received the e-mail regarding the time change from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Chairman Peterson invited Mr. Halberg of Bonestroo, Devery& Associates to again lead the discussion regarding the Park and Recreation Master Plan. Mr. Halberg stated the recommendation provided at the January 24, 2007 meeting has been expanded upon regarding green development and the athletic field complex. The recommendations previously presented and implemented by Bonestroo regarding each park were outlined as follows: North Oak Park • Improve ADA access from street to park; • Add shade shelter; • Basketball/hard surface court; • Off-street parking; • Perimeter traiUpathway; and • Landscape screening. Alderman Schaefer suggested the fields be accessed from behind Circuit City. Mr. Halberg indicated there would not be an issue regarding manipulation of the road for park access. �' Knox Park • Elimination of ball fields; • Develop aquatic facilities; • Parking expansion. Wheeler Fen Park • Conversion of existing farmhouse and barn to environmental education center; • Develop open picnic area; • Restoration of wetlands; and • Development of irrterpretive fields. Director Merkel noted standing water during heavy rain continues to be an issue in this particular area due to the water table. He stated that regardless of what exists on the property storm detention would have to be addressed. Alderman Santi expressed support regarding the recreational continuity of the planning of the site. Lakeland Park Renovation of the infield and basketball court is indicaxed with the addition of a buffer and off- street parking. �" Miller Riverfront Park • Development of interpretive trails throughout the park; • Observa�tion deck and interpretive notes near wetlands; Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting February 21, 2O07 Page 3 �'' • Impravement to the boat launch area; Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel indicated further revision would be required to this schematic, as the Open Play area had been shown in a wetland area. Pebble Creek Park • Develop shade shelter near existing play area; • Add plantings for visua.l interest and screening of park activities. Mr. Halberg pointed out the barrier free a.ccess to playground areas and screening between the park and residential areas. Pheasarrt Valley Park • Develop and protect bank fishing areas; • Develop open passive areas. Mr. Ha.lberg indicated the interpretive trails and open passive play area. Alderman Santi suggested the addition of more parking. West Beach Park • Develop play area for toddlers and pre-teens; ,� • Develop sha.de shelter; • Addition of a pier for fishing; and • Improvement of the shoreline. Mr. Halberg pointed out the opportunity for a trailhead connection at this location. Superintendent of Recreation Witt suggested the creation of trailer parking. A discussion ensued regarding the soil composition in the area. Wheeler Park Following an inquiry by Alderman Santi, Mr. Halberg stated it was likely that wood chips would be used on the surface of the interpretive trail. Whispering,Oaks Park • Addition of walking/hiking paths; and • Regional trail connections. The trail cor�nection in Whispering Oaks Park was discussed, together with the potential for possible future land acquisition and conservation-rype development. It was pointed out that the soil in the park is poorly suited for building. Petersen Park—Waterfront • Expansion of existing beach; � • Development of a dog beach along north shoreline; • Develop ice skating opportunity; • Continue equestrian operation in e�sting buildings; and • Develop overflow parking for special events. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting February 21, 2007 Page 4 `— Chairman Peterson expressed concerns regarding expanding the future beach area and the possible necessity of employing additionallifeguazds. Petersen Park—Historic Farm • Renovation of farmhouse; • Initiation of wetland restoration north of the farmstea.d; • Develop historic farm agricultural fields; and • Special events parking west of the farmstead. Director Merkel informed the Committee that commitments were in place regarding the open space in this area that would require research prior to implementation of any recommendations. Petersen Park--Picnic Area. • Conversion of existing tennis courts to inline hockey rink; • Develop trail connections for Prairie Trail to Shore Drive through the park; • Develop trail heads to Prairie Trail. Addressing Chairman Peterson's inquiry, Mr. Halberg indicated that in this area limestone screening or asphalt would be appropriate for trail surface. Petersen Park—Athletic Fields • Develop additional soccer/sports fields; � • Additional parking; and • Addition of shade shelters. A dog park was briefly discussed. Creekside Park • Replace playground equipment; • Additional court games; • Connection of regional trail through the park site; and • Development of park as a trail head for regional trail access. The update and/or replacement of playgrounds and barrier free access were discussed, toge�ther with the inclusion of Bocce Ball and Shui�leboard. Center Street Park • Addition of shade shelter; • Add bask�tbalVhard surface court; • Expansion of off-street parking along Center Street; • Develop a perimeter traiUpathway system with exercise/fitness stations; and • Develop landscape screening and plantings around perimeter. � Mr. Halberg indicated there is potential for future additions if the property to the west could be obtained. Parks a,nd Recreation Committee Meeting February 21, 2()07 Page 5 `-- Brookside Trail Park Mr. Halberg outlined off-site parking and trail connections. Cold Springs Park The interpretive trails with loops, including trail end parking, were discussed by the Committee. Director Merkel noted that Assistant City Administrator Hobson suggested this would be a good location for disk golf. A brief discussion ensued regarding the need for additional parking. Javicees Park Mr. Halberg indicated this park had been recently redeveloped and a plan had yet to be formulated for the site. In response to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry, Mr. Halberg stated the need for additional parking would be addressed. Fox Ridge—North • Practice fields; • Additiona.l parking lots; • Addition of walking/hiking path system; • Designation of dog park facility; � Mr. Halberg noted the possibility existed regarding construction of some adult-size fields on this site should additional property be acquired by the City. East Beach Park • Develop play areas for toddlers; • Develop shade shelter for play areas; • Provide regional trail and/or bikeway connection to Petersen Park Picnic area; and • Improve lakefront area. Mr. Halberg stated what e�sts at this site cunently is a swing set, half-court basketball courts and picnic tables. Additional parking, a lake front viewing facility, regional trail connections and play areas are suggest�. The ice skating site would be retained. Fox Rid�e— South Mr. Halberg indicated that wetlands restoration; interpretive nodes and a trail connection are diagramed for this site. Sports Complex Director Merkel stated a rectangular flat turf surface consisting of approximately 80 acres would be required for this site. A brief discussion ensued regarding the schematic. Additional storage, additional bathroom `— facilities and concession stands were suggested. Parks and Recrea,tion Committee Meeting February 21, 2007 Page 6 L' Summary In closing, Mr Halberg stated the City should take an active role in preserving open space and protecting natural resources at the local level. He opined that the City could be the appropriate agency to preserve smaller sites that would not be efficient for the McHenry County Conservation District (MCCD) to acquire and manage. Mr. Halberg outlined the continuing development of the City Bikeway Plan, Greenway/Low Impact Development (LID) and the development of an athletic field complex. He indicated that consideration of the athletic field complex is important because many of the fields and facilities are in neighborhood parks and a particular activity might not always be compatible with the neighborhood park site. Mr. Halberg recommended an annual review of goals and objectives, population projections and development activity. He suggested the priorities be flexible and adaptable to changes that are experienced by the City and its parks and recreational open space. In response to an inquiry from the Committee, Director Merkel stated the only park in the system that needs to be addressed regarding ADA accessibility is North Oak. It was the consensus of the Committee that an additional review of the Master Plan is required. Director Merkel requested the Committee submit final comments to him prior to March 2, 2007 so they could be submitted to Bonestroo in time for the next Parks and Recrea.tion Committee meeting scheduled on March 14, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. �-- Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Resp lly sub ' ��� Robert J. Peter irman �