HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/14/2007 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION C4MMITTEE MEETIl�TG �, Wednesday,March 14,2007 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi. Absent: Alderman Schaefer. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Recreation Witt, Athletic Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Kittl and Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Also in Attendance: Steve Halberg Bonestroo, Devery& Associates Chairman Alderman Peterson ca.11ed the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Discussion Reg�rding Parks& Recreation Master Plan Final Draft Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel requested the final copy of the master plan when presented to Council for approval includes pagination for ease of reference. Superintendsrrt of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt noted the plan invenzory indicated the City cunently has two interpretive centers. An interpretive center is a building or facility which houses exhibits, pictures, posters and information relative to the native parklands, plants and animals. He stated there are no interpretive centers in the City to his knowledge. He requested ,� this be corrected in the final draft. Mr. Halberg stated the purpose of this evening's meeting is to obtain final comments prior to presentation before the City Council. He noted priorities should be established such as ensuring all park facilities are ADA compliant, determining if land acquisition is desirable, and if so, in which quadrant first, second, third, etc., targeting a site for a large active park site similar to Lippold Field in Crystal Lake, etc. Assistant City Administrator Hobson pointed out the inventory shows eight boat launches. He noted there a.re only three launches in the City. It was the consensus to correct the inventory to indicate three launches. Likewise, there are only 18 golf holes in the City FAP and not the 45 indicated in the inventory, which included the holes contained in the Boone Creek Golf Club, part of Bull Valley's planning area. Following some discussion, it was agreed to show only the 18 holes (Chapel Hill Golf Club) within the City's planning area. Additionally, it was the consensus to delete all references to the Boone Creek Golf Club in the master plan text. Mr. Halberg stated the plan at this poiirt is to deliver 50 colored copies of the master plan to the City on Apri1 16�' for distribution with the agenda packets for the April 23`d City Council meeting. Alderman Santi requested Mr. Halberg walk the Committee through the type of presentation he is proposing fbr Council consideration of the master plan. Mr. Halberg stated he would do an executive summary PowerPoint presentation; however he has not yet prepared it. He noted he �' would likely take the Council through the plan in broad strokes. The goal would be to demonstrate tlie priorities established within the plan teart. He suggested Group 1 tasks might be Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting March 14, 20C 7 Page 2 � those which could be accomplished in the short term, perhaps within the next one to three years. Group 2 tasks might be mid-range tasks and Group 3 could be long-range tasks. Chairman Peterson inquired if any of the designa.ted tasks/acquisitions/improvements would be targe�ted for the 2007-2008 fiscal year budget. Director Merkel responded in the negative. Some discussion occuned regarding removing the soccer fields from Althoff Park, and relocating thern elsewhere, perhaps in Shamrock Park. The quality of the soccer fields at Althoff Park is poor. It was suggested Althoff Park might be a good location for a dog pazk. Superintendent Schmidt noted a high priority following the recent needs assessment was installing wasluooms at existing parks. He suggested washrooms be constructed at Freund Field and Shamrock Farms Park. He stated the key needs according to the residents are washrooms and available parking at all park sites. Director Merkel stated the master plan needs to be looking to the future, and not solely at what is needed today. Some discussion followed regarding usable net area remaining for active and passive park land. He stated the City has adequate natural passive land, but falls short on active parklands. It was noted the City falls short of its established 15 acre/1000 persons target for active park land. �.. Questian was raised if there would be enough room to replace the 93 existing parking spaces at Shamrock Park to accommodate parking for the three soccer fields if they were relocated there from Althoff Park. Brief discussion followed regarding land acquisition capability and process, includin� potential condemnation which could take years. It was noted land acquisition might just happen when someone decides they want to donate or sell their land to the City. The master plan is important because it establishes targeted areas where additional park land acquisition would be desirable. Discussion occurred regarding whether the presentation to the Council should be a pre-final or a final master plan. Assistant City Administrator Hobson su�gested City Council be given an opportunity to review the plan carefully prior to having the presentation of the final master plan document. He noted Council might have objections to parts of the plan or may wish to provide specific input to the plan prior to going to press with 50 final colored copies. Director Merkel stated all who have been participatory in the discussions, public meetings and open houses regazding the creation of the new master plan will be sent invitations to come to the Council meeting when it will be presented. A lengthy discussion followed regarding the best way to proceed with presentation of the plan to the City Council. � Alderman Santi stated he is not sure how the City Council will receive the proposed athletic fields and ball fields on the Petersen Athletic Fields— South. He stated he is also not sure if the soil conditions would be conducive to these fields. Director Merkel noted this park has gone Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting March 14, 2007 Page 3 � through significant discussion relative to its potential development. Alderman Santi noted the fields could not be lit. Alderrnan Santi requested clarification regarding active versus passive park use. He opined a passive walking path could be located in Wheeler Fen Park. This would be a good use of passive park area. He noted walking paths were a high priority stated in the needs assessment survey. Assistant City Administrator Hobson suggested the committee review each of the park maps which resulted in the following comments: Knox Park Expand walking paths to the Municipal Center Lakeland Park Renovate the parking area Miller Riverfront Park Construct motorized boat launch North Oak Park Expand the park to the north Install lighted ball fields \.. Petersen Historic Farm Add equestrian trails Create archery range Access to special events area should be from Northgate Shopping Center as opposed to through the park from McCullom Lake Road Petersen Picnic Area Convert tennis court to inline hockey West Beach Park Future non-motorized boat launch Jaycees Park Research additional parking Whispering Oaks Park Change configuration of trail on pond on map to accurately reflect path location Center Street Park Add inline hockey in property acquisition open space � Cold Snrin�s Park On map add bike trail along Dartmoor Drive Clarify access tu disc golf along Ponca Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting March 14, 2007 Page 4 �— East Beach Park Mainly passive uses Add swing set Assistant City Administrator Hobson will discuss with administration how best to proc�d in bring the master plan before Council for discussion and consideration, whether it be pre-final plan or final plan. Mr. Halberg stated he would begin work on the PowerPoint presentation and will forward to Staff for review. New Business Director 1Vlerkel reported he has received many requests for a dog park in the last couple of weeks. It appears to be a high priority for residents at this time. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Aye: Santi, Peterson. Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. � Respectfully submitt . � _ .tJE �h'1�r- Robert J. Peterso Cha.irman �