HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/10/2007 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION C�MMITTEE MEETING � Thursday,May 10,2007 Aldermen's Conference Room,7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Aiderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Directar of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Kittl and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Discussion Regarding Tree Inventorv/Software ProQram Superintendent of Forestry and Pazk Planning Schm�dt informed the Committee that following the research of several difference options, Staff has detertnined that the TreeKeeper 7.5 program has been selected as the inventory/software system that has the most components for ease of operation, flexibility and the ability to integrate with the City's current GIS map, IT Department and Parks and Recreation Department for the inventary of urban trees within the City limits. . Superintendent Schmidt stated that the inventory of the urban tree resource would be the first step in development of a master plan for forestry operatians and afford a determination of what the trees in the City are worth in dollar amounts. � Alderman Santi arrived at 8:10 p.m. Superintendent Schmidt explained that the software program operates in three different environments:: • Subscription(Internet) • Stand alone(Desktop) • Network(Intranet) Superintendent Schmidt noted the Subscription (Internet) service is believed by Staff to be the most eff�cierrt option for the City at $7,600 the first year and $2,l OlJ each year thereafter. The City would own the information on the program, but the system itself would be maintained by Davey Resource Group,the entity from whom it is purchased. Superintendent Schmidt stated that the system was designed to: . Manage tree inventories • Manage calls received from residents of the community • Manage work orders created internally and from calls received and . Provide an integrated mapping system with no additional software required He elaborated that the progtam would assist urban foresters in planning their work, assisting users in building work orders, and creating forms for contraetor bids. Additionally, it assists in finding trees that are in poor condition throughout the community or determining how � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 10, 2�07 Page 2 `-- much money v�as spent on trees should a condition be created throughout the cammunity that necessitates the replacement of a vast number of trees. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Superintendent Schmidt advised that the pro�'am has the ability to loan base maps from the City's current GIS directly into a map window within the system. All users accessing the program would have access to the maps without installing additional software. Respon�iing to an inquiry from Assistant City Administrator Hobson re�arding the accuracy of the program, Superintendent Schmidt stated that the coordinates of each tree are indicated on a GIS map. While not survey grade the system is very accurate. Alderman Schaefer inquired as to whether the program mapped trees on public property or privately owned property. Superintendent Schmidt stated the system pravided information only on trees on publicly owned property. Responding to statements by Chairman Alderman Peterson and Alderman Santi re�arding the massive undertaking of such a program, Superintendent Schmitt stated that when an individual becornes proficient at inputting data it only takes three minutes per location. Alderman Santi inquired about the cost of Davey Resource Group doing the actual tree inventory for the City and whether other municipalities were using the program. H� requested Staff obtain a cost estimate from Davey Resource. `.. Responding to Assistant City Administrator Hobson's statement that Staff is seeking recommendations from the Committee regarding the program, Chairman Alderma�a Peterson stated he could support the purchase of a stand alone program. A lengthy discussion ensued. It was the consensus of the Committee to direet Staff to obtain additional information from Davey Resource Group regarding the Treei�eeper 7.5 program. Discussion Re�ardin$Emerald Ash Borer Readiness Program Superintendent Schmidt enlightened the Committee regardmg the biology of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). He advised that the adult EAB emerges from May to July when the female lays numerous eggs in bark crevices and between layers of bark. The eggs hatch in 7-10 days and larvae bore into the tree where they chew the inner bark and phloem, creating serpentine galleries as they feed. This cuts off the flow of water and nutrients in the tree, causin� dieback and death of the tree. A brief discussion ensued. Mr. Schmidt noted that the entire State of Illinois is under quarantine for the Emerald Ash Borer, but they have only been seen in Kane County and part of Cook County. He stated it is only a matter of time before the EAB is in McHenry County and it is necessary that the City prepare for tne possible infestation in our community forests. Superintendent Schmitt provided each member of the Committee with a copy of the Emerald Ash Borer (EA8) Community � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 10, 200'1 Page 3 `-- Readiness Plan Workbook, which is a framework for local EAB preparedness and cammunity action. Staff is proposing a Readiness Team comprised of the following members to address the impending threat of the EAB: • Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmitt; • A member from the Administration Department • A member from the Finance Department and • An Alderman Motion by Santi, seconded by Scha.efer, to form an Emerald Ash Borer Readiness Team comprised of the following members: • Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmitt; • A member from the Administration Department • A member from the Finance Department and • An Alderman Voting Aye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Review and Recommefldations Re�ardin�Subdivision Control Ord�nance Superintendent Schmidt reiterated that Staff was asked to make revisions to the Subdivision Control and Development 4rdinance. The two sections under review by the Parks Department Forestry Division are parkway trees and landscaping. Superintendent Schmidt outlined ehanges to the following sections, noting it was for informational purposes only and did not require any action from the Committee: • Table T-1.4 (Trees, Permitted Species); • Plantings List o Recommended Street Trees o Recommended Shrubs • Tree Species Approved for Planting on Private Property Within the Boundary of the City + Suggested Plant Species Mixes for Stormwater Applications o Streambank Stabilization o Vegetated Swales o Upland Slope Buffers— Stormwater Ponds& Streambanks Discussion Re�ardin�Petersen Park Entrance/�andscaae Revision Director of Parks & Recreation Merkel provided a color presentation and preliminary cost estimate of a new entrance landscape and park identification sign for Petersen Pazk. He noted the nev�� entrance design was developed by 3D Design Studio with the assistance of Staff. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 10, 2007 Page 4 `- Director Merkel informed the Committee that the existing park identification sign and donor recognitiun panel was installed in 1976 when the park was first dedicated. The original landscape material deteriorated and has been removed. Director Merkel stated the improvement to the main entrance on McCullom Lake Road is proposed for the northwest corner of the intersection of McCullom Lake Road and Petersen Fark Road, noting this is the most visible site for vehicles. The Fiscal Year 2007/2008 budget has allocated $40,000 for the project. Staf� is recommending that a proposal for design and bid specifications be requested from 3D Desi�n Studio. 3D Design Studio has worked with the City on numerous p�ojects and the project could be designed and bid in the summer providing a fall construction schedule. Discussion ensued. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to direct Staff to request a proposal from 3D Design Studio for professional services for the design and bid specification for the Petersen Pazk landscape entrance improvements and signage. Voting Aye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Director's Renort � a. Parl�s and Recreation Committee Agenda Items Z007 Director Merkel summarized the schedule and proposed topics for discussion at the Parks & Recreation Committee meetings from June 2007 through November 2007. He noted the agenda is flexible and could be revised as necessary. Short- term goals and long-term goals of the Committee were briefly discussed. b. 2007 PlavQround Renovation Pro�ram Director Merkel informed the Committee that Creekside Playgound is 80% complete and work at the Malibu Tot Lotpark at Malibu will begin retro-fitting on May 11, 2007. A brief discussion ensued regarding the retrafitting of playgrounds throughout the City to add a concrete ring for stroller access. c. Fee Waiver for Park Facilities/Not-for-Profit Organizations Assistant City Administrator Hobson reiterated the often-addressed topic regarding the waiver of parks rental fees. He informed the Committee that many applications are received for the waiver of fees when the parks are used for various events. Staff is seeking input from the Committee regarding the possible implementation of"parks maintenance fees" in addition to the"paxk rental fee." Administrator Hobson stated that Shelter Reservation Fees are in effect but, to date, no one has paid the fee as special events representatives often request the waiver of all fees. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 10, 2007 _ Page 5 �- Alderman Schaefer stated he does not support the eonstant waiver of all fees, however, often the organizations give back to the community and he apined that in-town service organizations should be exempt from the fees. Administrator Hobson suggested a section be added to specifically address not- fbr-profit organizations. Staff is seeking direction from the Committee regarding f'ees so there is some consistency regarding the issue. (:hairman Alderman Peterson opined he is pleased with the status quo. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to attempt to ascertain and determine the cost to the City for park maintenance when a large event is held. d. Ballfield Us��e for Foz Ridge Park-East Director Merkel indicated that Staff is recommending the removal of ballfield usage in Fox Ridge Pazk East. He stated that Alderman Murgatroyd has brought up parking issues involving the residents in the vicinity of the park when the ballfield is in use, and, additianally, the backstop is antiquated and should be removed after this season. Removal of the backstop would preclude usage of the park as a ballfield. A lengthy discussion ensued. Alderman Schaefer opined he could nat support the removal of the backstop and loss of a ballfield unless a backstop was installed � elsewhere and a location for another ballfield was ascertained. Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer to direct Staff to remove the back stop at Fox Ridge Pazk East and examine other parks for the installation of a new back stop at another location in the City. Voting Aye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Voting Nay: None. .�bsent: None. Motion carried. New Business Assistant City Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that Staff has examined the possibility of promoting one of the park workers to a supervisory position with the title of Park Fvreman. The position, which was eliminated with the promotion of Ambrose Kittl to Superintendent of Paxks Maintenance, has been determined to be necessary in order to oversee the day-to-day activities of the parks crews. Responding to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry, Superintendent I�ittle explained the duties of the Park Foreman. Mr. Hobson advised the members of the Committee that this personnel matter wouid r�ormally be addressed during th� budget process and before the Finance and Personnel Committee. However, the importance of the position was not recognized until issues � began to materialize re�arding the supervision of inexperienced temporary staff, which are Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 10, 2007 _ Page 6 �— utilized during the summer months. Mr. Hobson indicated thax these issues have made the matter of the Parks Foreman position one that should be immediately addressed. Alderman Santi inquired if there was a member of the Staff that has the qualifications being sought fc�r the foreman position. Mr. Hobson responded affirmatively, noting that the position would be posted internally and applications would be accepted for the position. Chairmf�n Alderman Petersen inquired regarding the amount that would be added to the budget with the promotion/addition of this staff member. Mr. Hobson estimated the amount to be approximately $5,000 to $10,000 a.nnually. It is the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to move forward to explore the possibility of prornoting a parks warker to he position of Park Foreman. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Votin�Aye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. �. Respectfull su , RobeR J. Peterso , airman �...