HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/11/2007 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING L.,. Wednesday,July 11,2007 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson and Alderman Santi. Absent: Alderman Schaefer. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Kittl, Crew Leader Jack Friedle, Summer Intern Ed McMahon, Superintendent of Recreation Witt, Athletic Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Chairman Peterson indicated that Item Nos. 3, 4 and 5 on the Agenda would require a motion from the Committee. Discussion Regarding Parks and Recreation Master Plan Settin�Lon�Range and Short R.ange Goals Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reiterated that on April 23, 2007 a presentation was made to City Council regarding the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. Chapter 15, specifically, listed a number of recommendations for future improvements in facilities and programs. � Director Merkel provided the Committee with a condensed version of Chapter 15 that provided a space ne�to each recommendation. He requested that Staff and members of the Committee take time to review the specific recommendations and indicate on each line that if it should be either a long range or short range goal. Following receipt of the forms, Staff will compile the information in an effort to establish a consensus on each recommendation. Director Merkel noted that once a consensus has been established a discussion can begin regarding a priority ranking on each recommendation. Following this procedure the ranking of each item will be brought back to a future Parks and Recreation Committee meeting for further discussion. Director Merkel stated the designation for each goal is based upon the following criteria: • Short Range Goal (1-3 years) SR • Long Range Goal (3+years) LR Director Merkel noted that upon completion of the established goals and priority ranking of the recammendations, Staff can begin to include them in future CIP and budget requests. He requested receipt of the recommendations no later than Friday, July 28, 2007. Director Merkel stated that a report and rankings would be provided for Committee review at the August meetin�;. ,`. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 11, 2007 Page 2 �-' In response to Alderman Santi's inquiry, Director Merkel stated the results of the short range long range goal assessment would be brought back to Committee prior to submittal to full Council. Recreation Center Discussion Director Merkel informed the Committee that Administrative staff and members of the Parks and Recreation Department have continued to investigate the feasibility of a Recreation Center Facility. Most of the effort, to date, has involved discussions with other communities on the types of recreation centers which are operated within their municipalities and the operating costs associated with these facilities. Additionally, Director Merkel indicated that Staff has met with representatives of Sente& Rubel Architects to discuss revisions to the Recreation Center plans originally developed in 1999. The discussions included potential changes in recreational amenities included in the design, scaling down the size, and cost of the building. Additionally, the cost of construction in multiple phases and estimated maintenance and utility costs to operate the facility were discussed. Assistant City Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that multiple site visits were made to facilities in sunounding municipalities. The facilities visited included, Round Lake Area Park District SpoR Center, City of Woodstock Recreation Center, and Foglia YMCA in La.ke Zurich. Staff reviewed the variety of information gathered from the site visits and various sources. � It was stated that the goal is to develop a construction and operations budget this summer for the proposed indoor recreation facility, which would then be brought back to the Parks and Recreation Committee for review at the scheduled meeting on September 12, 2007. A discussion ensued regarding what has been successful in other communities, the best opportunities to generate revenue, and the ability to construct different phases of the facility as funds become available. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated that developer donation funds are currently available; however, funds for the continuing operation of the facility need to be ascertained in order to make the recreation center profitable. In response to an inquiry from Chairman Peterson, Assistant City Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that the discussions currently taking place regarding construction of the facility were centered on utilization of space, size of the structure, and utilization of the fitness center as the driving force. A brief discussion ensued regarding potential business to be derived from surrounding municipalities and the cost per square foot of the structure. Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiry, Director Merkel stated if any of the members of the Parks and Recreation Committee were interested in touring the sites previously visited by Staff, arrangements could be made. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 11, 2007 Page 3 �"' Superintendent of Recreation Witt indicated she is currently working on the operational budget for the facility and that the construction budget had been completed. She stated she would be able to complete the operational budget within a couple of months. Responding to an inquiry, Assistant City .Administrator Hobson stated expecting completion of the operation budget by the September Parks and Recreation Committee meeting might be premature, and it would more likely be completed in October. Petersen Park Entrance—Landscane Design Proaosal Director Merkel outlined the proposal submitted by 3D Design Studio for landscape design and construction management services of the Petersen Park entrance renovation. He reiterated that the item was discussed at length at the May 10, 2007 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting, at which time the Committee directed Staff to obtain a proposal from 3D Design of Grayslake, Illinois for professional services regarding this park improvement project. Director Merkel informed the Committee that 3D's fee for the construction document phase and construction observation is $1,000. The $1,000 fee does not include reimbursable items, which are listed on the proposal, but is well within the budget for this project. Director Merkel noted that 3D Design has worked with the City on several playground renovation and landscape projects, which have been received favorably. Staff is requesting the Committee approve the proposal submitted by 3D Design Studio for `..- professional services for the Petersen Park entry landscape renovation. A brief discussion ensued regarding the design which was submitted at the May 10, 2007 Committee meeting. Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiry, Director Merkel stated that a fall or spring installation is anticipated. Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, to recommend to Council the approval of the proposal submitted by 3 D Design Studio for professional services for the Petersen Park entry landscape renovation in the amount of$1,000. Aye: Peterson, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. Oaks of Irish Prairie Park Plan Director Merkel informed the Committee that included in the Budreck Property Annexation Agreement was a requirement that the developer contribute $4,000 toward the creation of a conceptual design for a 4.41 acre public park in the residential subdivision. Recently, the developer contacted the City and expressed an interest in initiating the process. It is the intent of the developer tc� complete the plan and, upon approval by the City, be in a position to utilize the plan to assist in marketing of the subdivision. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 11, 2007 Page 4 \.. Director Merkel noted the City had a similar requirement in the Shamrock Farms Annexation Agreement. That park design was created by 3D Design Studio of Grayslake, Illinois in 2005. Staff is requesting the Committee recommend that the City request a proposal for professional services from 3D Design Studio for the development of a conceptual design plan for Irish Prairie Park in an amount not-to-exceed $4,000. Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiry, Director Merkel stated the project would not be completed for at least two to three years. Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, to recommend to Council that Staff request a proposal for professional services from 3D Design Studio for the development of a conceptual design plan for Irish Prairie Park in an amount not-to-exceed $4,000. Aye: Peterson, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. Citv Forestrv/Park Planning Report: Reaort on Status of Tree Inventory Proiect Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmitt provided the Committee with a follow-up concerning the research Staff has conducted regarding the TreeKeeper 7.5 program, which was previously brought before the Committee at its May 10, 2007 meeting. � Pursuant to the Committee's request The Davey Resource Group provided two references of municipalities in the Chicagoland area, which currently utilize the TreeKeeper 7.5 program: • The Village of Schaumburg(Internet); and • The City of St. Charles (In-house network program). Both entities provided good reviews regarding the Treekeeper 7 program. It was indicated that some minor technical issues have been detected, but Davey's response and support have been excellent. Superintendent Schmitt provided the Committee with the pros and cons of subscription service vs. stand-alone service as follows: • The subscription service allows concurrent users (more than one user at a time can access the system; • Subscription service users receive free upgrades; • Subscription solution is easier to support since technical support specialists can access the live system with the customer; and • The biggest advantage of stand-alone service is a one-time cost. Whereas, with subscription service, funds must be allocated for each year's service. Stand-alone and network users receive error correction upon request, free of charge. Every eighteen months or so, Davey releases new versions of the Treekeeper 7 and stand-alone and �. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 11, 2007 Page 5 L- network users are informed of the release. Pricing has averaged approa�imately $250 for a single iteration(i.e., 7.5 to 7.6). Superintendent Schmitt noted that, pursuant to the Committee's inquiry, it has been determined that for Davey to provide an inventory of trees to the City the costs would be approximately $47,460. Staff is recommending the Internet subscription service, beginning with a 3-year contract. Staff would begin the inventory, which would be ongoing. It is anticipated that the City would be divided into seven sections and each section would them be divided in half, with a 7-year pruning program. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Director Merkel stated it has been determined by IT personnel that the program compatibility is ideal. Superintendent Schmidt reiterated that the Treekeeper 7.5 would be beneficial to urban foresters should an infestation of the Emerald Ash Borer take place. Staff would be in a position to ascertain the location of each ash tree in the City. Superintendent Schmidt stated that the program is an ideal tool for future planning. He reiterated that Staff is seeking support and direction from the Committee for recommendation of the program to full Council. Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, to recommend to Council support for subscription � service for a 3-year period of time with Davey Resource Group for Tree Management Software, in the amount of$5,250, with a one-time fee for support cost and module. Aye: Peterson, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. New Business Brief discussion occurred regarding the availability of land and possible relocation of a City retailer. Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiry, Athletic Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer indicated that the cost of installation of lighting at a second ballfield in the City would be approximately $100,000. Director Merkel explained that it is unlikely the cost of lighting installation could be recouped. Alderman Santi requested Staff research the feasibility of lighting a second ballfield. Director Merkel informed the Committee that he has been approached by some parties regarding the possibility c►f installation of disc golf at Petersen Park. Staff is exploring the possibility. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting July 11, 2007 Page 6 �-' Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. Aye: Peterson, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried Res tfull sub ' Robert J. Peterso airman � �