HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/12/2007 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING `— Wednesday, September 12,2007 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Kittl, Superintendent of Recreation Witt, Athletic Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. Discussion Regarding Long Range/Short RanEe Planning Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel went over the tabulations of the responses received regarding the Long Range/Short Range Planning goals received from Aldermen and Staff. Director Merkel stated that recommendations from the Park and Open Space Master Plan received strong support for placement of all goals into either long range or short range categories. He noted that many received mixed ranking and could be considered in either category. Director Merkel indicated that some of the totals were not equal because not everyone voted for all of the items. � Director Merkel noted that in reviewing the results there are some interesting differences in how the Staff and Aldermen assigned the planning goal to each recommendation. Several recommendations also received mixed rankings from Staff. Alderman Santi opined that even though trails are a long-range goal, he would like to see them developed sooner rather than later. Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Kittl noted that when assessing issues concerning the walk paths maintenance issues should also be taken into consideration. Superintendent Kittl stated that current Staff would not be able to maintain any additional paths (i.e.,brush clearance, debris removal, etc.). Superintendent of Recreation Witt suggested applying a weight balance to the formula and prioritizing by the total consensus of the weighted scores. Director Merkel noted a ballot would have to be taken independently regarding the aquatic . structure as an error was made on the sheet and there are no figures available. Responding to an inquiry regarding golf courses, Director Merkel stated the definition is ambiguous because a site would have to become available through acquisition to make the project feasible. L Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 12, 2007 Page 2 L-' Chairman Alderman Petersen noted that five of the short-range goals were ADA compliance issues and appeared to be relatively inexpensive to achieve. Director Merkel noted that some of the projects are currently underway and are just awaiting grant money. A discussion ensued. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to weight each Alderman's vote regarding long-range and short-range goals at 1.2 and recalculate the figures, with the results of the recalculation to be re-reviewed at a future Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Review of Preliminary Plans for Irish Prairie Park Director Merkel provided the Committee with two preliminary concept plans for Irish Prairie Park. He informed the Committee that 3D Design Studio met with Staff and prepared the site plans for the future park facilities. Director Merkel noted these plans are typical of the concept plans used for neighborhood parks and would serve the recreational needs of the new development. Director Merkel noted that the playground apparatus in the plans is designed for use by older children (5-12 years of age), as there are other tot lots (for children 2-5) being planned by the developer throughout the subdivision. Staff is seeking the Committee's input regarding the plan drafts prior to preparation of the final draft by 3D Design. Interest was expressed by the Committee regarding the single entrance with two berms on either side, as proposed in Plan A. In Plan B the walkway around the park area was supported, �„ however the double entry to the park did not garner much support. Chairman Alderman Peterson suggested the addition of parking nea.r the basketball court. Superintendent Schmidt stated that parking was feasible only on the north side of the project near the basketball courts. Director Merkel noted that parking would take away from open space. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the pros and cons of parking accommodations in the park. Director Merkel assured the Committee that he would suggest 3D prepare a concept plan which includes parking on the north side, near the basketball court, for consideration by the Committee. Natural Resources Mana�ement Plan Undate Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee that, in an effort to prepare for the 2008/2009 budget, he has selected the following projects regarding management priorities: • Fox Ridge Park—Boone Creek Corridor; • Wheeler Fen; and • Petersen Park Superintendent Schmidt stated that in the Hey and Associates' report, dated February 2005, entitled Resource Summaries and Management Plans for City of McHenry Natural Areas, it was noted that it is the acreage, community type, site quality and restorability which differentiate these sites from one another and enable the McHenry Parks and Recreation Department to best � manage the land entrusted to them. By looking closely at the natural resources on these � properties one can establish management priorities among them. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 12, 2007 Page 3 � Superintendent Schmidt stated that project cost estimates are being prepared, grants would be sought and the information would be brought back to the Committee for further consideration regarding the proposed projects. Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee that it was his belief that these projects could be completed by in-house Staff, with the exception of the treatment of tree stumps, which by law has to be completed by a special licensed contractor. Staff Reuorts A. Turf restoration at Petersen Park Waterfront due to flood dama e Directo� Merkel stated approximately two acres of turf in the Petersen Park Waterfront Area we�re damaged by recent storms. Superintendent Kittl stated the damage was caused by 4-6 inches of standing water which remained on the property over a 2 to 3 week period of time. An estimate for turf repair was submitted by a landscape firm in the amount of approximately $10,000 for restoration of the property. Staff has opted to rototill the soil and re-seed the property. Next year Staff is seeking to run a shallow drain tile to enable water to flow toward the pond in an effort to alleviate this type of damage in the future. B. Report on Removal of Contaminated Soil at Petersen Park Director Merkel updated the Committee regarding the contamination of soil due to a diesel fuel spillage that occurred during Fiesta Days. Mitigation has been undertaken and the soil near the spillage is being evaluated. Director Merkel informed the Committee L— that the carnival involved and the Chamber of Commerce have both notified their insurance carriers. C. Proposed Tours of Various Recreation Centers Director Merkel informed the Committee that Finance Director Black and Superintendent of Recreation Witt have continued to work together in an effort to refine the budget for the Recreation Center. They will be approaching the Finance and Personnel Committee on October 1, 2007 with their proposed budget. The information will then be brought before the Parks and Recreation Committee on October 17. Director Merkel noted that several members of the Committee had expressed interest in touring recreation facilities in surrounding municipalities. Facilities of interests included: • Round Lake; • Gurnee; • Mundelein; • Schaumburg; and • Vernon Hills. Director Merkel indicated he would present the Committee with some dates for consideration. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 12, 2007 Page 4 '`.. New Business Athletic Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer informed the Committee that the Skate Park Jam is taking place on Thursday, September 13, 2007 and the Punt, Pass &Kick event would take place on Tuesday, September 18, 2007. She indicated both events could use the assistance of volunteers. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m. Aye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully s bmitte . �`�� . Robert J. Pet , Chairman � �