HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/24/2007 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � Wednesday, October 24, 2007 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Kittl, Park Foreman Jeff Friedle and City Clerk Jones. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Presentation Regardin$Urban Forestry Pro�ram Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt outlined the program for the Urban Forestry Division and summarized surrounding communities planting programs. The discussion focused on the development of the new division, a calendar of annual tasks to be performed, together with the programs covering the main functions of the Forestry Division: • Planting; • Maintenance; and • Removals. Superintendent Schmidt outlined the division's annuals tasks and their timelines: � • Pruning (November through March) • Planting (March through May) • Miscellaneous (May through June) • Removals (June through August) • Stump Removal (August through September) • Miscellaneous (September through October) • Planting (October through November) He noted that the miscellaneous category includes such items as: • Insect and Disease Control • Mulching • Watering • Fertilization • Stake Removal • Cabling and Bracing � Spraying • Survey s • Hazard Identification • Bruch Pick-up � Storm Damage � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting October 24, 20��7 Page 2 �' Chairman Pete�-son noted that in the SO/50 program offered to the residents in Pebble Creek, the residents were given the opportunity to choose the trees they wanted to plant. He inquired if the City paid 100°i� of the cost would that then give the City the opportunity to choose the tree to be planted? Superintendent Schmidt explained that a list of acceptable plantings has been prepared, with a certain number of trees of an acceptable species provided. The resident would then be able to choose from the approved list. Once the number of trees of that species has been exhausted a resident would have to choose another species. Superintendent Schmidt suggested in the beginnin� focus and funds should be used on maintenance and removal, planting should be done gradually. A brief discussion ensued. Alderman Santi opined he would like to see additional information from surrounding communities regarding their tree planting programs prior to making a decision. He stated he supports a 50/50 program (with 50% paid by the City and 50% paid by the resident), however, he indicated he would like the planting guidelines determined by City staff. Chairman Peterson concurred with Alderman Santi. A discussion ensued regarding the selection of trees. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to move forward with the Forestry Program with support for a 50/50 program. Responding to an inquiry, Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee that he has only seen � grant money from the state for planting provided to inner-city projects. Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee that City park property would remain on the current five-year tree trimming rotation and a five-year pruning cycle. He noted removals would be determined by inventory data. Responding to an inquiry by Assistant City Administrator Hobson regarding whether pruning reduced overall park maintenance, Superintendent Schmidt stated that pruning has markedly reduced the number of branches blown down in the parks. Superintendent Schmidt continued his presentation with a summary of the total hours spent on forestry from 2002 through 2006 and a breakdown of Tree City U.S.A. dollars spent from 2001 through 2006. Superintendent Schmidt finished the presentation by providing the Committee with a list of current equipment assets and future equipment needs as follows: Current Assets: • Aerial I,ift Truck • Two Brush Chippers • Dump Truck with Box • Hand Equipment (chain saws, ropes, ladders, pole saws, hand saws, safety equipment, � etc.) Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting October 24, 20U7 Page 3 `" Future Assets: • Stump ('rrinder • Watering Truck • BackhoeBobcat • Claim Truck A discussion ensued regarding possible staffing needs for the Forestry Division and applicable duties. Assistant City Administrator Hobson opined that, across the board, adding any Staff would be difficult. lliscussion Regarding Long Range/Short Range Planning Goals Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel provided the Committee with a revised copy of the preliminary results of the ranking of planning goals, first reviewed at the September 12, 2007 committee meeting. He stated the rankings have been revised based upon the recommendation that the Aldermen's votes be recalculated with a weighted average. Director Merkel provided the Committee with a complete list of all recommendations with the revised scoring and a listing of all long range/short range goals that scored a minimum of seven points in each particular category. He noted that items with a minimum score of seven are considered to have a strong consensus between Alderman and Staff as to priority. A discussion ensued with emphasis on an athletic complex and lighting existing fields. � Marlin's Swim Team Eauipment Purchase/Donation Director Merkel informed the Committee that the McHenry Marlin's Parents Association ("MNIl'A") has submitted a request to the City to assist in the purchase of new timing touch pads. Director Merkel stated the new touch pads would replace older units. He stated the request is being submitted at this time so the funds can be included in the FY 2008/2009 budget and equipment can be purchased in time for the 2008 summer season. Director Merkel noted the MIVIPA has continued to raise funds for swim team equipment and supplies and in past years the City has matched funds with the 1VIlVIPA to purchase equipment, such as a computerized timing system, starting blocks, team tents, training equipment and the like. Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to recommend to Council that the City contribute $3,545 toward the McHenry Marlin's Parents Association's purchase of standard 60" timing pads Aye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Staff Renorts `.. A. U date on Petersen Park Entry Landscape and Freund Field Landscape Projects Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting October 24, 2007 Page 4 `` Director Merkel informed the Committee that the bids came in for the Petersen Park Entry alid Freund Field landscape projects. He noted that the Petersen Park Entry came in undei�budget and Freund Field was slightly over. B. Report ��n Fuhler Property(IDNR/MCCD, Meeting on Future Use of PropertX Directo��Merkel updated the Committee regarding the Fuhler Property. He stated that the McHemy County Conservation District ("MCCD") has purchased the property and once they ha��e possession the City would proceed with discussions regarding uses of certain portions of the property. Director Merkel noted the MCCD has become more proactive in work;ng cooperatively with communities New Business Superintendent Schmidt provided the Committee with information regarding a mulching attachment that could be attached to a bobcat. Alderman Schaefer inquired about the results of the Ash Borer Survey. He was informed that as yet, the information is not available. Chairman Peterson inquired about the boat launch facilities at the property previously owned by Mookie's Restaurant. He was informed that the piers and the boat launch were sold to the new owner as part of the real estate transaction and discussions were stalled. ``-- Director Merkel informed the Committee that he had a conversation with a member of the Army Corp of Engineers who indicated that the Corp is making an effort to shift boat restriction regulations to another entity. He will provide the Committee with information as it becomes available. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Aye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Re 1 su i Robert J. Peter airman �