HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/12/2008 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � Wednesday,March 12, 2008 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Si�perintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Parks Maintenan�;e Kittl, Park Foreman Jeff Friedle, Superintendent of Recreation Witt and City Clerk Jone�. Public in attendance: Mr. Chris Zock Noon Kiwanis Club of McHenry Chairman ,4lderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Peterson informed the Committee that Item No. SA, regarding the discussion of the disc golf course, would be tlie first item discussed at tonight's meeting. Discussion Re�ardin�Disc Golf Course Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel introduced Mr. Chris Zock, a representative of the Noon Kiwanis Club of McHenry ("Kiwanis"). Mr. Zock presented a proposal to the Committee for a Disc Golf Course at Cold Springs � Park. He stated that the Kiwanis is interested in sponsoring a community improvement project, opining that the concept of disc golf is new and unique. Chairman Peterson opined he is in favor of the project. He noted that Cold Springs Park would require an extensive amount of work (i.e., bathroom facilities, concession facilities, parking, etc.) and suggested perhaps AlthoffPark would be a better venue. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi, Mr. Zock noted that a recreational course requires approximately one acre per hole, while a championship course requires more acreage. Chairman Peterson indicated he thought that Althoff Park would support a nine-hole course, however; a disc golf course at Cold Springs Park might be an opportunity to bring Cold Springs Park into the community. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted Cold Springs Park would present the option of using gravel or limestone on the paths, as opposed to a more expensive composition. Parking at Cold Springs Park would be the biggest concern. He stated the current paxking lot accommodation is 10-12 vehicles. Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiry regarding what Kiwanis is seeking tonight from the Committee, Mr. Zock informed the Committee that the club is seeking direction in order to facilitate a volunteer blitz early in August 2008. Mr. Zock informed the Committee that, as a � Parks and Recreadon Committee Meeting March 12,2008 Page 2 � club, the Kiwanians raise approximately $20,000 yearly. However, it is the intent of the club that the course should be a commercial-grade facility. Each of the baskets costs between $600 and $800. Kiwanis intends to offer local businesses an opportunity to sponsor individual holes at the golf course to generate additional funds. He noted the high school students in Key Club are excited about the project. Chairman :�'eterson opined that prior to moving forward with the project a site should be determined. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated that parking constraints and facilities could be overcome. He noted that he is familiar with a disc golf course in Fort Worth, Texas developed on a site similar to Cold Springs Park. Alderman Santi suggested the Kiwanis contact a professional to look over the suggested site prior to the Committee making a determination to move forward at Cold Springs Park. A discussion ensued regarding the merits of one park over another. Various sites were discussed. Chairman Peterson expressed concern regarding maintenance of the site once developed. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct the Kiwanis to move forward with Cold Springs Park as a site for a 9-hole disc golf course, to utilize Althoff Park as an alternative site, and to obtain estimates for annual operating expenses and facility maintenance. Mr. Zock, requested that the topic be revisited at the May Parks and Recreation Committee � meeting, as the Kiwanis are anxious to move the project forward. Discussion: Do� Park Develonment- Uadate Director Merkel reiterated to the Committee that the development of a Community Dog Park has been discussed since 2005 and three locations were determined to be adequate sites at the Parks and Recreation meeting held on January 9, 2008. Preliminary plans and cost estimates for Fox Ridge Park and the Riverside Hollow property have been reviewed and conversion of the northeast section of AlthoffParks has been considered. At the Committee's instruction, a proposal was obtained for professional services form 3D Design Studio to develop a preliminary plan and cost estimates for Althoff Park. Director Merkel informed the Committee that since the meeting on January 9, Mr. James Althoff, donor of Althoff Park to the City, contacted the City and expressed concern about the conversion of the park site. Staff has since contacted 3D Design Studio and placed the project on hold pending review of the matter at the Committee level. Chairman Peterson stated that he has reconsidered and no longer supports a dog park within a residential area and he no longer supports consideration of the facility at Althoff Park. Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt noted there are no park sites in the City, which are located outside of a residential neighborhood. Alderman Santi opined he would like Althoff Park to remain an option and suggested sitting down with 'VIr. Althoff to discuss the matter. Alderman Schaefer concurred with Alderman \.. Santi. He stated he believes a dog park in the City has potential. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting March 12,2008 Page 3 � Director Merkel requested the Committee consider the north side of Fox Ridge Park or possible Riverside Hollow. It was pointed out that Riverside Hollow is currently being farmed and the property would not be available until neart spring. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to look into Petersen Historic Farm as a potential site for a dog park facility. Urban Forestry—50/50 Cost Share Program Superintendent Schmidt outlined the parameters of the 50/50 tree planting cost share program. FIe stated that 5 different species of trees would be used and 10 trees from each species to provide diversity. Superintendent Schmidt requested direction from the Committee regarding whether the program should be limited to improved areas only, excluding subdivisions that are not improved. Chairman Peterson opined that as the program is citywide the benefits of the program should be offered citywide. Alderman Santi opined the focus should be on single-family homes. In response to an inquiry regarding the timing of the program, Superintendent Schmidt indicated planting would take place in the fall. � Le�end Lakes Tot Lot/Acceptance and Namin� Director Merkel informed the Committee that Staff has been contacted by representatives of Kimball Hill Homes regarding the donation and dedication to the City of a tot lot park in Neighborhood 5 of Legend Lakes. He noted that the developer was required to construct the park and play site according to City standards as detailed in the Annexation Agreement. Director Merkel explained that the site was developed in 2006 and plans and specifications were submitted to the City for review prior to the installation of sidewalks, curbing and the purchase of play equipment. Director Merkel noted that following some minor improvements, which hopefully will be made in the spring, Staf�s biggest concern is the condition of the turf at the site. The naming of the site would need to be determined prior to inclusion in the City's facilities inventory and park sites map. In the past, the small tot lots have been identified by the neighborhood or street name. Director Merkel stated this tot lot is located at Glenmore Court and Homestead Drive. It is Stai�s recommendation that the park site should not be taken into the City's system until all turf and access issues have been resolved. Customer Service Evaluation Director Merkel informed the Committee that one of the topics of discussion at a recent City Staff planning meeting was an emphasis on improved customer service and staff cross- �- training. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting March 12,2008 Page 4 � Chairman Peterson requested that the Committee and Sta� begin addressing customer service issizes within the Parks and Recreation Department as some issues have arisen. He suggested an evaluation form be utilized, which might elicit both positive and negative feedback, and telephone follow-up. It was noted that the Parks and Recreation Department is an e�rtremely visible public agency that interacts with the public on many levels. An evaluation of current customer service issues should include the following: � Stai�interaction with the public; • Program registration procedures; • Resolution of complaints and/or concerns regarding facilities and program quality; • Training and education of part-time employees; • Review of promotional and marketing efforts; and � Program evaluation and customer feedback. Alderman Santi opined the only way an evaluation could be done properly is by outsourcing, in an effort to obtain an objective result. Chairman Peterson concurred with Alderman Santi, acknowledging that method as a possibility. Director Merkel and Superintendent of Recreation Witt assured the Committee they would be discussing the issue of customer service with Sta� Chairman Peterson stated he would like to see something in place and improvements made prior the busy summer season. � Stat�'Reaorts A. 2008 Fireworks Program Director Merkel informed the Committee that a Request for Proposals has been sent out to four firms in the area for the 2008 Jaycee Day Fireworks Program. The RFP's are due on March 19, 2008. Evaluation of the proposals will be made by City Staff and the Jaycees. The fireworks are scheduled to take place on Saturday, July 5, 2008. B. NISRA Recognition Program Director Merkel informed the Committee that the riISRA Recognition Program is scheduled for Friday, April 18, 2008, from 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm at D'Andrea Banquet Facility in Crystal Lake. C. Committee Agenda Items for 2008 Director Merkel outlined the Parks and Recreation meeting dates for 2008, noting they are subject to change and/or adjustment. Simultaneously he presented the Committee with a report on the 20071ist of topics and the status of those iterns. Director Merkel then presented the Committee with a list of discussion topics and projects, as identified by the Committee chairman and Staff, as potential topics for discussion in 2008. He noted if there are additional items the Committee would like to address; they could be added. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting March 12,2008 Page 5 `... New Business Chairman Peterson stated tentative items on the agenda for May 14, 2008 include: • Co�itinuing discussions regarding the Kiwanis disc golf project; • Do;;park update; and • Kn��x Park softball lighting, to be paid for from Developer ponations. Superinten3ent Schmidt informed the Committee that he attended a meeting regarding gypsy moth control. McHenry County has a program established for at least the next three years. The program covers two sprayings of 30-acre parcels at a cost to the City of$24.00 per acre. Assistant C'ity Administrator Hobson reminded the Committee that Petersen Park had been used as a backdrop for a weather channel special entitled "When Weather Changed the World." He informed the Committee that the program had been aired, however; it was due to be aired again on either the Weather Channe157 or Channe1362. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 p.m. Aye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Res tfull su , � i � �� - Robert J. Peter n hairman .�