HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/21/2008 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � Wednesday,May 21, 2008 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendsince: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Aldernian Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Atrendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Siiperintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Parks Maintenan�e Kittl, Athletic Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer and City Clerk Jones. Public in attendance: None Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Alderman Peterson iiiformed the Committee that Mark Rapata was having pizza delivered to tonight's meeting. Public Inaut No one spoke during the time put aside for public input. Discussion Regarding Urban Forestry Cost Share Program Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt summarized the cost sharing tree � planting program to promote the planting of trees throughout the City. He stated the progam is open to single-family residences within the City limits with property adjacent to the public right-of-way and with sufficient space to accommodate a tree. Superintendent Schmidt provided a brief outline of the following details regarding the program: • Homeowner requirements; • What the City will do; • Special consideration; • Program priorities; and • Important dates Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer, Superintendent Schmidt explained the types of trees that would be offered for planting and the rotation of the trees offered. He stated that a 2 1/2—inch tree currently costs approximately $300. A conver�,ation ensued regarding the Emerald Ash Borer and Gypsy Moth, their effect upon immature and mature trees, and the fact that 20% of the trees currently in the community are Ash. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 21, 2008 Page 2 � Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to direct Staff to bring the Urban Forestry Cost Share Program to Council for consideration and recommendation. Ayc�: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Na�-: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion Regarding Petersen Historic Farm Reaort Assistant C'ity Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that on June 11, 2007, Council approved �. proposal from Aspect Design Architects for architectural services relating to the stabilization and restoration of the foundation of the Petersen Homestead. Aspect Design Architects has assembled four options for the project and provided cost estimates ibr each. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated that many elements of the construction such as a new concrete floor with drains, a new staircase and new utilities including, electrical service, boiler system and water heater, comprise the bulk of the plan and are consistent throughout each option. Additionally, present in each option is the use of manufactured laminate beams and new floor joists that would mirror existing beams and joists and act to stabilize the floor above. Assistant City Administrator Hobson assured the Committee that the firm has worked on a `-- number of historical homes and buildings. Following a discussion it was the consensus of the Committee that the rock foundation is an essential element of the structure and should be preserved as much as possible. Alderman Schaefer opined that the goal is to make the building structurally sound while still maintaining the historical appearance. Announcing to the Committee that his choice would be Option C, Assistant City Administrator Hobson presented the four options and their cost, as follows: Option A: Installation of a new CMLT block wall a.round the entire interior of the basement in front of the existing rubble stone foundation Cost: $55,775 Option B: Installation of two new load-bearing walls on the north and south ends of the basement. These walls would be constructed of treated 2 x 6's. The walls would be built in front of the existing rubble stone foundation. The east and west foundation walls would remain exposed and would require some tuckpointing work to ensure that the foundation is properly sealed. � Cost: $48,875 � Cost: $47,150 Opt ion D: Utilization of new "shotcrete" wall all along the interior perimeter of the foundation. Shotcrete is mortar or concrete conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a surface. Sprayed concrete is reinforced by conventional steel rods, steel mesh, and/or fibers. This technique completely encapsulates the existing foundation. Cost: $59,225 Assistant('ity Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that Staff as well as a member of the Landmark Commission has reviewed the plans; however, no decision has been made as to what direction the project would take. The ne}ct step in the process is to select an option and work with Aspect Design Architects to produce the appropriate bid documents. Bidding and letting of the project would follow. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted that recently the question has arisen as to whether there is a desire to expand the original scope of the work from solely the foundation stabilization to that of including restoration of the first floor as well. Additionally, the topic has arisen regarding what historic period the house should be returned to. � A discussion ensued regarding the work involved in restoration of the first floor. Assistant City Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that the work would include stabilization of the first floor, removal of the carpeting and removal of the bathroom. Chairman Alderman Peterson opined that stabilizing the basement is the priority, stating he does not care for Option B. Alderman Santi indicated he has no objection to either Option C or Option D. In response to Alderman Santi's inquiry regarding Aspect providing an opinion regarding what period would be most appropriate to bring the structure back to, a discussion ensued regarding the cost and authenticity of restoration. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to contact Aspect Design Architects to produce appropriate bid documents for Option C and Option D. Discussion Resarding Knoz Park Softball Lights—Field No. Z Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that Staff has received cost estimates for the installation of lights on Field No. 2 at Knox Park. He stated that the facility was constructed in 1980 for the Men's Softball Program, noting that the second field is not lit at this time, but was designed to accommodate lights as the program expanded. Director Merkel informed the Committee that the cost for the lighting was included in the CIl' in 2()04, but the project was put on hold during the Pazks & Recreation Master Plan �-- process. The project would be paid for with Developer ponation Funds. The project estimate is between $125,000 and $135,000. " _� Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 21, 2008 Page 4 `-' was constn�cted in 1980 for the Men's Softball Program, noting that the second field is not lit at this time, but was designed to accommodate lights as the program expanded. Director 1V�erkel informed the Committee that the cost for the lighting was included in the CIP in 20(�4, but the project was put on hold during the Parks & Recreation Master Plan process. 'Che project would be paid for with Developer ponation Funds. The project estimate is between $125,000 and $135,000. Installatior of the lights would allow Staff to schedule additional games for the Men's and Co-Ed Leagues. Both leagues have been at capacity for many years. Director Merkel stated that the li};ht system to be installed could be relocated at a future date. The equipment includes li�;ht fi}rtures, poles and control panel. Specifications would be developed by Staff. Competiti��e bids would be solicited from area electrical contractors for purchase of lighting equipment and installation. It is anticipated that work would be scheduled for this fall, with facilities available for the 2009 season. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to recommend that Staff proceed to full Council for authorization to bid the project for Knox Park Softball Lights at Field No. 2. Aye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Staf'f Reaorts A. Petersen Park Entrance Sign Director Merkel informed the Committee that the sign panels are up and the sign should be completed within the next 30 days. B. Gypsy Moth Program—Whispering Oaks Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee that the City would be participating with McHenry County in a spraying for Gypsy Moths. The spraying will encompass appraximately 30 acres and would take place on either May 28 or May 29, 2008. Responding to an inquiry Superintendent Schmidt stated the moths have just hatched. C. Tree Preservation Ordinance Review Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee that the Ordinance was initially approved in 1999. Staff believes it is time to revisit how the Ordinance is administered as methods of preservation are more strict than they were previously. He noted the Ordinance is currently enforced through the Construction and Neighborhood Services Department. It was noted that City Planner Kolner and Superintendent Schmidt would begin working on the Ordinance for presentation to the Committee at a future meeting. � D. Patential Dog Park—Access Report Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 21, 2008 Page 5 � Dir�;ctor Merkel informed the Committee that the entrance for the potential dog park on the Petersen Farm Property would be located behind Staples. A discussion ensued reg�tirding the 30-foot easement, fire hydrants and the size of the site Dire�ctor Merkel stated that if a certain portion of the property at Petersen Park is used the [llinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR)would have to be notified. A consensus was reached that no one appears to want a dog park facility near resi�iential property. Staff was instructed to discuss the possibility of a dog park with the developer of the property adj acent to Petersen Park. New Business Alderman Santi opined that he would like to continue discussions with Mr. Althoff regarding the possible use of Althoff Park as a dog park facility. Following a brief discussion Staff convinced Alderman Santi that further discussions with Mr. Althoff are pointless as Mr. Althoffis adamant in his decision regarding the property. Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Kittl informed the Committee that he was finally, just this week, able to mow the entire site at Althoff Park. The site of the potential disc golf course was discussed in some detail. � A brief discussion ensued regarding carp in McCullom Lake and the stocking of fish in McCullom Lake. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Aye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Resp 11 su 'tt , �� Robert J. Peterso airman �