HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/10/2008 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � Wednesday, September 10, 2008 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Director of Finance Black, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superinten�ient of Parks Maintenance Kittl, Superintendent of Recreation Witt, Athletic Program C�ordinator Lunkenheimer, Park Foreman Jeff Friedle and City Clerk Jones. Public in ar.tendance: Tom Chrisman, Disc Golf Enthusiast Chairman .�lderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Input No one spoke during the time put aside for public input. Discussion Regardin�Disc Golf Develonment Pro�ram Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel introduced Tom Chrisman. Mr. Chrisman provided a presentation on a potential disc golf course development in Cold Springs Park. `'' Director Merkel informed the Committee th�t a planning meeting was held on August 26, 2008 to follow-up on discussions which took place at the June 11�' Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Cold Springs Parks has been evaluated for development of an 18-hole course. Two access points have been identified for parking: One is existing; the other is undeveloped. The final plan for the Disc Golf Course is scheduled to be presented at the November 12, 2008 Committee meeting. The development plan for the site will include: • Sc Zematic plan of the disc golf course; • Pa�king and access layout; and • Si�;nage and recognition of donors/contributors. The estimated budget for the project will also be discussed at the November 12� meeting, which will include: • Cost of tee box materials, goals, course signage; • Access and parking improvements; • Utilities (water/electric) • Cc>ntracted services for brush clearing, tree removal, fencing, landscape services, etc. Director Merkel noted that proposed funding will be realized by combining the donations from several sources: � • Kiwanis Club, monetary donation and volunteer hours from club members; • FLndraising, contributions for hole sponsorships and course development; Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 10, 2008 Page 2 `'' • Volunteer Labor, various groups and organizations have been identified as volunteers for labor in the course development; • Material and Equipment Donation, and • City of McHenry, Developer ponation Funds could be allocated to assist in some de��elopment costs. These costs would be identified and approved in advance by Council. Responding to inquiries from Alderman Santi regarding an official rule book, the age group this type ��f activity attracts and the initial investment to play disc golf, Mr. Chrisman responded that there is an official rule book for the game which explains the method of play. He noted tlie activity attracts individuals aged 6 through 50. The initial investment to play the game is approximately $12.95 for a disc. Discussion ensued regarding courtesy on the course, arrangement of the course, the facilities that are currently available at various parks, the facilities that should be available on the premises, the best material to play the game on, and whether or not fencing at the facility should be an option to dissuade trespassing onto private property. Chairman Alderman Peterson expressed concern that the facility should be handicapped- accessible. Discussion Regardin�Revenue Policv `-- Recreation Superintendent Witt outlined the revenue policy she developed as a tool to guide Staff and Council in the fiscal management of the Parks and Recreation Department. Superintendent Witt stated she completed an evaluation of the Parks and Recreation Department's fee structure and fee policy as part of her Master's Program at Aurora University. As part of her research, Superintendent Witt informed the Committee that she sent out 100 surveys of which 39 were completed and returned. Superintendent Witt provided the Committee with a detailed presentation on the development of a Comprehensive Revenue Policy as a guideline to determine appropriate fees and charges for City programs and services, which included: • Statement of Need • Authority and Responsibility • Statement of Philosophy � Classification of Fees and Charges Guidelines �� Basic Services � General Guidelines for Fees o Recovering Partial Costs o Recovering Direct Costs �� Recovering All Costs Plus Surplus—for the future �� Revenue Producing Facilities—for the future �� Deferential Fees: Special Situations and Groups—for the future � �� Waivers c� Withdrawals, Refunds and Credits Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 10, 2008 Page 3 `' • Financial Assistance Guidelines o Grants o Gifts and Bequests o Sponsorships and Fundraisers o Memorials • Contractual Receipts Guidelines—for the future �� Leases �� Concessions • Conipulsory Resources: Dedication Ordinances �� Mandatory Land Dedication �� Payment-in-Lieu ofDedication • Accounting for All Revenues • Annual Review Additionally, Superintendent Witt outlined the Sample Revenue Policy provided with the packet. Discussion ensued regarding the percentage of City t�es which are levied for the Parks and Recreation Department. Superintendent Witt explained that City taxes are not levied solely for the Parks and Recreation Department. The Department's tax is levied as part of the City's annual budget. Responding to a request from Chairman Alderman Peterson, Superintendent Witt agreed to calculate the percentage of the City budget expended for the Parks and `— Recreation Department. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer, Director Merkel stated that the City began accepting Developer ponations in the late 1960's or early 1970's. Discussion ensued regarding the expense involved in staffing the Skate Park. Chairman Alderman Peterson thanked Superintendent Witt for her efforts and the presentatiori. He noted there is still a significant amount of work to be done at the Committee level prior to presentation to full Council. Chairman Alderman Peterson suggested a workshop to go over details prior to the next scheduled Parks and Recreation Committee meeting on November 12, 2008. It was the consensus of the Committee that a workshop would be beneficial. Director Merkel stressed the importance of addressing the Revenue Policy prior to beginning discussions regarding the 2009/2010 budget. Director of Finance Black suggested a detailed budget analysis would be beneficial and could be utilized at the workshop prior to the November (2�'Committee meeting to assist in the revenue policy assessment. Director Bl;�ck departed the meeting at 8:58 p.m. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 10, 2008 Page 4 �'' Discussion Regarding Dog Park Concent Plan Proaosal Director Merkel presented a proposal from 3D Design Studio for the McHenry Dog Park Conceptual Design. He noted that a topographical survey is not included in the proposal indicating it would be included in a final proposal should the project move forward. Chairman �1lderman Peterson stated that prior to authorizing the design proposal submitted by 3D he would like to see the parking issue at the site thoroughly investigated and resolved. He opined that without parking at the Staples site he may not favor this site for the dog park. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer, Director Merkel stated 3D has previously worked on;wo sites for dog parks. Following a brief discussion it was the consensus of the Committee to follow-up on the parking issiie prior to further discussion at the Committee level. Reuorts to Committee A. Smoke Free Parks Request Director Merkel provided the Committee with a copy of the letter he received from Karen Buck, Chairperson of the McHenry County `Tobacco Free' Coalition. The letter requests the Parks Department's support in adopting a smoke-free environment in City parks. Ms. Buck stated the Coalition's Mission Statement is dedicated to preventing initiation of tobacco use among youth, as well as eliminating exposure to \.. second hand smoke. Chairman Alderman Peterson opined it would be difficult to enforce a smoke-free environment during activities held in public parks. It was determined that the possibility of a smoking ban during the City Band Concerts could be considered. Alderman Schaefer opined the smoking ban deserves some consideration. B. Discussion Regarding 50/50 Tree Planting Program Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt informed the Committee that forestry was budgeted $26,000 in the 2007/2008 budget and the 50/50 Tree Planting Program is budgeted in the 2008/2009 budget. He noted that Council's recent tabling of the discussion regarding the 50/50 Tree Planting Program has resulted in a lack of plantings taking place this fall and will now have to occur in 2009. Assistant City Administrator Hobson explained that the Council did not feel they had sufficient information to vote on the Tree Planting Program at the time and was leaning toward denying the program. Therefore, it was thought prudent to table the discussion so the matter could be brought forth on a future agenda with additional information provided to Council so they were more comfortable with the Program. `�., Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 10, 2008 Page 5 � New Business Chairman Alderman Peterson proposed that the ne� meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee, which is scheduled on November 12, 2008, be rescheduled to either November 5 or Novemt�er 19�', as he is involved with a time consuming Kiwanis event. He requested that the Committee members check their calendar and notify Director Merkel which of those dates is acc:eptable. Alderman 3anti and Alderman Schaefer informed the Committee that they were available on November 5, 2008 and that date was tentatively scheduled for the ne� meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 p.m. E1ye: Peterson, Santi, Schaefer. Na5•: None. Absent: None. Motion can-ied. Respectfully s itted, Robert J. Peters , airman � �