HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/12/2008 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � Wednesday, November 12,2008 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderrnan Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, D rector of Finance Black, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Kittl, Superintendent of Recreation Witt, Athletic Program (;oordinator Lunkenheimer, Park Foreman Jeff Friedle and Deputy City Clerk Kunzer. Chairman.�lderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Pubtic Input No one spc►ke during the time set aside for public input. Discussion: Proaosed Revenue Policv Superintendent of Recreation Witt stated she incorporated the ideas and suggestions made at the Committee's September meeting into the revised policy for consideration before the Committee this evening. � Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated while it is important for the Committee to review and consider the proposed policy, it might be more appropriate for discussions regarding actual fee structure, increases, etc. to occur at a joint meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee and Finance and Personnel Committee. He suggested the Committee focus this evening on policy issues and defer discussion regarding potential restructuring or increasing fees to a joint meeting. Brief discussion occurred regarding the City's charging resident fees versus non-resident fees for various programs and events. When non-resident fees are charged, it is being suggested that 125% of the resident fee be assessed. Staff noted the difficulty in enforcement due to park facility users stating they are residents when in fact they might not be. Referencin;; the fact that the pool is not self-sustaining, Director of Finance Black stated the City hopes to bring the revenues for the pool operation more in line with its expenditures within two years. Superintendent Witt stated it is the goal of the revenue policy to achieve self-sustaining status for as many of the parks events, programs and activities as possible. The most difficult of these to achieve are Knox Park Pool and Petersen Park Beach, as well as the Skate Park. Some discussion occurred regarding the Riverwalk and whether or not it would be considered a"park" as far as charging fees or granting permits for users hosting events on it. It was the consensus that fees for such events would likely be charged pursuant to the Parks Revenue Palicy, even if the Riverwalk is not designated as park land. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting November 12, 2008 Page 2 `-- Alderman Schaefer suggested that Rental Fees on page 2 of the policy, paragraph v(3) be modified to "special events" and delete the reference to "for for-profit use". He opined all users of special events should be charged rental fees. It would remain up to Council discretion to waive any required fees. Discussion and explanation of the recovery of partial costs and the recovery of direct costs occuned. Following an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer, it was noted that sign rental fees for 1VISRA are typically waived. Alderman Schaefer inquired if that is appropriate in light of the rapidly- increasing annual dues assessed to the City by NISRA. Chairman Peterson responded it is important for IVISRA services be available for City residents. The annual dues represent the cost of doing business with l�ISRA. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the City is receiving at least what it expends in hosting special events. Noting the numerous and prevalent waivers of fees, Alderman Schaefer opined it might be t,me to charge event sponsors at least what it costs to City to prepare and staff (police overtime, park maintenance clean-up, etc) the event. A lengthy discussion followed regarding ways to recoup City expenditures from event sponsors, both not-for-profit and for- profit. One suggestion was to charge a percentage of gate receipts for those events where an entry fee is charged. It was the consensus this matter should be discussed at length at the joint meeting of the Parks and Finance Committees. � In response to Alderman Santi's inquiry, Staff advised the current policy is for park facility rentals (such as picnic permits, pool rentals, etc.) to submit payment for rental separate from the deposit for the facility's use. The deposit is typically made with a check which is dated for the day of the event. Following Staff confirming the facility has been left in good clean condition, the deposit check is returned to the applicant, usually within a couple of days of the event. Staff noted the current policy of requiring separate deposit checks resulted from the lengthy delay of reimbursement due to the Finance Department's monthly list of bills. Since, bills are now typically paid at every Council meeting, the delay in refund of deposits would be minimal. Alderman Santi suggested Staff review this current policy, noting the deposit for park rentals should be deposited in City funds, and returned following the event's completion and confirmation that the facility has been left in satisfactory condition. Following a brief overview by Superintendent Witt of the proposed fee increase options, it was determined that the proposed fee schedule should be jointly reviewed by the Parks and Finance Committees. However, the proposed new fee schedule must be in place no later than mid-January for inclusion in the Parks spring brochure. Discussion occurred regarding staffing of Petersen Park Beach and Knox Park Pool and possible ways to cut costs. Various ways to reduce costs were discussed, including reduction of area covered at the beach and reduction in hours that the beach Director Black noted the pool does well at recovering costs incurred by the swim team, swim lessons and special � events. The pool does not recoup its costs during the open swim. Additionally, there is no charge to residential use of Petersen Park Beach. The only fees assessed are to non-residents Parks and E�ecreation Committee Meeting November 12, 2008 Page 3 `-- who often find a way to avoid paying entry fees. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel noted Stafl'is attempting to build up the use of the beach to help with the overcrowding at the pool. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated he would contact Finance and Personnel Committee Chairman Alderman Murgatroyd to determine a possible date for a joint committee meeting. Suggestion was made to inquire about December 3`d, December 17`�' and/or on Mondays prior to December Council meetings. Petersen Park Field #2 Renovation Assistant ('ity Administrator Hobson stated in light of requests following the adoption of the Parks and [�ecreation Master Plan to identify and construct a 90' base-path ball field, Staff has identified Petersen Park Field #2 as the ideal location for the 90' field. Noting the District 156 High School's struggle with drainage issues at its McCracken Field, Staff approached the District regarding the possibility of a joint effort to convert Petersen Park Field #2 to a 90' field. The conversion would include infield alterations, new backstop and new outfield fences, a section of 50' tall netting in the right field area to protect adjacent spectators, and a new lighting system. The cost to implement these improvements is roughly $183,000 plus a contingency of$7,000 for a total cost of$190,000. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted the City would request a financial contribution of $50,000 from both the District and the McHenry Baseball Association (MBA), the two �. primary users of the facility. Preliminary conversations have occurred with the District. The contributory cost to convert Field #2 would be far less than what the District would experience to correct the drainage issues at McCracken Field. The premier 90' field would also be attractive and desirable to both CABA and the McHenry Travelers baseball team. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated in addition to upgrading Petersen Park Field #2, the City's Knox Park Field #2 would benefit as the lighting system currently at Petersen Park would be relocated to the Knox Park field. Essentially, the City would be getting two lighted fields for the price of one. Athletic Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer inquired who would be able to practice on the premier field. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded practice would be limited to the high school teams, MBA colt teams and the McHenry travelers. Responding to further inquiry, Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated it is anticipated the renovated fields (both at Knox Park and Petersen Park)would be ready for use by Spring 2009. Responding to an inquiry by Alderman Santi, Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted the relocation of the lighting poles and lights to Knox Park Field #2 would not result in substandard lighting for that field. It would meet the softball field standards. It was further noted that t�e cost of moving the lighting system would be less than the previously approved new lighting system to be constructed at the Knox Park Field. It worked out to the City's advantage that the bid requests for the Knox Park field lighting were delayed due to � engineering concerns. The field can now be illuminated as part of the package (transfer of Parks and [�ecreation Committee Meeting November 12, 2008 Page 4 `-- lighting system from Petersen Park to Knox Park) which would convert the Petersen Park Field#2 into a premier 90' field. Brief discuss followed regarding protecting the safety of spectators along the right field baseline oi'the new 90' field. Alderman Schaefer expressed concern that perhaps additional netting should be required along the right field line. Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiry, Director Black noted the source of funding for this project would be Developer ponations Fund. Responding to a question regarding the need for participation by District 156 and MBA, Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated if the District declines participation, the City might have to revisit the possibility of implementing the project He noted the City is not certain if the MBA will participate financially or at what level, as they have already contributed to park improvements in the past such as the purchase and installation of the scoreboard. Brief discussion occurred regarding the not included costs such as extending municipal water to the field, providing a windscreen on the outfield fence (to assist batters in seeing the pitched ball), and moving the existing score board. Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to recommend to the City Council that the City proceed with the Petersen Park Field #2 Renovation contingent upon McHenry High School District 156 and McHenry Baseball Association participation in the project. �. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Petersen. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion canied. Director Merkel noted precedent has been set for the City working in conjunction with District 156, recalling that the City spent approximately $30,000 assisting with the lighting of the District's tennis courts. Director Black departed the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Discussion: Disc Golf Course Development Director Merkel stated preliminary work is still being completed regarding the Disc Golf Course development in Cold Springs Park. Tom Chrisman, local aficionado, will make a presentation to the McHenry Kiwanis Club on Thursday, November 13'�. Professional consultant Terry Miller of Lifetime Disc Sports submitted his impressive resume and has offered to assist in the design phase of the course at no cost to the City. Mr. Miller has walked the site and has shared some of his thoughts on how best to utilize the park for this project. Director Merkel noted the final plan and budget for the project would be presented to the Committee at is January 14, 2009 meeting. Director Merkel noted there is not currently a connection between Cold Springs Park and � Hay Street as Commonwealth Edison owns property between the two. The City would have to obtain access rights. Parks and l�ecreation Committee Meeting November 12, 2008 Page 5 �"' Reaorts to Committee A. Dog Park Development Staff has contacted the owner of the Home Depot/Staples property suggesting the City's idea to construct a dog park on the Petersen Farm Homestead property to the weyt of the commercial project. Staff pointed out there are approximately 80-100 available parking spaces to the west of the building which could be utilized by Dog Park visitors. The owner expressed concern regarding having enough available spaces following the complete commercial build-out of his site. The owner and manager ha�e been invited to visit the proposed dog park site. Dirrctor Merkel also noted Staff has been investigating the vacant land to the east of the new Public Works Garage at 1415 Industrial Drive. The land is comprised of approximately 3.5 acres and might be an ideal site for an in-town dog pa.rk. Staffwill keep the committee apprised of this matter. B. 2009 Committee Meeting Schedule Director Merkel proposed the following 2009 Parks and Recreation Committee Me�ting schedule: Wednesday January 14, 2009 Wednesday February 18, 2009 (Athletic League Scheduling Meeting) Wednesday March 11, 2009 Wednesday May 13, 2009 L- Wednesday June 10, 2009 Wednesday September 9, 2009 Wednesday November 11, 2009 Regular meetings will take place at 7 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. New Business There was no New Business discussed. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respe ly sub i .� Robert J. Peterso airman '�