HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/13/2009 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:OQ p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson and Alderman Santi. Absent: Alderman Schaefer. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Parks Maintenance Kittl, Park Foreman Jeff Friedle and Deputy City Clerk Kunzer. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Inuut No one spoke during the time set aside for public input. Discussion: Disc Golf Park Development Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated he had met with Kiwanis Club members as well as int erested community members who continue to express an interest in assisting with the creation of a Disc Golf Park in the City. He noted the big question at this time is the amount oi'(or lack ofl volunteer support which will be evidenced, particularly if delay of creation and implementation of the park occurs. Director Merkel stated a presentation would � be made before the committee at its June meeting before interest in proceeding by area volunteers is lost. Director Merkel stated if the park development is approved by Council following committee recommendation, it is hoped creation of the park could begin this summer. The wild card in the project is the access to the park. An agreement would have to be reached with Commonwealth Edison to grant an access easement from Lillian Street through to the park. Director Merkel noted it is the hope of community representatives to complete nine holes of the course this fall, but to actually lay out the course for the full 18 holes, with completion anticipated next summer. Chairman Petersen expressed his desire that access to the park not be via Hay Street as it is a private residential street. Chairman Peterson inquired if water fountains would be available in the park. Director Merkel responded in the affirmative. Water line connection would be available from Park Ridge Estates. Uadate: 2009 Gvusv Moth Controt Pro�ram Superinte�ident of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt stated the anticipated scope of spraying for Gypsy Moth Control this year has been reduced from the previously mentioned six areas to two areas. Last year the City sprayed 204 acres. This year the area has been reduced to appro�mately 64 acres. Eventually the City will need to spray the remaining areas. Superintendent Schmidt noted the two areas targeted for this year are Country Club `- Area(48 acres} and Whispering Oaks (18 acres). Parks and [�ecreation Committee Meeting May 13, 2009 Page 2 � Alderman Santi inquired if the spraying would occur in one pass. Superintendent Schmidt responded there would be one pass on Jun 1�` with another pass of the areas on June 12tn Alderman Santi inquired when the City would see the results of the spraying. Superintendent Schmidt replied the spray is approximately 95% effective, which should be noticeable this year. The remaining 5% of the moths then begin to regenerate until there comes a time when the City will have to spray the area again. Director Merkel stated the spray will control the gypsy moth population, not eradicate it. This year the cost of the application is between $3,800 and $4,000. Discussion: Fort McHenry Future Renovation Director Merkel stated Fort McHenry Park was created as a result of a community effort in 1994. The park was designed and developed with the assistance of Leathers & Associates of Ithaca, New York. The firm continues to design, build and provide consultation to client communities. Director Merkel noted the firm has developed a program to evaluate older playground sites and make recommendations regarding repairs and/or upgrades. There is not cost for the initial evaluation. Staff would provide a photo disc of the facility for review by Leathers& Associates. Director Merkel noted as the park is 15 years old, Staff would like to proceed with an evaluation by Leathers & Associates. Staff hopes to receive information regarding potential � renovations, revised safety guidelines and related costs for future budget purposes. Director Merkel noted a11 other parks have been updated and/or renovated during the past few years. At a minimum, Fort McHenry Park needs to be refreshed. In response to an inquiry, Parks Maintenance Superintendent Kittl noted the decking has been replaced, a portion of the sides have been repaired/replaced, tires have been replaced. He also noted the chains are giving out. In response to an inquiry from Chairman Peterson, Superintendent Kittl acknowledged he is a certified playground safety inspector. He stated Fort McHenry is one of the oldest playgrounds in town and needs renovation. Alderman Santi inquired if Leathers & Associates would give direction regarding how to photograph the park for review. Director Merkel noted Staff would take the photos. No fees would be incurred unless the City seeks additional help following the free initial evaluation. In response to an inquiry from Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Superintendent Kittl stated Fort McHenry is by far the most popular playground in town. He would consider is a destination playground for school picnics and similar events. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 13, 2009 Page 3 � Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, to direct Staff to proceed with seeking an initial evaluation with Leathers & Associates regarding the renovation/repairs of Fort McHenry Park. Voting Aye: Santi, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. Staff Reuorts Petersen Park Field #2 Lighting Update: Director Merkel noted the lights are up and running. Games have already been held on the field. McHenry High School's first game on the field is tentatively scheduled for May 14t" at 7 p.m. Light levels will be randomly sampled to make sure they meet the required minimums. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted a Grand Opening Ceremony is being scheduled for Friday, May 22, 2009. The time of the ceremony is yet to be determined. Assistant City Administrator Hobson also noted the scoreboard will be erected by the McHenry Baseball Association on Saturday, following electrical work being completed this week by Ridgeview Electric. L IDCEO Grant Project 1-0209 Report: Director Merkel noted the Grant was originally obligated to the City in 2006 in the amount of $25,000 to construct the shelter at the Skate Park and the installation of handicap accessible paths to playgrounds at the Kiwanis Tot Lot and Lakeland Park. Director Merkel noted the Grant ran into funding problems. The City has continually received Grant extensions. It is now on hold until there is another bond sale. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated there are still outstanding grant monies due for the Riverwalk Bridge and the Petersen Farm Silo Project. All three grants have been approved and are still currently being annually extended. When the City receives word of funding for the grants, the City will follow through pursuing payment of the promised amounts. IDNR Annual Report regarding McCullom Lake: Director Merkel stated Staff receives annual reports from IDNR regarding lake management. The City has a Fisheries Management Agreement with IDNR. It was noted that carp need ta stay at current levels or lower; otherwise, they will take over the lake. Director Merkel stated there were originally four species of fish in the lake and now there are 10 or 11. IDNR provides good service for the community. Director Merkel noted milfoil is starting to return along the shoreline. It needs to be � eradicated; cutting it down does not get rid of it. As there are no funds for spraying to eradicate it this year, it will likely get worse before it gets better. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 13, 2 009 Page 4 � Arbor Day: Superintendent Schmidt reported six trees were planted this year during the Arbor Day festivities. It was a great response from the community. He noted there were approximately 35-40 persons attending the ceremony. One of the trees, planted by a Manitoba, Canada resident, was in honor of a brother-in-law in McHenry. Additionally, a McHenry Girl Scout Troop planted 12 Burr Oak seedling trees which were donated by Majestic Oak Nursery, Spring Grove, Illinois. New Business Assistant City Administrator Hobson reported Darick Franzen is hoping to establish an Historic Petersen Farm Foundation, the proceeds from which would be utilized to refurbish/repair/renovate the farm and homestead. It would be a SOlC.3 corporation which would be a not-for-profit corporation. This matter will be brought before Council for consideration once Mr. Franzen has completed his research and the application form is completed. Assistant City Administrator Hobson opined the foundation could be a great tool to utilize for restoration of the farm and homestead. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted Mr. Franzen has located a windmill and may be able to acquire it at no or minimal charge. He would like to erect the windmill on the Petersen Farm and utilize that as his contribution following his annual Antique Truck and Tractor Show this year, in place of his typical contribution to the local food pantry. This � matter wili also come before Council for consideration. Alderman Santi inquired if a foundation is established, would there be a board which would govern it. Assistant City Administrator Hobson replied in the affrmative. He noted one alderman and one Landmark commissioner would be seated on the board. The foundation board would have control of activities and renovation of the farm and homestead. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted grant monies are typically more readily available when applied for by foundations as opposed to municipalities. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 7:59 p.m. VotiTig Aye: Peterson, Santi. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Schaefer. Motion carried. Respec lly bmi Robert J. Peterson, Ch an �