HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/10/2009 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � Wednesday, June 10,2009 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:3Q p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson and Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Staff in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, and Deputy City Clerk Kunzer. Others in Attendance: Tom Cichowski, 5003 Bromley Drive, McHenry IL 60050 Dan Jannotta, 208 S. Ronda Road, McHenry IL 60050 Tom Chrisman, 1411 N Glen Drive, McHenry IL 60050. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. Public Input No one spoke during the time set aside for public input. Staff Reuort CABA Tournament: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reported a meeting was scheduled for Thursday with CABA organizers and members of the McHenry Baseball �-- Association. CABA would like to host their opening night ceremonies to be held on Sunday, July 26�', at the newly renovated and illuminated Petersen Park Field #2. The field would be used for CABA games among players 15 years and older. Alderman Schaefer noted the opening ceremony would occur simultaneously with the Pigtail's Fast Pitch Frenzy which would utilize both Petersen Park and Knox Park ball fields. Some discussion occuned as to parking requirements, fees being charged by CABA for the ceremonies, and how to coordinate both the Fast Pitch Frenzy and the CABA opening ceremonies on the same day. Director Merkel noted there will likely be lengthy discussion at the City Council regarding the parking, security, fees being charged, crowd control, etc. when the CABA use of Petersen Park is presented for consideration. Fireworks: Director Merkel reported a meeting is scheduled for June 22, 2009 prior to Jaycees Day and Fireworks. Represented at the meeting will be the Fire District, Police Departme�rt, service clubs, venders, and Parks and Recreation Staffto work out all details for the event. Discussion: Disc Golf Park Develoament Director Merkel introduced Tom Cichowski and Dr. Dan Jannotta, both representing the McHenry Kiwanis Club, and disc golf enthusiast Tom Chrisman. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting June 10, 2�)09 Page 2 � Director Merkel went over the summary of proposed park development schedule as well as proposed revenue sources and expenses for the project. He noted the greatest expense would be attributed to providing a parking lot and securing access to the park from Lillian Street, whether that be via the Commonwealth Edison property or Hay Street. Proposed budget for the project is as follows: Costs• Purchase of Equipment: Targets (19) $ 6,000 Signage $ 2,400 Tee-Box Material $ 2,000 Water Fountains (2) $ 1,500 Tahles and Benches $ 3,000 Installation/Contracted Work: Liilian St Parking Lot/Access $50,000 Utitities(Water) $ 3,000 Fencing(Split Rail/Woven Wire) $ 7,000 Brush RemovaVLandscape Work $10,000 Materials and Supplies $ 3,000 Total Costs: $87,900 � Fundin�• Parks Developer ponations $67,900 McFIenry Kiwanis Club $10,000 Co�nmunitv Fundraising $10 000 Total Funding: $87,900 Dr. Jannotta noted the Kiwanis contribution for the project would be $10,000 this year with another $5,000 proposed for next year. Mr. Chrisnian reported the project layout and design have been established. Unless trees are found to be in the way of the course, they will not be removed. It is anticipated very few, if any, trees�vill be removed from the paxk. Alderman Santi inquired if there is a walking path through the park would it cause a distraction to disc golfers. Mr. Chrisman responded there would be no distraction. It is common in disc golf parks to include pedestrian walkways. Alderman Santi inquired as to the typical time required to complete the course. Mr. Chrisman stated 9 holes can be completed in approximately 30—45 minutes, while 18 holes can be completed in 60—90 minutes. Alderman Schaefer inquired as to the composition of the tee box material. Director Merkel responded the tee boxes would be constructed of a composite material which can withstand the elements. This material is similar to that used for decking in Fort McHenry and other City `' parks. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting June 10, 2�)09 Page 3 � Alderman Santi inquired if under-bedding would be needed. Mr. Chrisman stated the tee boxes would be set on the ground. Responding to further inquiry, Mr. Chrisman stated the composite material would be te�urized and non-slip. He also noted most disc golf courses do not have tee pads. Chairman Peterson asked if the holes become gradually more difficult from Hole #1 to Hole #18. Mr. C'hrisman stated typically golfers "shotgun" start on any hole; and, there is no set format as t��which one is more dif�icult than others. Lengthy d:scussion occurred regarding where the point of access and parking lot off of Lillian Stre et should be located. It was noted Hay Street is a private road which has not been declicated to the City. Director Merkel stated he has had preliminary talks with Commonwealth Edison representatives. CotnEd would like to see the park plans before considering granting the City access from their Lillian Street property to the park. ComEd discussed the possibility of issuing the City a license to utilize their property for access purposes. Discussion continued regarding the potential for accessing the park from Ponca Street or Marietta Street. Dr. Jannotta opined from an engineering perspective it might be better to access the park from Ponca Street and to incorporate parking area offthe end of Ponca Street. He noted paved Ponca Street should reduce the potential cost of accessing the park. � Director Merkel noted the City would like to begin park development in the fall, and it would be good to have an alternative plan if the ComEd access is not realized. Director Merkel suggested if ComEd concurs, the northern portion of their lot could be converted to parking and the pedestrians and golfers could access the park via the bike path along the eastern boundary of the CotnEd property. Atderman Santi inquired if the park would be gated. Chairman Peterson responded he assumed the park would close at dusk,the same as all other parks. Responding to a question, Mr. Chrisman stated the disc galf park would be utilized throughout the year. He noted it is sometimes more fun to golf in winter. Lengthy discussion occurred regarding the potential for using Ponca Street to access the park. Chairman Peterson opined as long as Ponca Street is a township road, and not a private roadway, City residents should be able to utilize if for accessing the park. Chairman Peterson also noted the park will be used by disc golf enthusiasts, walkers and bird-watchers. Alderman Schaefer asked if there is a need to provide access for emergency vehicles to the trail head to get into the park. Superintendent Schmidt responded emergency vehicles could access the park with grass trucks and 4-wheelers. � In response to a question as to why there are 19 holes, Mr. Chrisman stated there is one practice gre�n plus the 18-hole course. Parks and f�ecreation Committee Meeting June 10, 2009 Page 4 � Alderman Santi inquired if Staff would be coming forward with a recommendation for the best way to access the park, whether that be Hay Street, ComEd Property or Ponca Street. Director Merkel responded Staff will pursue the ComEd access and/or potential for parking on the northern part of their lot. Director Merkel also noted from a visibility standpoint park tocation signage would be more visible if the park entry was off of Hay Street or the Com Ed Property. Alderman Santi opined it might not be good to option for use of ComEd Property for parking with accesr;to the park gained via the bike path as the bike path would not be cleared during the winter months. Alderman Santi also noted the use of the park would be predominantly passive and the parking lot would not be a busy place. Alderman Schaefer requested clarification as to how the park would be maintained once it has been established. Director Merkel responded the Parks Maintenance Staff would maintain the park on an annual basis. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to mow the green areas on a weekly basis due to the natural landscape, trees, berms, etc. Mr. Chrisman noted the Round Lake Golf Disc Park mows only the first seven holes; the others are impossible to mow. Foot traf�ic in the park keeps the height of the growth down. Further discussion continued regarding various access points and parking for the park. Mr. Cichowski stated the park could open with the existing parking and access already in place � aff of DePaul Court. Once, the City has ascertained where the second access point and parking should be located, it could be constructed at that time. But, at least the opening of the park would not be delayed, particularly as there is one park entry/parking area already in place. Chairman Peterson concurred noted the City could get the project going utilizing the existing parking lot. It the parking lot becomes hea.vily used, the City could always add additional parking. Chairman Peterson further suggested the course could be laid out so there could ultimately be parking located at the end of Panca Street. Alderman Santi he likes the idea of moving forward with the existing parking in place. He apined there would ultimately be a need for additional parking as weli as a second access point. He stated he wants to know ComEd's response to the request to utilize their property for access and/or parking. He further noted the course should be designed so that the golfers can exit the park from either access point when they have concluded play. Dr. 7annotta inquired why the City would construct a road when they do not have to. It makes sense to utilize Ponca Street which is already built. Alderman Schaefer stated he preferred using Ponca Street for access over Hay Street or the ComEd Property. Responding to a question, Mr. Chrisman noted all ages enjoy Frisbee golf. He stated both eh Crystal Lake course and Round Lake course have more standing water than the McHenry caurse will ever have. He emphasized no trees will be cleared to accommodate the course. The presence of the trees makes the course more of a challenge. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting June 10, 2U09 Page 5 � Chairman Peterson stated ideally there would be two access points for the park. Aldermen Schaefer and Santi concurred. It was suggested a gravel parking lot wouid be constructed to reduce the potential for ground water runoff. It was also noted that gravel parking lots are much less expensive to construct that asphalt paved lots. Mr. Chrisman stated he has already spoken to the owner of Rabine Paving about the possibility of donating gravel for the parking lot. Chairman Peterson inquired if the installation of a gravel lot required retention/detention. Mr. Cicho��ski responded it would depend on the size of the parking area. He suggested a parking area of 85' by 200' would accommodate 40-50 cars and would likely not have to include retention. He also noted the parking area could be expanded in the future. Alderman Schaefer stated having two access points opens the park up to the community from all directions. Chairman I'eterson inquired if the Committee was ready to send this matter to City Council for consideration. Alderman Santi stated he would prefer to know where ComEd stands on potentially providing access and/or parking prior to sending this proposal to Council. Director Merkel inquired how the Committee wished to proceed. He noted City Council direction w�as required prior to initiating discussions with ComEd if an easement and/or license is required. Chairman Peterson stated he would like to concept to be presented to Council before � spending any money on engineering. He opined the concept would gain Council approval. Director Merkel noted if the ComEd Property is utilized, a lease agreement and liability insurance would be required, particularly while contractors are working on the property (i.e. constructing parking lot and/or access way). In response to an inquiry, Mr. Chrisman stated he has a pro design the first 9 holes of the course with him. He also noted there is room to ultimately have an additional 18 holes on the course. Alderman Schaefer inquired if there is a benefit to having the course designed by a professiona). Mr. Chrisman responded in the negative. There is no prestige associated with who designs a course. Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to direct Staff to prepare documentation to present the concept plan for the disc golf course proposal to City Council for consideration and action. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Woting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Director Mf�rkel inquired as to what information the Committee would like included in the �.. Agenda Supplement narrative. The Committee noted they would like the existing access point identified and the Committee recommendation that an additional access to the north be Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting June 14, 2U09 Page 6 � sought via the ComEd Property or Ponca Street. Council should authorize the expenditure of funds to eome up with some cost options for parking at Ponca Street, ComEd Proper�y, etc. The narrative should also accentuate the fact that the park will be used be walkers and bird watchers in addition to disc golfers. Signage for the park must be included in the cost of the project. New Business Alderman Santi inquired if there was any progress on the dog park development. Director Merkel responded the City is waiting to secure access and is hesitant to give up parking. It is also necessary to get across the embankment. Alderman Schaefer noted the soccer fields in AlthoffPark are not playable. Discussion about a better use for the park ensued. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 9:11 p.m. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Res ectfully s itted, { ' Robert J. Peter , Chairman �