HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/13/2010 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING �- Wednesday,January 13,2010 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Santi, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Alderman Blake, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Recreation Witt, Athletic Programs Coordinator Lunkenheimer and Deputy City Clerk Kunzer. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Innat There was no one in attendance who wished to address the Committee during the Five Minutes of Public Input. 2010 Committee Meeting Schedule and Proaosed Tonics for Discussion Chairman Peterson stated the proposed meeting schedule for 2010 would be as follows with all meetings to begin at 7 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room: Wednesday January 13, 2010 (tonight) � Wednesday February 17, 2010 Athletic League Scheduling Meeting Wednesday May 12, 2010 Wednesday September 8, 2010 Wednesday November 10, 2010. Chairman Peterson suggested the following topics be included on the upcoming agendas: • Athletic Field Rental Policy January • Skate Pazk Rehabilitation/wood ramps May • Fort McHenry Renovation May • Disc Golf Alternate Location May/September • Dog Park Alternate Location May/September. Alderman Santi noted the number of ineetings has been reduced. He inquired why no meetings were scheduled in March or April. Director Merkel responded with the lack of large capital projects to work on in light of the cunent economy, Staff is suggesting the Committee might not require as many meetings. He noted additional meetings could be scheduled if warranted. Alderman Santi stated he would like to discuss establishment of the Dog Park sooner in the year. Brief discussion followed regarding potential sites for the Dog Park. Alderman Santi asked Staff to explore scheduling a March or April meeting in order to discuss the establishing of the Dog Park. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting �.. January 13, 2010 Page 2 Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to accept the proposed 2010 Parks and Recreation Committee Mf�eting Schedule and proposed discussion items as presented. Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent None. Motion carried. Discussion Re�arding Athletic Ficld Rental Policy and Fee Structare Director Merkel stated Staff collected information from 12 area agencies regarding baseball and soccer field rental and use. The information sought included: • Field rental charges; • Field preparation charges; • Field lighting charges; • Fee waiver policies; • Field rental policies. Director Merkel noted Staff intends to utilize the field rental policy with regard to baseball, soccer, softball, football and lacrosse. Historically, the City has not charged McHenry Baseball Association, McHenry Shamrocks Baseball, McHenry Pi�tail League, McHenry Area Soccer `.. Federation or the McHenry Jr Warriors Football League for field usage. These organizations have partnered with the City in the past to participate in cost-share of field improvements such as fencing, signs, scoreboard and the like. Due to the complex nature of intermingling of leagues and offshoot organizations, Staff believes it is time to establish a field rental policy and fee structure to create uniformity in charging park users for field usage. Director Merkel stated Staff has reviewed the response received from area agencies and has recommended the following fees be implemented for organizations other than the five specific ones who regu(arly participate in field upgrades and maintenance expenditures. The proposed schedule is as follows: Petersen Park Field#2 $50/day All other ballfields $25/day Soccer/Lacrosse fields $50/day Field Lighting $25/2 hrs $15 each additional hr Director Merkel further noted the City does not charge MeHenry High School District 156 as the terms of field use are covered in the intergovernmental agreement entered into with the City regarding the improvements to Petersen Park Field #2. Alderman Schaefer concurred that all other users not specified (i.e. McHenry Baseball `, Association, M�Henry Shamrocks Baseball, McHenry Pigtail Lea.gue, McHenry Area Soccer Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting �. January 13, 2(►10 Page 3 Federation, and McHenry Jr Warriors Football League) should be assessed a fee for field usage. He noted it makes sense to charge all other organizations for use of City facilities. A lengthy discussion followed regarding whether all offshoots of the five specified leagues should be granted the sa.me privileges as their pazent organization, even if a majority of the players on a team do not reside within the City. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted any team which is affiliated with the MBA should be considered as exempt from paying fees as the MBA has entered into an agreement for field use and monetary participation in field upkeep expenses (particularly as the MBA is financially contributing to the recent upgrade to Petersen Park Field#2). Discussion continued. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted each of the five specified organization are doing the City a service by organizing the leagues. Alderman Schaefer opined if a team is part of the MBA no fees should be charged to the team for using a City field. Superintendent Witt stated it is Staf�s request that a policy be established regarding fees to be charged to all entities other than the specified five organizations. It is also necessary to determine � if the fees should be charged per day, per game or for a specific time period (i.e. 3 hours). Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer suggested there should be consistency in covering the City's cost for field prep, lighting, etc. Chairman Peterson inquired if the Committee concurred with Staff on the policy establishing that the specified organizations not be charged for field use but that all others be charged a fee for Field use and lighting provided. Alderman Santi noted the suggested fee schedule is reasonable. He stated he is satisfied with Staff's recommendation. Alderman Schaefer concurred with the proposed fee schedule. He noted it is good for the department to have guidelines. If a new team requests field usage they would have to pay the required fees unless the team is affiliated with one of the five established organizations. A lengthy discussion followed regarding whether the fees should be charged on a per day, per game, per field, or per hours used basis. Superintendent Witt noted it would be ea.siest to track on a per field basis. It was Staff's su�gestion to eliminate the separate rate for weekday use versus weekend use. Discussion continued. �. Paxks and Recreation Committee Meeting �. January 13, 2C 10 Page 4 Assistant City Adrninistrator Hobson suggested the fee could be assessed at hourly blocks of time basis. Discussion continued. Superintendent Witt noted most agencies charge on a per game basis. This option would be easiest for Staffto oversee and manage. Alderman Santi stated the City should charge on a per game basis. Chairman Peterson concurred with Alderman Santi. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the City charges on a per game basis, how would the City charge for field use for practices. Coordinator Lunkenheimer responded the City does not charge for practices as there is na field prep involved. Suggestion was made that the fee structure be established. If potential users aze unhappy with the rental fees, it would be their option to go before Council to request a partial waiver of fees. Chairman Peterson noted this discussion is about a park user fee. The entities that are using these facilities should have to participate in their upkeep and maintena.nce by paying a user fee. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi, to recommend to the City Council that the following field rental police and fee structure be established regarding athletic field usage in the City: 1. That the following organizations be exempt from field use fees: � a. McHenry Baseball Association; b. Mc��enry Pigtail League; c. McHenry Area Soccer Federation; d. McHenry 7r Warriors Football; e. McHenry Shamrocks Baseball; f. McHenry High School District 156; 2. That the following rental fees be established: a. Petersen Park Field#2 $50/game b. All other ballfields $25/game c. Soccer/Lacrosse fields $50/game d. Field Lighting $25/2 hours $15/each additional hour Voting Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Superintendent Witt asked if she could proceed to draft agreements with each of the affiliated agencies. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded the agreements could be prepared but would require Council consideration and approval. � Parks and Rec�eation Committee Meeting � January 13, 2010 Page 5 Stat�'Reaorts to Committee There were no Staff Reports. New Business Alderman Schaefer inquired if something could be done to replace/repair/upgrade the fencing along the sidelines on the fields where the McHenry Pigtail League plays. He noted the fences were extremely low and foul balls often go back into the dugout or straight back into the stands. Assistant City Administrator Hobson replied Staff had investigated replacing the sideline fencing on Field #4 and the cost came in at $30,000. At this time Staff is reviewing possible funding mechanisms to facilitate the fencing upgrades. Alderman Schaefer noted that fences at Fields #3, #4 and#5 axe in need of upgrade/replacement. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Schaefer, to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m. Aye: Santi, Schaefer, Peterson. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Res fully submi , �4. Robert J. PeterS� , hairman �..