HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/9/2010 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING �- Wednesday, June 9, 2010 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:30 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Park Maintenance Superintendent Kittl, and Deputy City Clerk Kunzer. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Public Input There was no one in attendance who wished to address the Committee during the Five Minutes of Public Input. Discussion: Fort McHenry Renovation Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated as discussed with the Committee previously, Staff has been working with Leathers & Associates, designer of Fort McHenry, investigating options to pursue renovating the park. In early March Staff received a detailed assessment which included a list of recommendations for renovating the facility. Most items included involved � aesthetics and safety maintenance issues. Director Merkel provided the Committee with a brief background on how the facility was designed, constructed and funded: 1. The playground was built through community participation in May 1994. The design was done by Leathers & Associates. Construction was handled through volunteer efforts. Equipment and materials were purchased or donated by local contractors or businesses. 2. Funds in the amount of $120,000-$130,000 were raised by volunteers. Materials and supplies were donated to keep playground development costs down. City Developer Donations were used for construction of access road, parking lot and washroom/service building. 3. In the first few years following initial construction, volunteer work days were scheduled to replenish mulch, apply sealer and conduct minar repairs. Currently the City is responsible for all of the park maintenance. 4. Leathers & Associates completed a facility evaluation in March 2010. The evaluation included a recommendation to make minor safety and aesthetic improvements. The recommendation from Leathers & Association included: a. Design consultation, $500, which would provide the City with: a hand-drawn schematic drawing showing the proposed changes; a preliminary materials list for renovations; a proposal of Leathers' fees to develop the design of the park renovations, finalize the materials list, manage the project and provide on-site construction supervision; � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting �. June 9, 20l 0 Page 2 b. De,ign development, design documents, project management, $6,000 to $9,000, which would include: developing the design; finalizing the materials list; project management; c. Construction supervision, $6,000 to $12,000, to provide on-site guidance during the construction of the park renovation; d. Materials costs, $35,000 to $65,000, including maintenance items and making the facility ADA acceptable. Director Merkel stated Staff is seeking ways to update and improve Fort McHenry facility. He noted there are now available creative playground treatments which were not yet discovered at the time the playground was constructed in 1994. He noted the next step in the process would be to bring a Leathers & Associates consultant in from New York for on-site consultation. He stressed the City must do something about the park as there are numerous items which must be repaired and/or replaced. Director Merkel noted Superintendent Kittl is certified in playground safety. Chairman Peterson concurred that the playground needs updating. He observed it is a busy place; it is a great place from families to gather and have fun. Superintendent Kittle noted Fort McHenry is one of the City's busiest parks and the playground equipment is very worn. � Alderman Schaefer stated he has been to the park several times this summer and noted there are items which need replacing. He also observed graffiti which need to be cleaned or removed from some of the equipment. Discussion followed regarding various ways and means which could be utilized to upgrade and/or renovate the playground. Director Merkel suggested the $500 consultation with Leathers & Association would be a logical place to initiate the renovation process. If the recommendation is made at this meeting to pursue the $500 consultation at this time, the design development and project management phase of the renovation could be discussed in the fall. Alderman Glab inquired why the City would need a design firm and an expenditure of $500 to tell thc City which boards or playground parts need to be repaired or replaced. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded it is not just a matter of replacing bad boards. There are entire segment:s of the playground which need to be looked at and potentially redesigned and rebuilt. He cited the tire bridge as an example. The bridge might no longer be safe and perhaps a platform bridge should replace it. Alderman Glab noted the playground was initially designed in conjunction with kids in area schools. He questioned whether the City needs to go back to the children in schools to obtain their input in the renovation of the park. � Parks and Recr�ation Committee Meeting � June 9, 2010 Page 3 Superintendent Kittl stated there are safety issues with the metal slide which is probably too high, the raised sandbox area for handicapped accessible users, as well as various other portions of the playground which need to be addressed. Alderman Glab stated the Committee is talking about redesigning the park which indicates a major renovation. He opined the City is not in a financial position to expend those kinds of funds to redesign this park. Superintendent Kittle noted Staff is seeking direction in how to proceed to make the playground more safer for its users. Chairman Peterson noted there must be something done regarding the decking on the playground. Additionally, the handrails are all worn and need replacing. Chairman Peterson suggested Fort McHenry is the City's busiest park and it needs to be updated and renovated. Alderman Glab stated original development of the park was a great idea which included community involvement with the design and construction. Initially, volunteers also assisted with annual maintenance. He inquired if that was still the case. Director Merkel responded the only annual maintenance which volunteers assist with is spreading the mulch each spring. Chairman Peterson stated Fort McHenry is a go-to place and it needs maintenance and � renovation. He also noted it is used year-round. He asked the Committee if they believed the park is worth a $500 consultation which would result in the items previously listed (hand-drawn schematic drawing of proposed changes; preliminary materials list; proposal to provide additional services by Leathers & Associates). Alderman Glab stressed he did not want park improvements to be constructed of trex material as they would be slippery. He stated he would prefer composite materials which would be comprised of plastic and wood combination rather than trex. Director Merkel stated Leathers & Associates would recommend the materials the City should use. When the preliminary materials list is provided it will include a list of suggested materials to be used. Safety issues would be considered when recommending materials for repair and renovation. Chairman Peterson stated he believes Fort McHenry is worth expending $500 to obtain the consultatiori from Leathers & Associates. Alderman Schaefer concurred. He stated when the results of the $500 consultation are received, the City can utilize in-house Staff to advise how to move forward. Pursuing the $500 consultation would not entail the City being required to follow through-on with continuing to utilize the services of Leathers & Associates. Alderman Glab stated the uniqueness of the park is its all-wood design. It is the "wood park" and has its own personality. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting � June 9, 2010 Page 4 Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to accept Staff's recommendation to proceed with obtaining a consultation with Leathers & Associates in the amount of $500 to secure the following: a. A hand-drawn schematic drawing showing the proposed changes to the park; b. A preliminary materials list; c. A proposal of Leathers' fees to develop the design, finalize the materials list, manage the project, and provide on-site construction supervision. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion: McHenry Zone Skate Park Renovation Director Merkel stated there are problems with the wood ramps at the skate park. The concrete areas have held up very well. Staff has recommended the wood ramps need to be replaced. The exposure to the elements, pounding and vibrations from use have caused the ramps to decompose, especially the plywood on the underside, where it is exposed to earth and moisture. Staff is seeking direction on how to proceed with repairs to the park. � Alderman Glab inquired how the City handles use of the park. He questioned whether there were entry or use fees, and if the park is supervised by Staff. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded there are no use fees charged to park users. There is minimal Staff supervision during short periods of time on weekends during the warmer months. Due to recent budget constraints, the City has reduced the number of hours the facility is supervised in an effort to reduce expenses. Chairman Peterson inquired if the City is anticipating replacing wood ramps with new wood ramps or would Staff recommend replacement with something such as precast metal ramping. Director Merkel stated there are several alternatives available. None of the potential means of providing new ramps is inexpensive, however. He stated a manufactured ramp is available. There are several firms which offer a manufactured ramp. Each has ranges of manufactured ramps available to choose from: $25,000 or less; $50,000-$75,000; and $75,000 - $100,000. Alderman Schaefer noted metal ramps might rust. Chairman Peterson noted manufacturers could use stainless steel bolts. It was noted stainless steel would be very expensive. Director Merkel stated Staff is seeking Committee direction to pursue Requests for Proposals for replacement of ramps in the skate park. The RFP's could be secured in the next � couple of months. Staff would come back to the Committee at its September meeting with Parks and Rec�eation Committee Meeting � June 9, 2010 Page 5 proposals for the Committee's consideration. He stated the firms submitting proposals could make presentations before the Committee in September. Alderman Schaefer inquired if it was the City's intent to retain the BMX portion of the park or to go solely with skate park ramp and street features. Director Merkel responded Staff intends to retain the BMX portion of the park. Some discussion followed regarding funding sources and availability to repair skate park ramps and elements. Director Merkel noted funding could come from Developer ponations. Alderman Glab stated he is opposed to spending money needlessly at this time, citing the recent Council discussions regarding lack of available funding to maintain current level of services. He requested prior annexation agreement language be investigated which would allow park developer donation funds to be used or restricted from park repairs and/or maintenance. Assistant City��dministrator Hobson stated he would research the issue for Alderman Glab. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to seek Requests for Proposals for skate park ramp and street feature repairs and/or replacement with proposals to be presented before the Committee at its September regularly scheduled meeting. � Staff Reuorts Annual Forestry Report Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt presented the annual forestry report to the Committee. He provided a copy of the report which included goals and a report of accomplishments during the 2009 calendar year. A discussion occurred regarding the 50-50 parkway tree planting program. It was noted the City has no current funding available to offer the 50-50 program during this fiscal year. Discussion followed regarding ways to encourage resident tree planting in spite of the City's lack of providing a subsidy for the program. It was suggested the City could oversee tree planting in subdivisions or neighborhoods, and perhaps more trees would be planted, even if there was no City financial participation. Targeted subdivisions could be those which were formerly agricultural in lise as they would have the least amount of trees already planted within them. In response to an inquiry, Director Merkel noted most recent subdivisions have been planted and supervised by tlle forestry department. Alderman Glab noted the trees planted in Legend Lakes Subdivision were not planted in very good locations. While they appear nice enough now, many will be lost when the roadways are expanded as they were planted too close to the right-of-way. Superintendent Schmidt noted tree pruning is being done on a cyclic basis. He noted � which subdivisions were pruned in 2009. In response to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer, Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting � June 9, 2010 Page 6 Superintendent Schmidt stated the reasons for pruning trees are many, including training the trees so that tlley do not overhang sidewalks and streets, ensuring that trees grown straight up, reducing the canopy to prevent future wind damage, removing dead wood, and providing for stronger healthier trees. Alderman Schaefer questioned whether tree pruning is a need or a want. Superintendent Schmidt responded it is a need. He stated Public Works Street Division trims street trees. Parks Maintenance employees trim park trees. Alderman Glab noted when Commonwealth Edison trims trees, they tend to overdo it and hack up the City's trees. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated when Commonwealth Edison ran ne�vlines from their new facilities, they met with City officials and indicated the path they would take in order to reduce unnecessary tree trimming. Alderman Glab questioned why the City does not have a permitting process which would require Commonwealth Edison to secure a permit and provide a plan for an approved route where tree trimming would occur. He opined the Citv should create an ordinance and establish guidelines to prohibit over-trimming of trees in the City. Superintendent Schmidt stated tree removals were also conducted last year on an as- needed basis. �-Ie suggested in the future plans should include replacement of one tree for each 10"of caliper removed. � Some discussion followed regarding tree maintenance on private property. Superintendent Schmidt noted trees should be removed when they are predominantly dead. Superintendent Schmidt reported on insect control, noting there is no evidence of emerald ash borer or gypsy moth yet this year. The Japanese beetles will likely be a problem but it will be later in the st�mmer during warmer weather. Chairman Peterson suggested information be included in the City newsletter to provide residents with ideas for improving the health of their trees on private property. Superintendent Schmidt continued with his forestry report. Alderman Glab inquired when creek cleaning typically occurs. Superintendent Schmidt responded creek cleanup occurs during winter months. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted the public works crews walk the creek during the winter months to clean up debris that accumulates during the year. They also remove fallen trees and branches from the waterway. Alderman Glab stated as the City is no longer weed-whacking, the waterways will overflow their hanks. Superintendent Schmidt stated the City maintains its Tree City USA status annually. Because the C ity conducts regular brush pickup, tree trimming and removal, and annual Christmas Tree recycling program, it is able to maintain the Tree City USA designation. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting � June 9, 2010 Page 7 Alderman Glab inquired as to the benefits to the City to being designated a Tree City USA. Superintendent Schmidt responded the City is then eligible for grant monies; however, no grants are cun•ently available. He stated the City would benefit from extra points in grant application processes as a result of the designation. New Business Alderman Schaefer inquired as to the possibility of fences being installed at Fields 3 and 4 at Petersen P��rk. He noted from a safety standpoint, the existing fences are not safe and are not high enough to protect the teams in the dugouts nor the fans watching in the stands. He urged Staff to keep tliis matter on the front burner. He noted he is not certain if fencing or screening would be best, �ut that some option should be considered. Assista�it City Administrator Hobson noted he met with representatives of the Pigtail League who arc thinking about a $15,000 offer to assist in the fencing issue at Fields 3 and 4. A quote was sought to install the fencing and a quote came in at $40,000, which included backstop and fencing for both fields. Director Merkel noted those fields were initially designed for soft pitch and are now being utilized by more fast pitch teams. This matter could be scheduled for consideration at the � September committee meeting. Alderman Glab noted the weed issue in McCullom Lake is pretty bad; they are very thick everywhere. Additionally, the amount of carp in the lake is the worst he has ever seen. Director Merkel noted the City has a lake management agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources who manages the carp. Alderman Glab suggested Staff look into a species of carp which eats plant life. He suggested they might be called green leaf carp or grass carp. Director Merkel noted there is a delicate balance which must be maintained in the lake. If too few carp are introduced it v��on't work to clean up the lake and if too many are brought in they will eat everything. Brief discussion ensued regarding Eurasian milfoil. Chairman Peterson requested Staff contact the Illi�iois Department of Natural Resources and obtain a report regarding McCullom Lake managem�,nt for the committee's September meeting. Director Merkel noted the last milfoil treatment was in 2004 and cost the City $15,000. He noted herbicide treatments need to be done early in the spring. He opined the City would never be able to totally eradicate the milfoil from the lake. Alderman Glab stated he had never seen so many carp in the lake as he has seen this year. � Parks and Recr�ation Committee Meeting � June 9, 2010 Page 8 Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 p.m. Aye: Schaefer, Peterson. Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfull sub ' t � Robert J. Peterson, airman � �