HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/8/2010 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING �-- Wednesday, September 8, 2010 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt and City Clerk Jones. Public in attendance: None. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Inaut No one participated in Public Input. Discussion Regardin�McHenry Zone Skate Park/ Wooden Ramp Renovation Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that proposals were solicited frorn seven vendors of modulax skate park ramps and apparatus for the renovatian of the wooden ramp section of the Skate Park. It was requested that the proposals be separated � into three difference budget levels, $50,000, $75,000 and $100,000. Director Merkel stated that the companies were instructed to submit proposals illustrating a creative design using a modular pre-fabricated system that would feature ramps and a variety of urban street features. Three companies submitted proposals: • American Ramp Company, Joplin, MO ■ Ramparts Skate Park System—Canada, Rep. Team Reil, Union, II., ■ Spohn Ranch Skate Parks, Inc., Industry, CA Several designs were presented in the three budget options and Director Merkel provided examples. Each contained a variety of materials, designs and a list of installations in the Chicago/Milwaukee areas. Staff is seeking direction regarding research of the following: ■ Durability and quality of product; ■ Maintenance issues experienced by surrounding communities; ■ Installation and customer service experience of the communities who have purchased the equipment; and ■ Availability and follow-up service on replacement parts. Director l�Terkel informed the Committee that Staff is seeking the Committee's recommendation on the project which can be forwarded to the Finance and Fersonnel Committee for consideration during the 2011/2012 budget process. �— Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer regarding the direction other municipalities are looking at regarding skate parks, Director Merkel informed the Committee Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 3, 2010 Page 2 �' that steel fr ame seems to be the first choice. In response to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry regaxding �vhether anything is salvageable, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt opined it is unlikely. Alderman(ilab inquired about the cost of the original ramps. Director Merkel responded it is difficult to say with certainty because originally there were a number of volunteers and contributioiis to the Skate Pazk. Alderman Schaefer opined it would be good to see the project lead by community involvement again. Alderman Glab stated the City is unlikely to see that level of community involvement regarding this project as the skateboarding trend has declined. Alderman Glab stated he w��uld like to deternune community interest level in this project prior to committing funds for repair or renovation. Superintendent Schmidt stated that the condition of the facility (i.e, nails popping up out of the ramps) may be a factor regarding why attendance is dropping. � discussion ensued regarding how to ascertain community interest level in the project. Chairman Peterson suggested a public meeting be held to evaluate the level of interest in the community regarding the project. Alderman Glab suggested Staff speak with representatives of Sports Authority, Dick's and Trend Cellar in an effort to ascertain what the trend might be. Staff was directed to make preparations for an open house meeting in October to gauge �. public interest in the project. Discussion Regarding Fort McHenry Proposed Improvements Director Merkel reiterated to the Committee that renovation of the Fort McHenry Playground was discussed at the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting held on June 9, 2010. At that time Staff was directed to contact Leathers & Associates and request additional information regarding renovation costs and schematic plans for proposed improvements. Leathers & Associates proved a proposal and preliminary cost estimate in the amount of $77,800 ($27,800 for design, consultation and construction management: $50,000 for construction material cost). Key items in the scope of work include: ■ Sand and seal with pigmented sealer ■ Replace all decking with a composite plastic(Trex) ■ Replace or cap the majority of handrails with a composite plastic (Trex) ■ Replace trim cap on balusters • Replace the majority of vertical 2x4s with a composite material (Trex) reducing the contact with wood and overall maintenance; ■ Top off the safety surfacing by adding an additional 8" ■ Repair shaky stairs ■ Keep swing beam and structure but replace all swing seats and hardware ■ Replace slides with plastic slide; spiral, bumpy, tunnel/tube. Left turn slide is okay ■ Add additional sand � � Rebuild overhead equipment (horizontal ladder, zigzag ladder, rings and low rings and ladder Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 3, 2010 Page 3 `'" ■ Replace steering wheels ■ Re-l�uild a few sections around some of the slides where needed ■ Isol:�te and label the tot area specifically for ages 2-5. Responding: to an inquiry regarding having a different firm doing the construction, Director Merkel not��d concerns with liability. He doubted another designer would be interested in repairs and renovation on a project designed by Leathers & Associates. Superintendent Schmidt o�ined that he believed, should any significant repairs be made by another firm, Leathers& Associates would have to sign off on them. It was noted it might be difficult to obtain the level of donations and community participation that was achieved when the project was originally conceived and built. Alderman Schaefer agreed and opined that it would take a committee, lead by 2 or 3 passionate individuals. He suggested talking to Debbie Glick regarding any ideas she might have since she spearheaded the original project. Assistant City Administrator Hobson indicated that with community participation he is concerned that the timeframe for the renovation and repair would expand. He suggested asking whether Leathers & Associates has ever supervised a project that has been contracted out rather than community generated. It was the consensus of the Committee that Staffwill: �- ■ Inquire whether Leathers & Associates has supervised projects that have been contracted out rather than community generated; and ■ Former Fort McHenry community leaders will be contacted regarding pa.rticipation in the renovation project. Staffwill report its findings to the Committee at a future committee meeting. Petersen Park Ball Field Fencing Renovation/Snecifications Director Merkel informed the Committee that the sideline fencing and backstops at Fields 3 and 4 at Petersen Park are in need of renovation. He noted that neither field has had any repairs or replacement of fencing for several years. Director Merkel provided the committee with a brief history of each field. Director Merkel indicated that the McHenry Pigtail League uses Field 3 e�ensively for girl's fast pitch league and tournaments. He stated that during the last few years, discussions have taken place with the Pigtail League regarding a new design to provide additional fencing for player and spectator safety. Additionally, sideline and dugout fencing needs to be raised and the backstop fencing needs to be replaced. Field 4 requires the same fencing improvements. Field 4 was originally designed for younger age groups, but is now being scheduled for a higher level of play with the addition of the outfie(d fence and lighting. L Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 3, 2010 Page 4 �-' Director M�rkel announced that the Pigtail League has expressed an interest in contributing an amount between $10,000 and $15,000 toward this renovation project. He stated that the remainder c�f the funding would be derived from Park Developer ponations. Staff is reqi�esting that the Committee review the project and recommend the information be provided to Council for approval to go out for bid. A discussion ensued. Motion by Glab, seconded by Schaefer, to recommend the repair and/or replacement of fencing at �'ields 3 and 4 in Petersen Park be presented to Council for approval to go out for bid. Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Peterson. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Staff Renorts to Committee A. McCullom Lake Milfoil Treatment Costs Superintendent Schmidt informed the committee that the last time McCullom Lake was treated for Milfoil was in 2005. The lake is in need of fan aquatic treatment program. Superintendent Schmidt provided a summary of the condition of the lake. Copies of a proposal for a 2011 Aquatic Treatment Program, received from Clarke, was provided to the committee. The proposal amounted to a minimum of$17,622.75 \.. and a maximum of$26,531.65, depending on the treatment provided. Chairman Peterson opined that if the condition of the lake is as bad as portrayed the entire lake should be treated rather than portions. Superintendent Schmidt suggested an initial full-lake treatment with annual portion follow-ups. Responding to an inquiry from the committee, Director Merkel indicated that this treatment is normally not budgeted and is only contracted on an as-needed basis. Responding to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry regarding the possibility of using grant funds, Director Merkel stated that this is considered maintenance and there are no grant funds available to his knowledge. However, the program could be put out for bid. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated the Tourism Fund could possibly be used for the treatment. Following a brief discussion, Assistant City Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that he would explore funding options and return to the Committee with information regarding his findings. New Business Alderman Schaefer informed the committee that he has been approached by certain residents living along Boone Creek who have indicated that they would like to have access for their � boats. Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted that providing access involves dredging, a Parks and R ecreation Committee Meeting September K, 2010 Page 5 `-' costly ende�ivor. He noted that at some point in the past a SSA (Special Service Area) was offered regarding the project and little interest in an SSA was exhibited. The ne� nieeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, November l 0, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. Adiournment Motion by ��chaefer, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Aye Glab, Schaefer, Peterson. Nay None. Abs�:nt: None. Motion carried. Re ctfu su i d, Robert J. Peterso , hairman � ��