HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/3/2010 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer (amved at 7:15 p.m.) Staff in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Park Forestry and Planning, Deputy Clerk Kunzer. Guests: Helen Glab. Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Public Input Session There was no one in attendance who wished to address the Committee during the Public Input Session. Discussion: Park& Recreation Facilitv ConstrucNon (PARC) Grant Pro�ram Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated Staff had been advised of the availability of grant funding through Illinois Department of Natural Resources Parks and Recreation Facility Construction (PARC) Grant Program. To that end, Staff assembled information with the target of making application for grant funding for the renovation/update of Fort McHenry and `' renovation of the Skatepark. However, Staff was recently informed the grant funding is targeted for capital development bricks and mortar (i.e. permanent infrastructure) projects. Park improvements such as renovation of Fort McHenry or the Skatepark would not qualify for the grant funding. Playground improvements are not eligible for PARC funding. He requested ideas from the committee for which PARC grant application could be made. Chairman Peterson suggested Skatepark lighting or McCullom Lake boat launch might be appropriate and eligible. Alderman Schaefer suggested constructing washroom facilities would be a possibility. Director Merkel responded he knows of a firm which constructs prefab washroom which are plumbed and wired for electricity. As it would be difficult to prepare architectural designs in time for the November 29'h grant submittal deadline, the prefab building might be a possibility. He inquired as to which park(s) the addition of washroom facilities would be most appropriate and/or needed. Alderman Schaefer noted the two largest parks which would benefit most from the addition of washrooms wc�uld be Fox Ridge Park and Shamrock Farms Park. He noted both are very large facilities that are heavily utilized and do not have permanent washroom facilities. � Parks and Recreatio i Committee Meeting November 3,2010 Page 2 Alderman Glat� inquired if the addition of washroom facilities would increase the workload of `.. maintenance staff: i.e. opening, closing and regular maintenance. Director Merkel noted the Police Department CSO's close all parks buildings each evening. Alderman Glab suggested a good project to be submitted for grant approval might be the original plan created for Petersen Park skating pond at the north end of the beach. He opined the project could include converting the canopied building into a skaters' warming hut. He further suggested the need to make recreational ice skating appealing through the addition of music, lighting, etc. Director Merkel noted there has been very little interest in recreational ice skating in the community. The only viable ice skating activity seems to be ice hockey which has been played on the Freund Field rink. Alderman Schaefer stated he liked the idea of adding washroom facilities to Fox Ridge and Shamrock Farms Parks. He noted the facilities are needed and would be heavily utilized by families frequenting the parks. He inquired if Staff would be able to meet the November 29`n grant submittal deadline. Assistant City Administrator Hobson inquired if there was still a planned wellhouse/washroom facility for the Shamrock Farms Park as designated in the Parks Master Plan. Director Merkel responded due to the changes in Homeland Security resulting following the September lltn events, a combination facility is no longer possible. � Brief discussion followed regarding the assembling of documents required for the PARC grant program submittal. Director Merkel stated Staff will procure the needed materials and make every effort to submit the application by the required deadline. Alderman Glab inquired if the City could construct a boat launch on the river and apply for grant funding for this project as well. Discussion ensued regarding the number of boat slips and boat launches in the City. It was pointed out by Assistant City Administrator Hobson that the City would be unable to construct a boat launch unless another one in the City is abandoned/vacated as there is a moratorium on the construction of any additional boat launches by the State. Chairman Peterson expressed his desire to make application for grant funding for the washroom facilities at Fox Ridge and Shamrock Farms Parks. Director Merkel requested the committee prioritize whicli facility would be most desirable in the event only one is granted. Discussion followed regarciing the use of both parks and the fact that the configuration of Fox Ridge Park might be altere�i if/when the School District 15 property is forfeited to the City in 2011. In response to an inquiry, Director Merkel stated the approval criteria used during the grant application pro�;ess includes: 1. Need for the project in the community; 2. Support from the community that the project would be desired; 3. Plannin,�for the designated project is in place; 4. Having the project comply with approved plans for park development. � Parks and Recreatic n Committee Meeting November 3,2010 Page 3 Director Merkel noted having the approved Parks Master Plan in place greatly supports the �- application). Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to direct Staff to: 1. prepare and submit Park and Recreation Facility Construction Grant Program Applications for the construction and placement of pre-fabricated washroom facilities at Fox Ridge Park and Shamrock Park, as presented, by the November 29, 2010 grant submittal deadline; 2. prepare a resolution in support of the PARC Grant Application to be presented for Council consideration at its November 15, 2010 regularly scheduled meeting; 3. include the approved resolution in the grant submittal documents to be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on November 29, 2010. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion: Fort McHenry Plav�round Renovations Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted the original construction of Fort McHenry was a community-wicie volunteer project. He had contacted members of the original corps volunteer group to ascertain their interest in establishing a community-based volunteer effort to renovate Fort McHenry. The discussions resulted in the observation that volunteerism of the amount � required to accomplish the renovation project would likely not be achieved. Consequently, Staff is pursuing other options. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated Staff contacted Leathers and Associates, Fort McHenry design architectural firm, and inquired if they had any experience with municipalities hiring a private contractor to fulfill the construction purchase and installation components of the renovation project. Leathers and Associates responded in the affirmative. It is Staff's suggestion the Committee consider such a partnership in order to renovate Fort McHenry. Leathers and Associates would provide a project overseer/manager on-site to manage a contractor selected by the City to perform the park renovations. It was noted if this process is utilized the renovation would be accomplished much more quickly, efficiently, and effectively than if the project were done by volunteers. Alderman Schaefer inquired if it would be possible to hire a contractor and augment the work crew with volunteers. Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded there would be liability issues and noted Leathers and Associates would work solely with the selected contractor. A Leathers and Associates representative would be identified as the on-site construction manager. Suggestion was made to request an itemized list of materials and probable time frame to implement the 1•enovations by line item in order to assist contractors in the bidding process. In response to an inquiry, Assistant City Administrator Hobson noted the scope of the work would not change frorri that previously discussed regarding this project. He noted the language could be � worked into the• bid specifications that the project must be completed in a specific number of Parks and Recreaticn Committee Meeting November 3,2010 Page 4 days and that any overage in time expended (and requiring the Leathers and Associate � representative ��n-site as project manager) would be at the sole cost and liability of the contractor. Chairman Peterson and Alderman Schaefer expressed their concurrence that this would be the best way to proceed with the Fort McHenry renovations. Alderman Glab stated he was in favor of a contractor doing the work as opposed to a volunteer staff. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the City could ensure that the project is awarded to a business in the communitv, Assistant City Administrator Hobson responded the project would follow standard bid submittal and award procedures; no preferences could be made for local businesses as a result of the bidding process. Alderman Glab noted there would likely be many bids submitted and inquired if there would be criteria used and stipulation made to ensure that the contractor completed the work in a week (or time frame specified in the bid specifications). He opined this is a different type of project. He expressed concern that bidding contractors might not know or understand that the work must be completed in one week. Assistant City ,Administrator Hobson stated specifications prepared by Leathers and Associates could itemize the various components of the project, including the projected time to complete each portion of it. Their knowledge in managing other similar projects should afford them realistic time and material projections. In turn, this would assist contractors in bidding the project. � Director Merkel suggested a provision could be built into the Leathers and Associates contract allowing for delay in completion due to extenuating weather conditions. Alderman Glab suggested the contract with the contractor could include language providing for reimbursement to Leathers and Associates for additional time required to complete the project management. In response to an inquiry, Director Merkel noted there is a complete list of ADA specifications and criteria which must be met by the Playground Association as well. Leathers and Associates is aware of all required specifications for the renovations. Alderman Glab suggested bidders should submit references with their project bid. Discussion ensued regarding the means of ensuring a responsible qualified bidder. Assistant City .Administrator Hobson stated the Committee would be provided with a update regarding the project once Leathers and Associates submits their proposed cost estimate and proposed contract for the project. Discussion: McHenry Zone Skatenark Renovations Director Merkel reported approximately 35 participants attended the open house to discuss potential renovations and improvements to the McHenry Zone Skatepark. Discussion included � the best types of materials to use and preferred features to be included on the revamped Parks and Recreatio�i Committee Meeting November 3,2010 Page 5 Skatepark. The attendees provided Staff with a list of skateparks to be emulated as well as a list `... of parks which were not satisfactory in the judgment of typical users. Director Merkel noted a follow-up meeting was scheduled with 8-9 individuals who expressed a willingness to help design the park. It was noted there are no good steel surface ramps available. It was recommended to use ramps comprised of other elements. Director Merkel noted there were no BMX-ers who attended the meeting. However, a BMX portion of the park will be included in the park renovation plans. Director Merkel is seeking catalogues which would provide potential elements to be utilized in updating the Skatepark. He stated there are two companies which could provide designs which would be acceptable to the City and local Skatepark users. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the topic of the City's budget constraints was included in the discussions held with the 8-9 individuals who attended the Skatepark planning meeting. Director Merkel acknowledged the City's financial constraints were discussed at the meeting. Alderman Glab stated he attended the open house and noted most of the attendees were from out- of-town. He stated he wants to make sure that the Skatepark renovations are being done because City residents would like it done and would utilize the park and not solely at the request of out- of-town users. He opined the park is currently being used by kids drawn to the park from other areas and not City residents. He stated he has not determined if it is the desire of McHenry residents to update the park and therefore would not be supporting this project. � Discussion followed regarding the use of City parks in general. Director Merkel noted McHenry has always been a regional center for park facilities and programs, shopping, etc. Director Merkel stated Staff would prepare a design plan for the Skatepark and would provide it to two or three firms who regularly work with designing skateparks. Staff would then bring the matter back to Committee for review and consideration before recommendation to City Council. Staff Reuorts Supt. of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt reported he recently attended a Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), formerly NIPC, watershed planning meeting. He noted the Sleepy Hollow Creek Watershed Area includes McHenry Shores area. CMAP will eventually come before the City Council seeking support for its watershed preservation plan. Copies of the map of the watershed area were distributed to the Committee. Other Business Director Merke( stated the next Committee meeting would be held on January 5, 2011 at which time Staff would present proposals regarding Fort McHenry and McHenry Zone Skatepark renovations as ctiscussed this evening. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. � Voting Aye: Ulab, Schaefer, Peterson. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting November 3,2010 Page 6 Voting Nay: Vone. `-- Absent: Vone. Motion carried_ The meeting w:�s adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Robert Peterson, Chairman � �