HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/12/2011 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING L.. Wednesday,January 12, 2011 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:30 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt and City Clerk Jones. Public in attendance: Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Public Input No one participated in Public Input. Discussion ReEardin� Fort McHenry Renovation -Uadate Director Merkel informed the Committee that Staff has been working with Leathers & Associates regarding estimates received in connection with the Fort McHenry playground renovations. Information has been received proposing the following options: � Option No. 1: With minimal maintenance the current structure should last approximately another 5 years +/-, This option provides the City with a playground containing a wooden structure, somewhat out of date with safety standards. Option No. 2: Use volunteers to renovate the existing project fairly substantially, which would increase the lifespan of the structure 10 plus years, while also bringing it up to date from a safety standpoint. Cost: approximately$78,000. Option No. 3: The same renovation described in Option No. 2, using a contractor, would cost approximately $94,000, based upon a 3-week build, working 6, 12-hour days per week. This amount does not include the contractor's fees. Option No. 4: Would replace the entire existing structure with a similar size playground utilizing the latest in recycled plastics and volunteers to build would cost approximately $195,000. The structure would be good for approximately 30 years. Option No. 5: Replacing the existing structure as described in Option No. 4, using a contactor model, would cost approximately $220,000, based on a 5-week build, working 6, 12-hour days per week. This structure would be good for approximately 30 years. It was noted that with the contractor model there could be ways to save costs, but it would depend on the model used and the contractor involved. The contractor estimates do not include the contractor costs. �" Chairman Peterson opined he did not believe the time frame in Option No. 3 (i.e., 3 week build working 6, 12-hour days per week) is practical. Parks and R.ecreation Committee Meeting January 12, 2011 Page 2 `-- Chairman Peterson stated he was leaning towards Option No. 1. Superintendent Schmidt noted that tlie entire structure, based upon the premise of Option No. 1, would be obsolete in 5 years. Alderman Schaefer indicated some concerns with the lifespan of 10 years in Option No. 2. Superintendent Schmidt stated that Option No. 2 would buy an additional 10 years to the existing stnicture; however, he noted the structure would have to be completely rebuilt in ten years. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Director Merkel provided from memory the approximate cost of building the original playground. Alderman �31ab inquired about the amount currently in the Developer ponation Fund. Assistant (�ity Administrator Hobson stated the amount currently in the Fund is approximately$1 million. Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Peterson regarding the definition of "minimal maintenance" in Option No. 1, Director Merkel stated that minimal maintenance is basically sanding, re-pounding in popped nails and re-sealing. Alderman Glab opined that it is unlikely that the renovation project would elicit the same quantity of volunteers that worked on the original structure. He suggested the project be �-- outlined and the contractor's portion should be put out for bid. Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Peterson, Alderman Glab stated that if he had to pick an option he would find someone else to do the work. He indicated concerns with the City not getting the best deal possible if Leathers & Associates is recommending certain goods and services. Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Peterson regarding Option No. 4, Director Merkel affirmed that materials and the services of Leathers & Associates is included in the amount. A discussion ensued regarding different materials that could be used for the project. Chairman Peterson stated that he likes Option 2 and Option 3; however, after looking at Option Nos. 4 and 5, he seriously considered Option No. 1. He noted in light of the cunent economy it might be a good idea to wait and see where the City is financially in 5 years. Chairman Peterson inquired what would be necessary to move forward with Option No. 1. Director Merkel stated the structure would require power washing, re-finishing, sealing the structure, change out some swings and add some new mulch. Assistant City Administrator Hobson opined that Option No. 1 would buy the City some time without the investment of a great deal of money. Alderman (�lab inquired as to the of constructing a new swimming pool. Director Merkel stated it would cost approximately $2.5 - $3 million. Alderman Glab opined that if the City is going to have to consider replacing the swimming pool in the near future the Committee needs to be conservative regarding what is spent now. � Parks and R ecreation Committee Meeting January 12, 2011 Page 3 `- Responding to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry regarding the amount currently in the fund for the Recreation Center, Assistant City Administrator Hobson indicated there is approximately $3.5 million in the fund. Alderman Schaefer opined he would be interested in seeing precisely what the cost would be for actual work that that would be required in connection with Option No. 1. However, long- term, he would like to see the entire structure replaced and favors either Option 4 or Option 5. Chairman Peterson instructed Staff to accumulate data regarding the cost of renovation and repairs according to Option No. 1 and provide the information to the Committee at its March 2011 meeting. Director Merkel suggested the possibility of obtaining a grant for the renovation. He noted that even if� a grant was obtained it would not be received until July 2011 and the basic maintenance (per Option No. 1) would still have to be performed. Alderman Schaefer stated he supports looking into a grant, performing the necessary repairs according to Option No. 1, and then, if the grant is obtained, moving forward with Option No. 5. It was the consensus of the Committee that Staff should: �— • attempt to obtain a grant for the complete renovation of Fort McHenry; • acquire data regarding the cost of necessary renovation and repairs according to Option No. 1; • provide the information to the Committee at its March 2011 meeting. Discussion Regardin�McHenry Zone Skate Park Renovation -Uadate Director Merkel stated Staff has been working with one of the Skate Park ramp manufacturers in an effort to come up with a revised renovation plan. The revised plan is based upon input from the focus group meetings conducted by Staff with local skaters and BMX riders. He stated the revised plan is an effort to recreate the best features of the existing park layout and to introduce a larger area for beginners. Director Merkel noted that all the new ramps are steel frame/skatelite structures with the exception of one precast concrete feature in the beginner's area. The first plan submitted (No. 4229) includes most of the features desired by the focus group. The plan has numerous ramps and skate/bike elements found in the existing park. The cost of this plan is $269,904.42 for the X-Series (steel frame/skatelite). An alternate cost was submitted for the Stealth Series in the amount of $185,043.00. The Stealth Series is constructed with 2 x 6 treated lumber frame w/skatelite surfacing. A second plan (No. 4237) was submitted. Plan No. 4237 has less equipment and eliminates `-- most of the features that would be desired by the BMX riders. This plan would leave Parks and R ecreation Committee Meeting January 12, 2011 Page 4 �' approximatcly one third of the concrete surface open. Price quotes for this plan are $102,094.27 for the X-Series and $71,448.63 for the Stealth Series. Director Merkel informed the Committee that the next step in the planning process would be to establish a budget for the renovation project. When proposals were originally solicited from numerous skate ramp manufacturers Staff requested $50,000, $75,000 and $100,000 concept pla�is. The $100,000 proposals were the only plan that came close to providing the same number of ramps and skate features as the City's existing facility. Director Merkel stated that i�l order to provide a quality skate park design and new equipment the City may be looking at an expenditure in the $100,000 to $200,000 range. Staff suggested presenting the plans to the original focus group to gather any feedback and suggestions to develop a final design. If a reduction in the scope of the project is necessary, Staff would like the input of the focus group on what primary features should be retained. Chairman Peterson inquired about whether there had been any discussion regarding off-site BMX riding. Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee that it was discussed that off- site BMX riding was to be positioned at the east side of the park, but nothing ever came of it. Alderman Glab opined that the cost is high. Alderman Schaefer concurred that the cost is high for the amount of use the park gets. Alderman Schaefer suggested a partnership with the City and some fundraising opportunities. � Chairman Peterson opined that he supports Staffs suggestion of discussing the use of the Skate Park with the users. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer, Director Merkel stated that the Skate Park does not qualify for any grants because it is a renovation. Alderman Glab inquired as to the original cost of constructing the Skate Park incurred by the City. Director Merkel informed the Committee that a portion of the project was paid for by donations. Superintendent Schmidt stated that he seemed to recall that the entire cost was approximately$3 million. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer, Superintendent Schmidt stated that the condition of the concrete in the bowl is good. It was the consensus of the Committee that Staff should present the proposed plans to the focus group and report the findings to the Committee at its March meeting. Forestry Grant ProErams Emerald Ash Borer Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee that there are two grant opportunities from the Metropalitan Mayors Caucus. The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus is seeking to fund the � development and implementation of community level plans that guide the strategic management of urban forest resources affected or threatened by the Emerald Ash Borer. Parks and R ecreation Committee Meeting January 12, 2011 Page 5 `-' Superintendent Schmidt stated the deadline for receipt of proposals is January 21, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. 'I'he grants are a 80/20 match program based on reimbursable costs and in-kind services. Superintendent Schmidt stated obtaining an updated parkway tree inventory would provide the City witti information about specific tree species and how to manage them. Responding to an inquiry, Superintendent Schmidt stated that approximately 18% of the trees in the City are Ash. Illinois Technicat Assistance Grant The Technic:al Assistance Grant is for conducting inventories or development management plans for urban forest resources. Illinois Urban Forest Restoration Grant The Urban Forest Restoration Grant is an opportunity to plan, evaluate, remove and plant trees affected by Emerald Ash Borer. The only allowable costs for this grant program include the costs of trees and costs associated with planting trees. Alderman Glab opined that if any trees are to be replaced along Curran Road the trees should be removed from the right-of-way. Superintendent Schmidt indicated that those trees likely will be gone because they are Ash. � 2011 Committee Meetin�Dates Director Merkel provided the Committee with the proposed dates for committee meetings in 2011 together with a preliminary list of agenda items. Meetings would be held in the Aldermen's Conference Room at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise specified. The proposed dates are: � January 12, 2011 • February 23, 2011 (Athletic League Meeting) • March 9, 2011 � May 11, 2011 � September 7, 2011 • November 9, 2011 Director Merkel noted that he will likely be on vacation on September 7, 2011. The proposed agenda items for discussion are: � IDNEt Grants/Washrooms Fox Ridge Park and Shamrock Farms Park • IDNE�Forestry Grants/Tree inventory and Tree Plantings • Fort McHenry Renovations � • McHenry Zone Skate Park Renovations • McC'ullom Lake Milfoil Treatment Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 12, 2011 Page 6 �' • Boat Launch Access Grant Application—McCullom Lake • Court Resurfacing/Petersen Park and Knox Park Tennis Courts and Freund Field Basketball Court • Veteran's Park Gazebo Roof Replacement • Legcnd Lakes Tot Lot Plans—Neighborhood 6 �� This is cunently a vacant lot. The city acquired the lot in the bankruptcy settlement • Recreation Center Discussion—New facility or renovation of existing building Additional items which may be discussed include: • Dog Park • Fox Ridge Park School Property(comes up December 31, 2011) � Knox Park Swimming Pool � Thatcher Meadows Impact Staff Report A. P.A.R.0 Grant Submissions and Status Director Merkel informed the Committee that the City has submitted two park development grants for the construction of washroom/storage facilities at Fox Ridge Park and Shamrock Farms Park. The IDNR P.A.R.C. Grant program has $25 million available for 2011. A total of 267 grant applications were submitted requesting $240 � million in funding. Following IDNR staff evaluation in January, recommendations on project funding will be made to the IDNR Director in spring 201 l. B. Athletic League Scheduling Meeting Director Merkel informed the Committee that the annual meeting with community youth and adult athletic leagues has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be posted as a Parks and Recreation Committee meeting to comply with the Open Meetings Act. New Business Chairman Peterson requested a status report at the March meeting regarding how online registration is functioning in the Parks and Recreation Department. Assistant City Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that the program has been working well and is receiving good reviews from the public. Assistant City Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that he received a call from a representative at the high school regarding the possibility of re-opening the tennis court renovation project discussion. He provided the Committee with a brief review of the project and shared iise agreement, which was put on hold in May 2010. Alderman Glab opined that he did not see why the City would invest in the high school project when the City parks tennis courts need extensive work. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated that the high school tennis courts are accessible to everyone in the community. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting January 12, 2011 Page 7 � Alderman Glab inquired about Thatcher Meadows and the possible impact the development may have on the City of McHenry's parks and facilities. He suggested that as the developme�it progresses Staff should look into raising non-resident rates. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9, 2(111 in the Aldermen's Conference Room. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Aye: Peterson, Glab, Schaefer. Nay: None. Abs��nt: None. Motion carried. Res ctfully sub ' , \� , Robert J. Peters Chairman �. �