HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/9/2011 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING �— Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Recreation Witt and City Clerk Jones. Public in attendance: Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Alderman Santi arrived at 7:30 p.m. Public Inuut No one participated in Public Input. Discussion Re�ardin�McHenry Zone Skate Park Renovation Update Director Merkel mformed the Committee that Staff inet with the Skate Park focus group on February 9, 2011, to review the plans that had been discussed with the Committee at its � January 12. 2011 meeting. Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Alderman Peterson, he indicated that approximately seven individuals attended the focus group meeting. Two sets of plans were evaluated and discussed. Director Merkel stated the comments were generally positive with the following suggested changes: • Two of the large ramp areas for the BMX were reduced in size; • One fun box was eliminated and two steel grind rails were added; • One small BMX ramp was eliminated; and • The configuration of the remaining fun box was changed to add a pyramid feature. The estimated costs for the project range from a high of$202,737, for an all steel system, to a low of$19R,301, for the wood frame/skatelite system. The cost estimates received included an installation fee, which was not included with the previously submitted plans. The installation fee(s) range from $19,229 to $28,563, depending on the type of system. Director Merkel stated that Staff believes the costs would be slightly lower once Requests for Quotes are solicited and the bidding becomes competitive. Director Merkel informed the Committee that the cost for renovation of the wood design park would be in the $160,000 - $180,000 range. Staff is requesting direction from the Committee whether to move ahead and solicit price quotations for the plans submitted or to further reduce the scope of the project. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting March 9, �O 11 Page 2 � Chairman Alderman Peterson opined that the price seems rather high. Alderman Glab concurred with Chairman Alderman Peterson and shared his concerns with the Committee regarding the number of non-residents that use the City's facilities. Chairman Alderman Peterson suggested that Staff research some more competitive pricing and if the amounts are reasonable then present it to Council for consideration. Alderman Schaefer expressed surprise at the amounts put forth by Staff, as he recalled when the project was brought forth the discussions were renovations in the $50,000 to $100,000 range. Responding to an inquiry, Director Merkel indicated there was approximately$1.5 million in the Developer ponations Fund. It was the consensus of the Committee that Staff should obtain competitive bids from additional sources based upon the plans and diagrams obtained from ARC (American Ramp Company). Chairman Alderman Peterson noted that he was told that the present BMX structures are unsafe. Carol Chrisman suggested they be torn down before there is an accident and someone is severely hurt. Superintendent Schmidt and Superintendent Witt both agreed that � the present structures are unsafe in their current condition. Superintendent Schmidt assured the Committee that Staff would look closely at the present facility and if it cannot be repaired in a safe manner the facility would be removed. Motion by Glab, seconded by Schaefer, to direct Staff to obtain quotations regarding the cost to repair thc BMX facility to be brought before Council for consideration. Aye: Peterson, Glab, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Alderman Santi arrived at 7:30 p.m. Discussion Regardin�Do� Park Director Merkel reiterated to the Committee that in 2005 the City developed site plans and cost estimates for the development of a dog park at Riverside Hollow Park and Fox Ridge Park (West). Neither of the sites was developed due to neighborhood objections and high development costs. A third site was also considered at the north end of Petersen Park Farm, with access from the Home Depot lot. Access and high development costs are the main obstacles on this site. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting March 9, 2011 Page 3 � Staff has continued to seek suitable locations for this type of facility in the community and two additional potential sites have been identified: 1. IDOT FAP 420/North • This property is located between Kohl's and Best Buy, east of router 31 and could possibly be used with permission from IDOT. Access and parking may be granted by adjoining commercial property. Approximately 20 acres could be available. 2. Mc)�enry Municipal Center/Knox Park. • The City owned property west of the Municipal Building and south of Knox Park could be utilized until a recreation center or other municipal use is needed. Parking and access could be designated from the Knox Barn/Skate Park lot. The site could be as small as a few acres up to 10 acres in size. Director Merkel stated that both of these locations could be developed at less cost than the previous locations suggested due to the use of existing parking lots and minimal site development costs. Water is available at both locations and electric is accessible at Knox Park. The Vlunicipal Center site is the most visible and would permit staff to easily monitor and supervise. Director Merkel noted that a site for a Dog Park has been ranked high in the community needs assessment and Staff continuously receives inquiries. � Alderman Glab opined that FAP 420 is critical to the City of McHenry in the future and the property should be left clear. Alderman Glab continued, stating there is currently insufficient parking at the Municipal Center and he expressed concern regarding use of the parking facilities at the Municipal Center during peak periods during the work week. He suggested that consideration be given to construction of an additional parking lot. Director Merkel stated that the cost of constructing a new parking lot would be excessive. Alderman Santi expressed concerns regarding the Dog Park being a facility that is open 12- months per year and that it should be accessible during the winter months. Chairman Alderman Peterson stated that he supported Option No. 2. Alderman Schaefer stated that he would like to see the costs associated with both Option No. 1 and Option No. 2. Alderman Glab concurred with Alderman Schaefer and stated he would like to additionally see the cost of a parking lot with 100 spaces. Alderman (Jlab also opined that he would like to see some plans regarding where the Recreation Center would be located in the future and what the layout of the property would be. It was the consensus of the Committee the direct Staff to explore the feasibility of the two �. sites presented and to move forward with preliminary plans and cost estimates, including the cost of a parking lot with 100 additional spaces. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting March 9, 2011 Page 4 � Staff Reuorts to Committee A. P.A.R.C. Grant Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee that the City has submitted two park development grants for the construction of washroom/storage facilities at Fox Ridge Park and Shamrock Farms Park. The IDNR P.A.R.C. Grant program has $25 million available for 2011. A total of 267 grant applications were submitted requesting $240 million in funding. IDNR staff is evaluating all the applications, but Superintendent Schmidt indicated obtaining the grant does not look promising. B. Tree Grant Programs Urban Forest Restoration Grant Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee that the City of McHenry has been selected to receive an EAB Grant for Urban Forest Restoration in the amount of $7,420. The source of funding for the award is the 2008 Farm Bill Pest and Disease Revolving Loan Fund. Superintendent Schmidt noted that this Grant is to be used in the replacement of trees affected by the Emerald Ash Borer. Helen Glab suggested formation of an "Adopt a Tree"program. Technical Assistance Grant Superintendent Schmidt informed the Committee that the City of McHenry was not �- awarded the requested Technical Assistance Grant. He noted that it was implied that it v��as because the City did not have the resources to maintain the inventory. Superintendent Schmidt stated $900,000 in grant requests were submitted. Responding to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry regarding how far the Department has gotten with the inventory of trees in the City, Superintendent Schmidt indicated that with limited time and limited Staff they have been unable to make much headway. New Business Alderman Glab inquired about the weed issue on McCullom Lake. Director Merkel informed the Committee that milfoil remediation will be included in the budget for 2011/2012. However, while it would be ideal to address the remediation this year, it will likely not be done until April or May of 2012 due to the budget process. Alderman Glab inquired about the boat launch at West Beach. A discussion ensued. Director Merkel informed the Committee that there exists a boat launch grant. Chairman Alderman Peterson inquired about replacement of the swing set at West Beach since it seems a popular recreational location for families. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting March 9, 2011 Page 5 � Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Aye�: Peterson, Glab, Schaefer. Na��: None. Ab�ent: None. Motion carried. Res ct ll�.,su , ' Robert J. Peters , hairman � �