HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/12/2011 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � Wednesday, May 12, 2011 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, and Aldernian Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Assistant Administrator Hobson. Public in attendance: Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. Public Input No one participated in Public Input. Fort McHenry Renovation—OSLAD Grant Status Director Merkel stated Staff had been hoping to bring to the Committee a recommendation to proceed with an IDNR Grant for the Fort McHenry renovation. He noted he has been informed the governor has swept all of the grant funds for this year. Consequently there are no funds available for any projects that were submitted for approval last July and September. � All requests had been pending and will not be awarded due to the governor's recent action. Director Merkel noted if the City intends to submit a grant request during the next cycle, it looks very doubtful that the State would have any funds available. It is likely that all entities who submitted for grant funding last year, and were denied as a result of the governor's action, would resubmit during the new grant submittal cycle. Director Merkel stated the last discussion at Committee level regarding the Fort McHenry Renovation resulted in the direction that Staff submit for an OSLAD Grant at a 50% funding level. The Committee recommended that Leathers and Associates do the design work, obtain cost estimates and secure a 50% funding via grant. The facility would be renovated by a design presented by Leathers and built by contractor. Director Merkel stated the Committee must now decide if they want to make safety repairs which may last and delay total renovation for another five years, or to continue with the total renovation at this tirne. In response to Chairman Peterson's inquiry, Director Merkel stated if the City submits another grant for the project in July, the City would find out in December or January if the grant would be awarded the following year. Some discussion occurred regarding the likelihood or not of grant requests being awarded in the near future. The grant monies are amassed in a dedicated fund from real estate transfer taxes. The fund typically awards $25- $30 million per year. Alderman Schaefer noted the City could re-submit for the grant in July but would not find L' out until later in the year if the grant funding would be available. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the City could set aside funds to have the park rehabbed. Director Merkel stated if the park Parks and ltecreation Committee Meeting May 12, 2(i 11 Page 2 �- were completed redeveloped it could be paid for from developer donations. However, maintenance and partial rehab is a completely different matter. Alderman Glab concurred with Director Merkel noting the developer donations are meant for capital improvement projects and not for maintenance of existing sites. Assistant Administrator Hobson stated the City has become more liberal in expenditure of parks developer cionations than it was ten years ago. Alderman Glab suggested safety repairs be made that would help the park be usable for another four or five years, or until such time as more grant money becomes available for a complete renovation. Assistant Administrator Hobson noted previously the Committee had discussed making safety repairs to make the park usable at this time. Alderman Schaefer concurred with Alderman Glab, and stated the maintenance and general repair should be done to make the park safe. The City needs to look at where to draw the line on general maintenance. Alderman Glab opined all safety issued should be addressed. Additionally, the wood should be stained or it will deteriorate more quickly. Even if the City were to obtain a grant in five years, there might no longer be portions of the park worth saving. � Alderman Schaefer inquired if the City has a good maintenance inventory of what needs to be replaced and/or repaired at this time. Assistant Administrator Hobson responded Staff has a good maintenance inventory. Alderman Schaefer suggested Staff create a maintenance list including proposed expenses for the park safety repairs. Director Merkel noted some of the work would have to be contracted out, as Staff does not have the time to do it during the busy summer months. Assistant Administrator Hobson suggested Staff use the maintenance plan provided by Leathers and Associates, and have Staff target dollar amounts for the repairs and replacements and then come back to the Committee with a recommendation to make the repairs witli known costs. Assistant Administrator Hobson stated he would investigate whether the parks developer donations could be used for the repair and maintenance of the park. Aldennan Glab requested Staff find out what the minimum amount would be in order to qualify for using developer donations for such a project. Director Merkel noted Crystal Lake recently removed their Leathers-designed park and replaced it «ith more traditional park equipment. The City might want to decide if they want to spend thc amount of money needed to renovate this park or to choose to remove it and replace with a more traditional playground as it would be considerably less costly. Alderman Schaefer suggested that option might be more appropriate a couple of years from � now if it does not appear any grant funding would be available to renovate the current park. Parks and Itecreation Committee Meeting May 12, 2C 11 Page 3 �-- Some discussion followed regarding when the repairs would occur. It was decided the repairs would not occur until fall as it would not be possible to close the park during the summer months. It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to submit for an OSLAD Grant for the Fort McHenry Renovations in the upcoming grant cycle which commences in July. Review McHenry Zone Skatepark Price Ouotations Director Merkel reported at the March 9, 2011 meeting the Committee directed Staff to obtain price quotations for the most recent concept plan for skate park renovation . Quotations were submitted by two companies: Spohn Ranch $214,570.09 Am�rican Ramp $164,720.00 * American Ramp Alternate $198,880.00. Director Merkel noted Staff contacted a salvage company to come in and remove the existing ramps which came in at a cost of approximately $9,000. It is Staff's recommendation to send the request to Council to award the project to American Ramp Company in the amount of $164,720 as presented. Alderman Schaefer inquired as to the difference in durability between the two quotes submitted by American Ramp Company. Director Merkel responded both include materials � that would last for ten years. Assistant Administrator Hobson noted when discussions began regarding the repairs of the skate park, there was talk of$50,000 needed for this project. Today the repair costs are triple that amount. He inquired how far $50,000 or $75,000 would go toward making safety repairs to the existing ramps. Director Merkel stated the skate park was initially built by donors and volunteers of services and in-kind donations. There could be a liability issue so far as making repairs to the existing structures. In response to an inquiry, Superintendent Schmidt stated the decking has been reinforced so many times, there is very little left to the actual decking material. The surface has been removed two or three times. Each time the screws are put back in there is less area for them to actually connect to. Alderman Schaefer suggested if the City were to spend $50,000 then it should be spent on whatever that amount could pay for, as opposed to funding the entire project and spending such a large amount. He noted there are other worthy projects which could be considered as well. Chairman Peterson stated it is a tough decision to make; $165,000 is a lot of money. Assistant Administrator Hobson stated it may come down to deciding what the City chooses to pursue according to the Parks Master Plan. If there is a balance of$1 million in the parks � developer donation fund, how does the Committee see that money being spent — what is the big picture? As the Committee looks at all of its projects as a whole, where do projects fit, Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 12, 21)11 Page 4 �-- what are tt�e City's priorities? Perhaps it is not the best idea to spend $165,000 on the skate park. It m�ght be better to spend a less amount so that funds could be utilized to develop other portic�ns of the master plan. Discussion continued. Alderman Glab concurred with Assistant Administrator Hobson, noting the parks developer donation fi�nds should be expended wisely. Further discussion followed regarding ways to self-fund water parks, converting existing buildings to a recreation center and other park development ideas. Alderman Schaefer inquired if there is no consensus to proceed with the skate park repairs at the Committee level, would the matter still go to Council for consideration? Alderman Glab stated there could be a motion to recommend Staff's request or a motion to deny the request. Assistant Administrator Hobson suggested there could be a motion to take the matter to Council or not to take the matter to Council as is. Alderman Schaefer asked if the options are to go ahead with the repairs as indicated in the proposals or to shut the skate park down. Alderman Glab stated the City is either going to have to spend a lot of money in order to be able to use the parks developer donations, or not do the repairs, as there is no money in the General Fund budget to pay for the repairs. The Committee needs to decide if they want to spend this amount of money for this project — what portion would come (if any) from `. developer donations—or do we want to shut the skate park down? Chairman Peterson pointed out if the Committee decides not to proceed with the ramp repairs, there would still be a skate park with a bowl. Discussion continued. Assistant Administrator Hobson inquired if funds were used to provide maintenance to the skate park, would it buy the City a few years until extensive repairs would have to be done. Director Merkel responded that is unknown. General discussion followed regarding liability for injuries sustained in the skate park. Chairman Peterson pointed out that even if the City decides to spend $165,000 to repair the skate park at this time, there is no guarantee how long those repairs would last. He questioned whether this would be a wise expenditure of funds. Lengthy discussion continued along this vein. It was noted there is no funding available to maintain existing parks and that it would be unwise to utilize parks developer donations for this purpose. Alderman Glab inquired if it would be better to look at other projects to utilize the developer donation funds, such as projects which might be revenue producers. Further discussion followed. Alderman Schaefer said he is not comfortable with spending $165,000 for this project at this time, but he would agree to have Council look at the proposal. � Parks and'tecreation Committee Meeting May 12, 2(►11 Page 5 �- Alderman Glab suggested the Committee reach a decision on how they want to proceed in the overall parks development picture before asking Council to vote on a particular project. Discussion occurred again regarding the advisability of using park developer donations for maintenanre projects. Director Merkel volunteered to research Parks Committee minutes relating to an earlier discussion regarding the prioritization of parks projects and park developments as requested by the community during research which occurred while discussing the Parks Master Plan. Discussion continued regarding how best to proceed with this matter and further discussion regarding tlie removal, repair, replacement of the ramp system at the skate park. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to recommend that the discussion regarding the removal, repair, replacement of the ramp system proposal as submitted by American Ramp Company in the amount of $164,720, be brought to full Council for further discussion, consideration and action. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Discussion RegardinE Do� Park Locations Director Merkel stated Staff has looked at two locations for the proposed dog park, one adjacent to Kohl's and the other adjacent to the Municipal Center Knox Park access. He noted if the Committee chooses to move forward on the space adjacent to Kohl's, the business has agreed to allow the City to utilize their lot for dog park patron parking. Cost estimates for the two locations are as follows: 1. Kohl's Fencing $43,500 Entrance gate $ 3,000 Maintenance gate $ 1,000 Water fountain $ 2,000 Benches $ 2,500 Sheltcr $10,000-$15,000 Total $67,000-$72,000 2. Muni�ipal Center Knox Park access Fenci ng $35,200 Entrance gate $ 3,000 Maintenance gate $ 1,000 Water fountain $ 2,000 Water line/Vault $ 5,000 Shelter $10,000-$15,000 Benches $ 2,500 Total $58,000-$63,000 � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 12, 2011 Page 6 �-- Director Merkel noted the Knox Park access option did not include the cost of fully- improved parking which would elevate the cost of that option considerably. Alderman Schaefer noted another expense to be included would be the purchase of the dispenser for the bags for collection of dog refuse in the park, as well as the purchase of bags to be used for that purpose. He noted he has walked the Kohl's site and he likes this location for this park, the close proximity of the pet store, the fact that the parking is already in place. Alderman cJlab requested the Committee review why locations on the west side of town were no longer being considered. Director Merkel responded the Levy property location included a high development cost and the park would be entered via a residential subdivision. The other locations suggested were Riverside Hollow FAP420 area and Althoff Park. Alderman Schaefer noted both of those locations met with NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) responses. Alderman Schaefer noted all previously suggested sites for a dog park met with opposition by adj acent residents. Following ciiscussion it was noted the chief problem with the Municipal Center Knox Drive access .location is the fact that dog park users would likely utilize the Municipal Center parking lot which is already overcrowded, particularly on Wednesdays Director Merkel responded to an inquiry by Alderman Schaefer regarding the City's intent to enter into a parking lot agreement with Kohl's for the use of their parking lot if that site is � chosen for the dog park. Director Merkel noted the City Attorney would prepare a parking lot access agreement if this site is chosen. Chairman Peterson expressed his preference for the proposal adjacent to the Municipal Center as the City would have control over the site and its parking without having to enter into any agreement to retain the parking. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the City would be providing maintenance at the park. Director Merkel responded maintenance would be the City's responsibility included mowing, picking up garbage, filling holes, etc. Discussion occurred regarding the type of fencing to be installed. It was the preference of the Alderman Glab to avoid erecting farm-style fencing, as the City does not allow it by Municipal Code. Following Alderman Glab's inquiry, there was discussion regarding the need to have a firm design the site plan for the dog park. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to direct Staff to pursue securing a site design for the Kohl's FAP420 location for a dog park, including preparation of specifications needed to put the project out for bid. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Peterson. � Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting May 12, 2011 Page 7 �- Motion carried. Lakeland Park Boat Launch—Grant Proposals Director Merkel provided the Committee with a report of Staff's action to date regarding the renovations of the Lakeland Park Boat Launch. Staff inet with HR Green to provide input so that engineering for the project could be provided. He noted Staff intends to apply for grant funding to underwrite the cost of the project. Grant submittals would have to be made by September l, 2011. At this time there is no guarantee that grant funds will be available. Director 1�lerkel stated the City's options are to submit the grant based on one of the two proposed options, seek cost estimates from HR Green, or go ahead and fund the project from the Parks I)eveloper ponation Fund. Alderman Glab stated when he broached this matter he was looking for the installation of concrete tc► replace the broken concrete in the water and placing gravel on the drive. He thought the proposed plans are too grandiose far the boat launch. Alderman Schaefer inquired if the City needs two boat launches on the lake within '/2 mile of each other Alderman Glab responded the other boat launch is carry-in only. Discussion followed regarding users backing their boat trailers down to the Petersen Park launch and sliding the boats into the water. It was noted the Petersen Park launch is not made for heavier boats. �.. Discussion occurred regarding proposed Option 1 and Option 2. It was also suggested that the Peterse�l Park boat launch be improved as opposed to the one on Shore Drive. Discussion continued. Assistant Administrator Hobson suggested the concrete ramp and steel sheeting be replaced as opposed to reworking the entire site. Discussion continued. Alderman Schaefer opined the proposed options submitted by HR Green are not necessary for this project at this time. He preferred improving the launch as Alderman Glab suggested. Chairman Peterson suggested Staff inquire as to what the purchase and installation of a precast slab to replace the broken concrete of the launch would be. It was suggested Public Works could pull out the broken concrete slab. Staff Reuorts A. P.A.R.C. Grant Status Director Merkel reported they have sold the bonds but have not yet released the grant funds. There has been no information relating to the scoring of the grant applications for this funding. B. Gazebo Roof Renovation This item is still in the budget and Staff will be seeking specifications for fall �, construction. If the project is under $10,000 it is possible the project would not be put out to bid. Parks and E�ecreation Committee Meeting May 12, 2011 Page 8 �-- C. McCullom Lake Herbicide Treatment Director Merkel noted this project is also still in the budget. However, it is likely the City will have to wait until next spring for the treatment to occur due to appropriate timing of treatment application. New Business Alderman Glab requested a synopsis to be presented at the next Committee meeting regarding the Metz fence issue. Assistant Administrator Hobson stated he was involved in that process and inquired as to Alderman Glab's specific concerns. Alderman Glab inquired why the City bothered to move the fence in the first place? Did the City move it to our property line? Director Merkel responded in 2005 the City decided to straighten out the fencing line, particularl}� as there had been abuse of using City property for private improvements. This matter came up again when the City bought the property along the lake. There arose a community access issue in that the property owner would not allow the neighbors access to the common area. Last year the property was put on the market with "lake front access" and Staff determined that if the property is going to change hands the property delineation should be clarified prior to the sale of the property. Assistant Administrator Hobson stated when the fence was recently relocated the City `,.. relocated the fence 2 '/2 feet from the City property line as a concession to Mr. Metz. Discussion followed regarding continuing issues regarding the common property and possible violations which may be ongoing. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Aye: Peterson, Glab, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Resp tfull ub ' ted ,y <� .Q--�� -- Robert J. Peterson�airman �