HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/7/2011 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING �- Wednesday, September 7, 2011 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attend ance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Recreation Witt, Assistant Administrator Hobson, I)eputy Clerk Kunzer, Alderman Santi. Public in:rttendance: Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. Public Input No one participated in Public Input. Presentation: Character Counts Story Board Proiect Superintendent Witt stated a Story Board Project was presented to the Character Counts Coalition by Sarah Aalto. The Character Counts Coalition suggested approaching the Parks and Recreation Committee about the possibility of hosting the project in City parks. `, Superintendent Witt provided an overview of the Story Board Project noting there are several different ways in which it could be implemented. The project involves using story boards which would be placed at intervals throughout a park. The goal of the project is to have children read the story boards while simultaneously getting exercise by walking from board to board. Superintendent Witt stated the boards would be portable. Each story would be comprised of approximately 30 boards which could be placed independently at stations, back to back at stations, etc. Character Counts Coalition would initiate the sponsorship program to acquire the story boards. The City could choose which park(s) would be utilized. Suggestion was made that Shamrock Park might be an appropriate location. Superintendent Witt inquired if this was something the Parks and Recreation Committee would be interested in and questioned whether the Committee would agree to having the boards installed in a City park. Director Merkel noted Superintendent Witt is the City's representative on the Character Counts Coalition. He suggested Shamrock Farm Park would be an agreeable site for the project. He inquired as to the time limit on the project and asked how long the story would be posted. He suggested the project be tried for one year and expressed concern regarding vandalism,maintenance, the portable boards surviving inclement weather, and the City's cost as a result of the project. He urged the Committee to consider using volunteers for implementation of the project. ,� Assistant Administrator Hobson noted previous track records with volunteers running a project have not had positive results. Parks and :2ecreation Committee Meeting September 7, 2011 Page 2 `"' Chairman Peterson inquired at what age group the story boards are aimed. Superintendent Witt responded grade school children. Suggestion was also made that the story board could be bi-lingual. Chairman Peterson stated he did not "get" the project. Assistant Administrator Hobson stated the idea is to have children read and exercise—doing both simultaneously. Alderman Schaefer stated if one story is exhibited, once you have read ii, you're finished with it. It is not something you would do over and over again. For that reason he would prefer so�nething more temporary. In response to Alderman Schaefer's inquiry, Superintendent Witt stated the story boards would be changed three or four times per year. Discussion continued. Alderman Glab suggested the Committee needs to start looking at the maintenance costs of parks and j�rograms and equipment. The maintenance costs keep going up. At face value this is a nice project, but what would it cost the taxpayers. He suggested the story boards should be located in the schools. Chairman Peterson stated even if volunteers were responsible for implementation of the project, it would greatly impact City Staffto maintain it when completed. He stated he is not in favor of adding any programs or projects at this time due to reduced Staff as a result of the difficult economy. Alderman Schaefer concurred noting the story boards would best be located in the schools. `-- Alderman Glab stated the City should not sponsor this type of program. There would be a strain on the Park Maintenance Department and also an impact on the General Fund. He pointed out the City does not have a park district. All operational money for park projects, programs and maintenance comes from the City's operational fund. Alderman Schaefer noted the City is currently in a maintenance mode with regard to parks projects and would not be in favor of adding additional projects at this time. Assistant Administrator Hobson inquired if the committee would support the project if it was more temporary in nature, i.e. the story boards were mounted for a week or so. The committee agreed that would be more acceptable. It was the consensus of the committee to advise the Character Counts Coalition they would not be in favor of implementing the story board projects in City parks and that it would more appropriately be implemented in the schools. Discussion: Do�Park Develonment—Concept Plan and Mana�ement Oations Director Merkel stated IDOT's review of the proposed concept plan would likely take 8-10 weeks. There are concerns regarding hydrology. Director Merkel gave an overview of the proposed concept plan, noting the intent was to install fencing surrounding the dog park area, remove much of the overgrown vegetation, but �, to leave much of the area as is. There would be a vegetative area along and within the fence line. Parks and lZecreation Committee Meeting September 7, 2011 Page 3 `" Alderman Schaefer inquired if there would be fences installed to separate the small dog area from the large dog area. Director Merkel responded in the affirmative. Alderman Glab inquired how the operation would work. Director Merkel replied there would be tags on the dogs and passes provided to families who have paid their fees. At this point the proposal v��ould include annual passes following proof of vaccinations, health department approval, e tc. Discussion occurred regarding how the program would be implemented. Staff suggested annual passes with enforcement to be handled by the police department. Alderman Schaefer stated he could see how there might be difficulty in policing the use of the park. Assistant Administrator Hobson suggested fob swipes could be used to track park use. Director Merkel noted there could still be enforcement issues such as fobs being passed on to families who had not obtained passes. Alderman Schaefer opined the annual fee and pass code at the gate might be the best option. Chairman Peterson noted the committee needs more information prior to establishing what the annual fee would be as the program needs to be self-sustaining. Alderman Glab stated the proposed fees might not be high enough to cover the cost of implementing the program on an annual basis. He questioned how much usage there would be and what would be the cost of maintaining the park annually. Discussion continued regarding the need to make the dog park self-sustaining. Discussion also occurred regarding the requirement that non-residents should `-- have to pay twice the cost of residents to utilize the park. It was the consensus that this should be the case. Question was raised regarding the need for security lighting in the park. Director Merkel noted the park would close at dusk as is the case with all city parks and security lighting would not be necessary. The committee reviewed the proposed dog park regulations. Discussion followed regarding the number of dogs per dog owner which should be allowed. Director Merkel noted once IDOT review and approval has been received the committee could schedule an open house to invite public comment regarding the amenities and/or elements which could be included in the dog park. At that point the committee should have a better idea as to the annual cost to maintain the park and proposed fees to ensure that it would be self-sustaining. Alderman Santi departed at 8:20 p.m. Discussion: ADA Access Audit/NISRA Director Merkel noted the City had completed a self-audit of ADA requirements in 1991. Over the years an ADA Accessibility Board was created in Washington which came up with standards for gray areas in 2010. The City is required to have a transition plan in place to �, convert to ADA accessibility. Director Merkel noted other communities have paid for audit and plan through a NISRA levy. The NISRA levy could then be utilized to pay for the ADA Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 7, 2011 Page 4 � accessibility transition plan and improvements as well as annual NISRA dues. Director Merkel noted the following timetable was established by the ADA Accessibility Board: Date Re uirement A licable Standard Before Februar✓15,2012 Elements that fail the requirements for those 1991 Standards or 2010 Standards elements as described in the 1991 Standards (known as ADAAG)must be modified per the ro ram access test On or After February 15,2012 Elements that fail the requirements for those 2010 Standards elements as described in the]991 Standards (known as ADAAG) or that fail the recrestion requirements must be modified per the program access test to match the 2010 Standard Elements not altered after February 15, Elements that comply with the requirements Safe Harbor 2��2 in the 1991 Standards, but fail the 2010 Standards, need not be modified. An example is reach range for side reach of 54" aff,which has now been lowered to 48"afl A Title II enti must make new construction and alterations com 1 with the followin table: New constructic�n or desi n occurs after Janua 26,1993 and before Au st 15,2010 1991 Standards or UFAS New construction or desi n occurs after Au st I5,2010 and before Februa I5,2012 1991 Standards,UFAS,or 2010 Standards Permitted for occu anc on or after Februa 15,2010 2010 Standards Alderman Schaefer inquired what would happen if the City did not participate in NISRA. Director Merkel responded the City would not be able to provide programming for special needs residents any more economically than NISRA. � Discussion: Park Donation Fund and Recreallon Center Construction Fund Assistant Administrator Hobson provided the committee with a memo from City Administrator Black explaining the origin and history of the Recreation Center Construction Fund. The current balance in this fund is $4.13 million which could if Council chooses be transferred to the Parks Donation Fund. This would afford the City to be able to utilize those funds for capital projects/expansions other than solely the construction of a recreation center. It was pointed out the construction of a recreation center would require much more than the current balance in the Recreation Center Construction Fund. Director Merkel suggested the City could acquire a building and retro-fit it for recreation center purposes. Alderman Schaefer agreed this appeared to be the most economical means of securing a recreation center. It was noted it would be to the City's advantage to obtain a building in an industrial district or business park as opposed to a commercial building as the loss in revenue to the City would only be property taxes as opposed to property and sales tax revenues. General discussion occurred regarding the City's desire to construct a Lippold Park-type facility, the highest and best use of Althoff Park, and the repair and restoration of the Skate Park. It was suggested the committee review the top 15 needs requested by the public as a result of the survey conducted prior to the finalization of the Parks Master Plan. Discussion: Canitat Proiects Report and Prioritization `-' The committee discussed each of the capital projects listed in the Staff Report. Each project was discussed as well as the best means to pay for it. It was pointed out that developer Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 7, 2011 Page 5 `'" donations have greatly declined due to the lack of construction and development in the current economy. Whatever funds are currently available in the Parks Developer ponation Fund will not be replaced when used to fund any given project. Suggestio�i was made to increase non-residential park program and user fees for all programs and facilities. The committee proposed an increase to twice the residential rate. Assistant Administrator Hobson requested the committee prioritize the list of park facility improvements presented by Staff: Project Anticipated City Cost Fort McHe�nry Reconstruction $232,000 Shamrock Park Washrooms $ 65,000 Fox Ridge Park Washrooms $ 82,000 Dog Park I�evelopment $70,000-90,000 Skate Park Renovation $165,000-175,000 Petersen F:irm House $250,000 Disc Golf Development No estimate provided Recreallon Center New Construction $20,000,000-30,000,000 Purchase aTid retrofit existing building $4,000,000-5,000,000 � The comm�ttee mentioned the following additional items/projects which could be considered: Removal of the Petersen Park tennis courts Installation of walking paths/trails ADA accessibility audit and compliance Development of the 20+acres of Petersen Park addition Following a lengthy discussion, the committee agreed to have the ramps removed from the skate park. Motion by Glab, seconded by Schaefer, to direct Staff to seek an estimate for the removal of the skate park ramps, and to take the matter to Council for consideration and action. Voting Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Peterson. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. It was the determination of the committee that capital projects should be prioritized as follows: 1. Fort McHenry Reconstruction; �. 2. If�a-ant funding is approved, the installation of washrooms at Shamrock Park and Fox Ridge Park; Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 7, 2011 Page 6 � 3. ADA accessibility audit and improvements; 4. Petersen Farm house improvements; 5. Dog Park development New Business There was no New Business discussed. Adiournment Motion by Glab, seconded by Schaefer,to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 p.m. Aye: Glab, Schaefer, Peterson. Nay: None. Ab�ent: None. Motion carried. Respectfull su , � � . Robert J. Peters n, airman L �