HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/14/2012 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � Tuesday,August 14, 2012 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, and Alderman SchaefEr. Absent: None. Also in Attendanc;e: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Superintendent of� Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Recreation Witt and City Clerk Jones. Public in attendance: Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Input No one participated in Public Input. Discussion Regarding Dog Park Develoument—Final Concept Plan Review Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that permits and license agreements have been obtained from both IDOT and Kohl's — Illinois Inc., for use of the FAP 420 property for the proposed community dog park facility. L Director Merkel stated that during the permit process there were some revisions to the plan to provide a buffer area to the �idjoining wetland area. He provided the Committee with the revised plan for review together with a copy of the plan presented at the meeting on September 7, 2011 for comparison. Director Merkel indicated that the latest version of the plan moves the entry point to the west along with the small dog area. There is a slight reduction in the total acreage for the large dog area. The configuration of the entry area and the length of the pathway have changed in the new plan. 3D Design is in the process of preparing revised cost estimates and specification for this project based on the changes that have been made. Staff is recommending that the dog park facility be a fee based operation. The fee structure would be set up as an annual pass, which would be purchased at the Municipal Center. There are various ways to control entry at the gate and Staff is looking into a pass management system using an electronic gate access. Staff has determined that daily admissions should not be offered due to the requirement that all visitors must provide proof of current vaccinations and registrations with the Health Department prior to being allowed in the facility with their pets. Director Merkel provided the Committee with a copy of the proposed Rules and Regulations for the facility. He noted that these are the rules imposed by most dog park facilities in the area. Some � Parks and Recreati on Committee Meeting `- August 14, 2012 Page 2 violations for part�cular rules and regulations will have to be adopted in ordinance form to be enforced by the City of Mc��enry Police Department. Staff is seeking a iecommendation from the Committee to move forward with the project, which will be presented to full C�uncil. Director Merkel stated that the first phase of the project will be to advertise for bids for all work to be performed. This work would include fence installation, gading and access path installation, site clearing and landscape restoration, as needed. Staff has considered that work performed by the City could be supplemented with volunteers, as available. Corporate and individual donations to the project would also be encouraged and accepted for appropriate amenities. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Director Merkel informed the Committee that once approved by Council, work could begin on the facility in the fall with an anticipated opening in spring 2013. � Chairman Alderman Peterson opined that he particularly liked the latest location of the entrance. Chairman Alderman Peterson stated he is supportive of a smaller park initially and expansion as necessary. A brief discussion ensued regarding expansion. Assistant City Administrator Hobson indicated that the plan is still within the boundaries established so expansion would just alter the numbers in the bid process. Responding to an inquiry, Director Merkel stated that depending on the alternates chosen the cost of the facility could be anywhere between $95,000 and $120,000. Alderman Glab opined that he strongly feels that it is a City project and he does not want to see advertisements for companies that are out of town. Alderman Glab inquired about the cost of maintenance. He noted he recalled that at the beginning of the project it was announced that the dog park would be self-sustaining. Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt informed the Committee that the cost analysis is based on a minimal reasonable amount of maintenance required to operate the facility annually. He estimated that the cost of maintaining the facility would be approximately $15,115 annually. He stated that maintenance does not include the procurement cost of any supplies necessary for maintenance, which should be minimal. He provided the Committee with the following figures for annual maintenance: � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting `- August 14, 2012 Page 3 • Mowing: $150/event, minimum 6 times per year. • Daily Routine Maintenance: trash pick-up, empty garbage cans, make sure all equipment is functioning properly, note maintenance issues needed and vandalism that may have occurred. • Routine Maintenance: maintain wood chip and limestone paths to ADA standards, brush removal, tree trimming, painting, and water system maintenance and fence repairs. • Do�; Waste Collection System: maintain and provide bags for the collection of waste material Director Merkel provided the Committee with the proposed fee scheduled. Fee Add'1. DoE Resident $ 75.00 $10.00 Non-Resident $125.00 $10.00 Replacement Tag/Key $ 10.00 �-- A discussion ensued regarding the number of residents (200 @ $75/dog) it would take to reach the annual maintenance fee of$15,000. Alderman Glab reiterated that he feels strongly that the dog park should be self-sustaining. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Peterson to direct Staff to move forward with the project, obtain bids and present the Final Concept Plan to Council for consideration. Aye: Peterson, Glab, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. ADA Access Audit/Request for Pronosals Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that when the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") regulations were adapted in 1991, the City was required to meet standards in all public facilities. At that time, the City spent in excess of$50,000 renovating washroom facilities in several parks and installing sidewalks and accessible doorways in other facilities. Unfortunately, while the 1991 ADA legislation required facilities to be made accessible, in many cases they did not specify how to accomplish the task. Many recreation facilities were a challenge to meet the intent of the ADA regulations. Following many years of confusion, and in some cases litigation, a revised list of standards was developed in 2010. The new standards attempt to address "grey areas" of trying to comply with the ADA regulations. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting `-- August 14, 2012 Page 4 Many communities have hired outside firms to conduct ADA Access Audits and develop transition plans to meet the �iew standards. There are a few qualified firms in the area that are completing work for neighboring municipalities. If the City of McHenry was to contract with an outside firm to conduct an access audit anci develop a transition plan, an amount of$22,000 have to be budgeted in the general fund. Future costs for renovation work would be taken out of the Capital Account (General Fund) or a Special Recreation Account ("SRA") fund, if levied by the City. Staff is seeking the Committee approval of a request to solicit qualified firms to submit proposals to perform an ADA Access Audit for the City of McHenry. Chairman Alderman Peterson inquired whether a candidate would be chosen based on the lowest bid or most qualified. Director Merkel stated the choice would be made based on who was most qualified. When an inquiry was made by a member of the Committee regarding a timeframe, Director Merkel stated that it actually should have been done by now. Motion by Glab, seconded by Peterson directing Staff to obtain bids to perform an ADA Access Audit for the City of McHenry. � Aye: Peterson, Glab, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Committee Meetin�Schedule- Proposed Dates and Agenda Items Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel presented the following dates and agenda items for meetings of the Parks and Recreation Committee for the 2012/2013 Year: • Wednesday, September 12, 2012 • Wednesday, October 10, 2012 • Wednesday, November 14, 2012 • Wednesday, January 16, 2013 • Wednesday, February 20, 2013 (Athletic League Meeting) • Wednesday, March 13, 2013 • Dog Park Development/Implementation • Recreation Center Fund Discussion • ADA Access Audit Completion and Action Plan Implementation • Fort McHenry Renovation/Rehabilitation • Park and Open Space Master Plan 2007/2008—Adoption of Extension • Tennis Program Review and Facility Recommendations • Foxridge Park (West) Plan Revision—Use of Former School Site `" • Forestry—EAB Action Plan and Park Tree Replacement Program Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting �- August 14, 2012 Page 5 It was noted that additional meeting dates and/or agenda items could be assigned by the Chairman, or as requested by the l�tayor or Council. Chairman Alderm�n Peterson stated he had no issues with the schedule, as presented, although he did request that the Oc tober 10, 2012 date be changed to October 17,2012. It was the consensus of the Committee that the dates and agenda items proposed are acceptable, with the change requested by Chairman Alderman Peterson. Staff Reports to Committee A. Emerald Ash Borer Action Plan Update Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt informed the Committee that the City was particularly hard hit this summer by the Emerald Ash Borer (`BAB"). Sixty public trees were removed near Walmart and he anticipates twice as many will be removed during the coming year. Legend Lakes and Olde Mill Ponds have a heavy infestation. Thirty trees need to be removed in Olde Mill Ponds subdivision. � Responding to an inquiry from a Committee member, Superintendent Schmidt stated that if an infected tree is not completely removed the insect multiplies by 10 times. The City ordinance states the City can remove infected trees. A company can be hired or a lien can be put on the property if the property owner is unwilling to cooperate. Staff proposes giving the property owner an opportunity over a period of time (between 10/15 and 4/15) to remove an infected tree. B. McCullom Lake Herbicide Treatment Review Director Merkel informed the Committee that the weeds are gone, but due to weather conditions, they have piled up on the shoreline and created an odorous mess. However, there is no sign of milfoil and the shoreline is improving rapidly. Director Merkel advised that the herbicide treatment is a good investment and the results are satisfactory. This treatment should last three to four years. A suggestion was made that better notice to the lakefront property owners would be advisable next time a treatment takes place. C. McHenry Shores Beach—IDNR Agreement Renewal Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that the baseball � Field at McHenry Shores Beach is on IDNR property and he wanted to make the Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting August 14, 2012 � Page 6 Cornmittee aware of the fact that the agreement is up for renewal for an additional five years. New Business Respondint; to Alderman Glab's inquiry regarding the boat launch at West Beach, Assistant City Admi�iistrator Hobson noted that with the level of the lake the issue regarding the boat launch has been discussed. He mentioned that many persons use the boat launch and it needs to be addre�sed. Alderman Schaefer inquired about the fee structure for the various parks programs and when it was last reviewed. Superintendent of Recreation Witt stated that the fee structure was last thoroughly reviewed in 2008. Alderman Schaefer opined he would like to review the fee structure again as a future agenda item. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Aye: Peterson, Glab, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � ctfully s ' d, Robert J. Pet rso , Chairman �