HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/12/2012 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING `— Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, and Alderrlan Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Athletic Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer and City Clerk Jones. Public in attendance: Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Inqut No one participated in Public Input. In place of Public Input, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt informed the Committee about Project Quercus (Latin for Oak). The Land Conservancy of McHenry County has suggested the planting of oak trees in the Wheeler Fen, reintroducing oaks to the property. Project Quercus is a long-term project. Superintendent of Forestry and Park � Planning Schmidt noted that the oak is a slow growing tree,planted in the spring or fall. Alderman Schaefer inquired about what the cost might be to the City. Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt responded that this project presents no cost to the City. Discussion Re�ardin�Fort McHenry Renovation Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel reiterated to the Committee that the last discussions that took place regarding the renovation of Fort McHenry playground was at the January 12, 2011 Parks & Recreation Committee meeting. At that time, the consensus of the Committee was to submit an IDNR/OSLAD grant and see if the City qualified. A grant was prepared and submitted by the July 1, 2011 deadline. Director of Parks & Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that notification was received in late fall that this project woiild not be considered for funding in 2012. Director Merkel informed the Committee that the playground continues to be maintained by the Park Maintenance Division,but is in need of renovation. Mulch has been added to keep a minimum safety surface within the play area. Staff has not been able to do any of the renovation work necessary at this site. Staff s recommendation, at this time, would be to consider either Option 3 or 4, as presented using Leathers & Associates design revisions and put the project out to bid for a qualified ,� contractor to complete the work. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 12, 2012 Page 2 � It is Staff's opinion that it would be a difficult task to recruit volunteers with the current staffing le��el. It was recalled that original recruitment of volunteers was done with a large organizing group. It was opined that the removal/demolition of some areas of the playground would be beyond the skill level and scope of a volunteer role and would be completed by an experienced contractor. Director l�ierkel suggested contacting Leathers & Associates to prepare a contract for profession�.l services to develop a renovation plan with cost estimates for the playground renovation. Should a revised plan be developed and approved, the project could be budgeted and completed in the spring of 2013. Alderman Glab opined that he particularly liked the idea that the original plan was a community project. Assistant City Administrator Hobson suggested it was important to maintain the character of the park and supported moving forward to obtain a fortnal proposal from Leathers & Associates. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Glab regarding the cost for Leathers & Associates services, Director Merkel stated it would be somewhere between $18,000 and $24,000. Following a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Committee to move forward and �-- request a design proposal from Leathers & Associates. Upon receipt of the proposal from Leathers & Associates, Staff will return to the Committee for further discussion on the subject. Status Reuort Re�ardin�Recreation Center Fund Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that the Recreation Center Fund balance is currently $4,134,473. Since the downturn in the economy, Developer Donations have been minimal. The idea of establishing the Recreation Center Fund was to allocate 50% of the Developer Donation Fund into a separate account for future facility development. However, the rising cost of new construction and the poor economy have significantly limited the ability of the Fund to grow at a rate to consider the proposed 62,000 square foot facility. When the costs were last updated, in 2005, the amount was $18-$22 million. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel suggested this may be the time for the Committee to consider ari alternate type of facility development or allocating the funds to other land acquisition or capital projects. Director Merkel noted that several communities have taken a different approach to providing indoor recreation activities for residents. Economic changes in the manufacturing and retail sector have resulted in numerous long term vacancies in industrial and commercial districts. � Some large industrial and retail buildings have been converted into recreation, fitness and Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 12, 2012 Page 3 `' athletic centers at a fraction of the cost of building a new facility. Some of these large vacant buildings are located in areas that already have much of the needed infrastructure in place (i.e., access roads, utilities, parking areas). Many of these conversions are also in central business locations, which are convenient and accessible for residents. Director Merkel suggested that Committee might want to consider whether this approach would be ��n option for providing quality indoor community recreation programs for the residents oi'McHenry. He stated there are currently several commercial buildings throughout the City th.�t could be researched for potential use. The condition of the real estate market and compe-itive construction costs currently available would be favorable to the City at this time. Alderman Schaefer indicated he would support the use of vacant industrial or retail buildings. He opined he is willing to look at all alternatives. Alderman Glab suggested the old Motorola building would be ideal. Alternatively, he suggested a pole barn/field house structure. Alderman Glab opined a joint venture complex with a combination of a recreation center and retail would generate money. Chairman ;�lderman Peterson suggested getting some information from local real estate agents regarding what properties are available. `-- Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated he is a big supporter of the Recreation Center. He noted that the heart of the City of McHenry's recreation is Knox Park, although the pool is antiquated and requires some work; a splash park is a revenue generator. Assistant City Administrator Hobson suggested a close look be taken at the Master Plan and Knox Park as a whole. An inquiry was made regarding when the last feasibility study was conducted regarding the Recreation Center. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel stated that in 1995 drawings and cost estimates were prepared and in 2005 some drawings and cost estimates were reviewed using current dollars. A discussion ensued. Chairman Alderman Peterson addressed the issue about whether the money currently in the fund should be allocated to other projects. He expressed concern that once the $4.1 million is gone, it's gone. Assistant City Administrator Hobson opined he is not a proponent of breaking up the fund. Alderman Schaefer opined he supports using the money in the Recreation Fund for existing facilities rather than building new. Chairman Alderman Peterson opined he would like to see what properties are available on the market right now. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting September 12, 2012 Page 4 �' Following a brief discussion it was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to price out field houses and contact some local real estate agents in an effort to determine what vacant buildings are available and what the cost of those buildings might be. Staff Reports to Committee A. Re��ort on Do�Park Open House Event(9/11/12) Dir��ctor Merkel stated that twenty (20) residents and seven (7) staff persons were in attendance for the Open House. The overall response was positive. Director Merkel noted that bids are going out and the bid opening will take place on September 25, 2012. Staff anticipates the Dog Park Project to be on the Agenda befc►re full Council at the meeting scheduled for October 1, 2012. New Business Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel mentioned that Carol Chrisman's son had recently made inquiries, again, about disk golf. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that tentative topics for discussion at the next Parks & Recreation Committee meeting, scheduled for October 17, 2012 at 7:00 pm in the Alderman Conference Room include: • Forestry—Tree Replacement; �'' • Park Open Space; • Master Plan Update for Grant Purposes; and • Dog Park Development Improvements. Alderman Glab inquired about who is farming on the property north of Fox Ridge Park. He asked by whose authority they are accessing and egressing the property via Fox Ridge Park. Assistant City Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that the current farmer is new to the property. There has always been a "hand shake" agreement where the property is concerned; however, a formal agreement is currently being drawn up. Assistant City Administrator Hobson assured Alderman Glab that issues regarding time and ingress and egress to the property have been addressed. Adiournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m. Aye: Peterson, Glab, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � � ��� � � �-- Robert J. P�prson, Chairman �