HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/17/2012 - Parks and Recreation Committee �� ���� v � � McHenr PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes 7:00 PM,Wednesday,October 17,2012 Aldermen's Conference Room Call to Order Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee to order at 7:00 PM. Other committee members present: Alderman Andy Glab. Absent: Alderman Jeffrey Schaefer. Also in attendance: Assistant City Administrator Bill Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Pete Merkel,and Superintendent of Parks Planning and Forestry Tom Schmidt. Public Attendance: Helen Glab, 5001 W. Oakwood Drive, McHenry, IL 60050. Larry Kloffer,4012 W. Shore Drive, McHenry, IL 60050. Public Input � Mr. Larry Kloffer resides at 4012 W. Shore Drive, McHenry, IL 60050 and has been a resident of McHenry for 18 years. Mr. Kloffer was in attendance to express his concerns about the lack of notice given the public prior to chemically treating McCullom Lake. Mr. Kloffer believes wildlife is dying from drinking the lake water and it is unsafe for swimming. He asked if the city would invest in a weed cutter. He also asked why the city does not activate the aerator to control weed growth in the lake. Alderman Glab asked Chairman Alderman Peterson to move item 7 A. Lakeland Park Boat Launch Restoration up on the agenda to accommodate Mr. Kloffer. The committee agreed. Lakeland Park Boat Launch Restoration Director Merkel said he does not intend to spend a lot of money restoring the launch. Alderman Glab asked how much further is the launch extended and Director Merkel answered 10-feet, and there is no fee to use the launch. Alderman Glab asked why non-residents have equal access to the launch. Director Merkel explained in 1983 the city entered into a management agreement with the IDNR who stock catfish and northern pike each year, which is supported by public funding. As a result, the city is not permitted to restrict lake or launch use. Director Merkel said the last weed kill in the lake was performed in 2005. He also said he received one complaint regarding the launch and restricted access during construction. Mr.Kloffer lei't the meeting at 7:40 PM. Dog Park Rules and Fees L— A copy of proposed rules and regulations and fee schedule for the Dog Park was included in the meeting packet. The committees was asked to consider adopting the rules and regulations; establish an annual pass fee; and, prorate the fee for the first year as the dog park will not open until spring 2013. The rules Pazks and Recreation Committee October 17,2012 Page Two and regulations proposed are typical of dog parks in the area and represent the best practices of agencies �-' that have been managing dog parks for several years. Re�istration Requirements: 1. Proof of residency 2. A certificate of valid rabies/county tag number, proof of distemper vaccinations or receipt from veterinarian,proof of pet's age, birth date, adoption, or rescue date. 3. Fees for dog park effective January 1 through December 31. Proposed Fee Schedule: Fee Add'1 Doe Resident $75 $10 Non-Resident $125 $10 Replacement Tag/Key $10 Chairman Peterson asked how other dog parks in the area structure fees. Alderman Glab suggested prorating fees for the first year based on opening date. Moving forward, fees would only be reduced for new residents and new dog owners. Chairman Peterson suggested charging a prorated fee of $50 for residents. Alderman Glab suggested charging non-residents $100 for half-year. He also said owners should be limited to two dogs in the park; three dogs would be too much to handle. Alderman Peterson said he was comfortable with owners bringing three dogs to the park. Director Merkel reported the Village of Cary has 200 registered dog owners and LITH has 450-475 registered dog owners. � Alderman Chairman Peterson made a motion, seconded by Alderman Glab to authorize the city attorney to draft an ordinance adopting rules and regulations and fees as presented for the City of McHenry Dog Park. Aye: Peterson, Glab Nay: None Absent: Schaefer Motion carried. Park Naming and Development Do Park. Director Merkel noted the dog park should be named and suggested a city-wide contest to name the park adding voting boxes could be placed in local pet stores. Chairman Alderman Peterson said the park could be named McHenry Dog Park as there is no need to name the park at this time. Alderman Glab suggested naming the park after Esta, the city's first police dog. Alderman Chairman Peterson said he would support changing the name for donors who contribute to the park. Director Merkel suggested allowing banners on the fencing for advertising however the committee did not agree. Chairman Alderman Peterson said it was important to maintain the park as a natural area Legend Lakes Tot Lots. The city has two tot lots in the Legend Lakes subdivision. Pursuant to the annexation agreement, the developer was to complete construction and dedicate the tot lots to the city. A $100,000 credit was given to the developer from the park donation formula to complete the two sites. Only one site was completed and dedicated to the city before the developer filed bankruptcy. `-- The tot lot in Neighborhood 5 was dedicated to the city in 2011. The second tot lot in Neighborhood 6 has not been completed. It is a vacant lot with no sidewalks or tur£ Director Merkel recommends including the sites in the city's park inventory and assigning a name to each. The committee discussed the process of naming the tot lots. Merkel suggested Homestead Tot Lot and Galway Tot Lot and noted the names could be changed if a major donation was made towards the development of the park Pazks and Recreation Committee October 17,2012 Page Three Director Merkel suggested leaving the Neighborhood 6 site as a natural area with a gazebo or bench �' adding funds remaining from the bankruptcy settlement could be used to develop plans for the site. Alderman Glab asked about the cost to develop a concept plan and he questioned the need to spend money on a plan. Director Merkel said a plan would help as there are many questions about what would be in the park. Alderman Glab asked how much the city paid to develop the 22-acre Cunat property extension to Petersen Park. Director Merkel stated the cost was included in the grant the city was awarded to develop the park. Chairman Alderman Peterson stated he was not in favor of spending money on a concept plan to develop the site however he suggested staff obtain a proposal. Alderman Glab made a motion, seconded by Chairman Alderman Peterson to name the tot lot in Neighborhood 5 "Homestead Tot LoY'and"Galway Tot Lot"for the site in Neighborhood 6. Aye: Peterson, Glab Nay: None Absent: Schaefer Motion carried. Plant Trees McHenry! 50/50 Tree Planting Program Superintendent Schmidt presented the Plant Trees McHenry! cost sharing tree planting program to the committee. The budgeted cost for a 50 tree program is approximately $12,500. A sample program was included in the meeting packet. Information about the program would be disseminated via the city newsletter and website. This program was previously considered by the committee in 2008. At that time \.- it was the cornmittee's recommendation to bring the program to the full council for consideration however, the �rogram was never presented to the council due to economic considerations. Although economic circumstances have not changed much, presently there are other aspects to consider such as the Emerald Ash Boer and urban tree decay. Over the next two years, McHenry will lose an estimated 800 street trees due to the Boer. The cost to replace 800 trees is estimated at $200,000. A cost-sharing program would be beneficial to the city. Also since 2007, the Forestry Division has tracked the diameter of trees removed from the urban trees canopy and in 2009 there was a surplus of trees due to developers planting trees in new subdivision. However, with the lack of development, we now have a deficit of 192 trees, which will increase due to the Emerald Ash Boer. Lastly there are several vacant planting areas throughout the city, which left unregulated may lead to undesirable species being planted and the costs to deal with the potential problems this may cause. Chairman Alderman Peterson asked if purchasing trees would be more cost-effective through the city. Schmidt said yes. Chairman Alderman Peterson noted that in the proposal only the first 50 residents would get the 50/50 deal and asked if the next 51 to 100 residents would be eligible to have the trees installed if they pay for the full cost of the tree versus applying for a parkway tree permit. Alderman Glab asked what size trees would be purchased through the program. Schmidt answered two- inches in diameter. Alderman Glab asked if a two-inch tree is a proper size. Schmidt said two-inch trees are the best size for survivability. The trees would be budgeted at $12,500 and half of the cost would be collected from resident contributions. Alderman Glab suggested the program be limited to right-of-way trees and none planted on public property. Schmidt added sites with open ditching would not be eligible because of the lack of right-of-way area. � Alderman Glab made a motion, seconded by Chairman Alderman Peterson to recommend the establishment of the Plant Trees McHenry! 50/50 tree planting program conditioned on funding approval through the annual budget process. Pazks and Recreation Committee October 17,2012 Page Four Aye: Peterson, Glab `- Nay: None Absent: Schaefer Motion carried. 2007-2012 Park and Open Space Master Plan Update Director Merkel stated the Park and Open Space Master Plan was completed in 2007. The plan includes a community needs assessment survey from 2005 and public planning input sessions. The primary source of funding for park improvements has been developer donations from new construction,which has waned in past years due to the economic downturn. The slow economy has also affected acquisition of new park sites. The city has used the Park and Open Space Master Plan to evaluate recreational needs for the community. These need have not changed significantly in the last five years. The plan expires this year leaving the city with the option of completing a new master plan or adopting a plan that includes new facilities and park acquisitions. The existing plan with updates can be adopted as the City Parks and Open Space Plan for 2013-2017. Chairman Alderman Peterson made a motion, seconded by Alderman Glab to recommend adoption of an updated version of the Parks and Open Space Master Plan for 2013-2017. Aye: Peterson, Glab Nay: None Absent: Schaefer Motion carried. Reports to the Committee `�.. A. Lakeland Park boat Launch Renovation. Discussed after Public Input. B. Do� Park Construction. Curb cuts and excavation have been completed. Limestone will be placed at the entrance to the park and fence installation will begin on October 18�'. New Business None. Adjournment Chairman Alderman Peterson made a motion, seconded by Alderman Glab to adjourn the meeting. Aye: Peterson, Glab Nay: None Absent: Schaefer Motion carried The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 PM. Respectfully submitted, ��11J wc�_ `,. Alderman R e J. Peterson, Chairman