HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/14/2012 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING `'' Wednesday,November 14,2012 Alderman's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Peterson, Alderman Glab, and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt and City Clerk Jones. Public in attendance: Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Public Input No one p�irticipated in Public Input. Discussion Regardin�Fort McHenry Renovation Proposal Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel provided the Committee with a proposal from Leathers and Associates for professional design services and construction consultation for the renovation of Fort McHenry. The proposal details services provided by the architect and estimates the costs for renovation by a qualified contractor. � Director Merkel informed the Committee Leathers and Associates would provide the City with a detailed list of materials to be installed for the project, however, the City has chosen to be the purchasing agent for materials and supplies in order to obtain the best price and to ensure the correct materials are used. Staff will work with Leathers and Associates on all phases of the renovation. A Staff person will be assigned to the project to represent the City. Director Merkel informed the Committee that professional fees, based on the proposal, will vary only if additional work is requested or required. Total professional design and construction consultation fees are $29,700. The cost for purchase of materials and estimated contractor labor is $140,000. The total estimated project cost is $169,700. Director Merkel stated the work is anticipated to be completed by spring 2013. Alderman Glab opined he does not care for the colorful slides and the plastic, preferring a more rustic design. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Glab, Director Merkel stated this work is not a complete renovation,but more of a clean-up and upgrade to the existing facility. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to direct Staff to submit the Professional Services `- Contract with Leathers and Associates to full Council for design and construction services Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting November 14, 2012 Page 2 � for the renovation of Fort McHenry, in the amount of$29,700, with the understanding that any additional fees would be assessed if the scope of the project changed. Aye: Peterson, Glab, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion ReEarding Accessibilitv Audit Proposal Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel informed the Committee that the City of McHenry has budgeted $22,000 to have a qualified firm perform an Accessibility Audit and Transition Plan to review the City's indoor and outdoor recreation facilities. Director Merkel noted that the Paxks and Recreation Department completed renovations of existing facilities in the mid-1990s to meet the guidelines of the American with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), passed in 1991, and any new parks and facilities built since 1991 were designed to comply with ADA requirements. New guidelines were adopted in 2010 for a variety of outdoor recreation facilities. Communities are now required to review existing parks and facilities and to develop a plan for these facilities to come into compliance with the new standards. ,� Staff was directed to solicit proposals for professional services from qualified firms at the August 14, 2012 Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. Two firms were identified that have completed similar projects for the City's fellow member agencies in NISRA. • Recreation Accessibility Consultants, Hoffinan Estates, IL; and • National Center on Accessibility, Bloomington, IN. Only one proposal was received by the deadline of November 7, 2012. National Center on Accessibility contacted the City and stated they would be unable to submit a proposal due to their current workload and the challenge the City's current project completion deadline would create. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer, Director Merkel stated that the work required is beyond the scope of what City staff can do in that the work must be performed by a"qualified"contractor. Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Alderman Peterson, Director Merkel stated that there are no grant funds to be obtained and these are the only two organizations in the area that perform this type of work. Alderman Glab inquired about the timeframe required for completion. Director Merkel responded January 28, 2013. � Motion by Glab, seconded by Schaefer, to direct Staff to submit the Professional Services Contract with Recreation Accessibility Consultants of Hoffinan Estates, Illinois to full Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting November 14, 2012 Page 3 �.. Council for consideration to conduct an assess audit and development of a transition plan for recreational facilities in the City of McHenry, at a cost of$18,189. Aye: Peterson, Glab, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion Re�arding Suorts Court Recommendation Director oi'Parks and Recreation Merkel reiterated to the Committee that the City has several sport coun facilities located throughout the community. The basketball and tennis court facilities are asphalt base with a color coat and boundary line finish. The age of these facilities r�inge from the Freund Field/Althoff basketball courts, built in the late 1950s for tennis to the basketball court at Shamrock Farms Park,built in 2007. Since 1979 there have been changes made to the number of courts available in the community. Several full court basketball facilities have been built in the large parks to supplement the small half court areas in the neighborhood parks. Tennis Courts The number of tennis courts in the community has been reduced. This reduction has � reflected the nationwide trend in the decline of popularity in the sport of tennis. • Veterans Memorial Park: 2lighted tennis courts removed in 1987 and a playground installed. • Freund Field: 4 courts converted to basketball courts in 2002. • Parkland Jr. High: 2 courts installed as a developer donation—removed in approximately 2009. The City has made an effort to maximize the use of the remaining tennis court facilities by installing lights at most of the public tennis courts. The reduction in tennis courts has not had a negative impact on tennis players in the community. The existing courts have been able to accommodate the players in high school programs, the City lesson program and the general public. Director Merkel stated that the condition of the City owned courts is a major concern. The courts at Knox Park were installed in 1980 and have been color coated several times. The Petersen Park courts were installed in 1977/78 and have been color coated and have had numerous crack sealing applications. Courts in both of these parks are in need of renovation. Staff is recommending renovation in 2012 for: • Knox Park (crack sealing and color coating; resurfacing with an overlayment of asphalt is the preferred renovation); • Petersen Park (complete reconstruction would be needed to address the poor base and � condition of the existing surface, serious consideration should be made to remove these courts in this natural open space area. The cost of rebuilding the courts cannot Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting November 14, 2012 Page 4 � be justified for the amount of use and the low demand for court time needed in the community. Sasketball Courts Basketball courts have increased in the City's park inventory over the years. There were several (5) basketball goals installed in neighborhood parks with small asphalt pads to provide an area for players as a shooting area. The first full court facility was built in Foxridge Park in 1990. The Freund Field tennis court area was converted over to 3 full court basketball layouts in 2002. The last full court facility was built in 2007 at Shamrock Farms Park. All three of these facilities have been very popular and are used when the weather permits. The Freund Field goals are removed in the winter for installation of the ice rink area. The full court facilities and the 5 smaller shooting courts are in need of repair. The full court area all need to be color coated at minimum. Some of the shooting courts in the neighborhaod sites have needed some attention for many years. Requests from neighbors have been to increase the size of the court area or to install new supports and goals. Recommended full court renovations in 2012: Freund Field(Althoff courts) Color coat and stripe the entire surface. Foxridge Park Color coat and stripe the entire surface. Shamrock Farms Park Color coat and stripe the entire surface. Recommended shootin�court renovation 2012/2015 � Center Street Park Increase size of court,overlayment. New goal Kiwanis Tot Lot Increase size of court,overlayment. New goal Lakeland Park New goals and backboard after parking lot improvement McHenry Shores Beach New backboard and goal (concrete court may need work) Petersen Park—Oak Street Lot New supports,backboard and goals (2) Staff recommends having the renovation program for sports courts in city park facilities included in the upcoming Capital Improvement Plan. Items that will be included in the 2013/14 fiscal year budget will be the following: • Knox Park tennis courts color coating and lining • Freund Field basketball courts color coating and lining • FoxridgePark color coating and lining • Shamrock Farms color coating and lining • Park Petersen Park tennis courts removal Alderman Glab expressed concern with the soil conditions in Petersen Park. He suggested grinding and overlay at the facility. Alderman Schaefer opined that he has heard recently that interest in youth tennis is increasing. Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Alderman Peterson, Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt stated that two years ago the cost for complete renovation of the � courts at Petersen Park was $135,000. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting November 14, 2012 Page 5 � Director Merkel noted he just wanted to keep the Committee apprised of the current situation and there is no need for action. Staff Reports to Committee A. Dog Park Construction Update Di�•ector Merkel stated that the fencing is 90% complete, the path is in, the water line ha� been installed, the concrete has been poured and the deck for the water fountain ha� been constructed. Staff is still working on the"pass"management system. Alderman Glab suggested the Ordinance regaxding dog parks in the City should be addressed by the Community Development Committee. B. Dog Park Namin�Contest Director Merkel informed the Committee that there has been discussion among the Staff to have a contest naming the City's new dog park facility. It has been suggested that the Contest should take place prior to the Chamber's Carnival of Commerce, which is held in mid-February. Entry to the Contest could be facilitated online, at the Municipal Center, or from the City's newsletter. The tentative deadline for entry is February 18, 2013. The prize � suggested is "1" season pass to the dog park. C. Le�end Lakes Tot Lots Design Proposal Director Merkel informed the Committee that a design has been submitted for the Tot Lot at Legend Lakes. The cost of professional services is $875. New Business The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting is scheduled on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the Alderman's Conference Room. Tentative topics for discussion are: • Recreation Center • Park Capital Program • Fox Ridge Park Plan Revision(former school site use) Alderman Glab informed the Committee that the bow hunters that were utilizing the property at Fox Ridge Park have discovered another access to the property. He noted that the gate to Fox Ridge Park is always open and inquired about who is responsible for closing the park gates in the evening. Alderman Glab stated it is his understanding that "NO" hunting is permitted in the City limits. Alderman Glab opined that the road at Fox Ridge Park is ripped up and full of pot holes. Director Merkel stated the road is gravel. �. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting November 14, 2012 Page 6 L Adi ournment Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 pm. Aye: Peterson, Glab, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � � Robert J. Peterson, Chairman � �