HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/17/2013 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � Wednesday,Apri117,2013 Alderman Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Glab and Alderman Schaefer. Absent: CY airman Alderman Peterson. Also in Att�;ndance: Assistant City Administrator Hobson, Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel, Su}�erintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt, Superintendent of Recreation Witt, Athle'ic Program Coordinator Lunkenheimer and City Clerk Jones. Alderman (Tlab arrived at 7:22 pm. Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel called the meeting to order at 7:23 pm. Public Innut No one participated in Public Input. Discussions Regarding Aquatics/Recreation Center Assistant City Administrator Hobson informed the Committee that no significant changes have occurred since the discussions which took place at the last meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee. �— Superintendent of Recreation Witt stated that she inventoried the current recreation programs, breaking them down by season, indoor and outdoor programs and programs offered and actual attendance. Mr. Hobson informed the Committee that the City rents space on an annual basis for some of the programs as follows: • St. Paul $1,955.70 (Fitness Studio) • McHenry School District 15 $ 450.19 (Classroom/Fitness Studio TOTAL $2,405.89 Mr. Hobson provided the Committee with a breakdown of revenue and expenses from Knox Park Pool. He noted that the profit from pool passes in 2012 was $25,465.33. Ms. Witt stated that it is important to realize that the pool does not make money on the daily admissions,but from the programs. Mr. Hobson provide the Committee with a line item description, using the City of Woodstock as a comparative to a community the size of McHenry, together with the estimated debt service on varying loan amounts and numbers provided by Speer Financial. He stressed that any project profits for the facility at this juncture are speculative. � Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting � April 17, 2013 Page 2 Mr. Hobson st��ted that Staff is seeking the Committee's opinion regarding taking the project to the next level, �vith a meeting of the Committee of the Whole and then potentially a Request for Quote. Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry regarding programs, Ms. Witt stated that programs have been steady. T zere has been a slight decrease, due partially to the economy. Alderman Glat� opined that he does not want to rely upon a large influx of non-residents to support the facility. Director Merkel stated that the closest aquatic facility would be in Mundelein or Vernon Hills. Alderman Schaefer voiced concerns regarding the amount of money the City currently has for a facility and exactly what can be done with it. Assistant City Administrator Hobson stated that $8,000,000 will cover Phase I and Phase II and parking. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Glab regarding the timing of Phase III, Mr. Hobson noted that it depended on the success of the facility. � Alderman Schaefer stated he was not prepared, at this time, to make a recommendation from the Committee. Alderman Glab opined that $8,000,000 is a substantial recommendation from the Committee and it should be made to a Committee of the Whole for a determination. It is the consensus of the Committee to move forward with a Committee of the Whole. Discussion Re�arding 2013 Meetin� Schedule and AEenda Items Director Merkel stated that following the annual assignments, a meeting schedule will be posted. Director Merkel indicated that some of the Agenda Items for discussion would be: • Fort McHenry Renovation • ADA Access Audit o Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Schaefer, Superintendent of Recreation Witt indicated that the Audit consists of three large binders. Alderman Schaefer requested a summary of the Audit. Director Merkel noted that at some point John McGovern would come and speak with the Committee regarding the audit. • Dog Park • Several Park Maintenance Programs • 50/50 Tree Program • Community Signs � Parks and kecreation Committee Meeting April 17, 2�)13 Page 3 � Galwav Tot Lot Plan Review Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel presented a concept plan prepared by 3D Design. Superinten�ient of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt stated that effort was focused on functionali�y and maintenance. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Mr. Schmidt stated that the park would definitely stay a tot lot. Director of�Park and Recreation Merkel stated that no estimates regarding construction costs have been obtained since no date has been established for the tot lot to be built. Staff Reports to Committee Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt informed the Committee that Arbor Day is April 26, 2013. A total of 22 trees are scheduled to be planted this spring. Seven trees have been donated to the City: • 3 at Veteran's Park; • 2 at East Beach; • 1 at the Community Center; and • 1 at Overton Park. Alderman Glab opined that the trees in neighborhoods are being over trimmed and healthy branches are being lost to allow for overhead electrical lines. Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt stated that a 14-foot clearance is recommended. � Alderman Schaefer inquired about replacement of trees that are being removed due to the Emerald Ash Borer. Superintendent of Forestry and Park Planning Schmidt stated that the trees would be replaced as funds are available. New Business Alderman Schaefer opined that it will seem strange not having Director of Parks and Recreation Merkel at meetings. He will be missed. Adiournment Motion by Glab, seconded by Schaefer, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm. Aye: Glab, Schaefer. Nay: None. Absent: Peterson. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, J ey . Sc efer, Alderman �...