HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/11/2013 - Parks and Recreation Committee ,--��.- .,,.� .r .,o � „�. a. � � v �. �_ �o .,.� `.• McHenr PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Monday,November 11,2013 Aldermen's Conference Room Call to Order Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee to order at 5:00 PM. Other corr�mittee members present were Alderman Jeffrey Schaefer and Alderman Geoffrey Blake. Also in attendance were Deputy City Administrator Bill Hobson, Superintendent of Recreation Cindy Witt, Athletic Program Coordinator Pattie Lunkenheimer, Superintendent of Parks Planning and Forestry Tom Schmidt, and Executive Assistant Marci Geraghty. Public Input � None. Parks& Open Space Master Plan Renewal Deputy Administrator Hobson addressed the committee about the existing Parks & Open Space Master Plan. In 2007, the City Council adopted the plan, which is used as a tool to guide the Council and staff when considering improvements to parks and park facilities. Mr. Hobson said the only change in the city's parks system since the plan was adopted is the addition of two parks in the Legend Lakes neighborhood and McBark Dog Park. Mr. Hobson noted the plan is still relevant and an excellent development guide. Key items such as the top 15 recreational facility needs identified in Chapter 8, Page 2 also remain relevant. At this time, staff is seeking direction from the committee to either reapprove the existing Parks & Open Space Master Plan for a period of five-years or consider the proposal from Planning Resources, Inc. to update the existing plan for$10,950. Alderman Schaefer said he agrees the plan is still useful and it is not worth spending over $10,000 to update the plan. Aldermen Peterson and Blake agreed. Alderman Peterson asked if the boat launch was included in the plan and Alderman Schaefer noted it is included as one of the top 15 recreational facility needs identified in Chapter 8. Alderman Schaefer added the plan provides the city with many opportunities and asked if an addendum is needed to add the additional parks and dog park to the plan. Mr. Hobson said it might be useful to add the dog park. Alderman Schaefer asked if the property located at the corner of Bull Valley and Curran Roads was included in the plan. Mr. Hobson said yes as a possible land acquisition. Mr. Hobson asked the committee to identify a project in the plan they would like to see completed next fiscal year. Alderman Schafer recommended the committee review the plan annually as part of an annual � committee meeting. Mr. Hobson suggested this could be accomplished in September prior to establishment of the CIP. Alderman Schaefer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Blake to recommend to the full City Council adoption of the current Parks&Open Space Master Plan for an additional five-year term unti12018. � Aye: Schaefer, Blake, Peterson Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. McBark Park Update Mr. Hobson re�orted McBark Park successfully opened on September 4`". To date, 83 memberships have been purchased with a total of 107 dogs. The number of inemberships is roughly half of the anticipated yearly estimate however the park was completed behind schedule. Staff intends to organize a grand opening event this spring. Mr. Hobson presented the following ideas to promote membership and enhance funding opportunities for McBark Park. Advertisin�Opportunities. The possibility of selling sponsorships has been proposed. Resident and non- resident businesses could be offered the opportunity to have a banner advertising their business installed inside the park. The following was proposed to the committee: 2' x 4' full-color banner(graphics supplied by sponsoring business) Fee: Resident business $500/year Non-Resident business $750/year Chairman Alderman Peterson opened the floor for discussion: `.. Alderman Schaefer said in his opinion, pet-related businesses would definitely benefit from advertising in the park because they will have a target audience. Alderman Blake suggested restricting the ads to pet- orientated businesses only. Alderman Peterson agreed sponsors would benefit from the advertising. Mr. Hobson added the proposed cost is a good value compared to paying for an ad in the newspaper. Alderman Schaefer suggested the ads be in good character and appropriate for the park. Mr. Hobson suggested placing the banners near the retaining wall by the Kohl's lot would be a good place as they would only be visible from inside the park. Mr. Hobson added the banners would be full-color made from vinyl and affixed to posts in the ground. Alderman Peterson asked if a maximum number of allowed ads be established such as 10 adding he is in favor of the proposed price schedule. Alderman Schaefer suggested if asked, the city should allow small businesses to share space on a banner. He also said he is in favor of limiting the ads to pet-related businesses only however Meijer and other major big-box stores also sell pet products. Alderman Peterson said he is not sure if we should refuse any business that wants to pay the city to advertise in the park. The revenue generated would allow for more amenities in the park. Mr. Hobson recapped the committee's recommendations to set no limits on the number of ads sold but limit advertising space to pet-related businesses with the proposed fee schedule. Proration of Fees. Mr. Hobson addressed the committee regarding staffls attempts to generate interest in purchasing memberships to the park and suggested the possibility of offering half-year annual memberships beginning March 1, 2014. Alderman Schaefer said existing members may be upset about other members paying less to use the park. Alderman Peterson suggested offering a grand opening special. Mr. Hobson also suggested establishing charter membership at a discount for persons who signed up the first year or discounting multi-year memberships. Alderman Blake and Schaefer were in favor of � the March promotion idea. Alderman Peterson commented offering a three-month membership may entice people to sign up for an annual membership if they like the park. -2- Further discussion ensued on offering sponsors to participate in a farmers market-style event inside the park during the grand opening. �-' Alderman Blak� made a motion, seconded by Alderman Schaefer to make a recommendation to the City Council to wai��e Municipal Code Chapter 16, Sec. 16.41(a)(b) to allow advertising in a city park and to limit advertisin;;opportunities to pet-related business only. Aye: Blake, Schaefer, Peterson Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. Vietnam Veteran Memorial The city was recently approached by a group of individuals from McHenry High School Class of 1964 requesting permission to erect a memorial in Veterans Memorial Park in honor of McHenry citizens who died in the Vietnam War. The proposed memorial would require a 14' x 14' area of the park. The monument is estimated to be 3' x 5' and 8"— 12" thick with a small area surrounding the monument for engraved bricks, which would be sold to raise funds to pay for the memorial. Mr. Hobson said the location in Veterans Memorial Park best suited for the memorial is the current site of the Kiwanis drinking fountain, which is located in the southeast corner of the park. If that site were selected, the group has agreed to pay all costs associated with relocating the fountain to another area in the park. Mr. Hobson explained a similar proposal was brought by this group to the city in 2005 however the project did not move forward for unknown reasons. After speaking with former Parks & Recreation Director Merkel, Mr. Hobson relayed that the plaque attached to the boulder in the southwest corner of Veterans Memorial Park was erected to recognize all veterans from McHenry. This was done in conjunction with the rededication of the park as Veterans Memorial Park in 1986. � Mr. Hobson added the proposed memorial as illustrated is elegant and would be a nice addition to the park but expressed concern on how the city would handle any potential future requests. Mr. Hobson spoke with the group from the Class of 1964 about the possibility of erecting the monument in another location either within the park or in an alternate park such as the Green Street Park however they prefer Veterans Memorial Park. They also said the back of the monument would be made available to another group. Alderman Blake said he thinks the proposed location for the memorial is appropriate yet he does understand there could be concerns about too many plaques in the park. He said any groups proposing a memorial in the future could simply be told no. Alderman Schaefer said he was concerned the memorial would eliminate needed space for Art in the Park and asked if the group would be agreeable to using another park. He further stated the memorial is needed and tasteful but does not agree with the proposed location as he recalls when the boulder in the park was dedicated to represent all veterans. Alderman Peterson said the existing monument is for all veterans and he agreed another location should be found for the memorial. After further discussion, the committee directed Mr. Hobson to continue to work with the group to identify potential alternate locations. Colby/Petersen Farm Foundation The formation of a Foundation to raise funds for maintenance and operation of the Petersen Farmstead has been discussed over the past several years. Most recently members of the McHenry Landmark `-- Commission and the McHenry Country Historical Society have researched and acquired the paperwork to form a SO1C-3 to create a Foundation to benefit the farmstead. The group has established a set of Bylaws and at this time,they want to present their ideas to the City Council. If the Council concurs,they are also -3- requesting a do�ation from the city of up to $1,000 to pay for SO1C-3 filing fees,which is available in the Tourism Fund. `- Mr. Hobson told the committee the creation of a Foundation would be a great benefit to the city as the funds raised wc�uld be used for many things including much needed repairs and maintenance of the horse barn, silos, and Petersen Homestead. The Foundation would operate similarly to the Riverwalk Foundation; furidraising to maintain and program the farmstead with all final decisions made by the city. The group already plays a large part in the yearly programming of"A Day at Petersen Farm." Alderman Schaefer said he would agree only if the Foundation is a recommending body and the city has ultimate decision making. He also asked if the Foundation would return the money used to pay for filing fees to the city and Mr. Hobson said in service only. Alderman Blake and Alderman Peterson agreed the creation a Foundation is a good idea. Ald. Schaefer asked if a member of staff would be appointed to the commission. Mr. Hobson said currently, the members of the proposed Foundation are Pat Wirtz, Gloria Mack, James Johnson and Vern Schiller but would request a full slate of board members before presenting the item to City Council. Alderman Blake made a motion, seconded by Alderman Schaefer to 1) forward the request for the creation of the Colby/Petersen Farm Foundation to program and fundraise on behalf of the Colby/Petersen Farm; and, 2) request for up to $1,000 from the Tourism Fund to pay for SOIC-3 filing fees to the full City Council for consideration. Aye: Blake, Schaefer, Peterson Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried Reports to Committee � Ft. McHenry Renovations. Mr. Hobson reported the Ft. McHenry renovation project will begin spring 2014. Aquatic/Recreation Center Update. Mr. Hobson reported he recently met with representatives from Dewberry to discuss the recently completed Feasibility Study and the ongoing pro forma process. Options Dewberry will consider in the pro-forma will include two models: the first is an option that meets the initially proposed $8M budget with limited development on the aquatic and recreation side; the second model expands the overall facilities and includes the potential for an 8-lane lap pool that would eliminate the need for the Peter J. Merkel Aquatic Center however this option exceeds the budget. The overall master plan of the facility with full build-out of all elements on the recreation and aquatic side would be an estimated $24M. Master planning is an important component of the plan as it ensures ample room for future expansion. The committee discussed the first model for $8M noting it was nice but would not bring people to the park. The second model includes several features such as a lazy river, 3,000 sq. ft. fitness center and an eight-lane lap pool. Mr. Hobson reported revenues from Knox Park Pool only cover the cost to operate the pool. Dewberry will determine what revenues can be generated from renovating the current facility. On December 16`n the Pro Forma will be completed. New Business '..► Alderman Schafer requested an update on ADA compliance. Mr. Hobson reported $20,000 is included in the CIP to comply with the recently completed ADA Assessment. Copies of the document will be provided to the committee. -4- Adjournment Alderman Scha��fer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Blake to adjourn the meeting. � Aye: Schaefer,Blake, Peterson Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried The meeting w2s adjourned at 6:30 PM. Respectfully sunmitted, < . � Alderman Rob� . Peterson,Chairman � � -5-