HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/9/2015 - Parks and Recreation Committee . ` �/ �� ��r��.��, � � ��"� � ��'�` � �T.� y� � �. � �--�.�_.- ���.I��1� �� PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Monday,Apri19,2014,4:00 PM Aldermen's Conference Room Call to Order Chairman Alderman Peterson called the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee to arder at 4:00 PM. Other committee members present were Alderman Jeffrey Schaefer and Alderman Geoffrey Blake. Also in attendance were Deputy City Administrator Bill Hobson, Superintendent of Parks & Downtown Maintenance Patrick Gorniak, Superintendent of Parks Planning and Forestry Tom Schmidt, Superintendent of Recreation Cindy Witt, Athletic Program Coordinator Pattie Lunkenheimer, and Executive Assistant Marci Geraghty. Public Input None. � Approval to establish a City of McHenry Tree Planting Program. Chairman Alderman Peterson reported the first item on the meeting agenda is a proposal to establish a tree planting program and to seek a motion from the committee to present the proposal to the full City Council for consideration. Chairman Peterson gave the floor to Deputy Administrator Hobson. Mr. Hobson told the committee the city currently has no guidelines for the planting of trees. Superintendent Schmidt has developed a plan for presentation to the committee. Mr. Schmidt reported the tree preservation ordinance is currently used to determine the size of trees to be replaced however an organized plan to plant trees does not exist. A chart depicting the total diameter of trees removed and replaced since 2009 was provided to the committee. The devastation caused by the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) in many of our neighborhoods, such as Olde Mill Ponds and Legend Lakes, has increased the demand to plant trees. An EAB reforestation grant funded the planting of 30 trees in the Legend Lakes subdivision. Establishing a planting program to stay ahead of the demand for replacement trees will facilitate a manageable planting scheme. He also noted that much of the cost in maintaining trees is watering; by planting trees in a designated sector of the city,will significantly reduce maintenance time. Alderman Schaefer asked if the city has a plan to replace trees in areas hit by the EAB? Mr. Schmidt there is no money in the budget dedicated to replace these trees one for one. The new plan will determine the order where trees will be replaced. Alderman Schaefer asked how the locations would be selected. Mr. Schmidt answered trees will be planted near or in public facilities and if parkways are available. � Mr. Schmidt said the first step of the plan is to include the number of trees that will be planted each year in the fiscal year budget. This will become the "sustainable level," or the minimum number of trees planted in a given year. This number could be increased depending on the budget for that year. Parks&Recreation Committee Report April 9,2014 Page Two � The second p;irt of the program is to establish areas of the city that would receive trees. The proposed planting progr am would be setup in a similar fashion to the pruning program whereby the city is divided into seven sec:ors and each sector is pruned once every seven years. These sectors would receive trees on a rotating ba;is. If a resident desires a tree in a year when trees are not being planted in their neighborhood they can obtain a tree through the 50/50 tree planting program or plant a tree at their own expense throu gh the parkway tree pernut process. Alderman Peterson asked if all areas will receive the same number of trees. Mr. Schmidt said the number of trees planted would be determined by what the budget and wl�at city crews can manage in a given year. Mr. Hobson resported a dedicated crew led by Superintendent Schmidt from the Public Works garage and comprised of three Parks Maintenance and three Street Division employees was formed to perform tree trimming throughout the city. Mr. Schmidt informed the cominittee the crew pruned 500 trees and removed 220. Of the trees that were removed, 82 were due to the EAB and approximately 64 of those were located in the Olde Mill Ponds subdivision. Alderman Peterson asked about the rotation. Mr. Schmidt said the city is divided into seven sectors with planting and pruning performed in seven year cycles. New trees will be planted in a sector three years prior to the pruning schedule for that area. The Parks Maintenance schedule is running behind because previous to the formation of a dedicated crew,pruning was only performed sporadically. Alderman Schaefer asked if the city suggests where memorial trees should be planted. Mr. Schinidt noted families may request a specific location or park,but usually it is based on need. Mr. Hobson reported 18 residents participated in the 50/50 program this year and 10 trees have been donated to the city through the Arbor Day donation program. �-' Mr. Schmidt reported the EAB,other types of infestation, and a decrease in new development caused by a poor economy has created a shortage in the number of trees planted. Added to that is the fact the city does not have a definite tree planting plan, we are usually late bidding for trees. Establishment of the proposed plan will enable staff to bid for trees earlier in the year. Alderman Scliaefer suggested staff make areas in town hardest hit by the EAB a priority when determining the planting rotation. Mr. Schmidt said he will contact HOA's about participating in the 50/50 tree pro�nam. The committee unanimously agreed to approve the tree planting plan. It was noted approval by the full Council is not required as expenditures associated with tree planting are a budgeted item. Alderman Blake made a motion, seconded by Alderman Schaefer to approve the tree planting program as presented. Aye: Blake, Schaefer,Peterson Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried Project Updates Mr. Hobson reported on the following projects: Recreation Center. Four draft site plans and layouts were presented for the proposed recreation center. The first phase proposed is an 18,000 square foot facility and a gymnasium in the second phase. The � comrriittee favored Site Plan#4 agreeing it is most similar to the original master plan with the fitness area facing the parking lot and a patio and multi-purpose room facing west opening up to a future aquatic area. Parks&Recreation Committee Report April 9,2014 Page Three � Staff recently toured four area fitness centers. He also reported a determination on the city's $2.5-M grant applicat�on is pending. Alderman Blake asked about the timeline for the grant. Mr. Hobson replied late September or early October in time to go out for bid. McBark Dog Park. Memberships to McBark Park are increasing. To date, 133 passes have been purchased for 137 dogs. A grand opening event will be held at the park on April 26`h from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, wit]i a ribbon cutting at 11:00 AM. Four vendor tables will be setup. He also reported Gary Lang Subaru lias offered to sponsor the park for $15,000 a year for three years. If the details can be agreed upon, he sponsorship will cover the annual cost to maintain the park and will enable the city to considerably :�educe the cost for an annual membership. An agreement is being drafted and will be presented to t ie full council this month. Alderman Schaefer asked how many memberships have been purchased sinue the fee was prorated; Mr. Hobson answered between 25 and 30. Alderman Schaefer suggested advertising the park in pet stores and veterinary offices/clinics. Fort McHenry Construction Project. The city advertised for bids in February for construction and renovation of Fort McHenry. Twelve bid packages were picked up however no bids were submitted. When asked why, contractors stated the bid specifications were too complicated. The city has again re- advertised for bids and the bid opening is scheduled for Apri129`n Miller Riverfront Park. Mayor Low and City Administrator Marefield met with US Rep. Randy Hultgren and asked for assistance with obtaining a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers to install a boat ramp at Miller Riverfront Park. They also met with Lakemoor to discuss the possibility of a partnership with McHenry or if they are interested in selling the rights to their boat access permit. Petersen Farin. The Petersen-Colby Foundation is still awaiting approval of their application for SO1C-3 `- status. Mr. ��obson said he was recently contacted the family of Elmer and Ethyl Blake who are interested in donating $50,000 to the city for a worthy project in honor of their parents. The Petersen Farm was an idea proposed. Programs. Superintendent Witt and Athletic Coordinator Lunkenheimer presented an update on recreation pro��rams offered by the city. Ms. Witt reported with the exclusion of open gym and special event, it is estimated over 2800 people participated in the winter/spring programs. Alderman Schaefer asked about participation in the softball leagues. Ms. Lunkenheimer said the softball leagues are popular however co-ed interest is low. Ms. Witt said she has increased the number of news releases advertising recreation pro�nam and special events. The committee said the Winter/Spring 2014 participation report provided to the committee was informative. Maintenance. Parks and Downtown Maintenance were merged to form the Parks & Downtown Maintenance Division led by Superintendent Gorniak. Mr. Gorniak relayed to the committee the newly formed division is successful. More manpower to maintain the city's parks, ball fields, downtown, and Riverwalk will improve conditions and enable a regular maintenance schedule. Mr. Gorniak reported city ball fields and washrooms are now open — water fountains will be operational when the weather improves. His goal this spring is to improve the condition of the ball fields. The fields will be turned more effectively in the spring and fall. The fields will be watered more often with new equipment proposed in the FY 14/15 budget. After a full year of intense maintenance,the fields will be in excellent condition. Mr. Gorniak is working closely with District 156 whose baseball team uses Petersen Park Field#2. Alderman Petersen asked how many employees are in the division. Mr. Gorniak answered five maintenance employees and one assistant superintendent. � Parks&Recreation Committee Report April 9,2014 PageFour � Alderman Pet�rson said he appreciated the updates. Alderman Blake and Schaefer agreed and asked Mr. Hobson to prc vide the committee with updates on a regular basis. Mr. Hobson said he will send an email to the committee with proposed dates for the next meeting. All agreed 4:00 P VI was a convenient time of day to hold meetings. Adjournment Alderman Schaefer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Blake to adjourn the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee. Aye: Schaefer,Blake, Peterson Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried The meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, ` � � Chairman A1 rman Robert Peterson. � �.