HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/21/2015 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Monday, September 21, 2015 �- Council Chambers, 6:00 PM In Attendance: Committee Members Chairman Robert Peterson, Alderman Jeffrey Schaefer, and Alderman Victor Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Mayor Low, Alderman Geri Condon, Deputy City Aciministrator Hobson; Recreation Center Manager Matt LaPorte; Aquatic & Athletic Supervisor Nico e Thompson; and Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk Geraghty. Chairman Aldennan Peterson called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. PUBLIC INPUT None. INTRODUCTION OF NEW STAFF MEMBERS Deputy Administrator Hobson introduced Nicole Thompson, recently hired Aquatic & Athletic Supervisor and Recreation Center Manager Matt LaPorte to the Committee. Matt&Nicole each provided a brief history on their backgrounds and intended goals to achieve in their new positions. MCHENRY RECREATION CENTER CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Deputy Administrator Hobson announced the McHenry Recreation Center construction project is on target to be completed in February 2016 and projected to open to the public in spring 2016. Although two change orders were required, the project budget will come in at 4.15M, which is lower than expected and under budget. � Mr. Hobson explained the purchase of furniture and fitness equipment is not included in the currently budget. However, 1.SM is available in the Recreation Center Fund that can be used for these purchases. Mr. LaPorte is in the process of formulating a plan to either lease or purchase the equipment, whichever is more cost effective. Mr. LaPorte added he wants to offer a variety of equipment in the limited space available. Alderman Geri Condon entered the meeting at 6:30 PM. The committee discussed the brands of fitness equipment offered and possible layout of the equipment. Mr. Hobson reported the Recreation Center team is gathering information to determine the membership tiers that will be offered to establish the center's operating budget. When membership tiers and budget are determined, the plan will be submitted to the IPRA for review and challenge. After which, the plans will be brought to the Parks & Recreation Committee for review. This will ensure the city will offer the best membership plans for the community and at the same time provide future revenue for the center to operate. A pre-sale for memberships will be offered to the public in December 2015. Answering an inquiry from Ald. Schaefer, Mr. Hobson reported the various facilities currently used to hold programs are being notified the city will no longer require use of their space. A special meeting of the Committee will be scheduled in the near future for the purpose of touring the Recreation Center facility. � ^ ,Finance and Personnel Committee ' September 21,2015 Page 2 LITTLE FREE LIBRARY �' Mr. Hobson repc�rted he received email correspondence from Erin & Jim Harris regarding their desire to donate a "Little l�ree Library" unit at Ft. McHenry. The purpose of the initiative rs to promote reading for children, literacy for adults, and libraries around the world. Information about the program was included with the meeting packet. He noted a similar request was submitted by the Aalto Family to install a unit in Shamrock Par c. Mr. Hobson asked the committee to consider the request for approval or denial. Alderman Condon addressed the Committee regarding her knowledge of this worldwide program. She stated this is bas�cally a book exchange. One unit or box is installed in a designated area or park to house donated books. A child or adult who wishes to "borrow" a book from the unit may do so and is also encouraged to return the book and/or add a book to the unit. This low maintenance program is endorsed by CHARACTER COUNTS! Following a brief discussion Alderman Schaefer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Santi to authorize the installation of a "Little Free Library" in a location to be determined by staff in Ft. McHenry Park and Shamrock Park. Aye: Schaefer, Santi, Peterson Nay: None. Not Voting: None Abstaining: None Absent:None. Motion carried. � FUTURE ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Mr. Hobson asked the committee to review the following topics for future consideration by the Committee: Master Plan Renewal; Miller Riverfront Park Boat Launch; Upcoming CIP Projects; Merkel Aquatic Center Improvements; Ongoing Sponsorship; Dog Park Improvements & Update. The Committee was asked to provide additional future topics for discussion. Alderman Schaefer suggested a comprehensive review of Park Use fees. Alderman Santi asked staff to schedule a date for a tour of the Recreation Center. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Santi to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 PM. Aye: Schaefer, Santi, Peterson Nay: None. Not Voting: None Abstaining: None Absent:None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � � Alderman Robe rson,Chairman