HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/21/2016 - Parks and Recreation Committee � . PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE � MEETING REPORT Monday, November 21, 2016, 5:30 PM McHenry City Council Chambers 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 In Attendance at Roll Call: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Robert Peterson and Alderman Jeffrey Schaefer. Absent: Alderman Victor Santi. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Recreation Center Manager Matt LaPorte, Athletic &Aquatic Supervisor Nicole Thompson, and Deputy Clerk Marci Geraghty. 1. Call to Order: Chairman Peterson called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM. 2. Public Input: None. 3. Motion to a�prove the Au�ust 15, 2016 Parks &Recreation Committee Meeting Report. Alderman Schaefer made a motion, seconded by Chairman Peterson to approve the minutes as presented. � Aye: Schaefer, Peterson Nay: None. Not Voting: None Abstaining: None Absent: Santi Motion carried. 4. Master Plan & Communitv Needs Assessment Discussion Administrator Hobson and Recreation Center Manager LaPorte presented a draft Request far Proposals for the Development of a Community Needs Assessment (CNA). At the August 15th meeting, the committee directed staff to develop the draft and bring it back to Committee for a recommendation. At this time, staff is seeking direction from the Committee to forward the proposal to the full City Council for authorization to advertise for RFP's. Anticipated cost to perform the CNA is $30-40,000, which will be paid through the Park Developer ponations fund. If recommended by the committee, the RFP will be presented to the full City Council in December. Responding to a question from the committee, Administrator Hobson informed the CNA will include community surveys and open houses for the purpose of determining the � community's expectations of the city's park system and recreation facilities and programs. The com�nunity will be asked to provide their level of interest in supporting a new aquatic center and expansion of the McHenry Recreation Center including a gymnasium. Also, they will be asked for their interest in programs for youth and adults. � The completed CNA will update and be incorporated into the current Master Plan that was developed in 2005. It was the consensus of the Committee to forward the document as presented to the full City Council for consideration and authorization to advertise for RFP's. 5. Updates &Future Meetin�Topics. • Administrator Hobson reported the new section of bike path that circumnavigates the Recreation Center is near completion and open for foot traffic. The new path is 8- feet wide. A few minor punch-list items remain, mileage markers and course display signs will be added to the path, and restoration/landscaping will be completed in the spring. The city attorney sent the Miller River Front Boat Launch agreement to the Army Corps of Engineers to determine the next step. Administrator Hobson informed the committee the State of Illinois suspended the city's previously approved boat launch grant which means, the city's cost to complete the project will increase. Staff anticipates going out for bid in January and to open the launch in May 2017. The committee was reminded that the city will not pay for the ramp until the permit is � received from the Army Corps. This project is included in the CIP. Annual fees and fines for use of the ramp will be brought to the committee at a future meeting for discussion. The method of charging the fees by issuing an annual sticker or tag on trailers will have to be determined. In response to a question posed by the committee, Administrator Hobson noted snowmobiles are not allowed in city parks, arid as the boat launch is located in a park, it would take council action to permit launching snowmobiles. • As previously reported to the Committee, the Althoff basketball courts were resurfaced and the rink liner harms the newly painted court surface. After some investigation, staff designated Fox Ridge (playground) Park as the best location to install the rink. The city's steel, special event barricades will be used to surround the rink. Responding to a question from the committee, Administrator Hobson reported in the past a rink was established on East Beach however it was never used. • Manager LaPorte provided an update on Recreation Center memberships. To date, 1600 memberships have been purchased. Recreation staff is developing methods of retaining memberships and attracting members to the center. At 6:15 PM, Alderman Santi joined the meeting. • The winter Parks & Recreation brochure will be mailed to residents the first week in � December. -2- • Athletic & Aquatic Supervisor Thompson presented the committee with updates on �„ current and upcoming recreation program development and activities. Ms. Thompson highlighted the success of the McHenry Marlins Swim Team, which is comprised of 50 children at each level and as a result, is becoming increasing more difficult to accommodate the team at West Campus. � McBark Park has 380 members. This is the final year for the three-year Gary Lang Subaru sponsorship commitment. Mr. Lang will be contacted to determine if he would like to renew his sponsorship of the park. • Administrator Hobson reported he was contacted by a representative from the McHenry County Treasurer's Office offering to sell two parcels of land to the city for $600 each. One parcel is next to Althoff Park and may be useful to the city. The other parcel is densely wooded and located along the railroad tracks off of Orleans Avenue. Also it is not contiguous and Staff would not recommend acquiring this parcel. • Alderman Schaefer inquired about the status of the Cunat donation/pledge. Administrator Hobson stated the funds were pledge to the Riverwalk Foundation and they are pursuing this matter. 6. Adjournment. Alderman Schaefer made a motion, seconded by Alderman Santi to adjourn the meeting at � 6:40 PM. Aye: Schaefer, Santi, Peterson Nay: None. Absent: None Motion carried. Reviewed and Approved: � �-� G � .�t -� � Date: �,/�G /�� , 2017 Alderm�'h ffre Schaefer, Chai an � � -3-