HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/13/2017 - Parks and Recreation Committee PARKS&RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING � JULY 13,2017 1. Call to Order:The meeting was called to order at 3:30 pm. 2. In Attendance at Roll Call:Chairman Alderman Schaefer,Alderman Devine and Alderwoman Condon.Also in attendance: Mayor Jett, Deputy City Administrator Hobson, Recreation Superintendent LaPorte and City Clerk Nevitt. 3. Public Comment: None. 4. Review of Communitv Needs Assessment Deputy City Administrator Hobson presented the results of the Community Needs Assessment explaining how many surveys were sent out and received. Alderwoman Condon asked how the participants were selected to which Superintendent LaPortE� responded it was random by neighborhood and demographics.About 1200 went out and anticipating to get back about 300 responses.Alderwoman Condon also questioned the length of the survey and if there was an idea of how long it takes to complete.Superintendent LaPorte responded it would take on average 20 to 30 minutes to complete the survey. Deputy Administrator Hobson went through the survey question by question.Alderwoman �. Condon asked about adding the tennis courts into the survey.Administrator Hobson responded it can be considered and there have been tennis courts added or updated in the last five years. More discussion ensued about the rest of the questions on the survey. Superintendent LaPorte added that the goal is for families to fill this out together to have a better idea of what the community wants to see not just one person for each household that receives the survey. Motion made by Alderman Devine,to approve the Community Needs Assessment as presented with amendment to add specific ages to question 18 (5-20 for recreation swim and 5-12 for before/after school swim),to be released and conducted, second by Alderwoman Condon. Voting Aye: Devine, Condon,Schaefer Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion Carried. 5. Discussion: Recreation Center Expansion Deputy City Administrator Hobson discussed the proposed expansion of the Recreation Center. The proposed plan may include an outdoor pool, indoor gym,and indoor pool. A tour group was brought in to tour the current Recreation Center and asked about having a 50-meter pool. Deputy City Administrator Hobson mentioned that if a 50-meter pool were put in, it would add `-- $5 million to the project. The possibility of conducting a feasibility study to determine the revenue generated with a 50-meter pool compared to a 25-meter pool. � Alderwoman Condon stated that from a taxpayer's standpoint it would not be accepted. Alderman Schaefer added as a whole,the project would probably be a tough sell coming out when everyone is trying to decrease taxes although it is a great idea. Major Jett stated possibly meeting with another complex to see what kind of revenue is brought in along with hotels and anything else that could be added to the complex. Hobson brought up a point about possibly talking to corporate sponsors. Mayor Jett stated that the cost for a 50-meter pool, if wanted, should not all fall on taxpayers; the city should look into other options.Alderwoman Condon asked what the indoor play area entailed. Superintendent LaPorte replied the main thing the Recreation Center is running into is space for childcare and the indoor play area would increase the number of children that can be in the childcare center with possibly a play place with slides and tunnels for the kids to play on. 6. Department Updates � Deputy City Administrator Hobson reported the boat launch is under construction and is expected to open in late August.There will be free launches until the end of the season to bring awareness to the community that the launch exists. Petersen Park Barn is scheduled to be painted the first week in August. Fox Ridge Park basketball court was resurfaced this past spring. Shamrock Farms court is the only one left to be resurfaced. Althoff courts have all been resurfaced. � McCullom Lake was treated. A Day at Petersen Park Farm was a huge success with over 2,000 people attending.The horse barn at Petersen Farm needs repair and the house will be reroofed this fall. Petersen Park had a path added last fall, a drinking fountain was installed and plans for additional path may be possible. Superintendent LaPorte reported Safety Town is open. This is a new program located next to the skate park. Construction was made possible by donations from different companies and work from different departments.The first weeklong camp was a great success and taught children about different kinds of safety. This was also an opportunity to fill an empty space with an educational tool. Deputy City Administrator Hobson stated that the Recreation Center parking lot expansion that was included in the CIP is scheduled to begin this fall. One item that scored high on the community assessment survey was washrooms at Petersen Park and at Fox Ridge Park along with concessions, and maintenance. Staff wants to take a closer look at the cost to get this accomplished at Fox Ridge Park. Superintendent LaPorte distributed a supplement reviewing programs and the number of participants held by the Parks& Recreation Department. Alderman Schaefer asked how these programs are marketed and Superintendent LaPorte responded by stating mostly by word-of- �- mouth. He also recommended a proposed increase in membership by two dollars, stating that there nas been a lot of value added to the membership. The price increase would be only for `-- the new members.Alderwoman Condon asked if it is too soon to raises prices on membership for the Recreation Center,Superintendent LaPorte answered that it would be only for new members and existing memberships will not be increased. 7. Future Meetin�Topics Alderman Devine stated that Lakeland Park had two basketball hoops and wondered if they were coming back. Deputy City Administrator Hobson reported one hoop would be reinstalled. Alderman Devine noted Althoff Park is rarely used and he would like to see a new use for it such as a retention pond. Alderman Schaefer said Althoff Park has been sitting empty for too long; it should be a goal of staff to find a new use for it. Deputy City Administrator Hobson reported the next meeting is scheduled for August 21 at 5:30 p.m. 8. Motion to adiourn the meeti� Motion made by Alderman Devine,to adjourn the meeting at 5:27 p.m., second by Alderwoman Condon. Voting Aye: Devine, Condon,Schaefer �-- Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 5:27 p.m. � i4Yder�fian Je ry A.Schaefer, C 'rman (,- L