HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/27/2009 - Community Development Committee �OMMUl�IITY DEVELOPMENT COMMI'I'TEE MEETING � Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:04 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Glab, Alderman Santi and Alderman Wimmer. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Alderman Schaefer Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Chairman Alde�rman Condon noted that Alderman Schaefer had expressed an interest in taking part in the di�cussion regarding the intersection improvement project, but was not yet in attendance. She stated that Item 3 on the Agenda, regarding the Core Downtown Sub-Area Plan, would be discussed prior to Item 2, giving Alderman Schaefer an opportunity to arrive. Alderman Schaefer arrived at 7:05 p.m. Public Input No one spoke during the time put aside for public input. Discussion Regarding Core Downtown Sub-Area Plan � Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that at the November 2008 meeting of the Community Development Committee the Committee members reviewed a potential Vision Statement and discussed future land uses for the portion of the Core Downtown Sub-Area south of Illinois Route 120. Based upon the discussion which took place regarding the Vision Statement, Staff revised the Vision Statement as follows: Historic downtown McHenry connects the community to its small town roots. Providing a wide variety o,f community-oriented businesses downtown blends retail, professional services, civic and residential uses into a unique and dynamic neighborhood that attracts people of all ages. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that as previously mentioned, Staff has divided the Core Downtown Sub-Area into three planning areas. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided a large map which summarized the Committee's comments from the November 2008 meeting. He noted that Planning Area One is west of Green Street and Planning Area Two is east of Green Street. Planning Area Three is located north of Illinais Route 120. Staffwould like to begin discussing future land uses of this area. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted, as a reminder, when discussin� future land use planning in a downtown setting, physical and nonphysical linkages should be considered in � Community De��elopment Committee Meeting � January 27, 200'a Page 2 addition to lo�ical land use separation points, areas of public parking, usable public spaces, streetscapes and other physical design elements. Additionally, Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with information gleaned from th�� recent survey and the following proposed chapters af the Core Downtown Sub- Area Plan(the"Plan"), which Staff prepared: • Introduction • The Evolutian of Downtown • Core Downtown Vision • The Planning Process • Land Use Patterns and Development Needs • Streetscape Improvements • Circulation and Implementation Roles Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated a major issue in the Plan is parking. Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Alderman Condon regarding residential parking on the street, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that residents are permitted to park on the street; however; parking is restricted and there is no overnight parking. L- Alderman Schaefer opined he is concerned about the integrity of the neighborhoods changing. Chairman Alderman Condon stated she is not overly concerned that the residential area would be impacted, however she is unsure of what type of business she would be willing to support in the area off Richmond Road. She opined that row houses in the area might be nice. Chairman Alderman Condon indicated she does not believe the area should change significantly from what it is currently. A brief discussion ensued. Alderman Glab stated he doesn't care for access directly onto Route 31. Alderman Glab inquired about the amount of property homeowners are losing with the widening of Route 120. Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated it is approximately five (5) feet. Discussion Re�ardins North Richmond Road (Dlinois Route 31) Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that in 2011 the intersection of Illinois Route 120 and Illinois Route 31 (Richmond Road) is scheduled for improvement. Alon� with the improvement is the planned widening of Richmond Road north to Washington Street in order to match the existing cross section leading to the City's major retail corridor. Deputy City Administrator Martin restated that an open house was held in December 2008. At that time many of the residents living along Richmond Road expressed concerns that the improvements would impact their home values and the future of their properties. He noted that specifically, the question most asked was if the road is widened to five lanes does the property � remain viable as a single-family residential area. Many of the residents expressed an interest in Community Development Committee Meeting `. January 27, 2005� Page 3 the option of rezoning their property to something other than single-family residential. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that with the exception of one or two of the properties, all of the properties are currently zoned RS-4, High-Density Single-Family Residential District. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the question is should the properties be rezoned to multi-family residential, or some other classification, which would make them more marketable to potential buyers? He indicated that a couple of the homeowners expressed an interest in rezoning their property for mixed or of�ice uses. He noted that some of the homes are rental properties, but there are still several owner-occupied homes. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that it is Staff's opinion that this area is too far north to be considered part of the Core Downtown Sub-Area. He noted that another issue germane to the discussion is the fact that this area is part of old McHenry. Some of the residents would like the area to remain a viable neighborhood and maintain the single-family residential zoning status. Staff ascertained that with the road project moving forward it would be an advantageous time to bring the matter before the Community Development Committee. � Alderman Glab stated he would not support any rezoning until a plan was actually formulated. Chairman Alderman Condon opined she would like to see a plan which leaves a lot of property residential. All present concurred. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated he will speak with personnel at SEC Group and IDOT regarding access points. Following a discussion it was determined that a corridor-type plan would be the most a�reeable. Other Business Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the members of the Committee that Olive Garden Restaurant is now open for business. Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry regarding whether or not the survey taken downtown by Staff was worthwhile, Deputy City Administrator Martin responded affirmatively. He informed the Committee that Staff was on each street in an effort to obtain a good perspective. Chairman Alderman Condon wondered aloud what the results of the survey would have been if the survey had been taken in good weather as opposed to mid-winter. Alderman Glab stated he would like to discuss the fence ordinance at a future Community Development Committee meeting. He opined the ordinance should be addressed in light of the cunent economy and with spring coming. � Community De�✓elopment Committee Meeting � January 27, 2009 Page 4 Alderman Glab requested that Staff provide an update on the Emerald Ash Borer. Deputy City Administrator 1V'artin assured him an update would be forthcoming. Chairman Alderman Condon informed the members of the Committee that the next meeting would be held on February 24, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Alderman Conference Room. She noted that potential topics on the agenda would be: • Continued discussions regarding the Downtown Sub-Area; • Historic District Designation; and • Property Maintenance Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi, Wimmer. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, �. . ��� � Geri Condon, Chairman r