HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/24/2009 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 24, 2009 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. �-- In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Glab, and Alderman Santi. Absent: Alderman Wimmer. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, City Pla.nner Kolner and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Kaaren Gies (Landmark Commission) Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that Item No. 3, Discussion on North Richmond Road (Illinois Route 31), would be removed from tonight's agenda and tabled for discussion at a future meeting. Alderman Schaefer expressed an interest in taking part in any discussions regarding this matter and is unable to attend the meeting tonight. The topic will be rescheduled to a future meeting, providing Alderman Schaefer an opportunity to participate. Public Input No one spoke diiring the time set aside for public input. Discussion Re ardin Pro osed Historic District Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that City Planner Kolner has been working with the Landmark Commission (the "Commission") regarding the creation of an historic district for the residential sections of Waukegan Road and Main Street. The proposed �, boundaries have been delineated and the housing inventory surveys were completed last year. Additionally, the drafting of the historic guidelines was completed. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that currently the Commission is evaluating how the implementation and enforcement of the Historic District's Design Guidelines will occur. The Commission would like to enforce and regulate all of the items in the design guidelines within the designated �iistoric District. Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated the Commission would like to update their design guidelines to include the review and regulation of roofing and siding. Staffbelieves that a determination needs to be made reflecting what items can practically be regulated and what procedures need to be changed in order to execute the permitting process for those items. Deputy City Adininistrator Martin mentioned roofing, siding and color. He noted that currently roofing and siding are over-the-counter permits. A resident can come to the counter and receive the permit the same day. If roofing and siding are going to be evaluated within the historic district new procedures will need to be put in place in order to issue the permits. Staff is seeking the Committee's input regarding what items specifically should be reviewed within the historic district. The historic district guidelines would then be updated to reflect enforceable regulations and handouts would be created explaining the permitting process. Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated that once the guidelines are completed, along with handouts and associated permits, the Historic District parameters could then be presented to the ,� community. He noted that Sta�is suggesting an Open House be held to introduce the Historic District to the public, prior to the Public Hearing for its establishment being scheduled. Community Development Committee Meeting �, February 24, 2009 Page 2 Addressing Alderman Glab's concerns regarding the foundations on some historic properties, City Planner Kclner explained that the Historic District Designation pertains only to facades. Alderman Glab �pined he would prefer that vinyl be eliminated as an option for siding. Chairman Aldei man Condon praised Staff and the Landmark Commission for the work on the Design Guidelir es for Waukegan-Main Historic District. She suggested that on the front page and back page of the guidelines Community Development Department be changed to Construction anci Neighborhood Services. Chairman Alder�nan Condon requested that members of the Committee receive notification prior to scheduling the proposed Open House. She inquired about the exact number of houses in the Historic District. City Planner Kolner stated she has the information, but not committed to memory. She informed Chairman Alderman Condon that she would obtain the information and provide it to her. Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry regarding a comparison of the prices of homes in similar areas, Ms. Gies, of the Landmark Commission, stated she is in the real estate business and will pull up market statistics. `" Alderman Glab suggested preparation of criteria for available grant money might be advantageous for presentation at the proposed Open House. Deputy City Adrninistrator Martin stated that Staff's purpose at tonight's meeting is to enlighten the Committee r��garding the progress being made. Additional information will be provided at the next meeting. Chairman Alderman Condon requested that prior to the proposed Open House as much information as possible should be obtained in an effort to reassure the public regarding the implementatian c�f the Historic District program. Discussion Re�arding Fence Regulations Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that following the review of the fence ordinance and discussion of the issues, Staff does not believe that the fence ordinance requires a major update. Staff collected ordinances for surrounding municipalities and discovered they do not differ greatly from the (;ity's ordinance. The point was ra�sed regarding having multiple fence types on one property and whether or not this should be permitted in the City. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted there are many instances in the City where one home has two styles of fencing, privacy and decorative. Staff is concerned that if the City begins to regulate aesthetics the issue will become more of a burden than a resolution to the problem. Additionally, those persons with two types of fences on their �'-� property would then all become non-conforming. Staff is seeking the Committee's direction regarding how to proceed. Community De•�elopment Committee Meeting � February 24, 20D9 Page 3 Responding to <<n inquiry, Deputy City Administrator Martin noted the ordinance was amended slightly in 2008. Chairman Alderman Condon noted that in Section 7-146, she would like to see language that describes structtral standard required for a fence. Alderman Glab �pined his concerns regarding growth along a fence. He stated he would like to see language in the ordinance that addresses growth along a fence that causes damage to the fence and encro�ches on neighboring property. Discussion Resarding Core-Downtown Sub Area Plan Deputy City Admimstrator Martin informed the Committee that following multiple forms of public participation and Staffanalysis the first draft of the Core-Downtown Downtown Sub-Area Plan has been co�pleted. The Plan consists of eight chapters: • Introduct�on • Core-Do�vntown Vision • Public Participation and the Planning Process • The Evolution of Downtown • Land Use Pattern and Development Needs � • Streetscape Improvements • Transportation, Circulation and Parking Improvements • Implementation Chairman Alderman Condon complimented Staff regarding their work on the Core-Downtown Sub-Area Plan. She noted that while the plan is very complete it is very dry. �eputy City Administrator Martin agreed, noting that the document presented to the Committee is only a draft of te� and has yet to include the pictures or maps that will be inserted. City Planner Kolner assured the Committee that once pictures, graphics and maps are inserted the Plan will be easier to read. Alderman Glab suggested that on Page 3 the number "30" should be eliminated with regard to the walking survey. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that on Page 1, in two paragraphs, the use of the words "heart and soul" are redundant. She suggested that it remain in the first paragraph but be removed from the second. Additionally, Chairman Alderman Condon indicated she did not care for the wording "sense of place." She requested it be replaced with different verbiage. Additionally, Chairman Alderman Condon made the following suggestions: • Page 2, at the third bullet: � o Add bikes • Page 8, rather than the"Joey T's" designation, reference "historic Dobyn's House"; and • Page 8, there is a space required at the last paragraph to start a new paragraph. Community Development Committee Meeting •�, February 24, 2009 Page 4 Deputy City Administrator Martin assured the Committee their suggestions and requests would be addressed. Staff Renort Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the Chamber of Commerce is holding a Job Expo at West Campus on Saturday, February 28, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. He noted if any members of the Committee are interested in participating they should contact Assistant City Administrator Hobson. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he met with representatives regarding the 2010 Census. He stated that a Proclamation would be forthcoming to the Council encouraging the community to suppoR and promote the census. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee he has heard the recently-opened Olive Garden is doing well. Other Business Alderman Glab stated he would like to see Staff enforce the City's ordinances more diligently. Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry, City Planner Kolner noted there is one City employee �"' who focuses on ordinance enforcement. Chairman Alderman Condon informed the members of the Committee that there is no meeting ne�rt month and that the next meeting would be held on April 28, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conierence Room. She noted that potential topics on the agenda include: • Continued discussions regarding the Historic District Designation; and • Discussion regarding North Richmond Road (Illinois Route 31) Adiournment Motion bv Glab, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: Wimmer. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, • �� .I��i7���� Geri �Condon, Chairman �