HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/28/2009 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING
`-- Tuesday,April 28, 2009
Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p,m.
In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Glab, and
Alderman Santi. Absent: Alderman Wimmer. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator
Martin, Alderman Schaefer and City Clerk Jones.
Also in Attendance: Kaaren Gies: Landmark Commission
Carol Cooney Landmark Commission)
Susan Frank Property Owner
Helen Glab Resident �
Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Discussion: Proposed Historic District
Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that the Landmark Commission
has been working on the creation of an historic district for the residential sections of Waukegan
Road and Main Street. The proposed boundaries have been delineated and the housing inventory
surveys were completed in 2008. Additionally, the drafting of historic guidelines was completed
and the historic preservation ordinance was updated to better reflect the duties of the Landmark
� Since the last meeting of the Community Development Committee, the historic district
guidelines have been updated to reflect enforceable regulations and handouts have been created
to explain the permitting process.
Deputy City Administrator Martin outlined the following forms created for the historic district:
• Certificate of Appropriateness
o Made to resemble a general building permit
• Certificate of Economic Hardship
o Put together as a checklist using the historic preservation ordinance as a guide
• Historic Guidelines
o Wording added regarding roofing and siding
• FAQ regarding the historic district
o To aid residents in understanding what it means to live in a designated historic
Deputy City Administrator Martin noted the next step in the process is an informal Open House
prior to the Public Hearing. Alderman Glab opined the Open House is unnecessary and the
matter should go directly to the Public Hearing. Karen Gies of the Landmark Commission
suggested letters be sent to all interested parties regarding an Open House. Following a
discussion, Chairman Alderman Condon suggested discussions regarding an Open House prior to
the Public Hearing be tabled until the matters at hand are addressed.
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Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi, Chairman Alderman Condon stated that a
committee corrprised of inembers of Staff and the Landmark Commission will be formed to
review permits and procedures. ,
Following a briVf discussion, it was clarified that should an applicant not agree with the decisions
of the Landmar� Commission they may appeal directly to the City Council. Chairman Alderman
Condon opined that the appeal process is important. She suggested it be addressed in the Design
Guidelines and during the process.
Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Karen Gies stated that as a realtor and/or listing
agent informati��n must be disclosed regarding property that is located within an historic district.
She noted that an attempt is being made to get historic properties plaqued. Alderman Glab
opined that the information should be contained in the legal description and be on record.
Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated he would look into the matter.
Chairman Alderman Condon stated that in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) No. 2, she
noted she would prefer if the terminology regarding "abuse of discretion" be removed and the
sentence reworded. Additionally, the words "Landmark Commission" should be replaced by
"Review Committee."
Chairman Alderman Condon indicated that in FAQ No. 6, the words "horror stories" should be
� replaced or removed. Following a brief discussion it was determined that the question"What are
the disadvantages to owning property in the local historic district?" would be replaced with "Are
there disadvantages to owning property in the local historic district?" and the first paragraph
following the questions would be removed in its entirety.
Chairman Alderman Condon addressed the first sentence in FAQ No. 7. Following a brief
discussion it was determined that the first sentence would be removed in its entirety.
Chairman Alderman Condon noted that the fact that only the fa�ade is addressed in this process
regarding the historic district needs to be addressed in the packet.
Following a brief discussions, Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that
he would like to make the revisions suggested to the forms and return to the Committee once
again with the amended documents prior to moving forward.
Chairman Alderman Condon announced that Deputy City Administrator Martin is unavailable to
attend the next scheduled Community Development Committee meeting on May 19, 2009, as he
would be out of town on a work-related matter. She asked the Committee members to consider
rescheduling the meeting to Tuesday, June 2, 2009.
Discussion: North Richmond Road (Dlinois Route 31)
Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that at its January 2009 meeting,
� the Committee discussed the North Richmond Road corridor and the impact future road
widening would have on existing single-family homes. Since the last meeting, Staff has had the
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opportunity to ciiscuss the issue with the City Engineer, in terms of how the Illinois Department
of Transportatic�n("IDOT") would treat any new access points upon redevelopment.
The City Engineer suggested that the City develop a proposed plan to present to IDOT, which
would include -ecommendations for the 120/31 roadway improvement plan. It was indicated
that IDOT would be more receptive to the City's wishes if there is a plan in place.
Cunently, in addition to the side street there axe nine (9) curb cuts onto Richmond Road, seven
(7) on the east �ide and two (2) on the west side, from Pearl Street to Washington Street. It has
been determineci that many of the accesses can be combined as properties redevelop. Deputy
City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that there are twenty-three property owners
and four renters. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with a parcel map
indicating wherc� future access points should be located.
Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated that at the January 2009 meeting, the Committee
discussed the pctential for multi-family residential land uses immediately along the corridor, but
not e�rtending tc the interior lots on either side of Richmond Road. Staff has determined that it
would be advantageous to discuss different development-related policies relating to the future
redevelopment along this corridor. Such policies could include:
• Requirin;; cross-access easements on properties as they redevelop;
• Locating parking in the rear of buildings; and
`-- • Utilizing architectural features which are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood.
Alderman Glab upined that a future plan is necessary for the entire corridor, not just from Pearl
Street to Washington Street. He strongly suggested that if something is to be done it should be
done properly.
Carol Cooney noted that if the corridor is e�ended it will go right through her home.
Alderman Schae'er opined that residents are concerned with rezoning issues. The people he has
spoken with havf� expressed a desire that the property remain residential. Additionally, concerns
have been expressed regarding the loss of property.
Alderman Glab stated that he would support multi-family zoning in this are but would be
opposed to commercial zoning.
Chairman Alderman Condon opined she has difficulty justifying commercial use due to traffic
issues. She suggested row houses as a use, citing low traf�ic impact. A lengthy discussion
ensued regarding the viability and merits of row houses.
Chairman Aldernian Condon suggested that Staff obtain photographs and additional information
regarding row house developments for presentation to the Committee at a later date.
-� Ms. Franks departed the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
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Discussion: Fence Re ulations
Deputy City A�iministrator Martin stated that at its last meeting, the Committee discussed
amending the fe�ice ordinance to address two issues.
• First, if ihere is a dead or dying tree, which would potentially damage a fence, the tree
should bc;required to be removed; and
• Second, if a property owner is replacing a section of fencing due to damage and/or
disrepair the new fence section should be compatible/consistent with the fence sections
on either side.
Staff presented the current ordinance language with additional (bolded) te� incorporated to
address the conc��rn noted by the Committee as follows:
"It shall t�e unlawful for the owner, occupant or person in custody of any premises
in the City, having a fence thereon, to permit such fence in a state or condition of
any such disrepair which is liable to cause injury to any person or to property, or
which is iable to collapse, or which encroaches upon or leans upon the premises
of another. If one or more sections of a fence and/or post(s) are removed
because ��f damage, disrepair or otherwise, the section(s) and/or post(s) must
be replac�ed with a fence similar in style, appearance and height consistent
with the fencing immediately adjacent to, on either side of, the piece being
replaced so as to have a consistent line of fence."
Additionally, Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that there is an existing provision in the
trees, shrubs and noxious growth ordinance which states as follows: "The City shall have the
right to cause the removal of any dead or diseased tree on private property within the City when
such trees constit�zte a hazard to life or property . . . "
Staff believes the added language and the currently existing language in the ordinance addressed
the concerns expressed by the Committee.
Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Glab, Deputy City Administrator Martin explained that
if the base of a d seased or damaged tree exists on both properties it is a civil matter regarding
who has the responsibility to remove the tree.
Motion by Santi, seconded by Glab to direct Staff to present the proposed text
amendment regarding fence regulations to full Council for consideration
Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Discussion: Core-Downtown Sub-Area Plan
Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the Committee over the past several months has been
� developing and preparing the Core-Downtown Sub-Area Plan. Following multiple forms of
public participatio� and Staffanalysis the first draft has been completed.
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The first draft c�nsists of the following eight chapters:
� Introduc tion
• Core-Dc�wntown Vision
• Public Participation and the Planning Process
• The Evolution of Downtown
• Land Use Pattern and Development Needs
• Streetsc��.pe Improvements
• Transpoitation, Circulations and Parking Improvements
• Implementation
Staffhas reviewed, incorporated and edited the text from comments presented by the Committee
at its last meeti�ig. Additionally, the Plan has been downsized to make it more succinct, and
maps and photo; have been added to the Plan.
Alderman Santi opined that the graphics and photos make a distinct difference. Alderman
Schaefer concurr ed.
Chairman Alder�nan Condon noted a typographical error on page 4, last paragraph, second line.
She requested th�t the words "of a" be added following establishment to complete the sentence
�' Motion b� Glab, seconded by Santi, to direct Staff to present the Core-Downtown Sub-
Area Plan to full Council for consideration.
Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Other Business
Deputy City Ad�ninistrator Martin informed the Committee that representatives of Verizon
Wireless approac:ied the City with a request to add an antenna to the Sioux Lane water tower.
Staff informed th�m that structurally the Sioux Lane water tower is at maximum capacity with
regard to the number of antenna it can support and that no additional antenna could be installed.
Verizon is currently looking into a stand-alone installation near the new Public Works Facility.
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he will be attending a business
retention breakfasr on Wednesday, April 29, 2009.
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that there has been some interest in
the recently vacatf•d Circuit City building.
Alderman Santi re�uested that Staffprovide the Council with an update regarding the progress of
the renovations to the former Whale's Tail property at Pearl and Green Streets. Deputy City
`.. Administrator Martin indicated that the interior is nearly finished. Responding to an inquiry
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from Alderman Glab, Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the
building permit has been e�ended once.
Public Innut
Chairman Aldc�rman Condon expressed regret at having not recognized the public input portion
of the meeting.
Mrs. Glab exp�-essed concern that businesses in the City do not seem to shovel the snow from
their sidewalks during the winter months. Mrs. Glab suggested that letters be sent from the City
to all business owners in the City limits informing them that they are required to clear the
sidewalks in front of their businesses following a snowfall.
Chairman Alderman Condon stated that the City has an ordinance regarding snow removal,
which must be enforced if a complaint is filed. She acknowledged Mrs. Glab's concerns noting
that the issue is not a Committee matter. She opined that likely it is a staffing issue and noted
that the City currently does not have funding to send letters out to all business owners in the
Motion by Glab to adjourn the meeting. Motion died for lack of a second.
Chairman Alderman Condon again announced to the members of the Committee that Deputy
� City Administrator Martin would be unable to attend the next meeting, which is scheduled for
May 19, 2009. Chairman Alderman Condon requested that the meeting date be changed from
May 19, 2009 to June 2, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Alderman Conference Room. She noted that
topics included on the agenda would be:
� Continued discussions regarding the Historic District Designation; and
• Continued discussion regarding North Richmond Road (Illinois Route 31)
Motion by Santi, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
'`-�.='�� '�?�'t�.Gr�
�eri Condon, Chairman