HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/2/2009 - Community Development Committee�... COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, June 2, 2009 '`., Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Glab and Alderman Sarti. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, Alderman Schaefer and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Carol Cooney Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to arder at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Alderman Condon announced she would like to take an opportunity to discuss meeting procedures. She briefly outlined the procedures she expects to be followed during Committee meetings, indicating that while she intends to follow Roberts Rules of Order, she would prefer to keep the Committee meetings casual while not losing sight of order and reasonable courtesies. Alderman Glab opined that Aldermen should speak first. Alderman Santi indicated he would like to see the Committee meetings remain casual. He concurred with Alderman Glab regarding the Aldermen speaking first; however, he noted that whoever speaks should first be recognized by the Chairperson and it is up to the Chairperson to determine what is reasonable to discuss during the meeting. � Chairman Alderman Condon thanked the Aldermen for their input. She noted that a vast amount of work is conducted at the Committee level, opining that it is important that all parties present should be heard from. It was the consensus that the Committee meetings should: • Remain casual while following Roberts Rules of Order; • Any Aldermen in attendance should have an opportunity to discuss matters first; and • Whoever speaks should first be recognized by the Chairperson. Public Inuut Session No one spoke during the public input session. Discussion Regarding Proaosed Historic District Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that since the last meeting Staff has revised the Historic District Guidelines, as well as the Certificate of Appropriateness, to include the appeal procedure. Additionally, the Frequently Asked Questions ("FAQ") sheet has been revised to incorporate the Committee's comments. Staff has researched how other communities ensure homeowners are aware that they are in or about to purchase a home in a Historic District. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the most commonly used method is to record the historic district designation ordinance against all the affected properties. This method has been verified with staff at the McHenry Coumy Recorder's Office. � � Community Development Committee Meeting June 2, 2009 Page 2 `-- Deputy City P.dministrator Martin informed the Committee that some of the other methods used in advertising a local historic district include: • Educat ing realtors; • Postin�;the District on the Internet; • Hando�.�ts; • Entry signs; and • Banners mounted on light poles. Deputy City Administrator Martin announced that the ne� step in the process is to present the material to full Council and secure a recommendation to prepare for a Public Hearing to initiate the designation process. Following Alderman Glab's suggestion that the City Attorney be contacted regarding the legality of recording a document against other person's property, Deputy City Administrator Martin assured the Committee that he would discuss the matter with the City Attorney. Alderman Glab made the following suggestions: • A potential purchaser of property in the historic district should be provided with documentation regarding their specific responsibilities as an owner of historic property; and • There should be an Ordinance that if property is sold in the Historic District the City must be notified of the sale and given an oppoRunity to do a walk around the property and `- inspect it prior to closing. Chairman Alderman Condon, acknowledging Alderman Glab's thoroughness, expressed concerns regarding any additional expense that would be incurred by the City. Chairman Alderman Condon requested that Deputy City Administrator Martin outline the next steps in the process. Deputy City Administrator Martin outlined the remaining steps necessary to establish the Historic District: • Present to Council for permission for a Public Hearing; • Set a date for a Public Hearing • Legal notification to property owners and publication; • Hold the Public Hearing; • Return to Council for an Ordinance establishing the Historic District. Motion by Santi, seconded by Glab to direct Staff to present the proposal for a Historic District to full Councii for scheduling of a Public Hearing Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � , Community Development Committee Meeting June 2, 2009 Page 3 �— Discussion Re�ardin�North Richmond Road (Dlinois Route 311 Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated that at the April meeting the Committee discussed the north Richmond Road corridor and the impact future road widening would have on existing single-family liomes. At that time, the Committee requested some examples of different types of row homes. l)eputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with several pictorial examples of multi-family housing, including row houses. Deputy City �ldministrator Martin stated that as the Committee had discussed at its January meeting the p�>tential for multi-family residential land uses immediately along the corridor, but not extending to the interior lots, on either side of Richmond Road. Staff believes it would be advantageous to discuss and adopt development-related policies for future redevelopment along the corridor. He suggested that such policies may include: 1. Requiring cross-access easements on properties as they redevelop; 2. Locating parking in the rear of the buildings; 3. Architecture which is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood; 4. Hip and gable roofs should be encouraged, while flat roofs should be discouraged; 5. Construction materials should be primarily of brick or other masonry material; 6. Noise restrictions should be considered to minimize impacts on nearby land uses; 7. Additional lighting restrictions should be considered; 8. Increased buffers should be encouraged for yards adjacent to single-family residential land uses; 9. Height should be limited to two stories or less. � Alderman Glab suggested the construction should be limited to a certain height, rather than a specific numbE�r of stories. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that since the location of development and redevelopment would occur sometime in the future, access points should not be finalized. He advised that should the above guidelines be established, multiple access points would be addressed in addition to architectural and site design. Responding to Chairman Alderman Condon's request for clarification, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that even if the Committee adopted certain requirements, should a developer approach the City with a plan and met all the criteria the developer would not have to go before Council for approval. He stated that the document would actually serve as more of a suggestion to developers regarding development. He reiterated that the suggestions are future ideal guidelines, a vision. Alderman Schaefer expressed concerns that a developer could come into the area and construct whatever he chooses. He suggested an ordinance be passed that would be unique to the area. Chairman Alderman Condon acknowledging Alderman Schaefer's concerns opined that the City cannot micro-manage each subdivision in the City. Alderman Glab concurred with Chairman Alderman Condon stating that the City cannot put restrictions on zoning. � . Community Development Committee Meeting June 2, 2009 Page 4 L- Alderman Santi noted that in this particular area space is an issue. He opined that if the City has guidelines in place it is more likely that a developer would look to the City for compatible ideas regarding construction. Alderman Glat� suggested establishing a new zoning category, to address a particular unique area that would est�tblish restrictions for development. Chairman Alderman Condon suggested Staff research the id��a. Ms. Cooney informed the Committee that some of the property north of her property is not very deep. She opined that should the property be developed as multi-family lighting might be an issue. Alderman Glab stated that with new technology directional lighting has been created that does not have the"halo" effect of old lighting systems. Referring to No. 8 in the guidelines suggested by Staff, Chairman Alderman Condon noted that the buffer would depend on how the property is developed. She suggested the wording be revised as follows: 8. Increased buffer yards or screening should be encouraged adjacent to single- family residential land uses; Ms. Cooney inquired about how a buffer is created against a two-story building. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a buffer can be a fence or bushes. � Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested another guideline be added as follows: 10. New buildings should be positioned at the front of the property line. Alderman Glab inquired about set back, stating he would like to see sufficient right-of-way. Ms. Cooney inquired about where the pictures presented to the Committee were taken. She opined they do not seem like suitable dwellings to construct on a 5-lane highway. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested another guideline be added as follows: 11. Uesign and orientation of new buildings should preserve and enhance the existing views in the neighborhood. [As an example he used, St. Mary's Church.} Following a brief discussion Chairman Alderman Condon asked if there was consensus regarding the guidelines outlined by Staff. Alderman Glab opined he is not in favor of establishing policies for only a specific area. He indicated he would prefer pursuing an ordinance regarding rezoning. Alderman Schaefer reiterated that the document is a vision, a guideline. Chairman Alderman Condon instructed Staff to explore the matter regarding new zoning but there is consensUs regarding the following development-related policies: � 1 R�quiring cross-access easements on properties as they redevelop; Z. L��cating parking in the rear of the buildings; � , Community Development Committee Meeting June 2, 2009 Page 5 �' 3• Architecture which is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood; [keeping the character of the community.] 4. I3ip and gable roofs should be encouraged, while flat roofs should be discouraged; 5. Construction materials shall be primarily of brick or other masonry material; 6. [Voise should be considered to minimize impacts on nearby land uses; 7• Additional lighting considerations should be reviewed; 8. [ncreased buffer yards or screening should be encouraged adjacent to single- :amily residential land uses; 9. �eight should be limited to two stories or less. 10. :vew buildings should be positioned at the front of the property line. 1 l. I�esign and orientation of new buildings should preserve and enhance the existing views in the neighborhood (i.e., St. Mary's Church.} Alderman Glab suggested that if staircases are part of the construction they should be in the back of the dwelling, with the entrance to the structure in the back. Deputy City Administrator Martin responded in the negative to an inquiry by Alderman Schaefer regarding whether an update has been prepared regarding road construction. Of the six photographs of multi-family housing and row houses provided to the Committee by Staf�the comments were as follows: • Nos. 1 and 2 were eliminated entirely. `-- • No comments regarding No. 3. • No. 4, Chairman Alderman Condon opined she prefened more character on a building. • Nos. 5 a�id 6, Chairman Alderman Condon liked, Alderman Glab disliked. • No. 7, Chairman Alderman Condon expressed concern that the stairs could be an issue, but likeci the green space in between the structures. She liked the character and dimension to the structures. • No. 8, it was determined that the configuration of the building would create issues for snow ren ioval. Other Business Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that staff is currently meeting with representatives regarding the upcoming census. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that developers from Shoppes of Fox River have informed staff that they are in the process of establishing another restaurant close to Olive Garden. The developer has expressed reluctance in disclosing the name of the restaurant to be constructed. Alderman Santi inquired about certain parking places in front of the retail establishment, Harbor Wallbangers. H:e noted he has received many telephone calls from constituents who have expressed concern regarding safety when heading south on State Route 31 from Main Street. He noted it is sometimes difficult to ascertain when someone is pulling out of one of the parking � spaces closer to �tate Route 31. Alderman Santi expressed reluctance to reduce parking for any _ Community Development Committee Meeting June 2, 2009 Page 6 �— business. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that parking issues are a concern normally handled by the Public Works Committee. Responding to an inquiry by Alderman Santi regarding an update on the Charles Miller Road project, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that another Public Hearing is scheduled in July. Chairman Alderman Condon announced that a review of Garage Sale Permits would be discussed at a future meeting. Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that she has received inquiries regarding the City of McHenry obtaining Main Street status. Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that she will be vacationing on Tuesday, July 28, 2009, the date of the currently scheduled Community Development Committee meeting. She requested the Committee members check their schedules to ascertain if Tuesday, July 21, 2009, at 7:00 p.m., would be a convenient alternative date for the meeting. Chairman Alderman Condon stated she would personally notify Carol Cooney regarding whether or not discuss ons would continue regarding the Richmond Road Corridor at the meeting tentatively scheduled to take place on Tuesday, July 21, 2009. Adjournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m. � Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � �� Geri Condon, Chairman � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, June 2, 2009 � Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Glab and Alderman Sar.ti. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin, Alderman Schaefer and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attendance: Carol Cooney Helen Glab Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Alderman Condon announced she would like to take an opporiunity to discuss meeting procedures. She briefly outlined the procedures she expects to be followed during Committee meetings, indicatin�that while she intends to follow Roberts Rules of Order, she would prefer to keep the Committee meetings casual while not losing sight of order and reasonable courtesies. Alderman Glab opined that Aldermen should speak first. Alderman Santi indicated he would like to see the Committee meetings remain casual. He concuned with Alderman Glab regarding the Aldermen speaking first; however, he noted that whoever speaks should first be recognized by the Chairperson and it is up to the Chairperson to determine what is reasonable to discuss during the meeting. Chairman Alderman Condon thanked the Aldermen for their input. She noted that a vast amount `-' of work is conducted at the Committee level, opining that it is important that a11 parties present should be heard from. It was the consensus that the Committee meetings should: • Remain casual while following Roberts Rules of Order; • Any Aldermen in attendance should have an opportunity to discuss matters first; and • Whoever speaks should first be recognized by the Chairperson. Public Inuut Session No one spoke during the public input session. Discussion Regardin�Pronosed Historic District Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that since the last meeting Staff has revised the Historic District Guidelines, as well as the Certificate of Appropriateness, to include the appeal procedure. Additionally, the Frequently Asked Questions ("FAQ") sheet has been revised to incorporate the Committee's comments. � Staff has researched how other communities ensure homeowners are aware that they are in or about to purchase a home in a Historic District. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the most commonly used method is to record the historic district designation ordinance against all the affected properties. This method has been verified with staff at the �. McHenry County Recorder's Offce. Community Development Committee Meeting June 2, 2009 Page 2 Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that some of the other methods used � in advertising ��local historic district include: • Educat�.ng realtors; • Posting the District on the Internet; • Handoi�ts; • Entry s:gns; and � Banners mounted on light poles. Deputy City Administrator Martin announced that the next step in the process is to present the material to full Council and secure a recommendation to prepare for a Public Hearing to initiate the designation process. Following Alderman Glab's suggestion tha.t the City Attorney be contacted regarding the legality of recording a document against other person's property, Deputy City Administrator Martin assured the Committee that he would discuss the matter with the City Attorney. Alderman Glab made the following suggestions: • A potential purchaser of property in the historic district should be provided with documentation regardin� their specific responsibilities as an owner of historic property; and • There should be an Ordinance that if property is sold in the Historic District the City must be notified of the sale and given an opportunity to do a walk-through and inspect the property prior to closing. � Chairman Alde,rman Condon, acknowledging Alderman Glab's thoroughness, expressed concerns regarciing any additional expense that would be incuned by the City. Chairman Alderman Condon requested that Deputy City Administrator Martin outline the ne� steps in the process. Deputy City Administrator Martin outlined the remaining steps necessary to establish the Historic District: • Present to Council for permission for a Public Hearing; • Set a date for a Public Hearing • Legal notification to property owners and publication; • Hold the Public Hearing; � Return to Council for an Ordinance establishing the Historic District. Motion by Santi, seconded by Glab to direct Staff to present the proposal for a Historic District to full Council for scheduling of a Public Hearing Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. � Community Development Committee Meeting June 2, 2009 Page 3 �' Discussion Re ardin North Richmond Road linois Route 31 Deputy City A.dministrator Martin reiterated that at the April meeting the Committee discussed the north Rich.:nond Road corridor and the impact future road widening would have on existing single-family romes. At that time, the Committee requested some examples of different types of row homes. Deputy City Administrator Martin provided the Committee with several pictorial examples of miilti-family housing, including row houses. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that as the Committee ha.d discussed at its January meeting the potential for multi-family residential land uses immediately along the comdor, but not extendin� to the interior lots, on either side of Richmond Road. Staff believes it would be advantageous t�� discuss and adopt development-related policies for future redevelopment along the corridor. He suggested that such policies ma,y include: 1• Requiring cross-access easements on properties as they redevelop; 2• I.ocating parking in the rear of the buildings; 3� �rchitecture which is compatible with the sunounding neighborhood; 4. �fip and gable roofs should be encouraged, while flat roofs should be discouraged; 5• C'onstruction materials should be primarily of brick or other masonry material; 6• r�oise restrictions should be considered to minimize impacts on nearby land uses; �� t�.dditional lighting restrictions should be considered; 8. Licreased buffers should be encouraged for yards adjacent to single-family rf�sidential land uses; 9. Height should be limited to two stories or less. �. Alderman Glab suggested the construction should be limited to a certain height, rather than a specific number of stories. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that since the location of development and redevelopment would occur sometime in the future, access points should not be finalized. He advised that should the above guidelines be established, multiple access points would be addressed in addition to architectural and site design. Responding to Chairman Alderman Condon's request for clarification, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that even if the Committee adopted certain requirements, should a developer approach the City with a plan and met all the criteria the developer would not have to go before Council for approval. He stated that the document would actually serve as more of a suggestion to developers regarding development. He reiterated that the suggestions are future ideal guidelines, a vision. Alderman Schaefer expressed concerns that a developer could come into the area and construct whatever he chooses. He suggested an ordinance be passed that would be unique to the area. Chairman Alderman Condon acknowledging Alderman Schaefer's concems opined thax the City cannot micro-manage each subdivision in the City. Alderman Glab concurred with Chairman Aiderman Condon stating that the City cannot put restrictions on zoning. � Community Development Committee Meeting June 2, 2009 Page 4 `- Alderman Santi noted that in this particular area space is an issue. He opined that if the City has guidelines in place it is more likely that a developer would look to the City for compatible ideas regarding construction. Alderman Glab suggested establishing a new zoning category, to address a particular unique area that would establish restrictions for development. Chairman Alderman Condon suggested Staff reseaxch the idea. Ms. Cooney informed the Committee that some of the property north of her ro e deep. She opined that should the property be developed as multi-family light ng might be an issue. Alderman Glab stated that with new technology directional lighting has been created that does not have the"halo" effect of old lighting systems. Referrin� to No. 8 in the guidelines suggested by Staff, Chairman Alderman Condon noted that the buffer would depend on how the property is developed. She suggested the wording be revised as follows: 8. Increased buffer yards or screening should be encouraged adjacent to single- family residential land uses; Ms. Cooney inquired about how a buffer is created against a two-story building. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated a buffer can be a fence or bushes. `.. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested another guideline be added as follows: 10. New buildings should be positioned at the front of the property line. Alderman Glab inquired about set back, stating he would like to see sufficient right-of-way. Ms. Cooney inquired about where the pictures presented to the Committee were taken. She opined they do not seem like suitable dwellings to construct on a 5-lane highway. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested another guideline be added as follows: 11. Design and orientation of new buildings should preserve and enhance the existing views in the neighborhood. [As an example he used, St. Mary's Church.� Following a brief discussion Chairman Alderman Condon asked if there was consensus regarding the guidelines outIined by Staff. Alderman Glab opined he is not in favor of establishing policies for only a specific area. He indicated he would prefer pursuing an ordinance regarding rezoning. Alderman Schaefer reiterated that the document is a vision, a guideline. Chairman Alderman Condon instructed Staff to explore the matter regarding new zoning but there is consensus regarding the folIowing development-related policies: � 1 Requiring cross-access easements on properties as they redevelop; 2. Locating parking in the rear of the buildings; Community Development Committee Meeting June 2, 2009 Page 5 �' 3� .9,rchitecture which is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood; [keeping the character of the community.] 4. }-iip and gable roofs should be encouraged, while flat roofs should be discouraged; 5. Lonstruction materials shall be primaxily of brick or other masonry material; 6• Noise should be considered to minimize impacts on nearby land uses; 7. Additiona.l lighting considerations should be reviewed; 8. Increased buffer yards or screening should be encoura�ed adjacent to single- family residential land uses; . 9. Height should be limited to two stories or less. 10. New buildings should be positioned at the front of the property line. 11. Design and orientation of new buildings should preserve and enhance the existing views in the neighborhood (i.e., St. Mary's Church.} Alderman Glab suggested that if staircases are part of the construction they should be in the back of the dwelling, with the entrance to the structure in the back. Deputy City Adrninistrator Martin responded in the negative to an inquiry by Alderma.n Schaefer regazding whethar an update has been prepared regarding road construction. Of the six photographs of multi-family housing and row houses provided to the Committee by Staff the comments were as follows: • Nos. 1 and 2 were eliminated entirely. `— • No comments regarding No. 3. • No. 4, Chairman Alderman Condon opined she preferred more character on a building. • Nos. 5 an�i 6, Chairman Alderman Condon liked, Alderman Glab disliked. • No. 7, Chairman Alderman Condon expressed concern that the stairs could be an issue, but liked the green space in between the structures. She liked the character and dimension to the structures. • No. 8, it was determined that the configuration of the building would create issues for snow removal. Other Business Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that staff is currently meeting with representatives regarding the upcoming census. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that developers from Shoppes of Fox River have informed staff tha.t they are in the process of establishing another restaurant close to Olive Garden. The developer has expressed reluctance in disclosing the name of the restaurant to be constructed. Alderman Santi inquired about certain parking places in front of the retail establishment, Harbor Wallbangers. He noted he has received many telephone calls from constituents who have expressed concern regarding safety when heading south on State Route 31 from Ma.in Street. He noted it is sometimes difficult to ascertain when someone is pulling out of one of the parking `-' spaces closer to State Route 31. Alderman Santi expressed reluctance to reduce parking for any Community Development Committee Meeting June 2, 2009 Page 6 `-- business. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that parking issues are a concern normally handled by the Public Works Committee. Responding to an inquiry by Alderman Santi regarding an update on the Charles Miller Road project, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that another Public Hearing is scheduled in July. Chairman Alderman Condon announced that a review of Garage Sa1e Permits would be discussed at a future meeting. Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that she has received inquiries regarding the City of McHenry obtaining Main Street status. Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that she will be vacationing on Tuesday, July 28, 2009, the date of the currently scheduled Community Development Committee meetin�. She requested the Committee members check their schedules to ascertain if Tuesday, July 21, 2009, at 7:00 p.m., would be a convenient alternative date for the meeting. Chairman Alderman Condon stated she would personally notify Carol Cooney regarding whether or not discussions would continue regarding the Richmond Road Coiridor at the meeting tentatively scheduled to take place on Tuesday, July 21, 2009. Adiournment Motion by Santi, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m. �.- Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Geri Condon, Chairman .�