HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/21/2009 - Community Development Committee CO DEVELOPMENT CONIIVII'TTEE MEETING
Tuesday,July 21,2009
�. Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
In Attendance; Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Giab and
Alderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin and
City Clerk 7ones.
Also in Attendance: Helen Glab
Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Public Inaut Session
No one spoke during the public input session.
Discussion Regarding Garage Sales
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that recently garage sales have
become more popular within the City. Specifically, the number of garage sales has increased
and often the gazage sales include multiple families and/or entire subdivisions. Additiona.11y,
different versions of garage sales have become populaz, which include:
• Trunk sales;
• Rummage sales;
• Yard sales;
• Moving sales;
� • Attic sales; and
• Estate sales
Also, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that recently parking at the garage sale and in the
vicinity has become an issue, as well as the safe passage of cars and emergency vehicles when
there is parking on both sides of the street.
Dept�ty City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that recently churches, which are
typically zoned residential, have been hosting more trunk sales and rummage sales.
The City's Municipal Code regulates garage sales within the City. Currently, a garage sale
permit is required. Two sales per year are allowed at each site. There is no fee for a Garage Sa1e
Permit. Staff has reviewed garage sale ordinances from surrounding communities and has
prepared a proposal regarding what language a revised ordinance may include. Additionally, a
modification to Garage Sa1e Regulations has been prepared.
Staff is recommending that the following garage sale permit fees be instituted:
• $10.00—resident person
• $20.00—subdivision, association or group of three(3)or more
Alderman Glab informed the Committee that he ha.s personal knowledge of some individuals
who are using a garage sale as a pretense for running an actual business. He opined that garage
� sales are being abused and questioned the number of people who actually obtain a permit.
Alderman Glab stated he is in favor of instituting a fee for garage sale permits. He stated that in
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July 21, 2009
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order to have control over the actual number of garage sales taking place at a particular venue
some type of enforcement would be required.
Deputy City Administrator Martin, responding to Ch�irman Alderman Condon inquiry about
whether there was a method currently in place for checking the number of permits issued against
garage sale advertisements in the Herald, indicated he was unaware whether that was taking
Helen Glab informed the Committee that she frequents garage sales and often finds pornography,
retail products and even food offered at the site. Mrs. Glab indicated that garage sales are
popular on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday now. She announced that a number of
persons like to shop at garage sales prior to going to work on Thursday and Friday and suggested
that garage sales should begin at 7:00 a.m. Chairman Alderman Condon stated that she believes
that a garage sale should not begin earlier that 8:30 a.m.; however she would be willing to
consider 8:00 a.m., but no earlier.
Alderman Santi stated he was in favor of a fee being instituted for garage sales. He noted he
likes the Regulations as spelled Qut and suggested the Regulations be presented to each applicant
at the time a fee is paid and the garage sale sig}�s are obtained from the City. He sug�ested that a
reference number or coded sticker be assigned to each garage sale in an effort to track where and
_ when they are taking place. Alderman Santi inquired about the possibility of a community-wide
garage sale, which could take place annually at no charge. He opined he is not in favor of any -�
extension due to inclement weather. Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Santi regarding
the number of large (i.e., subdivision-wide) garage sales per year, Deputy City Administrator
Martin indicated that somewhere between five and ten take place annually.
Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that Alderman Schaefer requested that she
share with them that he is not in favor of garage sale fees, nor is he in favor of over-regulation
regarding garage sales.
Chairman Alderman Condon opined that the posting of "no parking" signs is favorable, but
questions their enforceability.
Chairman Alderman Condon stated she has concerns with the City providing the garage sale
signs. She opined that individuals like to have the opportunity to use creativity with their garage
sale sign. Chairman Alderman Condon noted that the idea regarding posting stickers on the
garage sale signs together with a permit could be feasible. She noted she could support twp off-
premises signs a.nd 1 on-site sign advertising a garage sale. Chairman Alderman Condon opined
that directional signs for garage sales would require supervision.
Alderman Glab questioned the ability of someone attempting to enforce the event being able to
see the numbers on a coded sticker from the street.
Chairman Alderman Condon noted that while discussion at the meeting thus far has centered on �
garage sales in general the issue involving Holy Apostles, which is the event that brought the
matter to the attention of the Committee, has not been addressed. Alderman Glab opined
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July 21, 2009
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`' emphatically that he does not believe any entity is entitled to exemption. He stated that if a
charitable institution wishes to be considered for exemption it should be required to come before
Council for authorization.
Chairman Alderman Condon suggested that institutions, such as churches, schools or
organization that hold garage sale type events for fundraising purposes shouid be reviewed
It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to research the matter further and provide
the Committee with additional information at a future meeting.
Discussion Re�arding Pr000sed Highwav Overlav District
Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that at the June 2, 20Q9
Community Development Committee meeting the possibility of creating a speciat type of zoning
district, which could be used to regulate development in certain ar�as of the City was discussed.
I�eputy City Administrator Martin stated that specifically, this ordinance would apply to certain
areas along rnajor roadways. The discussion came about as a result of the proposed Richmond
Road widening and how certain properties should be zoned upon widening of the roadway and
potentially how the properties should be redeveloped and according to what zoning
�. Deputy City Administrator Martin presented the Committee with a proposed Highway Overlay
District Ordinance ("HOD"), which Sta.ff drafted. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated the
proposed HOD is pattemed after the City's Downtown Overlay District Ordinance. He
explained that an overlay district provides use and development regulations superimposed over
the underlying zoning where it is applicable. The boundaries to which this overlay district is
applicable are included in addition to specific development-related guidelines along the roadway
corridors. The proposed HOD boundaries are: .
• Richmond Road from Illinois Route 120 north to Washington Street;
• Front Street from Bull Va11ey Road north to Illinois Route 120;
• Crystal Lake Road from Dartmoor Drive northeast to Illinois Route 120;
• Ringwood Road from Illinois Route 120 north to Flanders Road; and
• Illinois Route 120 from Ringwood Road to Chapel I�'ill Road.
Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that the overlay district would accomplish the same
outcome as creating a new and distinct zoning district.
Alderman Glab opined he has concems regarding an overlay district creating some conflict. He
suggested the City use caution regarding establishing an overlay district ordinance. He
suggested that actua.l zoning along each roadway be reviewed, but indicated that if an overlay
district was done correctly he would support it.
Responding to an inquiry from Alderman Glab regarding whether roadway access could be
`-- restricted with an overlay district, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that over time
restrictions could be instituted.
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Chairman Alderman Condon opined some concerns regarding over-regulation. She suggested
the boundaries of the overlay district should be more defined.
Alderman Glab suggested some incentives could be instituted to encourage developers to adhere
to the City's criteria. None were specified.
Alderman Santi noted he is pleased with the direction that the proposed Highway Overlay
District is taking. Deputy City Administrator Martin assured the Committee he would continue
to research the matter and bring additional information to a future Committee meeting.
Discussion Regardins Pr000sed National Main Street Pro�ram
Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that she has been approached on a n�mber
of occasions by Perry Moy, owner of Plum Garden, regarding the possibility of a Main Street
Program in McHenry.
Deputy City Administrator Ma.rtin reiterated to the Committee that at the June 2, 2008
Community Development Committee meeting the Committee directed Staff to research Main
Street Programs.
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Ma.in Street Progra.m is
primarily a volunteer-driven preservation-based community revitalization program that promotes
historic preservation and economic development within a community's downtown business -�.
district(s). He indicated there a.re 69 Illinois Main Street communities and 1,600 nationwide.
Both Crystal Lake and Marengo are designated Ma.in Street communities. Woodstock is
classified as an associate member and Harvard was formerly a Main Street community, which
folded. In the City of McHenry, in addition to the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, there
is a Riverwalk Area Business Association, which was formerly the Downtown Business
Association. Both of these organizations promote business within McHenry's downtown and
other areas. Both of the organizations have expressed concems rega.rding the relative success of
the downtown business district.
Staff researched the matter and ascertained tha.t the first step toward achieving the Main Street
designation is to form a working goup of stakeholders who are actively involved and interested
in promoting the downtown business district. This is essential as Main Street programs are
volunteer-based. Typically, the Main Street organization is a 501(C)3, not-for-profit
organization. Partial funding for the Main Street Program is provided by the local community
and there is a paid Main Street Coordinaxor who oversees the daily operations of the program,
along with a broad-based governing board. Events and fundraising are standard pazts of a Main
Street organization. The average sized Main Street Program includes 40-64 active volunteers
and assorted other part-time volunteers. The local coordinator manages the Program, organizes
the volunteer initiatives and acts as primary spokesperson for the organization.
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Crystal Lake uses its hoteUmotel
tax to partially fund their Main Street Program; however, this is only partial funding. Deputy .-.�
City Administrator Martin noted that he has spoken at length with the Main Street coordinator in
Crystal Lake. She stressed that in order to be a Main Street community the community must be
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July 21, 2009
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�-' very preservation minded. The chamb�r and other downtown organizations must be willing to
work together to achieve a sustainable Main Street designation. Deputy City Administrator
Martin indicated that the coordinator in Crystal Lake is a full-time administrator who coordinates
several hundred volunteers. She believes the support from the state, architectural assistance from
the state for farade and building,improvements, together with networking abilities are key
advantages to the program. The coordinator in Crystal Lake stated that with a Main Street
Prograzn the community is promoting the geographic area of downtoum, which is different from
a chamber of commerce.
Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the Main Street approach includes four points:
• Design;
o Enhancement of the design and appearance of downtown through historic
• Organization;
o Building an effective, volunteer-driven, managed downtown organiza.tion guided
by professional staff.
• Promotions; and
o Establishing promotion strategies that bring people downtown.
• Economic Restructuring.
o Revitalizing downtown businesses through restructuring local economies.
Deputy City Administrator Martin noted typically four committees are set-up, each focusing on
L-- one of the four points of the Main Street Program.
Chairman Alderman Condon noted that she was of the idea that a Main Street Program was a
designation. She indicated concerns, based on information provided by Staff, that the
organization is volunteer-based. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that she feels a number of
similar organizations are already in place in the City of McHenry.
Following a brief discussion it was the consensus of the Committee that a Main Street Program is
not something to pursue at this time. Chairman Alderman Condon advised the Committee that
she will speak directly with Perry Moy regarding his suggestion to establish a Main 5treet
Program in the City of McHenry and the Committee's decision.
Other Business
Alderman Glab inquired about whether there are cunently any restrictions on homeowners'
associations regarding the post�ng of signs within subdivisions, without the Council's authority,
as a means of letting residents know about pending informational meetings. Deputy City
Administrator Martin informed the Committee that he is unawa.re of any restrictions. Chairman
Alderman Condon requested Staffresearch establishing some guidelines regarding this matter.
Alderman Glab informed the Committee that on Saturday, July 1 l, 2009, he personally observed
six vehicles that didn't have any city sticker and one vehicle that had an invalid city sticker using
the drop-off facility at Knox Park. He stated the facility is there for the benefit of the residents of
�►- the City of McHenry and inquired if it was possible to post someone at the site to supervise
coirect usage of the drop-off facility, as has been done in the past.
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Chairman Alderman Condon announced the next meeting of the Community Development
Committee would take place on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's
Conference Room. The following items would tentatively be on the agenda:
• Follow-up discussion regarding garage sales;
• Follqw-up discussion regarding Highway Overlay District; and
• Posting of Homeowners' Association informational signs.
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the Charles Miller Road Open
House would take place on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the
Municipal Center,
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee thax Staff hopes to schedule the
Public Hearing for the Historic District in August 2009.
Alderman Glab opined the Committee should consider a criteria regarding parking at downtown
restaurants. He suggested staff research the regulation regarding traffic and minimum and
maximum pazking accommodations, as the number of downtown restaurants increase.
Motion by Santi, seconded by Glab, to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m.
Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi.
Nay: None. "�
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Geri Condon, hairman
`" To: Chairm:�n Alderman Condon
Fm: City Clerk Jones
Date: June 25, 2009
Subj: Community Development Committee Minutes
Enclosed is a c;opy of the June 2, 2009 Community Development Committee Minutes. Please
review, comment/correct or sign and return to me at your earliest convenience. Thank you.