HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/25/2009 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING
L. Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Glab and
Alderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin and
City Clerk Jones.
Also in Attendance: Helen Glab
Bill Kloud
Chairman Alderman Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pubtic Inuut Session
No one spoke during the Public Input Session.
Dis�ussion Regarding Gara�e Sales- Continued
Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Comtnittee that at the July 21, 2009 meeting,
the Committee discussed a preliminary draft ordinance updating garage sale regulations. He
stated that since that meeting several additional provisions have been incorporated into the
preliminary draft, including suggestions recommended by the Committee.
Deputy City Aciministrator Martin circulated a red-lined version of a document entitled Garage
� Sale Regulations. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that an effort was made to address
the following issues:
� Not-for-profit organizations holding sales in non-residential areas;
• Zoning districts where sales would be permitted;
� Sale hours; and
• Issues regarding enforcement.
A discussion elisued. Responding to a comment, Deputy City Administrator Martin informed
the Committee that enforcement is difficult because garage sales are typically held on weekends
when staff is nc t in attendance.
Chairman Alde�rman Condon addressed some typographical and grammatical issues in the
Alderman Glab opined the proposed rules might be too stringent. He inquired whether the fees
suggested woul� cover the cost of an employee to enforce the regulations.
Alderman Sant� stated he does not see the necessity of having a full-time employee to monitor
and enforce g��rage sale regulations regarding. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that
enforcement is�ues are valid, however; she suggested, with the economy in its current state, it is
more feasible t� have someone spot check rather than an employee devoted to enforcement of
garage sales. �.dditionally, she suggested that if someone is found to be in non-compliance with
Community Development Committee Meeting
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the garage sale ordinance whoever is enforcing garage sales should be enabled to sell a permit
and the applicant should be penalized at two times the regular fee for a garage sale permit.
Mrs. Glab inquired about multi-family garage sales. She asked if two, three or four families
gather at one site for a garage sale if that is considered a multi-family or one (1) gaxage sale. It
was determined that since the garage sale is held at one site it is a single-family garage sale, not
multi-family as in a subdivision garage sale.
A discussian ensued regarding the cost of an application and how many garage sales should be
approved per applicant annually. Alderman Glab stated that he believes two garage sales
annually per applicant is sufficient.
Alderman Glab opined that a permit should be required for the sale of any kind of food item.
Chairman Alderman Condon stated she has no issues with food being sold, but that food should
not be served.
Mr. Kloud informed the Committee that he believes the Committee's discussions to be much ado
about nothing. He stated he has never been charged a fee for a garage sale and that he believes
an application fee of$5.00 to be an exorbitant amount to charge for a garage sale.
On the topic of subdivision garage sales, Alderman Santi indicated he would like to see a
standard fee set for subdivision garage sales, rather than a fee per home.
The topic of the sale of adult oriented merchandise was broached. Alderman Glab suggested it
be regulated the same as it is in retail stores. It should not be accessible to children.
Chairman Alde~man Condon expressed concerns that no signage would be permitted at multiple
entrances to sut►divisions. She requested that the wording be revised to, ". . . multiple entrances,
but only one si�n per roadway."
Alderman Glat� stated he would like to see not-for-profit organizations that plan to have
rummage sales be required to come before full Council, even if on the Consent Agenda, so
Council is aware the event is taking place.
Alderman Glab suggested each house participating in the subdivision garage sale should pay
$2.00 or $3.00. Alderman Santi suggested $3.00 per house. Following a lengthy discussion,
Chairman Alderman Condon suggested that with regard to subdivision garage sales, a flat fee of
$15 for the ap��lication, plus $1.00 for each house participating in the garage sale, would be
reasonable with a review of the fee structure in one year.
Chairman Alde-man Condon requested that the word"auction" be removed from the definitions
as she felt aucti�ns fell into a different category than garage sales.
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It was the consensus of the Committee to direct Staff to revise the regulations and ordinance
further pursuant to input from the Committee and to provide the Committee with a revised
version at a future meeting.
Discussion Regardins Pr000sed Hi�hwav Overlav District continued
Deputy City Admmistrator Martm provided the Committee with a draft of the Highway Overlay
District Ordinance ("HOD") as discussed at the July 21, 2009 Community Development
Committee meeting.
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the Ordinance is patterned after
the City's Dov��ntown Overlay District Ordinance. He reiterated that an overlay ordinance is an
ordinance which provides restrictions in addition to those found in the underlying zoning district
where it is applicable. The boundaries to which the ordinance is applicable are included in
addition to specific development-related guidelines along the roadway corridors.
Alderman Glab suggested that the HOD not be site specific. Deputy City Administrator Martin
informed the C ommittee that a HOD could not be created with a single site, but must create a
boundary. Alderman Glab opined he would like ever major roadway covered.
� Chairman Alderman Condon expressed concerns regarding over-regulation, but stated she sees
the benefit to the City.
Motion by Santi, seconded by Glab to direct Staff to present the Highway Overlay District
Ordinance to the City Council for scheduling of a Public Hearing.
Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Discussion Regardin�Damaging Proaertv
And Graffiti Ordinance Revisions
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that the City currently has an
ordinance which addresses damage to property, including graffiti. However, the Ordinance is
vague and does not include specific language addressing the removal of the graffiti by the owner
of the property that has been vandalized.
As an example, Deputy City Administrator Martin cited a recent occurrence where graffiti
appeared on the garage of a private commercial property owner but the owner did not want to
incur the exper se of having the graffiti removed because it has been a recurrent action and
having it remov�d was becoming costly.
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The City has daalt with graffiti issues on public and private property in the past, but does not
currently have an enforcement mechanism to require the property owners to remove graffiti from
their property.
Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that no deletions are proposed to the
new Ordinance, but simply additional language to clarify the intent of the Ordinance. The
majority of the revisions relate to the removal of graffiti by a private property owner. Deputy
City Administrator Martin stated the proposed Ordinance has been reviewed by both the
Department of Construction and Neighborhood Services and the Police Department.
Chairman Alderman Condon opined it is as if the victim of the graffiti, the property owner, is
being punished twice.
Alderman Glab suggested the City Attorney review the Ordinance and provide the Committee
with information regarding clean-up costs and fines for damage being imposed on the
perpetrators, when and if they are discovered.
It was the consensus of the Committee to have the City Attorney review the Ordinance as
proposed and that the Ordinance be returned to Committee for further deliberation prior to
� submission to full Council.
Other Business
Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that Alderman Peterson has brought up
some concerns regarding the clean-up and general maintenance of rental properties. He has
provided a booklet, obtained from the Village of Wauconda, requiring all rented residential
dwellings to be inspected by the City/Village prior to being re-rented. Chairman Alderman
Condon opined that she believes this to be a good idea, however; unfortunately it appears the
City of McHeny is currently unaware of the exact number of rental properties located within the
municipality a�id how often they turn over. She recalled the presentation made by Officer
Adams regardi�g the Crime Free Program, stating she would like to see the Committee work
with Officer Aciams when the Program goes into effect to bring about closer monitoring of rental
properties. A brief discussion ensued.
Chairman Alderman Condon informed the Committee that Perry Moy has expressed a desire for
signage on Main Street listing each business. Deputy City Administrator Martin indicated that
this would be difficult due to the turnover in businesses.
Chairman Alderman Condon announced the next meeting of the Community Development
Committee would take place on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's
Conference Room. The following items would tentatively be on the agenda:
• Follow-up discussion regarding garage sales; and
• Code cc►mpliance update.
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Deputy City A�iministrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff has been approached by
representatives of Big Lots and Chipotle Crrill regarding the availability of sites around the City.
Deputy City Aciministrator Martin informed the Committee that Zippy's, a fast food restaurant,
has expressed i�rterest in the shopping center which houses the Cardinal Fitness Center.
Responding to Alderman Glab's inquiry regarding Lowe's, Deputy City Administrator Martin
informed the Cc�mmittee that he contacted a representative of Lowe's but has not heard back.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi.
Nay: None.
Absent: None.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
�� ���.li(.0'f�
� Geri Condon, Chairman