HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/26/2010 - Community Development Committee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING � Tuesday,January 26, 2010 Aldermen's Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Committee Members: Chairman Alderman Condon, Alderman Glab and Alderman Santi. Absent: None. Also in Attendance: Deputy City Administrator Martin and City Clerk Jones. Also in Attenclance: John Weltzien —regarding trailer issue Gerhard Rosenberg (Landmark Commission) Pat Wirtz (Landmark Commission) Chairman Aldertnan Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. She stated Messrs. Gerhard and Wirtz were present for the discussion regarding the creation of historic neighborhoods and Mr. Weltzien was in attendance to discuss the recreational vehicle and trailer regulations. Therefore, the order of the topics of discussion would be revised and the discussion regarding historic neighborhoods and the discussion regarding the recreational vehicle and trailer regulations would take place following the Public Input Session. Public Input Session No one spoke during the public input session. Discussion Re�arding Creation of Historic Neighborhoods � Deputy City Administrator Martin reiterated to the Committee that in 2009 the Community Development Committee discussed the creation of an historic district in the Main Street and Waukegan Road area. Subsequently, a public hearing for the proposed district was held before the City Council, at which time several concerns were expressed by residents regarding the creation of the historic district. Deputy City Administrator Martin infortned the Committee that following the public hearing the Landmark Commission had additional discussions regarding the creation of an historic district and also discussed a different approach to the establishment of an actual historic district. Mr. Rosenberg mentioned that discussions during the Landmark Commission meetings have centered on creating historic neighborhoods for Green Street, Main Street, Riverside Drive and adjacent neighborhoods. The historic neighborhood concept, as proposed, would create a legalized historic district but would allow homeowners and/or business owners to voluntarily landmark their homes or businesses with the hope that as people begin the process others would be encouraged to follow suit. The Landmark Commission also considered the display of historic signage to identify the particular neighborhoods by their original identity: • Green Street, would be shown as Centerville; • Main Street, would be shown as Gagetown; and • Riverside Drive, would be shown as Water Street Mr. Rosenberg noted that members of the Landmark Commission determined that by making more subtle changes no one would feel as though they were being forced to do something they � did not want to do. The Landmark Commission believes that persons interested in land marking � their homes or business could still do so. The historic area would not be limited to only residential buildings nor only to Main Street and Waukegan Road. The display of signage in the neighborhoods would assume the historic identity in a non-aggressive manner. Mr. Rosenber}; stated that he learned a great deal regarding the difference between an Historic District and an Historic Neighborhood. Responding to Alderman Santi's inquiring regarding funding and grants that might be available, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that funding is available from the state provided that a certain amount of improvements are done. Additionally, he noted that a tax credit is available for commercial properties. Alderman Glab voiced concerns that there are no regulations or guidelines in place to retain the aesthetics of a neighborhood. He opined that regulations regarding plaquing need to be mandatory. Deputy City Administrator Martin suggested amending or expanding the Teardown Ordinance to address Alderman Glab's concerns. Alternatively, he suggested a zoning overlay district could be established to regulate the historic neighborhoods. Following a brief discussion Chairman Alderman Condon directed Staff to review the tear down ordinance as it applies to historic neighborhoods. It was the consensus of the Committee to move forward with the establishment of historic neighborhoods. � Discussion on Recreational Vehicle and Trailer Regulations Chairman Alderman Condon introduced Mr. John Weltzien. She explained that Mr. Weltzien had contacted her regarding issues he has with some of the residents in his neighborhood who own recreational vehicles. Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that Staff has had, and continues to have, difficulty in the enforceme�it of the ordinance regarding recreational vehicles and trailers. Mr. Weltzien �iddressed the Committee stating that during summer months owners of two of the homes in his neighborhood, the Trails of Winding Creek, have been in violation of the ordinance. One homeowner has a camper parked in the driveway all of the time and the other is running a business out ofi his home/garage and has built shelving in the garage to accommodate the product he/she sells. ('onsequently, none of his vehicles, his utility trailer, or boat, can be parked in the structure, and iherefore; are creating an eyesore in the neighborhood. Mr. Weltzien suggested an amendment to the zoning ordinance which would address how the residents want their neighborhood to look. He also requested assistance from City Staff to facilitate clearing up the situation across the street from his residence. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff has been re-evaluating the definition and regulations for placement and storage of recreational vehicles, based on the difficulties experienced by the Construction and Neighborhood Services Department personnel in enforcing the current regulations. He noted that the current definition of what constitutes a `... recreational vehicle is "A vehicular type unit primarily designed as temporary living quarters ...". � This presents the first point of conflict defining a recreational vehicle and significantly limits the scope of what constitutes a recreational vehicle and would not include: • Jet skis; • Wave runners; • ATV's; • Boats �vithout temporary living quarters, etc. Deputy City .�dministrator Martin proposed the following revised definition for recreational vehicles: "Recreational Vehicle: Any vehicle or boat designed or used primarily for recreational purposes and not use�l as a commercial vehicle, including but not limited to the following: boat/watercraft-motorized or non-motorized, camper trailer, all terrain vehicle (ATV), motorized trailer, off-the-road vehicle, racing car or cycle, recreational vehicle trailer, truck camper or snowmobile." He noted that in the current zoning ordinance recreational vehicles and trailers are one in the same. The existing definition for trailer has also posed a problem and has become difficult to enforce. Staff is suggesting revising the definition for trailer as follows: "Trailer: A portable structure supported by one or more wheels without its own motive power which is towed or hauled and designed or used for carrying or transporting motorcycles, L, recreational vehicles as defined herein or other cargo and that is eligible to be licensed or registered and insured for highway use. This definition does not include flat-bed trucks, dump trucks or stake-bed trucks." Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the current regulations limit one recreational vehicle per dwelling unit. In addition, the regulations provide a hierarchy of choices regarding how a recreational vehicle can be stored. Code officers for the City have been having a difficult time enforcing these standards due to the options provided. For example, someone may call in and state that their neighbor has a recreational vehicle on the driveway and say this is illegal because the zoning ordinance states that if there is a garage on site the recreational vehicle must be stored in the garage. The person with the recreational vehicle can state that while they do have a garage it is unavailable because they store their car or other items in the garage, which make it impossible to store the recreational vehicle inside. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted that some subdivisions have more restrictive covenants than what is permitted by the zoning ordinance, which may require that recreational vehicles are stored in a garage. This is regulated by the covenants and not the zoning ordinance. As a result of the difficulties in interpreting the provisions in the zoning ordinance, Staff has attempted to come up with alternative language that may be clearer than the existing language. In addition to the definitions, Staff is proposing the following revised regulations for recreational vehicles and trailers: • Only one recreational vehicle or trailer shall be permitted in the required front � yard or required corner side yard as defined herein; • Trailers must be properly licensed; �, • Additional recreational vehicles and trailers shall be maintained, kept, stored and/or parked on an appropriate solid parking surface no less than the minimum dimensions of the vehicle or trailer being parked thereon but in no case shall the parkin}; surface be less than 9' x 18', said parking surface shall be designed and constn�cted so as not to allow grass or other vegetation to grow within, on or above the solid parking surface which may consist of brick, asphalt, concrete of paver Y�rick. Staff is propo�ing that these provisions replace the existing location provisions. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that in the near future Staff would like to bring forward regulations for commercial vehicles, which are closely related to recreational vehicles. Alderman Glab stated he was in favor of only one recreational vehicle per property site and opined that the size of the vehicle should be regulated. He stated that he believes that an ordinance of tliis magnitude should not be effectuated this quickly and with spring nearly upon us this issue should have been discussed last year. Chairman Alderman Condon announced that she supports everything Staff has put together and stated it is a good start. She noted that McHenry is a recreational community, but agrees that only one recreational vehicle should be permitted in the front of a parcel of property. Addressing an inquiry from Alderman Santi, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated an � amortization period would be extended to individuals following approval of the ordinance. Alderman Santi, responding to Alderman Glab's statement regarding wanting the ordinance done right, stated that it is imperative to create an ordinance that people can live with now. Alderman Santi stated that he is pleased to see recreational vehicle regulations tightened up as he believes Staff will be better able to enforce the proposed regulations. Staff suggested, following the process of approving the revised ordinance, a fair amount of time for amortization would be the beginning of fa112010. Responding to an inquiry from the Committee, Deputy City Administrator Martin stated that the proposed ardinance would go to Council. From Council it would proceed to the Planning & Zoning Commission for a public hearing and then return to Council for approval. Mr. Weltzien indicated he would like something in the ordinance that clearly states if the recreational vehicle fits in a garage it has to be stored in the garage. Deputy City Administrator Martin noted he would have to check with the City Attorney regarding such a mandate. Alderman Glab stated he would not support an ordinance that imposed enforcement of a necessity that a recreational vehicle would have to fit in a garage. Staff suggested that both the recreational vehicle and trailer regulations, together with the commercial vehicle regulations, proposed to be discussed at the next Community Development Committee meeting, be brought to Council concurrently. Motion by Santi, seconded by Condon, to direct Staff to proceed forward with the revision to the regulations regarding recreational vehicles and trailers. � Aye: Condon, Santi. � Nay: Glab. Absent: None. Motion carrieci. Revised Goals -2010 Deputy City P.dministrator Martin informed the Committee that, following the last Community Development Committee meeting in which goals for 2010 were suggested, the following revisions and �dditions have been made to the goals for 2010: • Provid�, Feedback on Development Proposals, as needed (Ongoing) • Discus� Code Compliance Activities and Processes (October-November) • Zoning - Various Text Amendments (April-May) • Discus,,ion Regarding Rental Properties (January-February) • Establi�h Criteria for Drive-Thru Facilities (July-August) • Reviev�� Recreation Vehicle Definition/Ordinance (January/February) • Reviev�� Administrative Adjudication Ordinance • Historic District Update/Certified Local Government • Discussion on Main Street Revitalization • Ordinance on Residential Animal Processing • Discussion on Residential Electric Service Line Location o Power line should be run ftom the side of the property rather than straight across the property. • Discussion on Incentives for Small/Medium Sized Businesses �' o Possibility of incentive programs for businesses located in the City. • Discussion on Residential Setbacks for Garages o Setbacks for garage doors to eliminate the problem of recreational vehicles extending onto the sidewalk. • Downtawn Parking Alderman Santi opined that the goals for 2010 appear to be aggressive. Chairman Alderman Condon opined that, while the Committee may not have the opportunity to address all of the topics, many of those outlined need to be addressed. The question was posed regarding whether the downtown parking issue should be addressed by the Communitv Development Committee or the Public Works Committee. Aldermen Glab and Santi concurred that the Community Development Committee should address concerns regarding downtown parking. Other Business Chairman Alderman Condon announced that Deputy City Administrator Martin will be unavailable to attend the scheduled meeting of the Community Development Committee on May 25, 2010 and suggested the meeting be rescheduled to May 18, 2010. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff is attempting to put together a busi�less retention event. � Deputy City �ldministrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff has been busy diligently � promoting the census. Deputy City A dministrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff is reviewing administrative adjudication fc�llowing the City of McHenry certification as home rule. Alderman Glab inquired about commercial signs in residential areas. Specifically, Alderman Glab pointed �o roofing company signs and advertising signs erected by remodeling companies doing work at properties that remain on the site long after the work appears to have been completed. Deputy City Administrator Martin assured the members of the Committee that the signs were allc�wed; however, he will look into how long the signs are permitted to remain on the site following �ompletion of the work. Chairman Alderman Condon announced that the next meeting of the Community Development Committee will take place on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. Some of the topics for consideration are: • Commercial Vehicles; • Discussion Regarding Commercial Construction Signs in Residential Subdivisions; and • Historic Neighborhoods. Adiournment Motion by Glab, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi. � Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Geri Condon, Chairman � Community Development Committee Meeting January 26, 2010 Page 6 � Other Business Chairman Alderman Condon announced that Deputy City Administrator Martin will be unavailable to attend the scheduled meeting of the Community Development Committee on May 25, 2010 and suggested the meeting be rescheduled to May 18, 2010. Deputy City .�dministrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff is attempting to put together a busi ness retention event. Deputy City A dministrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff has been busy diligently promoting the :.ensus. Deputy City Administrator Martin informed the Committee that Staff is reviewing administrative adjudication following the City of McHenry certification as home rule. Alderman Glab inquired about commercial signs in residential areas. Specifically, Alderman Glab pointed to roofing company signs and advertising signs erected by remodeling companies doing work at properties that remain on the site long after the work appears to have been completed. Deputy City Administrator Martin assured the members of the Committee that the signs were allowed; however, he will look into how long the signs are permitted to remain on the site following completion of the work. � Chairman Alderman Condon announced that the next meeting of the Community Development Committee will take place on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Aldermen's Conference Room. Some of the topics for consideration are: � Commercial Vehicles; • Discussion Regarding Commercial Construction Signs in Residential Subdivisions; and • Historic Neighborhoods. Adiournment Motion by Glab, seconded by Santi, to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Aye: Condon, Glab, Santi. Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, � 1�� Geri Condon, Chairman �